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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6567086 No.6567086 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/, /fit/ here.

How do you like my dinner?

Beef was on sale today so I bought 1500 grams of it, looks like Im gonna be eating this exact same dish for a couple of days to come.

Took me 4 minutes, the sweet potato was microwaved.

>> No.6567089

thats one of the saddest things i've ever seen/read.

>> No.6567093


so what your one of those save the world by eating worms and bugs kind of faggots?

>> No.6567094

Mom's outta town for a week, so yea

Maybe the picture is a bit shit, but this is lean beef.

>> No.6567096

Are you prepping for a fitness competition?

>> No.6567098

>/fit/ here.

post spandex shot nao.

>> No.6567105

I'm about 30 lbs overweight and am contemplating putting full effort into losing this weight this summer. However looking at /fit/-food makes me a little apprehensive. I cook well and I'd hate to give up good food for the whole summer. I don't think I'm strong willed enough to do it.

What should I do guys?

>> No.6567109


replace all foodz with oatz.

>> No.6567111

No, just regular strength training 3 days a week.

n-no homo, r-right?

>> No.6567114


Count macros. That's it.

You can do some jogging or even walking in the morning before breakfast if you wanna speed up the process.

>> No.6567115

It's not that bad. Cook up some diced onions, ground beef, a little seasoning. Shit, even throw some hot sauce on it if it's still too bland and shovel it down.

>> No.6567117


Oh and also, you can lose a few pounds by replacing all your drinks with water. That's what I did.

I used to hate the taste of water before, but now I just love it.

>> No.6567119



where all the faggots go to pretend they're not faggots.

>> No.6567120

fucking die

>> No.6567145

Aren't oatz bad for you because they're calorie dense?

I hated macroeconomics, I barely passed that course.

I already almost exclusively drink water. I don't drink coffee or coffee based drinks so no milk products. I drink beer when I go out but I don't do it often so yeah... My issue isn't drinks, it's more to do with eating too much :(

>> No.6567162

You could do a lot better. Hell, an 8 year old could do a lot better.

>> No.6567164

go keto

>> No.6567216

Why did you do that?

>> No.6567238


Do what?

>> No.6567292

at least put some sauce on it or something

>> No.6567318

you know tomatoes are low carb, right?

you can easily make your own keto sloppy joe or spaghetti sauce. just use splenda instead of sugar.

>> No.6567329


Actually I didn't know. Thanks

>> No.6567343

I refuse to believe that you aren't trolling. Assuming you're not, do you actually think that this is good food? What do you normally eat?

>> No.6567354


How is 50g protein and some complex carbs not good food?

I normally eat stuff my mom or stepmom make. Stepmom was actually a cook, she makes great-tier food according to every guest we ever had. But yet I can still enjoy this meal.

>> No.6567375

Because it's not tasty. It looks really bland man. I'm sure it's pretty nutritious but you can also make nutritious food taste nice.

>> No.6567386


I can honestly say this didn't taste bad.

Also, the fact that it's really nutritious gives me enough statisfaction believe it or not.

>> No.6567400

I'm so sorry for you man, really.

>> No.6567421

>How do you like my dinner?
you could have gotten a some points if you didn't microwave the one good thing you're eating

>> No.6567427

You at least put salt on that?

>> No.6567452
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Anon, no. This is too sad.

>> No.6567456

If you put the beef into potato you have a sandwich

>> No.6567472


W-will you c-cook for me anon? ;_;

>> No.6567482

This might be the most first world post I've read all my life. How can someone survive without liking water. It's the one thing all land animals like.

>> No.6567484

fellow /fit/izen here. I eat meals like that all the time. Dont forget your vegetables though.

>> No.6567488

Did you season this at all?

>> No.6567493

even people not in the first world like tea, juice, beer, wine, milk more than water...

and water doesn't taste the same everywhere.

comparing humans to animals and what they do doesn't work.

>> No.6567498

Salt and pepper mah niggas

Got some brocoli, didn't really know how to cook it so I left it out today. I will eat it tommorow though!

>> No.6567504

I hope you get colon cancer, wanker.

>> No.6567507

Jesus anon that's.....do you actually enjoy that? It looks bland as fuck.

>> No.6567511
File: 1.19 MB, 2700x1800, 4-Sperm-Whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the one thing all land animals like

whales hate water
common true fact

>> No.6567512

>How do you know when someone browses /fit/?
>Don't worry, they'll tell you

>> No.6567515


is that why they're so ornery all the time

>> No.6567521

Depends on why you wan't to lose weight if it's just for this summer for the beach go keto/atkins/low carb/paleo

If you want to lose weight long term though that's not gonna help you. We crave carbs too much to give them up forever. You already know what food is and isn't good for you for the most part. Don't fall for broscience like paleo which tell you that excess fat and protein is in fact good for you and even a single slice of bread will give you diabetes. Eating more fruits and vegetables will go a long way. As will complex carbs. Fat and protein should be added to the dish for taste not because it will make you a god among men. Unless you're putting on weight you don't need more than 50g of protein. Of course you could go higher and there isn't anything inherently wrong with protein, the problem is most sources of protein come coupled with fat. And since broscience tells us that we need 1g protein/lb of weight(not corroborated by any scientific study, even the best athletes need .6/lb) we end up consuming a lot of calorie dense food. A few common sense changes to your diet along with some exercise and you'll keep the fat off for many summers.

Yes people like those thing in conjunction with water, not instead of it. No one drinks tea when they're thirsty.

>> No.6567537

>No one drinks tea when they're thirsty.
this is ridiculous, how dare you make such an assertion? who do you think you are?!

>> No.6567547

>implying a nice cold glass of iced tea isn't as refreshing as water

>> No.6567565

I actually do.

>> No.6567567

>I don't drink coffee or coffee based drinks so no milk products
you can drink coffee without milk (or sugar) you fucking american

>> No.6567568

Is this what it's like to be triggered?

>> No.6567574

>I'm about 30 lbs overweight and am contemplating putting full effort into losing this weight this summer

This is why you will never get anything done.

>> No.6567575


What do you mean by 'triggered'?

>> No.6567577

>Aren't oatz bad for you because they're calorie dense?

The nutritional education of the average american ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.6567585
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes dub 75's, it is.

>> No.6567593

/fit/ here too

"cutting" doesn't justify eating a meal this sad

get your shit together OP

>> No.6567608


Back it up there /fit/, don't make me show them what you faggots do with canned tuna.

>> No.6567616

Dude, you don't have to live like a fakir to eat /fit/.

Herbs and spice have trivial amount of calories, like under >5 Calories per tablespoon, and they make a world of difference when it comes to cooking.

>> No.6567619

I'm kinda curious what they do with it now.

>> No.6567623


What do we do with canned tuna?

I empty it in a bowl, slice up cucumber and tomato and add those. done

>> No.6567625

But just google "easy cheap meals" and make/eat those?
How old are you?

>> No.6567628


21.. ;_;

>> No.6567629


There are several lean sources of protein, though. Protein powders, fat free dairy, lean meats... also, protein is damn satying. I think anyone wanting to lose weight needs more protein for sure.

>> No.6567632

Frying up ground beef with minimal seasoning can be pretty good, it's essentially just the outside of a hamburger. Just use something with a good fat content, make sure to brown it thoroughly and season it liberally, then serve with good sides.

>> No.6567644


I warned you /fit/....


>> No.6567649

Do you occasionally internet?

>> No.6567657


here's the tuna one...


>> No.6567834
File: 1.15 MB, 688x924, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at it again. It's 11:51PM, got a bit hungry.

>> No.6567862

>all these "/fit/" retards who know nothing about nutrition
>"hurr durr I'm going to eat 20-40g of meat with every meal"

Even worse are the delusional fucks who buy into that "keto" bullshit thinking a low carb diet is healthy. Enjoy clogged arteries and dying at 50 from a heart attack because you refuse to eat dietary fiber.

>> No.6567873


I agree Keto is a dumb diet, but it's a hell of a lot healthier than being a fatass.

And claiming it will kill you at 50 is beyond silly; you don't do Keto diets forever, you use them to lose weight then like any other diet you have to change your lifestyle in general. You wouldn't stop eating fiber for the rest of your life.

>> No.6567885

mix it in mashed potatoes. I bet it would give you a no frills cottage pie type thing.

>> No.6567908

>you don't do Keto diets forever, you use them to lose weight then like any other diet you have to change your lifestyle in general.
This is precisely what is wrong with diets. Lifestyle change and an actual education about food is what is needed. Deep core changes, otherwise they keep eating like shit and get fat again.

>> No.6567913

It's so plain I want to die

>> No.6567939
File: 228 KB, 775x1037, IMG_0983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow /fit/ bro here. Meat, potatoes and rice makes up the majority of my diet. But I have weekly cheat meals to keep me sane.

Pic related, what I ate tonight

>> No.6568110

This is the most pathetic meal I've seen in my life.

>> No.6568115

This is just sad.

>> No.6568116

This. Either do something or don't, 'contemplating' will never accomplish anything.

>> No.6568122

This. Food is something you put into your body to keep it healthy. Childishly picking foods based on taste rather than health is why there's an obesity epidemic and a fuckload of people are getting diabetes.

>> No.6568126

Childishly stuffing your face with whatever you can find rather than spending a short while learning how to cook your ingredients into something.
People would rather get fast food than learn to cook a meal. This is why there's an obesity epidemic and a fuckload of people are getting diabetes.

>> No.6568128

>there are people on /ck/ right now who are this incompetent at cooking

>> No.6568129


Apex kek. Some of the worst carbs you could imagine.

>> No.6568133

Google how to cook and season a meatball, you fuck

>> No.6568134

>implying it's incompetence and not simply realizing food is fuel

>> No.6568137

Yeah, and sex is just for reproduction.

>> No.6568148

Honestly, why the fuck are you here if you see food this way?

Clearly people enjoy the taste of food.
This is why this old thing called "cooking" and "recipes" exist.

>> No.6568154

You can enjoy taste and still largely view food as a thing of utility. I don't know why people think it's mutually exclusive.

>> No.6568171

*tips fedora*

>> No.6568195
File: 109 KB, 209x193, 1430685377734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't follow!

>> No.6568205

Just think really hard for a moment.

>> No.6568226

there's been weeks of my life where I drank nothing but Dr pepper

>> No.6568240


>> No.6568348

put it in a pot
pour water in pot
put pot on stove until water boils
turn off stove and remove it from the burner
wait for it to cool off

you have broccoli

>> No.6568708

r9k poster here first time posting here
that looks yummy fuck these faggots

>> No.6568790

>Mom's outta town for a week

>> No.6568841

Steamed broccoli is absolutely disgusting. Sautee it with onions and chicken bouillon instead.

>> No.6568843

It's fine if you eat it with other stuff. Your blood sugar isn't going to spike if you eat a bunch of meat with rice/potatoes.

>> No.6568871

>Got some brocoli, didn't really know how to cook it so I left it out today. I will eat it tommorow though!
Jesus fucking christ. Don't know how to cook broccoli....damn, man. That is sad. Just....fucking google it. You can microwave it, steam it, boil it, sautee it, what the fuck ever. This isn't rocket science.
And that plain ass ground beef...I'm crying inside.

>> No.6568880
File: 1.56 MB, 1957x3618, IMG_20150603_192310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn skippy.
I live in the southern USA - iced tea all the way...especially sweet tea. When I was like 15, I went to Alaska with family. We were at a restaurant, waitress was taking drink orders. I asked for sweet tea and she looked at me like I had 2 heads.

Drinking sweet tea all day adds a shitton of calories. So artificial sweeteners in muh iced tea it is. Pic related, it makes delicious diet sweet tea.

>> No.6568893

Lean beef only looks like that if you microwave it or just stick it in a pan and do not touch it at all.

>> No.6568956

I didn't realize that the nutritional value of oats was part of academic curriculum.

Weak bantz, lad. 3/10.

>> No.6569059

Can someone explain to me how this works? I know it's a low carb diet but what exactly do you eat on it? Just meat?

>> No.6569066

this guy is litterally bait incarnate, I bet thee really did cook all this that way just so they could shit post it on /ck/

>> No.6569070

meat, fiberous vegetables, fats, low carb. it's basically the "atkins diet", the real one anyway. its not good for you, but when it comes to real diets (as in, things people eat, not plans to lose weight) its basically pick your poison. Keto is what you get in icelandic locations and other nomadic diets where meat is abundant and farmland rare.

your body is conditioned to handle certain foods though, so when people swap diets to keto they lose a lot of weight because their body is adjusting to the keto.

>> No.6569105

So after a while keto stops working, then what? If you go back to the old diet you'd probably gain weight...

>> No.6569119

After your body is glycogen depleted, your metabolism will have to rely on stored fat for fuel. Once you have reached the point where you don't have anymore fat to burn, you are expected to return to a balanced diet.
Keto is just a way to lose fat fast.
There is nothing bad in carbs, proteins and fats, what's wrong is the excess of, and our shitty modern diets relying on heavily processed foods.
You could eat a piece of meat, a "whole" starch and veggies with a big spoon of oil for each meal and not get fat.

>> No.6569120

You're dumb. Dumb dumb dumb. Stupid and dumb.

>> No.6569123

Where's your greens bro?

>> No.6569124

When you're on keto are you able to have cheat meals or is that a big no-no?

>> No.6569147

Get some canned tomatoes (the whole ones), onions, frozen veggies and make something that isn't fucking sad.

>> No.6569163

Hard water doesn't taste that great

>> No.6569277

You never took a health class at all? Because basic nutrition was taught to be about 3 times from 7th to 12th grade

>> No.6569295

Yuro here.
I think they just eat what cafeteria serves, and cafeteria serves what they have the best incentives to... Pretty sure the aim is to hook kids on shitty processed foods so they never try to see past frozen hot pockets and mountain dew.

>I'd still move to the US in a heartbeat given the chance.

>> No.6569332

This is the absolute autismal end of /fit/ and exactly the kind of reactionary stupidity they rail against with faddy eaters and fatties, just at the other end of the spectrum.
Unless you're a world class athlete you're suffereing for nothing.

>> No.6569339

Is this how poverty looks like?

>> No.6569340

No. Beef is too expensive. Ground chicken or turkey are cheaper.

>> No.6569342

Nutrition is never meaningfully taught in the US.

My health class did one good thing though, which was touching on cognitive biases and talking about how media tries to manipulate people, why it works, and how. The rest was just drugs, drugs, drugs.

>> No.6569911

>not making meatloaf, meatballs, burgers
>not stuffing them with cheese or adding herbs and spices
>not eating it with a side of oven roasted vegetables like broccoli, kale, green salads

You can eat healthy all you want but at least take the effort to learn how to make food.

>> No.6569939

God, even the impoverished know to serve meat and two veg. Listen. Next time, roast the sweet potato. There's no reason to hobble it by using the microwave. Cook the beef in cumin and oregano or something. Add an extra side of peas mixed in with some sort of vinegar.

It won't harm your objectives, and will be approximately 300% more enjoyable.

>> No.6569975
File: 677 KB, 479x622, hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh y'all niggas gon be proud of me now!

OP here and I'm back with today's dinner.

I took your brocoli advice and seasoned my meat (chicken this time).

What do you think?

>> No.6569987

learn how to brown your chicken

>> No.6570015

Do or do not, there is no try.

Eat less or do more.

If you don't have a job then try to get one you lazy fat sack of shit, be sure to look out of physical labor about 5 miles from your house, then slash your car tires so you're forced to go by bike.

>> No.6570023

This mongoloid can't even get 2 ingredients right so lets start off simple. He probably doesn't even what saute or bouillon means.

>> No.6570025

It's an improvement that's for sure.

>> No.6570028

at least this looks like a meal

>> No.6570029

Good job. I'm way less sad than I was before.

>> No.6570031

I'd be satisfied with that, but the sweet potato looks like a bit like a vagina. There's too much temptation to add a cream sauce.

>> No.6570034


what did you season your chicken with instant gravy powder?

>> No.6570073

Way better, but here's another alternative:

2 bowls, one for chicken and the other for the veggies

Mix in olive oil, salt, pepper in each bowl and toss around for minute.

Put in the oven for about 30 minutes, that way so can get some damn coloration on your food.

While it's cooking, masturbate furiously to zyzz or whoever you deranged /fitlets are deifying nowadays.

>> No.6570095

should have some rice with it

>> No.6570134


what the fuck are you doing with your life

>> No.6570150
File: 2.48 MB, 1000x562, klokov squat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While it's cooking, masturbate furiously to zyzz or whoever you deranged /fitlets are deifying nowadays.
Klokov mostly but he stopped oly lifting and got xbox hueg, Sparrow is the weird autist girl of /fit/ that some people like, I enjoy Liu and Ilya.

>> No.6570157

that doesn't seem healthy

>> No.6570161


I thought it was going to be one of those Knee blow out vidaz, now I'm sad and dissappointed.

>> No.6570170

>highbar paused squat with perfect form and control

>> No.6570183

>excessive amount of weight on shoulders, neck, and knees
>lots of pressure on brain from straining

>> No.6570196

You don't have to eat shit like plain ground beef like OP did. As long as the ingredients are healthy you can still cook as you'd like.

For example you could have made roasted sweet potato with rosemary & thyme or something, along side a beef ragu or other sauce. Or just make chilli with the beef instead - things can still be yummy, you just have to limit yourself to the appropriate ingredients.

>> No.6570197


Are you a grill or a skinny rich guy?

>> No.6570200

>slashing your own car tyres


>> No.6570204

You clearly don't lift. That's ok.

>> No.6570206


>> No.6570215
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>> No.6570228

That is infinitely less sad. I would actually eat that and not feel that something had gone wrong in my life. A drastic improvement.

As an extra tip, learn how to brown your chicken - it'll both look and taste better.

If you want to lrn2cook, Alton Brown's Good Eats is a pretty good introductory show - and actually entertaining enough to watch even if you don't intend to cook the foods involved. Think Bill Nye with an oven.

>> No.6570312

Mom is out her too, but since I have some potatos, cassava, seaweed, sauerkraut, carrots, spinach and other things I can exchange with other farms I'm ok for some weeks.

>> No.6570739

>so bored that you couldn't resist taking another anons advice about adding tomatoes

get a hobby, jack

>> No.6570755

Thank fuck. He finally ate a proper vegetable.

>> No.6571156

21 and you live at home? damn

>> No.6571167

Same. Health was 30 minutes of abstinence talk and nothing but


I'm 23 and I had to explain to someone what carbs were.