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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 95 KB, 1000x722, frozen-dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6565593 No.6565593 [Reply] [Original]

are frozen microwavables, aka tv dinners, part of the /ck/ canon?

>> No.6565610

do what

>> No.6565634

op please kill your self for your families honor

>> No.6565643

Thank you. I cannot fathom what OP is trying to say, hence my do what. Although, we should spare his life for if be he knows how to boil pasta or or or or can roll up a good bunch of cotton candy. I don't know. But telling people to kill themselves seems all so easy these days and half these people probably actually do. Sure, Earth is over populated. But a bad post on a wijji duji nockamacka website? I would rather die for a squirrel or something at least. SWERVE RIGHT SWERVE LEFT aww shit we still got em... damn..blessed be little dude

>> No.6565646

op be mad

>> No.6565651 [DELETED] 


ur post mk me smile ^.^

bless you, anon ^_^

>> No.6565657

>part of the /ck/ canon?

>> No.6565664

As much as Debbie Gibson is a part of /mu/ canon or Sex and the City a part of the /tv/ canon. Poor quality stuff that's not even recent enough to be relevant in an ironic or morbid fascination sense.

>> No.6565668

in return

>> No.6565672

Ok okay..you..the one in the know..wtf is OP talking about here? Please explain...purty please with sugar beans on top?

>> No.6565721

yes they are seeing as to how 85% of /ck/ posters don't/can't/won't cook

>> No.6565729

Do they still make TV dinners for conventional ovens?

>> No.6565817

Hungry man.

I keep a few around for when I can't be fucked to cook. They're pretty good from the oven.

>> No.6565845

A year ago I lived in a house where I could cook at my leisure, which meant I could cook enough to have leftovers the next day or two. Now I live with anal retentive asshats who monitor what I'm doing in the kitchen. Now I buy $2.50 Marie Callendar's tv dinners for lunch. They've gotten better since I was a kid.

>> No.6565863

Claim Jumpers (RIP)>Hungry Man>Marie Callender's>Swanson>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Banquet

>> No.6565868

I can still buy Claim Jumpers but they're like 1,000 calories per. That's a bit much in the middle of the day.

>> No.6565871

Most frozen dinners have "conventional oven" directions on them.

>> No.6565874

I haven't seen their TV dinners anywhere in years. Only their pies.

>> No.6565880

Two words: Wal Mart

>> No.6565901

I wouldn't be surprised if he couldn't make a souffle, jesus.

>> No.6566037

Do they still make them in trays you can put directly in the oven though or do you have to dump it in a pan?

>> No.6566083

I don't know why he used canon but I assumed it to mean something that a part of the furniture of the board for a very long time without which the board wouldn't be the same. And as such TV dinners are definitely not canon.

>> No.6567319
File: 45 KB, 500x391, chickenfriedsteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this. The chicken fried steak of Banquet

You have to spoon over the gravy

>> No.6567345
File: 75 KB, 827x755, 1412189585382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many a drunk night eating those cheap fucking things. I don't know what sort of garbage they add to that shit to make them so delicious for less than a dollar.

And mixing up dat gravy with the mashed potatoes.

>> No.6567381


Eeyup, same here. They're so shit yet they taste good...I really don't get it, MSG?

>> No.6567578
File: 12 KB, 350x263, 1418185629106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Milk Nonfat Reconstituted , Chicken Fried Steak , Beef , Salt , Sodium Tripolyphosphate , Breading , Wheat Flour , Salt , Dextrose , Spices , Soybeans Oil , Whey , Paprika Colored With Oleoresin , Battered With Water , Rice Flour , Vegetables Oil Fried In Partially Hydrogenated , Potatoes Rehydrated , Corn , Margarine , Soybeans Oil With BHT Partially Hydrogenated , Water , Emulsifiers , Mono and Diglycerides , Citric Acid , To Protect Flavor , Flavors Butter , Soybeans Oil Partially Hydrogenated , Flavors , Beta Carotene , BHT , Butter Oil , Cellulose Gum , Citric Acid , Corn Oil , Lecithin , Milk Powder , Contains 22% or less , Food Starch Modified , Milk Non Fat Dry , Sugar , Sulfiting Agents , Whey Powder , Vitamin A Palmitate , Yeast Torula Dried , Butter Fat Enzyme Modified