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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 75 KB, 620x465, mclobster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6618502 No.6618502 [Reply] [Original]

Does pic related actually exist?

>> No.6618513

>Maine thread

Is this really necessary? I don't think we need a whole thread about that shitty flyover state and their "cuisine"

>> No.6618518

they have great pub food

>> No.6618536

get fucked faggot
maine is glorious

>> No.6618545

>being around a bunch of cultereless white yokels is glorious

Sorry cletus, it's not.

>> No.6618548

How exactly can Maine be a "flyover" state?
I don't think you understand the meme, Summerfag.

>> No.6618556

what is culture, really?

>> No.6618566

>food is great
>outdoors is great
>people are friendly af
confirmed top place to visit

where do you live niggershit?

>> No.6618575

Even kansas i more relevant and has double the population of maine


back to >>>/pol/ !

>> No.6618582


>> No.6618585

>white yokels
>not racist
ok bruh enjoy that double standard.

where do you live, summerfaggot?

>> No.6618720

this is the worst thread on /ck/

>> No.6618783

Every single one of those spammer's food review threads is worse

>> No.6618828

I don't think you understand what a "flyover state" is.

Also, Maine is A-ok in my book. Great seafood and great local food inland. You're not going to get trendy or gourmet type food outside of the resort towns on the coast--where everything is average--but everything else is great.

>> No.6618843
File: 553 KB, 2000x1238, 2000px-Maine_in_United_States.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty flyover state

Filthy Canadian detected.

>> No.6618845

Sure beats living next to niggers and spics.

>> No.6618850

Go back to /pol, you despicable black supremacist.


back to >>>/pol/ !

>> No.6618851

Is there any local dairy and grass fed beef in Maine? I know it's famous for seafood but that's why I'm asking.

>> No.6618854

>oy vey goyim, your life will never mean anything unless you move to new york or california and pay 14,000 dollars a month for a studio apartment in a crime ridden city.

no thanks rabbi

>> No.6618866

The lobster roll is from Connecticut

>> No.6618882

>live in nice part [white] of NYC
>no crime to be seen
>go to Maine whenever I want

>> No.6619052


I hate flyovers but at least when the topic isn't where the best to live is they're nice people. People from Connecticut always seemed to me like they think they're better than you.

>> No.6619061

I've always gotten the feeling that new englanders think they are better than everyone else.

Granted, new yorkers and califags are still by far the worst people.

>> No.6619382

>state on the coast
maybe if you're going to england or something

>> No.6619386

>think they are better than everyone else
This sounds like every califag I've ever met. California is a nice state but fuck the shitheads living there.

>> No.6619416

CT people are better than you though. Make most money per capita, highest HDI in the country (maybe second to MA), etc.

>> No.6619728

Sure, why wouldn't it?

Are you just pissy about people calling your state that or something?

Probably someone who doesn't understand the word and but wants to meme or just someone buttflustered about people shittalking their actual flyover state.

Yeah plenty. Great local cheese too.

>> No.6619984

They have the McLobster at the McDicks near my work (In Toronto) for a limited time and I was thinking of trying it, but it's like fucking $10 and change for a meal what the hell McDicks

>> No.6621164

thanks for all the (You)'s lads tbh

>> No.6621236

We are not better than EVERYONE else. The average person from New England is just better than most people from everywhere else.

>> No.6621243

I hope you know what a flyover state is, but you are just terrible with geography. You are retarded either way, but this way is a lot funnier for me.

>> No.6621269
File: 37 KB, 630x420, flyover tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these flyover tears, delicious

>> No.6621355

Oh course, it's a shitty overpriced roll bulked up with notlobster.
Really the best roll you'll have is one you make yourself. Get a few lobsters, stab them in the brain with a knife. Get some water hot in a pot with a steamer and flash-steam the lobsters for about 15 seconds to get the meat to retract from the shell, there can still be nerve twitches so you want to weigh down the lid or just hold it since you should be keeping a close eye anyways. Next separate the claws and tail from the central body, stick a skewer through the tail lengthwise if you don't want it to curl then throw it all on a backing sheet and bake in a 350f oven till the meat is 135f. Serve plain or dressed lightly in butter or mayo to preference in a soft split-top bun lightly toasted with butter.

>> No.6621358

>I-I didn't want your gross sea monsters anyway, who needs more than tendies!

>> No.6621614

As an individual who has spent much of his life in the heart of flyover; I would like to inform you that we, as the rest of the United States, have supermarkets with live lobsters in them. If I desire lobster, I can easily purchase one from a local seafood market that has very fresh stock. Of course, it cannot compare in many ways to living in a coastal region, and being able to go to a live fish market which I have done before. That said, it is still high quality and I have absolutely no interest in a product that ends up looking as the McLobster does. I can do better myself if I desire.

An added note, I live in one of the more populated areas of flyover. Almost the entire surrounding area is small towns and farm land. From what I have found, people in those areas tend to go for home grown produce. If not, they are most likely the type to go to the local bar/diner and stay there.

>> No.6621640
File: 144 KB, 525x558, twat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really so lazy/stupid that you can't use Google/
>pic related: OP is a fucking mong

>> No.6621642

>>live in nice part [white] of NYC
do you mean [kike]?

>> No.6621650

ha the fucking jews dont live in the nice parts of the city bro

>> No.6621653
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>> No.6621661
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>stab them in the brain

>> No.6621672
File: 703 KB, 522x579, 1409724781034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6621678

Live in Canada. Tried one last week. Surprisingly good, all things considered. My biggest complaint is that it has a citrus component that tastes very candy-like. Too sweet for my taste. Maybe they're covering up the taste of the lobster lol

>> No.6621689

holy fucking shit i wanna deck this nerd

>> No.6621696

Good luck getting close enough when he uses his nobunodachi on you

>> No.6622517
File: 33 KB, 367x500, 1435196410605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back the fuck off?!?!

>> No.6622838
File: 103 KB, 700x700, 1389173401380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a faggot.

>> No.6624067
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>> No.6625342

Looks kinda small, but yeah.
Celery? In my lobster roll??

>> No.6625349

>posting on an american imageboard
>on the internet, invented by an american
>probably watching an american TV show or listening to an american band
>"hurr america has no culture!!!"
eurocucks, everybody

>> No.6625370


Or the excessive celery

>> No.6625375
File: 74 KB, 649x638, 1346379786918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on the internet, invented by an american

>Americans believes that

>> No.6625387


>not knowing who Al Gore is


>> No.6625458



>> No.6626075
File: 473 KB, 494x411, ecumoose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quebec neighboor here.
shit yeah they have great pub food!