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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6583875 No.6583875 [Reply] [Original]

Friendl reminder that if you order a steak cooked more than medium rare, you should never order a steak again and should consider suicide

>> No.6583881


I prefer medium

>> No.6583886

I don't want to see blood on my plate.

>> No.6583888

I like my steak medium sometimes

>> No.6583889

It isn't blood.

>> No.6583891


>You better like what I like or else I will just continue to shitpost on the internet and do absolutely nothing about it

>> No.6583892
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>> No.6583906
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Blue is the only way.

>> No.6583909
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>> No.6583912

>If you X you should Y
Because some Anon on 4chan is surely bound to be the unquestioned arbiter of good taste.

>> No.6583931

It's a matter of not ruining a steak, if you are paying for choice/prime cuts of steak just to cook them to shit, you are destroying it, if you are buying select grade steaks, go ahead and cook it however the fuck you want, it is shit meat anyway, but cook quality pieces of meat right or don't cook them at all

>> No.6583942
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Unseared steak, rice-a-roni and fava beans?

>> No.6583950

>steak dick measuring thread #987988997

Fuck everyone in this thread, I'm ordering my steaks well done with ketchup from now on.

>> No.6583958

Enjoy your literal shit

>> No.6583963

Steak looks pretty good to me.

Also those look like lima beans.

>> No.6583965

I agree with you completely. But remember just a couple generations ago in America the idea of eating a steak any less cooked than med was as horrifying as eating raw fish. My grandfather always ate his steak well done, and my uncle won't go less than med well. Grandpa is dead, but I wouldn't tell my uncle, who is now an old man that he should kill himself.

Tastes change over time. Who knows? Your grandkids might think you were a monster for eating steak in the first place.

>> No.6583967

>cold in the middle

no thanks

>> No.6583979

This is so pretentious it hurts.

There is no one correct way to cook or enjoy steak. And unless you are buying the steak for me then you still have no argument here. If I buy the steak, I will season it, cook it and eat it however I see fit, regardless of your opinions.

>I will even dab a spot of A1 on the side, just to piss you off even further.

>> No.6583980

I will kick my grand kids ass and then shove a steak down their throats if they ever think like that

>> No.6583983

>steak sauce
Please for the love of god, if you are gonna put a sauce on a steak, please make a pan sauce

>> No.6583985

Ha ha, tough guy. You'll end up an old man in jail for child abuse. And you won't get any steak at all.

>> No.6583986

>If I buy the steak, I will season it, cook it and eat it however I see fit, regardless of your opinions.

You are welcome to do that, obviously nobody can stop you.

But the question is why would someone willingly pay a premium price for a cut of meat only to prepare it in a manner that you could have used a cheaper cut of meat for? It's sort of like using $20 bills as toilet paper. Why would you do that for any reason other than just showing off or being contrarian on purpose?

>> No.6583988
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Then I will just shank a few guys in prison and get the death penalty and get a steak as my last meal

>> No.6583990

Some people don't know what's Medium Rare is. Either they would served me raw or Rare when I asked for Medium Rare. It really depends on the place, you stupid piece of shit

>> No.6583997

>>6583986 this tbh, when you buy choice/prime and cook it to medium well/well done, you basically destroy anything about the steak that made it premium, you might as well just get select since there will be very little difference in taste/texture whereas if you cook them medium rare/rare, you are able to notice the differences in quality

>> No.6584003

I've never been to a place that didn't know what medium rare is...

>> No.6584005

They don't do last meals anymore in most places

>> No.6584043
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Every time I get taken to Golden Corral I get pressured by my family into going to get a steak, but I hate seeing the red juice on my plate so I always tell the guy to just burn it.

Then I take it back to the table and wait as my family tries to make me eat all of it. "We paid good money for you to enjoy steak at Golden Corral!

>tfw poor

>> No.6584048

>How do you want your steak?
>Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.6584056

friendly reminder that you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.6584057


>> No.6584059

fuck off you melodramatic faggot.

>> No.6584060
File: 106 KB, 500x300, facepalm 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take parents out to fancy supper club near me
>one of the best steaks I've had personally
>$35-$50 steak
>mother orders it medium well

>> No.6584066
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>burnt to char
Are you British?

>> No.6584419

Medium rare fillet
medium rare or medium sirloin
any which way rump
medium lamb

>> No.6584507

>supper club
flyover, you have no reason to be talking about this shit

>> No.6584667

you should really eat ribeye medium