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File: 58 KB, 500x375, a-mexican-food-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6521085 No.6521085 [Reply] [Original]

I've never eaten real Mexican food due to living in Yurop.
I want to try and make something at home, maybe like a soup or a stew. Do you have any good recipes? Preferable with ingredients that aren't too hard to find.

>> No.6521099

make everything you'd normally make for tacos then use soft corn torillas instead of those fucking awful hard ones.
then drink lemonade with the hottest pepper you can find in it and take a laxative. the flaming shits will give you the final push toward authentic spic food.

>> No.6521240
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, 20140930_172848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but no, you've never tasted real mexican food, most recipes are shitty recipes made by the same type of people who aren't mexican. I'm in a boarder town surrounded by mexicans and the food is great, I've tried to recreate dishes using many recipes, they always come out retarded, the mexicans will never give you an actual recipe. I can make a few basic things that come out "authentic" tasting but it's because I know what I want it to taste like and it takes trial and error to get there. I would give you my recipes but there is a chance you are a britbong and I would never take the chance on helping a brit eat good food, they deserve to eat bland filth for all eternity.

if you can get jalepenos, avocados, and mexican cilantro then you could potentially get close but the spices and dry rubs are pretty hard to get right.

>> No.6521527

Depends on what you want to eat

chicken etc etc

>> No.6521859

Forget about Mexico. You have Spain, which is objectively better. Not only the cuisine, but the people, the country, and also the higher level of safety and civilized people.

>> No.6521927

Mexican food is played out. It's all about East Asian/South East Asian cuisine now

>> No.6521943

Sorry OP, but the best recipes to make tacos come from people who probably don't know how to turn a fucking computer on. Seriously, not even joking.

>> No.6522018

Why are beaners so pretentious about authenticity?

>> No.6522023


Truthfully they don't have a whole lot to brag about so they keep their food in high regard because it's one of the few things they are proud of. I mean really, put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if drug cartels ran your country and openly gunned down children in the street? Not very good probably.

>> No.6522093

its 2015 now m8. Everyone has a mobile

>Objectively better

Except that 2 of the best Spanish chefs in the world have gone out to say that Mexican cuisine is one of the best in the world. And the variety blows Spanish cuisine out of the water

>> No.6522230

It's easy. Just procure some decent tortilas and chilis and watch youtube vids by beaners instead of yanks and you're 75% there.

>> No.6522302

>thinking mexicans are the ones bringing up "authenticity" on the internet

mexicans could honestly give a shit less if whites eat their food, at least the ones actually cooking authentic mexican food, it's the gringos like myself who like to rub it in your face that most of you don't actually know what real mexican food is. So quick with the racial stereotypes and shit on here geez.

>> No.6522322

Wrong. Keep being delusional though. I know, being obsessed with fucking Mexico of all places is a cool thing to do now, but seriously, fuck you and your fucking Mexican food, seriously, just shut the fuck up about it, please.

>> No.6522328
File: 91 KB, 610x660, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well OP, what the fuck can you get? Can you get dried chile? What kind? Can you even get chile in general? Can you get corn tortillas? Can you get any non-sweet corn products at all? Corn husks? Can you get any Mexican beans?

>> No.6522336

not who you're replying to but you sound like someone who has absolutely no idea what you're talking about, did your mom cheat on your dad with a mexican and it broke your family up? have you actually had mexican food that wasnt texmex in ohio?

>fuck you and your fucking Mexican food, seriously, just shut the fuck up about it, please

>> No.6522346

Delusional? All the respectful top chefs have said nothing but great things about Mexican food. You're the one in a thread about Mexican and telling people to shut the fuck about it, kek

>> No.6522375

The shitposting is strong in this thread.

>> No.6522387

Why are you trying to push Mexican food so hard? Did the cartels force you to do it?

>Yes, praise mexico! Come to Mexico! It is safe! Don't worry, you won't get stabbed/shot/turned into a drug mule!
I am not falling for it.

>> No.6522407
File: 2.16 MB, 3264x2448, 20140921_014614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP Im this guy >>6521240, I was being a bit of a hater srry, if you are serious find out what mexican ingredients you can actually get like >>6522328 said, avocado, what kind of dried peppers/chilis, what kind of fresh peppers(jalopeno, poblano, serano), can you get tomatillos? do you have a blender and are you willing to make your own salsa? good fresh salsa can make shitty mexican food good. If youre british just keep that to yourself maybe we can help you out. and like other anon said you may be able to pull a decent recipe from youtube but it will be in spanish, so you'd need to translate that shit, ive been meaning to do it but im too lazy to be honest

>> No.6522421

wow you are one dense cunt arent you? this thread was started to discuss mexican recipes. The whole point is to learn how to cook it so you don't need go to mexico or areas with mexicans.
Nobody wants you to go to mexico, though you might move back to africa because you are one dumb nigger

>> No.6523303
File: 11 KB, 221x228, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP returning to the thread. I never realized Mexican food was such a delicate and touchy subject.

Dried chili can be found yes. Corn tortillas, yes. Corn husks, no. Unsweetened corn products, depends on what you mean I guess. Mexican beans, dunno, which beans are Mexican?

Haven't seen poblano, but serrano, habanero, jalapeño at least. I can't get tomatillos. I do have a blender and I'm perfectly willing to make my own salsa if I get a good recipe.

>> No.6523335

Spain has always been a literal shithole.
The scum of Europe (along with shitalians and slavs)

>> No.6523339

Also, buying avocados here is always a gamble, you never know if they're going to be stringy and bitter and horrible. But I can get them. I can also get fresh cilantro and other herbs.
I can't get refried beans or Mexican chocolate.

>> No.6523344

Please, never practice your English again.

>> No.6523351

Because it's already perfect and I don't need more practice? Gee thanks.

>> No.6523869

Do you like seafood? You can make a Mexican type sashimi with minimal ingredients

>> No.6523896

he wants mexican food not your dumb weab shit, get back to your japan food thread faggot

>> No.6523901

What part of Mexican sashimi did you not understand? Are you too dense to realize some dishes are similar to others from different cultures/cuisine?

>> No.6523915

sashimi is weab shit kiddo, if its a mexican hybrid dish cool but it isnt mexican food. unless youre talking about ceviche pls prove me wrong

>> No.6523929


>> No.6523947


>> No.6523952

Birria and menudo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pozole

>> No.6523958

>peruvian style ceviche
it is not sashimi, it is a new modern dish, you know damn well it is nothing like what OP had in mind, you are wrong pls get back in your weab containment thread I don't know who let you out. God pls argue about it more you retard Im bored

>> No.6523966

There is nothing to argue about. And what does peruvian style ceviche have to do with this ?

>> No.6523976

Well if you actually watched that video then maybe you'd know that is what the dish was.

>> No.6523987

Its definitely not peruvian style ceviche. kek

>> No.6523988
File: 112 KB, 740x493, Red Pozole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just preferences.

I have never tasted something more delicious than this thing, with tostadas, and a lot of "lechuga" and cebolla morada, with some chile serrano at the side... is just too much for me.

>> No.6523990

well that was a great source you posted then, you are really good at this, let me guess, rick bayless was wrong that's actually mexican sashimi and you were right all along. Ill take your word for it, you aren't actually some retarded manchild weab and your contributions to this thread weren't completely retarded worthless weab shit, congrats you won the internet...

>> No.6523999



This is Mexican sashimi m8. What rick ate in the video. I hope you understand spanish. Heck I don't even like Japanese food, I think its one of the worst cuisines in asia.

>> No.6524005

Its the hominy that gets me. Not a big fan of it. Personally, I prefer menudo over it because one of the best things you can do with tripe is put it in a stew.

>cebolla morada

hmm where are you from?

>> No.6524013

Jalisco, but my mom and dad are from the north (Sonora and Sinaloa)

>tfw your last name is Loera and everyone thinks you are a narco and in reality you are just a little shit addicted to videogames and porn.

>> No.6524015

well I don't understand spanish, so thanks for the pointless source once again, I did notice the word sashimi isn't in that article which means it's not actually sashimi, it's something else, or are you trying to say because it resembles sashimi that it's "mexican sashimi"? Do you refer to a gyro as a greek taco too? Is ramen actually called japanese spaghetti? You're ignorant as fuck bro.

>> No.6524024

I'm actually a mexican and I speak spanish, anon is right it is not sashimi, please stop.

>> No.6524033

Ha cry some more you faggot spaniard

>> No.6524038

write that in spanish then.

Many people refer crudo to italian sashimi and gimbap to korean sushi (vice versa). The fact that it is eaten raw and not cured like ceviche gives it a resemblance to sashimi and many people use that as a reference to other people that want to try it for the first time.

Makes more sense than clayuda being a mexican pizza

>> No.6524045
File: 644 KB, 1024x682, Aguachile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aguachile is definitely not Mexican sashimi,
is raw shrimps with a lot of chile, salt, pepper and lemon with purple onion, cucumber and cilantro, while sashimi is just raw fish with soy sauce at the side...

>Le freshness of the meat is the key!!

In retrospect most of the Japanese food is just plain and boring

>> No.6524056

so what you're saying is you're wrong, thanks for agreeing. A quick google returns some results that I'm surprised you didn't post, "lol we caught a fish in mexico and we couldn't find wasabi so we used guacamole, it now mexican sashimi wala!"

>> No.6524060

Speaking of that, isn't aguachile made with clamato? I'm sure I ate a red aguachile once that had a taste of Worcestershire sauce and clam juice

>> No.6524069

Do you want authentic Mexican or authentic Tex Mex? Because there's a big difference.

I think that tacos and burritos are the easiest things to make in either cuisine. Just tortilla, meat, onions, and cilantro. Maybe some hot sauce or salsa. Super simple and delicious. Tex Mex tacos are often ground beef, but you can use carnitas, chorizo (not Spanish chorizo which is more like salami and less like a sausage), grilled chicken, pulled pork, pretty much anything.

>> No.6524078

The thing they have in common is the raw aspect of the dish. The difference between sashimi is that there is a marinade in the dish, and it is not meant as curing process (unlike ceviche).

So sashimi is the first thing that comes to mind when you want to describe this dish

>> No.6524082

>So sashimi is the first thing that comes to mind when you want to describe this dish
that's real neato, maybe the actual name of the dish should come to your mind if you dont want to sound like an ignorant weab, I wasn't really trying to argue that youre thinking of ceviche, just that it is not sashimi

>> No.6524085
File: 66 KB, 640x423, porktinga-e1352216052210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're going by that route then tinga is the perfect dish. Not sure how hard it is to find chipotle in adobo in the UK though


>> No.6524090

Yeah, there are two kind of aguachiles, red and green, the original one that originated in Sinaloa is the green, there is not much difference anyway, green is usually just more spicy because of the lack of Clamato, Worchester and Maggi sauce.

>> No.6524092
File: 2.18 MB, 3264x2448, 20141107_172038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks good as hell, also OP, you could look into ordering some authentic mole paste off the web and make something pretty authentic on the easy

>> No.6524094

My local Achmed shop in Norway stocks canned chipotle en adobo as well as powdered chipotle, smoked paprika, all sorts of goodies to use in Mexican.

>> No.6524096


narco cunt detected

>> No.6524098

Actual Mexican. While I like Tex Mex fine, I've never had any actual Mexican food.
I don't mind a more advanced recipe, as long as I can get all the ingredients.

>> No.6524101

Tinga is so simple yet so delicious, you need to do this one OP, if its possible with some tostadas, or you can just toast some corn tortillas, hell, even in some salty bread, try to cut and curate some purple onions (if you cant find purple get white) in vinegar, lemon, salt, and black pepper for extra deliciousness.

>> No.6524107

Many mexican recipes call for Herbs that is hard to find outside the Mexico and US, but some just require cupboard ingredients and dried peppers.

Can you get ancho or guajillo or even fresh like poblanos?

>> No.6524114

Not the guy you replied, but whenever I make tinga I like to add something like pineapple or dried fruits to give it a different layer of flavor

>inb4 faggot

>> No.6524115

Yeah, im a Narco that have the time to waste in some Chinese cartoon based imageboard, plus, discussing food in a polite manner.

>mfw im about to decapitate a chicken for my dinner meal

>> No.6524116

I'll check it out.
I've seen ancho in stores. Haven't seen any guajillo or poblanno, but I haven't been actively looking.

>> No.6524128

Better break out the chainsaw and put it on youtube.

>> No.6524130

>discussing food in a polite manner.


>Hello, nice to meet you. How are you? I’m Joaquin Guzman Loera. A pleasure. At your service,” he crooned as he shook their hands and smiled.

Chapo pls.

>> No.6524139


I am Spanish but Mexican cuisine is still better. Spanish is good but not as exciting as Mexican, way less variety also.

I'd imagine the people are pretty similar. Spanish people are OK. Spain is probably more civilised than Mexico since they don't have all the drug cartels cutting of people's legs, etc/

>> No.6524144

Only use real corn tortillas made from maize nixtamalizado

>> No.6524150
File: 53 KB, 600x400, asado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My suggestion is to get those ancho chiles. Once you have them you can pretty much start your way onto making multiple dishes with anchos. Moles are probably Mexico's most important dishes, but they are a bit complex.

Here's a dish similar to mole but less time consuming. It has your typical sweet, savory and spicy Mexican flavors without the hassle.


If not, I second the tinga dish.

>> No.6524165

Looks good, but I can't get Mexican chocolate here. Would dark chocolate work?

>> No.6524172

>meme countries
don't. its all shite and you'll probably find drugs in your fod

>> No.6524181


Great read. Thanks for that anon.

>> No.6524185

> meme posting on a Bhutanese CD player repair forum

>> No.6524192

are /b/abys bored of his board again?

>> No.6524198

tablets of dark chocolate with some cinnamon would do.

>> No.6524205

>Bhutanese CD player repair forum
That wasn't even clever.

>> No.6524667

You are SEEEEERIOUSLY overestimating the intelligence of the average mexican Taquero.

>> No.6524796
File: 49 KB, 550x504, iglesia-pentecostal-hombres-cocinen-gays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6525193

r u a grill, op

>> No.6525227

You can't even refute what he said

>> No.6525298

I've been noticing /b/tards all over the place. So, being curious, I took a look at /b/. Its collapsing in on itself, and its not going to be able to hold them much longer

>> No.6525573


T His website is bae for mexican food.

>> No.6525814

mexconnect.com is a much much better source for mexican food, probably the best for any english mexican recipe based wesbite

>> No.6526705

I didn't feel like reading all of the posts and I'm not sure if OP is a faggot and just ignored the thread he started but for anybody else that cares, there's a few basic things you can do to make "authentic" Mexican food.

Make your own refried beans. It takes time but it's worth it. Pinto beans (if you don't know what they are, look it up), onion, garlic salt. Cook until tender. Caramalize onions. Fry cooked beans in onions. Add salt if needed. Done.

Use fresh cilantro not dried.

Use corn tortillas. You CAN substitute flour if you have no other choice but corn is better.

Learn to make various types of Mexican rice. You have the typical rice: Rice, tomato sauce, cummin, chicken stock,. Then you have the corn rice, which is just white rice with salt and corn. And sometimes you have rice with tomatoes, bell peppers, and onions.

Pico de gallo gets put on almost everything and it's very easy to make. Diced tomato, onion, cilantro, and lime juice.

If you want it hot just add pickled jalapeños or your choice of hot peppers.

Drink cheap, shitty beer with every meal.

>> No.6526764

You probably don't have the necessary ingredients

>soup or a stew

If you're going for authentic then it's basically going to be boiled tripe, quit fucking around.

>> No.6527434

I just discovered an entire neighborhood near me has a ton of mexican food.
There's one with a seafood theme with mexican spices (Fish tacos and shrimp tacos)
I can get a burrito twice the size of Chipotle's for $5.99. I love it. I'm hungry thinking about it.

>> No.6527508


>> No.6527592
File: 185 KB, 500x324, congratulations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well crafted post. couldnt've wrote it better my self

>> No.6527643


I'll give you that

>> No.6529615

ceviche from Peru not mejico.

>> No.6529617

yes is not peruvian style ceviche , but peruvian style tiradito mister mexican

>> No.6529635

>I can't follow recipes therefore no one can

>jalepenos, avocados, and mexican cilantro
Yeah, what a rare commodity those ingredients are. I'd never even heard of them until just now, let alone seen any in the supermarket.

>> No.6530311


ceviche is from mehico you dumb fuck

>> No.6530489

Lol are you dense? Did you read the OP? For one I follow recipes just fine, most of them are made by white people who don't even know what real mexican food tastes like, for example make a thread here asking how to make proper guac and most of these chuckle fucks will tell you to put garlic or cumin or mayo in it.

Yes those 3 ingredients sound very ordinary to me and others, but what are regional foods dip shit? Some people can't get avocados or certain chilis, if you read the thread, OP says his he can barely get a decent avocado and can't get refried beans so why don't you fuck right on off.

>> No.6530517
File: 69 KB, 520x678, 1425409963020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so what kind of food do they have in spain
>tapas, bro. try tapas....tapas is good bro.....yeah tapas

>> No.6530754

What's the green stuff in that picture?

>> No.6530819


poor mans aguachile

>> No.6530827


Yeah like only 5 recipes

You can get like 100 seafood recipes and 50 chicken and beef stew recipes on stew alone

quit fucking around

>> No.6530849


>> No.6530873

Both the big named supermarkets do a chipotle adobo style paste, which is probably the closest you're likely to get outside of a city with ethnic stores

>> No.6531062

Here are some recipes using chipotles in adobo for you poor faggots who live in europe





And if you guys want to take the easy route, just to make some ensenada beer battered fish tacos.

>> No.6531469

Spanish food is literal shit when compared to Mexican food