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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 60 KB, 359x450, tony-cowboy-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6573192 No.6573192 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your coffee /ck/?

Black or Flavoured?

Do you prefer espresso, latte, cappuccino or ristretto?

Hot or cold?

>> No.6573198

In a cup

>> No.6573199

Only correct possible answer. Good job.


>> No.6573201

I honestly prefer Maxwell House instant coffee. I drink it black and hot.

OP's picture is very relevant. Cowboys and hikers prefer instant these days. It's lighter, less equipment, less washing, less water, don't have to dispose of grounds, every bit as good, etc., etc.

>> No.6573255

I like a latte best.
Vanilla bean
3.25% milk
Leave room for 10-18% cream
Sugar in the raw.

>> No.6573264

I'm a hiker and I do not prefer instant coffee.
You statement is therefore incorrect.

>> No.6573299

>don't have to dispose of grounds
They're biodegradable and a source of nitrogen. Throw 'em in the bushes and quit being a pussy.

>> No.6573309

>black or flavoured
Those aren't mutually exclusive options.
I take mine neither black nor flavoured.
>espresso, [caffe]latte, cappuccino, ristretto etc
Those are all espresso drinks. What about people who drink drip coffee or pressed coffee or percolated coffee or syphoned coffee?
I take caffelatte every morning before I start my day.
>hot or cold?
Usually cold.

Do you know what coffee is, OP?

>> No.6573351

>do you know what coffee is?

a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of "berries" from the Coffea plant

>> No.6573376

It's hard to bargle nawdle zouss.

>> No.6573387
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>> No.6573389

I run honey around the inside of my coffee cup before I use the keurig machine at work

>> No.6573393

Could be the chorus high point of my life.

>> No.6573399

There's a Berber-owned café down the street from me that makes a caffelatte with honey steamed in with the milk, sweetening it.
I'm not a fan, but it seems to be pretty popular amongst the womenfolk and gays.
It's next door to the Latvian consulate. I've never even met any Latvians. Surprised we have a consulate here.

>> No.6573436

i like to drink drip coffee black. usually i brew a v60 or kalita wave. hot and iced are cool.
i like to drink hot coffee out of 5 oz cappucino cups and iced coffee out of mason jars.
anyone else have a thing for coffee cups? i have a thing for coffee cups.

>> No.6573439
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>> No.6573449


I usually use this Texas Pecan flavored coffee from the supermarket.
Hot with turbinado sugar and half & half.

>ready for fedoraforce assblasted replies because I don't drink my coffee straight and black

I don't give a fuck. That's how I like my coffee.

>> No.6573469

I love black coffee the problem is, black coffee is disgusting as soon as it isn't steaming hot. So if I want to have a long breakfast I have to put some cream in it.

>> No.6573471

fuck anyone who talks shit.
this is a thread to discuss how everyone likes their coffee. you're contributing much more to the thread than anyone who talks shit. thank you for not being a sperg.
how do you make your aeropress?
i usually do 15 grams medium fine coffee and about 8 oz water. i invert the press normally. i pour all the water and stir, wait 1:15 stir again and press for :45.

>> No.6573482

Mocha, latte, cold

>> No.6573489

I use two of the scoops that came with the aeropress. I invert, fill with water to the top line, stir it up for a few seconds, then let it sit for 45sec to 1min or so. Then I stick the plunger in and do the press into my insulated mug. It usually fills it about 2/3 full and it's plenty strong so I top it off with a little more water, then add the sugar and half & half.

>> No.6573498

what's your grind like? is it pre ground or do you grind it?

>> No.6573503

Black and cappuccinoz

I also want to try Cuban in the tiny cups.

>> No.6573505

so i'm about to roast my coffee for the week. i've got my choices from my stash narrowed down to two coffees. both are past crop from last summer, i've got a rwanda from the karegne region i believe and a guatemala from huehuetenango. (not sure on those spellings)
what should i roast homies?

>> No.6573527
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boy, gonna be labled a pleb, a dolt etc.. I love the smell of any coffee, but I drank gallons, and always had roliaids or tums or a box of bi carb always, terrible indigestion. and not socio or anything. I enjoy tea better much easier on the gut. coffee is great, once in a while, but will drill holes in your gut and soul Unllikely friend, but... don't be doing that.Asian (see, try to be nice, even now getting in deep shit) were/ are sometimes correct. Rather have a a few tea bags, even lipton, teatly, lussiane or store brand sweepings than great unique tea/ P.S. help me down off this high horse... thanks. It really has helped. tea over coffee.also, slowing down on the cigars a bit. or cigarette. or skoal.

>> No.6573562

not big on the milk in coffee but that might be cool if you do

>> No.6574020

so this is what I usually prefer


if I'm paying money for a cup of espresso I'd make it a machiatto to feel like its less of a waste of money

>> No.6574206
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Best coffee is 7/11 Blueberry flavored. Black. Sometimes a friend has with creme and sugar.

>> No.6574213

If it's hot, no additional ingredients.

>> No.6574507

I like lattes and cappuccinos No sugar syrup for me.

I dont often have coffee but typically when I do it's just black.

>> No.6574520

Costa rican or hazelnut. 120-130 degrees F. Black.

>> No.6574582

Go for that Rwanda and keep it just a while after first crack.

I did a Zimbabwean recently and it turned out really earthy and chocolaty, I enjoyed it a lot. I've had success with Rwandan too as long as you don't let it get too dark.

>> No.6574585

Yeah, fuck OP for trying to start a coffee thread and encourage discussion. Let's criticize him because we think we know more!

>> No.6574682

took it to a city+ and i can't wait to brew some tomorrow.

>> No.6574685

I like mine black for breakfast and lunch and with a slug of Licor 43 for dessert.

>> No.6574687

You have a Hottop or Behmor or still rocking the cast iron or hot air popper?

>> No.6574716


>> No.6574723

Drinking coffee black is about not muddying the flavors and being able to taste the actual coffee.

Same reason you don't eat A1, Ketchup, or jelly beans with your filet mignon

>> No.6574749

Filet mignon is expensive and tender, but not flavorful steak. There are so many better cuts.

>> No.6574800

Yeah. There's a reason so many recipes for it involve spice crusts and pan sauces and stuffing it with garlic or veined cheeses or seafood.

>> No.6574872
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Depends on my beans but I generally will have a aeropress Cafe Breve in the morning. Quick and easy. If I have a little extra time I'll do a pourover with my v60 with a splash of half and half. If I am having an evening coffee I tend to use my ROK espresso maker, I suck at using the thing and don't really have a great grinder for espresso but I will often make either a latte or something desert...ish with irish cream. Now that it is starting to warm up I will usually have a pitcher of cold brew in the fridge for an ice coffee on the go.

>> No.6575231

behmor. i used to do the air popper at first. i've tried skillet roasting too but i always got scorching or a very un even roast or both.

>> No.6575261


People still keep thinking it's about being tough, for some bloody reason.

>> No.6575282

You are very, very stupid. I'm ashamed for you.

>> No.6575605
File: 576 KB, 1200x1698, what-your-coffee-says-about-you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I take caffelatte every morning before I start my day.
>Usually cold.

>> No.6575697

Thanks. Great post. Keep it up. /ck/ needs more like you. Very good.

>> No.6575723

>chastising someone for knowing things you don't know
How utterly shameful.

>> No.6575731

Welcome to the 21st Century.

>> No.6575743

>I take mine neither black nor flavoured.
>caffelatte every morning
Steamed milk has no flavour?

>> No.6575745

>no regular, plain cup of black coffee
What a bunch of bullshit

>> No.6575746

Guess I don't know shit about Coffee. What do?

>> No.6575749

You's graspin' them straws a wee too tight there, champ. Careful ya don't snap'em.

>> No.6575750


>> No.6575752

fuck of you arrogant cunt. milk is flavour. add ing milk, especially steamed milk, is adding flavour.

>> No.6575753

I mean *Guys.

>> No.6575754

Aw, now you've gone and done it. You've snapped the straws. :-(

>> No.6575756

>I take caffelatte every morning

False flag leadging into the whole "coffee is a drug" bullshit propoganda.

saged, hidden, notified the fbi..

tea is for queers.

>> No.6575760
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>moka pot is too strong
>french press is too weak

>> No.6575762


>> No.6575766


>I take coffee
like it's a drug
>I have a coffee
like it's a joy

>> No.6575767

>false flag
/pol/ has rotted my brain

>> No.6575774

what doesn't kill you only postpones the inevitable.

>> No.6575786

"Latte" is just plain milk in italian. Never understood how it became a kind of coffee.

>> No.6575794

Or Anon doesn't speak English natively. Many western European languages and dialects use their word for 'I take' rather than 'I have' when discussing coffee.
Italian 'prendo,' Spanish and Portuguese 'tomo,' French 'prends' and Catalan 'tom,' for example.

>> No.6575798

Just short for cafe latte.

>> No.6575800

Because milk is a flavour of coffee, Anon. Don't you know /anything/?

>> No.6575806

yeah, I often hear Americans say that they're going to 'take' a shower, rather than going to 'have' a shower which just sounds retarded to me but whatever. i take it back. maybe not a flasle flag but definitely uptight and arrogant.
coffee is a social drink in my culture. it's the first offer on the table when asking anybody out socially.

>hey, wanna get a coffee?

that dude doesn't sound very sociable to me.

>> No.6575814

> i take it back.
Don't you mean "Have it back," Anon? Ohohoho.

>> No.6575815
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touché. have some tits.

i won't have it up the arse, i tell u wot!

>> No.6575823

Why do people say "take a dump/shit" or "take a leak/piss" when both are left behind and they're not taking them with them?

>> No.6575827

just a cultural thing i assume. i think it has something to do with the metric system, though.

>> No.6575837

It's from other phrases like "take a break"
you're not literally taking a piss, you're taking a piss break.

>> No.6575840
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>> No.6575848

What, did you learn English entirely through candy marketing slogans?
Do you not see how "have a break" is a deliberate alteration of "take a break", since "take a kitkat" would invite you to steal the candy rather than buy it?

>> No.6576080

What about Kona?

>> No.6576087

Like... Hawaiian-grown coffee? Z'at whatcha mean?

>> No.6576098

how do you like that thing? I'm assuming you have the 1600. I've been looking into getting one

>> No.6576099

>did you learn english from candy slogans?
Yes. It's amazing that I have such a strong grasp of the language, eh? :-)

>> No.6576121

the 1600+. i like it a lot. i've had it since january i think and haven't had any problems with it(except when i burnt my head on it while peeking in at my beans) the smoke suppression is great and it's super quiet so it's easy to hear first crack. i'd pick one up if i were you.

>> No.6576131

I like having a big cup of watery black coffee, but i feel like a nincompoop just ordering a regular drip coffee like I could make at home, so I get an americano.

>> No.6576138
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>Flavored from a small local roaster, they have this fudge flavor i cant kick
>French Press
>half and half
>Small bloop of honey or a sprinkle of suger
>Place rest of coffee in fridge still in press
>Later on that night use super cold coffee with half whole milk for a drink

Being military we had super shitty coffee, and was better cold. Honestly i like it cold as fuck around dinner time.

>Mfw the fucking butter bar says we cant take our own coffee but then takes his own bag out to the field

I stole it, naturally.

>> No.6576404

what the hell are you saying

>> No.6576422

I like my coffees a few different ways depending on where I am and what I'm doing
>Shot of espresso as soon as I walk into a coffee shop
>chemex if I'm out with nowhere to be for a while
>Flat white with breakfast/walking around. The all day coffee m8
>Aeropress if I'm at home
I hand grind my locally roasted beans at home, too. How much do you hate me, /ck/?

>> No.6576433

Lightly flavoured with some kind of coffee creamer. I'm mostly a tea drinker, I find Coffee dries out my mouth too much, especially when black.

>> No.6577170

I for the longest time had stopped drinking coffee because I was trying to remove a lot of the caffine in my diet in hopes that maybe I could change my sleep schedule to what I wanted it. It worked but not entirely. Anyway, now I can't drink coffee anymore because as soon as I do my stomach hurts me. It really is a shame.

>> No.6577180

I drink my coffee with just sugar, and occasionally a splash of milk

Is it black with just sugar or does black imply there is nothing in it at all? I'm not really big on coffee just drink it occasionally when sluggish

>> No.6578317

with a porlex?

>> No.6578338
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>> No.6578351

dark as the night sea and piping hot

>> No.6578372


Instant for hiking.

Perc over fire for camping.

>> No.6578411

I don't drink coffee. It makes me ill. I like the smell, though.

>> No.6578419
File: 292 KB, 595x904, how do you drink your coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6578455

>take coffee
False flag detected etc etc etc other paranoid rantings that make no sense etc and so on and so forth and so on ad infinitum tinfoil makes a lovely hat and keeps out the government's mind control rays.

>> No.6578459

>accidentally bought preground
>all I have is french press
Hold me, /ck/

>> No.6578522

I like batdorf and Bronson coffee with cream (strictly half and half) with lots of sugar. Good roast is more important than method of preparation. I just drink it drip. I've had times when I feel like black coffee, but it's just too bitter, like drinking a shitty IPA.

>> No.6579690

do you not have arms with hands and fingers on them

how do you not feel if a bag has beans or grounds in it

>> No.6579726

americano is most definitely not drip coffee

>> No.6579752

>falling for le French press meme

>> No.6579788


I use a French Press, usually black but sometimes with a dash of milk. Hot, always hot.

>> No.6579789

>espresso isn't coffee
>coffee with milk is not flavored
Being this faggy about hot beverage terminology doesn't make you look refined and cultured. It makes you look autistic.

>> No.6579798

Are you... uh... I don't know how to...
... I have a rule about being constructive so I can't ask any questions right now because all of the questions I have right now are rhetorical and they end with the word 'idiot.'

Do you know what a rhetorical—no, of course you don't know what that is; you're an idiot.—oh!
I'm sorry.
I am SO sorry. But you're sO stupid, you have no idea. And you're the only one who has no idea because guess why?—don't answer that. you'll get it wrong.
Aw, so dumb.
You're just a dumb little man who tries to destroy conversation at every turn.
I AM sorry. i'm SO sorry.
Oh, it's okay. I mean, it's /not/ okay, but... Oh. There, there. Don't cry. Shhh shhh shhh.
Aw, so stupid. Oh, shhh shhh shhh. Such a dummy. Shhh...

>> No.6579806

Is this a dank meme?

>> No.6579828

yo broseph, are you legit retarded?

milk is not a flavor. if you think milk is a flavor, you're fucking stupid
and i'm not sure if you're saying that espresso isn't coffee or if you think the other guy is saying espresso isn't coffee but you're retarded eithher way because 1) espresso is coffee and 2) the other guy never said it wasn't

Other guy might be a fag, but you're a drool-soaked fucktard

>> No.6579829

This is the most cringe inducing thing I've ever read here

>> No.6579840

Coffee is for the weak

>> No.6579841

>milk is not a flavor

There's that faggot autistic categorization again. OP asked if you like coffee black or flavored. You have a severe case of the 'tism if this gets your panties in a knot.

And clearly OP was asking what your favorite espresso drink is when that guy went off about brewing methods. If he wasn't implying espresso isn't coffee, his tirade was irrelevant.

>> No.6579851

sounds to me like you're having the spergrage, not the other faggot, faggot
>WAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! that other guy said stuff!!!!
take the tampon out your snatch and come back when your cramps are over, ma'am, and maybe you'll be a little less temperamental about people being right and you being a blithering moron

no matter how you cut it, milk ain't a flavor and you're a spergin' mongoloid

>> No.6579855

>all that mad
>all that damage control

>> No.6579877

How is milk not a coffee flavoring? What?

>> No.6579880

how is it one?

>> No.6579882

Because you add it to coffee to alter the flavor.

>> No.6580278

Dude, coffee tastes much better cooler. Like, 40-50C. when coffee is hot you really can't taste much.

>> No.6580280

Why the fuck said anything about drip coffee?

>> No.6580289

That's fine and all. But you'd probably enjoy a properly brewed cup of black coffee made from lightly roasted, highly extracted, single origin, properly grown, harvested, processed, shipped and stored coffee. So don;t shut yourself out to that idea.

>> No.6580290

Rwanda. Haven't had the greatest experience with huehuetenango this year.

>> No.6580293

I have a stupid question

I was making my afternoon coffee when I thought about putting this blueberry banana flavoured almond milk in my coffee. Has fruit as a whole ever been introduced in a coffee like setting? Has there been a beverage including both coffee and fruit together?

>> No.6580294

Have you read Rao's recent book?

>> No.6580298

>spent more money on his kettle than on his grinder

(solid basics tho, one love)

>> No.6580301

You can brew with less water in your french press. You can have any brewing ratio when it comes to full immersion. Try a 15:1. If that is too weak, you probably aren't extracting enough and need to grind finer/brew longer

>> No.6580307

cool soapbox

>milk is not a flavor. if you think milk is a flavor, you're fucking stupid
Please be a troll. Milk has flavour and steaming (texturing) that milk also alters it's flavour. Do you think that espresso and cappuccino taste exactly the same?

> all Chinese look same!
> all milk taste same!

>> No.6580309

>Has there been a beverage including both coffee and fruit together?
Coffee beans are seeds of a fruit. Your mind just blew.

>> No.6580310
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>> No.6580311

>local roaster
>does flavored coffee
Jesus. Why.

>> No.6580315

you had me until you said flat white.
No one knows what a flat white is.
At best it's a less foamy capp.

>> No.6580318

I once saw this image, with some small differences, as a poster in a cafe. It made me anxious about people judging me on the basis of what I ordered, and I left before my coffee was served even though I had already paid.

>> No.6580322

This. Enjoy drinking the Liquid Jew.

>> No.6580323

If it's too bitter, you are over extracting it. Or you are buying darkly roasted coffee. But as far as I can tell, Batdick and Bronson are reasonable. So you're brewing it poorly.

Properly brewed (and roasted, and sourced) black coffee is deliciously sweet.

>> No.6580331

And naturally processed coffee (and honey process/pulp natural to a lesser extent) is dried with the fruit left on, which results in very strong fruit flavors (although can also lead to some really gnarly fermenty flavors if done poorly).

Think blueberry and strawberry.

>> No.6580332

For some reason I hate steamed milk, I pick up a bitter taste every time, especially in the froth but also in the overall drink.
I love milk tho and don't mind it cold or warm, but steamed as in a proper cappuccino I just hate it and it ruins the taste for me.
Am I the only one?

(I know it's not a poorly steamed or a bad machine problem, I've followed a course with a 2x France champion barista on perfectly maintained Stella di caffé machines, as well as tried several coffee shops managed by real coffee geeks, and I always picked up that bitter taste).

>> No.6580336

I wish I could pick up a bitter taste. All I ever taste is milk, milk, milk. It basically turns coffee into a milkshake.

I don't feel like I'm drinking coffee unless I have it black.

>> No.6580344

The problem is twofold:

1. The espresso being used in the drink is most likely over roasted and bitter. Most people/places (even geeky places) are still roasting too dark for espresso, not extracting enough (because it's too dark), and using grinders which produce an uneven grind size (even very expensive espresso grinders are really shit at grinding). All of this leads to over-bitter, under-sweet espresso.

2. When milk drinks are produced, they are often done so in a way which makes the crema of the espresso sit on the top (especially toward the edges of the drink - the first bit you sip) of the milk. Crema is the most bitter part of the espresso. This first bit is very strong (because it is not really mixed with the milk) and bitter compared to the rest. This taints your pallet for the rest of the drink - emphasizing bitterness and weakness of the rest of the drink.

A properly made espresso (light roast with proper development, unimodal grind (preferably from an ek43) and enough water to get a 22%~ extraction) will taste very sweet.

>> No.6580394

Thanks for your input but it's not the bitterness of the coffee.
I drink 99.9% of my coffee as black espresso (I'm >>6573198) and I have really no issue with the bitterness of a legit cup.

This bitter taste, I get even from the milk itself, if I take a spoonful of froth from the pot for instance.

And this taste (I guess I could also describe it as "metallic" if that makes sense) I keep tasting throughout the drink.
Needless to say I've only ordered a cappucino or a latte only once each, but I've tried steamed milk at various occasions, or a macchiatto here and there (even in Florence) and I always have this taste.

If any of you ever tried protein shakes with milk, this is kinda the same aftertaste that lingers in your mouth until you rinse it.

>> No.6580404

Grinder was a gift, will do the trick until I get a legit espresso machine.

>> No.6580470

Made in a french press

>> No.6580559
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>Hot or cold?

Which of the following has the higher temperature?:
>cold coffee
>warm cola

>> No.6580575

I prefer mine with no cup.

>> No.6580594

or sometimes with hazelnut creamer over ice

>> No.6580862

black with sugar.

>> No.6580884

>>6575743 >>6575752
>>6575800 >>6579789 >>6579828 >>6579841
>>6579851 >>6579877 >>6579880 >>6579882
ohai guys
just having flavored rice krispies for breakfast this morning :-)

>> No.6580886

80% coffee 20% milk.

>> No.6580912

>having your coffee 20% flavoured

>> No.6580982

Why does it matter?

>> No.6581128

Personal favorite is Iced coffee with only a splash of half & half and only a pinch of sugar.

I'm currently drinking room temp. coffee as I couldn't wait for my hot coffee to chill fully in the fridge.
Also my earlier cup of hot coffee when I originally brewed it had to be tossed after a few sips, a fly flew into it.

10/10 would drink 10 cups of coffee a day

>> No.6582582

Mine does it too. When you live in a city full of worthless white women, you have to pander to them if you expect to make money.

>> No.6582892


This guy's face is priceless. That's such an asshole look that says "I'm going to go out of my way to fuck your day up all day." What an asshole.

>> No.6583235
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With 2 tablespoons of grass-fed butter.

>> No.6583239

Fuck off

>> No.6583594

>regular, plain cup of black coffee
drip coffee

>> No.6583605

One of those things is not like the other.
Your default coffee is not everyone else's default coffee.

The mainstream default is instant coffee but anon didn't specify and they certainly didn't say 'drip'.

>> No.6583865

Same here. Put in butter, blended it up until it gets all frothy. Good shit

>> No.6584071
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I like my Muslims like how I like my coffee, I don't like coffee.

>> No.6584073


>> No.6585692

If you never question motives then you'll always be a pawn.

>> No.6585699

Did you try the blueberry banana thing? If so how did it taste?
I think nk that the banana on its own would be nice but the acidity in the blueberry combined with acidity of the coffee may be overpowering.

I can't really think of any fruit that would go well with coffee, tbh. Except maybe coconut?

>> No.6585723

Triple strength

I need to drink that shit. I have no time for it to cool down. Needs to be in my system.

By just jolting the fuck out of my body like that I lost about 40 pounds in a few months.

When I am telling you I needed it in my system I mean imagine a mason jar half fucking full of iced coffee.

>> No.6585924
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>"Wooo! Look who's up! If it ain't Little Miss Queercakes! Awww, you look a little tired there. Up all night jerkin' it to gay porn again? Here have some coffee so you can be nice and awake sucking dicks at the Olive Garden in an hour! I'll be here eatin' your goddam food and not giving a fuck!"

>> No.6585930

I like my coffee Vietnamese style, with condensed milk.

And I enjoy New Orleans coffee (ground with chicory)

>> No.6585946

I like my coffee the way I like my slaves


>> No.6585959


>> No.6585968

>Do you prefer espresso, latte, cappuccino

that's all espresso what the fuck are you saying

>> No.6586461

>In a glass
>Fill glass up quarter way
>Put so much coffee in it is like lumpy soup
>Leave it to steep overnight
>Drink when I wake up

>> No.6586473

>office coffee
drip coffee
>order a coffee at any restaurant
drip coffee
>go to a posh cafe that has a super speical way of making drip coffee
drip coffee
>free samples at a grocery store
drip coffee

>> No.6586484

I like my coffee with a bit of sugar and milk.


>> No.6586492

cold brew served over ice

fuck you I like cold beverages

>> No.6586494

Shhh. Someone will call you autistic for knowing more than they know. :^)

>> No.6586540

Black and as strong as possible.

I mean, I don't mind having coffee flavoured sweet drinks, but that's not really coffee.

Best coffee I had was in Rome with the espresso you get there. That's actually when I started liking coffee as well.

>> No.6586542

>office coffee
>Coffee at restaurant
Likely to be instant.
>Posh cafe
French Press or Espresso.
>Free samples at grocery store
Instant, French Press or bottled.

>> No.6586551

It's not. I'll have an iced coffee covered with cream and nonsense if I want a sweet drink, sure.

But most of the time, if I want a coffee, as in what people think of when you say 'I'm going to get a coffee', then honestly, I want a nice, strong black coffee because that's what I like.

It's like people complaining about drinking spirits straight. Yes, I don't mind mixers and I'm more than partial to a few cocktails, but I honestly prefer just to have the gin in the glass, chilled in the freezer.

>> No.6586569

Aeropress is nice but I prefer the Moka Express. I grind the coffee on my own, either by hand if I have the time or with grandma's old electric grinder. Black, no additions, coffee beans never more than 250 grams, usually bought from that weird Turkish guy from the market, who is kind of a nerd when it's about coffee. Always delicious, always different. Somehow I like the muddy taste of Robusta.

>> No.6586590

I don't find any of that to be true anywhere in the world I've lived except for parts of Asia and the northern parts of Eastern Europe (Poland, for example). Are you in/from somewhere in Asia of Eastern Europe, Anon? The west generally uses real coffee.

Depends on where you live. In America, that's definitely the case. In a Latinate-speaking country, it's absolutely not.

>> No.6586604



pick two.

>> No.6586725

You're fucking stupid. It can't be flavoured if it's black. Fucking moron.

>> No.6586739

dash of milk
on ice

>> No.6587709

i actually haven't read any of scott rao's books

>> No.6588185

or normally alternate between

>two tablespoons French vanilla creamer
>two tablespoons milk one tablespoon brown sugar

Fuck having the same thing every day

>> No.6588195
File: 114 KB, 492x494, Dunkin-Donuts-flavored-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking retard

>> No.6588368

nope, wrong. course ground bean boiled in a standard steel bot over fireplace, let ground settle to bottom, toss in little bits of eggshells, pour into metal cups. (Dont ask me why, but all cowboys take their coffee with a bit of eggshell)

>> No.6588397

With some milk/half and half

>> No.6588493

>black as my soul, single origins are great
>espresso when out, pourover at home
>hot, never tried cold coffee (unless iced coffee counts but it's just flavoured milk here)

Looking at getting into hipster brew methods like vacuum and moka pots, any experience with them?

>> No.6588517

coffee is literally one of the worst drugs ever to use repeatedly long term. it will permanently alter your brain. you'd literally be better using heroin for 5 years then coffee for 10.

>> No.6588527
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Coffee killed jimi hendrix, jim morrison, kurt cobain and phillip seymour hoffman. Has no flavor either. Only kids drink it.

>> No.6588557

its funny you post that, because lots of cats carry bacteria that get into your brain and make you suicidal.

cats and coffee. two things i avoid completely.

>> No.6588565
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then what are you doing in the coffee thread? go drink some carrot juice

>> No.6588566

i'm here to fight coffee.

because i realized coffee fucks your brain after about ten totally disconnected people from my life all told me that coffee is horrible for you and stunts you emotionally and mentally.

for some people on here, i may be the tenth random person that makes them think real hard.

i would literally kick that cat six feet across the floor if it rubbed against my legs. then i would take a shower. its no fucking joke dude. look it up. toxoplasma gondii. cats carry it. it causes people to behave suicidally. it might literally be responsible for leftists. they all own cats. ever spoken to a crazy cat lady? they're leftists. communists love cats.

>> No.6588569
File: 45 KB, 268x265, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fighting a beverage

>muh anecdotal evidence

>thinking hard
>on 4chan

>what is correlation/causation
Do you think suicidal people like cats or do cats tell their owners to kill themselves?

>> No.6588573



"Jaroslav Flegr is no kook. And yet, for years, he suspected his mind had been taken over by parasites that had invaded his brain. So the prolific biologist took his science-fiction hunch into the lab. What he’s now discovering will startle you. Could tiny organisms carried by house cats be creeping into our brains, causing everything from car wrecks to schizophrenia?"

>> No.6588574

>from cleaning cat litter boxes is a potential route of infection;[26] however, numerous studies have shown living in a household with a cat is not a significant risk factor for T. gondii infection,[26][51][56] though living with several kittens has some significance.[57]


If you're a third world shitskin maybe you get retarded diseases, but not in normal, civilized countries.

>> No.6588581

10% of population in america and 50% of population in europe is what the article says tests indicate.

that's pretty fucking serious when the bacteria alters the firing of neurons so that your reaction time slows and death seems to have no significance sometimes, like while you're driving.

in any case its not worth the risk. gas the cats pet war when

>> No.6588583

>Could tiny organisms carried by house cats be creeping into our brains, causing everything from car wrecks to schizophrenia?"
You know, any time a "journalistic" article phrases the headline as a question, the answer is always no.
But I'll pet my cat extra hard if it makes you feel better.

>> No.6588584

How I like my women op.
Hot and dark

>> No.6588591

that's witty but one must know that wit is not truth.

and there's no scientific room for science doubt hee

>> No.6588646

>every single person in my family, from teens to centenarians, is a hipster

>> No.6588672

I like all sort of coffee, strong or sweet, depending on the mood and moment of the day. Always sweetened, though. at least half a cube.

>> No.6588677

>strong or sweet
>implying they're mutually exclusive

>> No.6588683

>Stream of consciousness
Please move to >>/lit/

>> No.6588687
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Hot coffee with a splash of 2% milk.
Folgers made in a drip machine.
Fucking heaven in a mug.

Just good old cup of Joe.

>> No.6588689

When I was a kid, my sister had a friend and my sister's friend had a boyfriend and my sister's friend's boyfriend was a fake biker. That meant he dressed like a biker, but he rode around in his parents stationwagon. Sometimes, we see my sister's friend sitting on the hood of her car holding a bag of ice to her saying "he hits me, but he really, really loves me."
Like you. You really, really love me. :3

>> No.6588691

Fuck. Cats.
I hate em.

>> No.6588693

You are a retarded drama queen.

Most domestic cats don't even carry toxo, since they don't even get to eat a mice in their lifetime.
Of those who DO, you'd need to handle their 48h+ old shits with your bare hands and then proceed to eat or finger your mouthhole without washing your hands to come in contact with the eggs.

Anybody with hald a brain has been raised to wash hands before cooking/eating and washing raw veggies/fruits.

If anything, blame the toxo epidemics on poor hygiene.
Or stop eating cat poop you sperglord.

>> No.6588694

Wanna go on a date? I know this nice coffee place owned by a cat? I will apologize for my move to lit commentary and buy you a pretzel.

>> No.6588698

Is it gluten free?

>> No.6588705

But of course bitch.
>chickpea, corn and rice flour

>> No.6588706

Certified organic, non-GMO?

>> No.6588707

What the fuck happened to this thread.

>> No.6588709

I, personally shook the hand of every third world farmer that was involved in the process and gave them a hug while wishing them success at the big game on sunday, while sniffing their corn flour through the nose.
So yeah, its the real deal.

>> No.6588710

Morons said that milked coffee = flavoured coffee IE it was fucked from the beginning.

>> No.6588714

Oh yes!

>> No.6588716

Okay! :3
I shall put on my finest petticoat and gown and have our encounter at the Cat Café. Unless you're a girl. Cuz I'm not gay.

>> No.6588722

Like 99% of the anons here i'm a dude. So relax.
How should i dress? Smart casual? Or full bum?

>> No.6589900

To be fair, I honestly blame parasites spread by the mass movement of peoples in the early 20th century for the decline of Western civilisation compared to how it was progressing.

>> No.6589910

Black, not hot, but not lukewarm. Cool enough to down, and not get third degree fucking burns.

The stronger the better.

>> No.6591498

I blame digitalisation.

>> No.6591770

I like my coffee like I like a man's dick

big & black

>> No.6591774
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I like my women like I like my coffee: in a plastic cup.

>> No.6591908 [DELETED] 

I usually like a cup of the gourmet expensive stuff.
Otherwise I dont drink it because when my wife goes to the store she usually buys shit.
I actually want to taste my coffee y'know.
Besides that, I rarely have time to actually enjoy my coffee seeing as how decease negrite individuals frequent my car-park.

>> No.6591913

I usually like a cup of the gourmet expensive stuff.
Otherwise I dont drink it because when my wife goes to the store she usually buys shit.
I actually want to taste my coffee y'know.
Besides that, I rarely have time to actually enjoy my coffee seeing as how deceased negrite individuals frequent my car-port.

>> No.6591916

>having a haunted garage
Motherfucker needs him some Jesus.

>> No.6591921

Yeah I hear you on that.
That wouldnt be the case though if my pals werent such illiterate fucks. Or rather, I s'pose theyre reading things that arent there.
You would swear there's "Dead Nigger Storage" on a little sign right outside my car-port. Really irks me because if my wife ever found out, I fear it might put a strain on our marriage; one Im not sure our odd sixteen years together could survive.

>> No.6591953

Dude you gotta give their souls peace.
It has to be some really painful thing that keeps the dead from leaving this world.
You should get a voodoo priest or something and make sure they can rest. Maybe they fell victim to a murder or one of the invented chicken nuggets and got ripped off by Ronald McDonald.

>> No.6591957

Das sum devil shit right here.