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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 800x600, DSC03223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6567865 No.6567865 [Reply] [Original]

"First created circa 1943 by Ignacio Anaya, the original nachos consisted of fried corn tortillas covered with melted cheddar cheese and sliced jalapeño peppers."

... is it just me, or does that not sound particularly good?

>> No.6567893

>In 1943, the wives of U.S. soldiers stationed at Fort Duncan in nearby Eagle Pass were in Piedras Negras on a shopping trip, and arrived at the restaurant after it had already closed for the day. The maître d'hôtel, Ignacio "Nacho" Anaya, invented a new snack for them with what little he had available in the kitchen.

It's leftovers.

>> No.6567894

Meh, it was probably just whatever the shit he had on him at the time and decided to cook it together.

>> No.6567896
File: 17 KB, 323x500, 188_laceychabert_sl6x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no he made them a Cobb Salad

>> No.6567899

It's just you

>> No.6567918

It's interesting that the breasts, face, and hair are what's always unattractive on these women.

Never understood why women want their hair to be "voluminous".

>> No.6567934

>implying the fashion industry isn't ruled over by other women and faggots

>> No.6567943

I didn't imply that.
The breasts part is easily explainable by the bra type she's wearing, and the angles and shot composition is to appeal to women.

Nonetheless. That lack of skin tone, generic facial structure, heavy makeup, and hair. I don't understand why women, or anyone in general, would be into it. Much less strive for it.

>> No.6567946
File: 90 KB, 256x286, lazyytt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's interesting that the breasts, face, and hair are what's always unattractive on these women.

son, I think you're queer

>> No.6567956


>generic facial structure

what, you want an unusual one? why? what makes that attractive?

>lack of skin tone


>> No.6567957

Whatever made you think nachos were supposed to be particularly good? It's a trash dish.

>> No.6567973

Generic just means nondescript, or common. I's obvious why I'd be more attracted to something that had some sort of spark or character.

Whether it's airbrushing or makeup, I cannot discern much skin tone beyond rough color.

>> No.6567981


i know what generic means. that's a majorly fedora reason to find someone unattractive dude.

>Whether it's airbrushing or makeup, I cannot discern much skin tone beyond rough color.

what does this even mean? skin tone is rough colour.

>> No.6567989

>that's a majorly fedora reason to find someone unattractive dude.
Not really. If someone doesn't strike me as attractive, they don't. Like I said, they have attractive features. Hips, waist, thighs, slightly but not overtones muscle, but the whole lacks a spark.

Potential reasons for this are selection. Others are photoshop and shot selection stripping away unique and specific character, they're supposed to act partly as self inserts for the target audience after all. But beyond that, as presented, it isn't attractive.

>what does this even mean? skin tone is rough colour.
I consider skin tone as including texture, not just rough color. It barely has any gradient to it, even if we're just sticking to general color.

>> No.6567994
File: 10 KB, 250x309, troi99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dude you are gayer than ol' Paree

time to fess up

your DAD

>> No.6567995


well clearly she doesn't strike as you attractive but calling it 'generic' just makes you sound like a high-schooler imo. hot is hot, generic or not.

>> No.6567997

You sound insecure with your sexuality. I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually.

>> No.6567999

Boy this sure is some good food and cooking discussion you guys.

>> No.6568001

Their face and hair aren't hot. They're generic. By design.

>> No.6568002

>2/10 would not bang
kek good post!

>> No.6568007


>Their face and hair aren't hot. They're generic.

you can be hot and still look interchangeable with other hot people. in fact a lot of hot people look the same.

>> No.6568015

It can be done, occasionally. But it isn't the case here.

>> No.6568024

But, hurray for leftovers. Some great dishes have come from leftovers. And nachos are one of the best "snack/appetizer" foods out there.

>> No.6568025


>It can be done, occasionally.

mathematically that doesn't make any sense.

>But it isn't the case here.

it's just a stupid word to use.

>> No.6568038

Explain your idea of mathematics here, and why it doesn't work.

>it's just a stupid word to use.
It's a fine word to use.

>> No.6568040

>mathematically that doesn't make any sense.
>you can use mathematics to objectively rank beauty
get a load of this shitposter!

>> No.6568058

No, it's just you.
It's delicious and better than a lot of what passes as nachos now.
Here, left overs typically means just reheating a dish that had been finished and served a previous night.
Taking some ingredients that didn't get used up through the service, and making a new dish with them doesn't have the same bleagh factor as taking something that was fully cooked and previously served and then turning it into overcooked slop.

>> No.6568060


because we're talking about common, interchangeable face types, saying they're only 'occasionally' attractive doesn't make much sense. that would imply they have high variance.

>It's a fine word to use.

no it's not, she doesn't even really have a generic face and it's got fuckall to do with whether or not she's attractive. if her face was a piece of creative work or something you could use that word critically. not when you're talking about natural aesthetics. it's just tryhard.

>> No.6568084

>saying they're only 'occasionally' attractive doesn't make much sense. that would imply they have high variance.
What doesn't make sense is your implication that there isn't a high variance. If you attempt to break it down to mathematics and had complete knowledge of the whole that transcends perspective and our own limited and biased memories, calculated it out, you could define a mathematical generic where everything clusters, and even then, you would still see a great degree of variance.

But I don't care about achieving or defining pseudo-objectivity. Within my perspective, some generic facial structures, mannerisms, etc, can be attractive. Whether that's made by behavioral tendencies, my mood, or something else, varies. Generic can only meaningfully exist within individual perception. You could probably approach it neurologically as well. How the brain blends things together and consolidates data. The thing is, I can perfectly remember or reconstruct a person's appearance in memory, but that doesn't make it less generic either.

>it's got fuckall to do with whether or not she's attractive

I'm not emotionally attracted to her, and when viewed as a whole, that translates to not being very physically attracted either. Sure, she looks nice enough, but there's no spark. Hence, generic.

>> No.6568094


>Generic can only meaningfully exist within individual perception.

if you're defining it as in your subjective impression of her, then fine, but you made it sound like her objective, physical facial qualities were generic and she was unattractive as a result. anyway. you still sound fedora as fuck.

>> No.6568098

>someone posts about nachos
>35 shitposts nitpicking about semantics
>not even particularly interesting semantics either

I have a feeling the early 20s "muh feelings" blowhard queer who shits up every thread these days with his r9k nonsense is behind this

>> No.6568109

You should assume by default nothing that comes out of anyone's mouth aims to speak for anything objective, unless explicitly noted or within a context where that makes sense.

Whine more, bud. I wanted to have a conversation about media and or human perception, listening to fedora-complaining isn't interesting.

>> No.6568117


>You should assume by default nothing that comes out of anyone's mouth aims to speak for anything objective,

no i shouldn't, holy shit pipe down you teenager. 'she has a generic face' gives every impression of being an objective statement: you're saying that she has the same facial features as other people. the thing is you probably meant this in the first place and then reinterpreted your own statement because i called you out on it, which is a super annoying thing to do.

>I wanted to have a conversation about media and or human perception

a conversation that relies on people agreeing with you in the first place. a circlejerk about how gross 'generic' women are and how girls shouldn't wear makeup and all the other bullshit fedora stuff.

>> No.6568121

I've noticed you mentioning me a lot lately. What conversation(s) got you so rustled?

>> No.6568135

>'she has a generic face' gives every impression of being an objective statement: you're saying that she has the same facial features as other people.
It shouldn't, and this tendency of yours is a lot more your problem than mine. It's actually a pretty big problem, and the source of a good deal of conflict that just isn't even sensible.

How can any human being even possess objectivity to begin with? Obviously, and inherently, what they're saying is a function of their logic and their perspective. Nothing more, nothing less. Not now, not sometimes, and not ever. That's the baseline. Don't try to blame me for your differing ideas that guide your own interpretations, that's mostly on you.

>a conversation that relies on people agreeing with you in the first place.
Clearly not, hence this conversation. No one needs to agree to talk about the underlying ideas that go into the initial statement.

You're saying a lot of strange stuff and putting a lot of assumptions on me.

>> No.6568136


I've noticed you posting a lot lately

All of the threads you've shat up

A little of this is fine, but if you're going to do this 7 days a week, there are boards catering to this sort of urge

This is food and cooking

>> No.6568138

OP here. Anyone not talking about nachos, please leave my thread. Thank you!

>> No.6568146

>I've noticed you posting a lot lately
Your schedule must be as variable as mine.

>All of the threads you've shat up
Such as? I mean an actual rough list.

>A little of this is fine, but if you're going to do this 7 days a week, there are boards catering to this sort of urge
This board has its issues and shortcomings, but I think it works fine for my needs.

>> No.6568151

It was left over stale corn tortillas according to that Anthony Bourdain show. He had nachos at the original restaurant and said they tasted exactly like nachos do everywhere else in the world.

>> No.6568156


>It shouldn't

yes it should. you're describing her face, not your subjective emotional response to her face. using your best approximations of objective observations or measurements like the size of her nose, eye colour, shit like. not 'her heart don't make me go boom boom'

>How can any human being even possess objectivity to begin with?

this isn't about this. please stop conducting conversations until you come out of your adolescent intellectual cocoon. whether we 'possess' objectivity doesn't change the fact that we express it in our language. 'there is a tree over there' is an objective statement. so is 'she has a generic face', unless you're being a dickhead.

>No one needs to agree to talk about the underlying ideas that go into the initial statement.

they do for you to find it 'interesting'. the only way you'd have the conversation you want is if people say 'you know, you're right, that picture does appeal to women and not men'. otherwise it's just people dismissing you.

>> No.6568158

>my needs

Your personal psychological issues have nothing to do with this:

1. Images and discussion should relate to food and cooking.
2. Recipes are welcome! Feel free to talk about your favorite dishes and discuss past cooking experiences.

Enjoy resetting your modem

>> No.6568159

Millennials are truly the worst generation so far

>> No.6568162

Everything except that face is 10/10

>> No.6568174 [DELETED] 

>yes it should. you're describing her face, not your subjective emotional response to her face.
There is no difference. My perception of her face, and my perception of what is generic, is dependent on me. Maybe whatever tendencies lead to that perception cluster, but I don't know. I don't envy the person who tries to speak objectively for any small demographic, much less a species. No one truly can t begin with.

>using your best approximations of objective observations or measurements like the size of her nose, eye colour, shit like
How else could it work?

>whether we 'possess' objectivity doesn't change the fact that we express it in our language.
I'd agree entirely.

> 'there is a tree over there' is an objective statement.
It'd be reasonable to assume that. After all, they're pointing out something that should be also true for you. Hence their pointing it out.

>so is 'she has a generic face'
No. That relies entirely on the observer and their range of experiences, and their own logic. It is not reasonable to assume this is objective, if anything it should prompt you to weigh it against your own ideas. It's no more objective than "she is attractive" "she has attractive features", and you're just as numb for fighting over it. It's your issue you can't tell the difference between objective and subjective.

>they do for you to find it 'interesting'.

>> No.6568180

Boomers have their problems as well. They're no less narcissistic on average, it just comes out in a different way.

>> No.6568188



>> No.6568190

Well, whatever your issue is, it probably stemmed either from cocoa bean or a vegan thread. It's strange you're so bent out of shape by what's par for the course and even expected in certain threads, their purpose.

I have stopped giving a shit though. I've contributed my own recipes, methods of cooking, food I've made, information on nutrition and even pharmacology. /ck/'s got deeper problems than just me, and everyone has their angle. If it comforts you, I will fizzle out eventually. I won't stick around forever.

>> No.6568192

You'll be okay OP. For what it's worth, it's keeping your thread on page 1.

>> No.6568197


>No. That relies entirely on the observer and their range of experiences,

no it doesn't. it isn't anywhere near as subjective as calling her 'ugly', for instance. assuming it's made in an unqualified way, it simply compares her face to the range of faces the observer has experienced and says 'this one comes up a lot'. the criteria for that comparison are physical, and therefore objective.

> It's no more objective than "she is attractive"

'she is attractive' is a value judgement. these are overwhelmingly subjective things. how commonly you see people with faces like lacey chabert is not up to personal opinion in the same way - personal experience, yes, but there is an objective truth out there.

>> No.6568204

Jesus christ guys, if you're going to be fat you can't also be this autistic or there is truly no hope for you.

>> No.6568207
File: 53 KB, 600x448, big nachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post pictures that are related to nachos, because this was supposed to be a nachos thread.

>> No.6568209


but nachos are objectively less interesting than how frumpy lacey chabert is.

>> No.6568210
File: 118 KB, 600x424, don't go to this website.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6568212
File: 152 KB, 800x600, scottish nachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Talk about this bitch instead

Don't go to this pic's website either

>> No.6568218
File: 188 KB, 1000x750, the spirit of the law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is another website you shouldn't go to

>> No.6568220

I get he gave them a snack if you know what I mean

>> No.6568221

Like I said, I see it as having embedded prompts that pretty much necessarily require it to be viewed as subjective. When someone says "there is a tree over there", it's a claim that something physical exists and is occurring, and it would still be occurring even if they themselves didn't exist. The only way you can expect it to be wrong is if they're lying or hallucinating, and you can go verify it for yourself. But the claim itself is reasonably testable.

In the case of a claim something is generic, it heavily relies on accumulated subjective experiences and that individual's own perception. You should expect it to be an error-prone narrow range that doesn't represent everything as far as what is really generic, as well as something that depends on them to be at all.

>the criteria for that comparison are physical, and therefore objective.
The criteria is the perception of something physical weighed against experience. It's not a measurement of a hard physical trait, like the existence of a tree. Although, some endeavors have shown even color perception is subjective.

>yes, but there is an objective truth out there.
An objective truth that can't be feasibly derived or tested. Which makes it not a very useful objective truth, because all that's clear is given enough information it can exist.

>> No.6568225
File: 255 KB, 968x1296, even his eyes are jalapenos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is what you would all look like if you suddenly lost 200 pounds

>> No.6568245

>... is it just me, or does that not sound particularly good?

Have you really never had nachos before?

>> No.6568250
File: 38 KB, 640x480, shitty nachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and here's some shitty nachos from some guy's online diary from 10 years ago

>> No.6568252


you know what i'm honestly done i had probably 500 words written in response but fuuuuuuuuck that i'm out. you're still wrong you little BITCH now post your nachos OP

>> No.6568257
File: 127 KB, 1000x562, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /ck/ actually debating the objectivity of beauty? What is this, freshman philosophy class?
More of this!
And maybe this too.

>> No.6568260
File: 57 KB, 500x375, THANK YOU FOR LEAVING NACHOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not OP, just a regular guy who wants to talk about nachos

>> No.6568261
File: 15 KB, 331x224, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Alright, bye then.

Hope you have a good thread OP. I spent a lot of years eating nachos and gotta say, they're pretty okay. But I'm allergic to corn and can't say much in the present tense.

I would however cut up mozzarella, or sharp cheddar, into cubes and put then on the nachos. They'd form this branching tree across the whole of the chips, where cheese was denser in some areas. I also didn't entirely melt it flat. Chili powder and or paprika depended, as did salsa. This was long, long before I was buying my own food, and we din't have much beyond base ingredients. So I didn't really branch out with anything premade. I can see a few ways such things could be incorporated though.

>> No.6568265
File: 189 KB, 1024x768, desert nachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you know what's in the packet on top?

>> No.6568268

I was talking about knowledge and objectivity, but either way. I'll find someone in the mood for epistemology and maybe a bit of solipsism as well, eventually.

Also, just for the hell of it, because I know I'll never try it. Has anyone tried "fresh" mozzarella with nachos? I've never tried to melt it on something, just boiled it into a liquid or used it solid.

>> No.6568272

In this day and age? Probably fucking guacamole.

Is that fried dough shaped like tortilla chips topped with strawberries and cream?

>> No.6568274
File: 428 KB, 1024x768, nailed it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it ends up not working that great, you'd have to really bake it like you would baked ziti, and the taste and consistency isn't really suited to nachos

>> No.6568276


Ha, that's pretty terrifying, and yes to your question

and this is tater tot nachos

>> No.6568277
File: 164 KB, 403x300, tater tot nachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well it is when I remember to upload the file

>> No.6568280
File: 2.19 MB, 1353x1329, bad nacho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



and here is some art from an art guy that complements this pretty well >>6568165

>> No.6568283
File: 76 KB, 500x333, jet fuel can melt nacho cheese just fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6568284
File: 382 KB, 1024x682, asian-nachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stealing these both. Bitches love strawberries, and brother loves tater totes.You just set up my meals till Saturday night.

>> No.6568288

I find millennials to be far worse

>> No.6568290


nice, and all I've been doing is image searching things like "gourmet nachos" and "shitty nachos"

>> No.6568292
File: 150 KB, 340x324, Nachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frumpy? You must like penis in your doo doo hole

>> No.6568372
File: 23 KB, 381x286, fenway park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those are just regular nachos, post more interesting nachos.

>> No.6568384

not even that nigger but yeah go away
just because shitposting is common doesn't mean it's acceptable
the occasional off topic comment is fine but don't be a cunt and derail threads

>> No.6568390

I didn't derail the thread intentionally.

>> No.6568398
File: 27 KB, 433x325, vin-diesel-872990264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like this is nacho kind of thread

>> No.6568404 [DELETED] 
File: 927 KB, 2048x1536, irish_nachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Irish nachos nachos?

>> No.6568410
File: 669 KB, 1600x1200, pretty gross actually.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Google says yes


shut up vin

>> No.6568432

ayyy lmao

>> No.6568447

i love that neon orange 'cheese.'
i went to my local little league field this weekend just to get my fix at the concession stand. i felt like a pedo though.

>> No.6568450

aint nuthin' wrong wit dat.

>> No.6568514
File: 40 KB, 337x450, proof-of-gross-nachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6570714


Depends on the quality of the cheese.