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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6517261 No.6517261[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Americans consider something called "grilled cheese" to be a kind of delicacy

You Americans can't be serious

Can you?

>> No.6517269


>> No.6517271

no, it was all a plot to distract you from your own problems so you become poor and hungry and have to eventually come to america

>you can't stop it

>> No.6517276

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

I'd say foie gras is probably the closest thing we have to a delicacy. I can't think of anything else at the moment.

>> No.6517283

Not this shit again.

>> No.6517285


Delicacy? Lol. More like cheap and easy snack.

>> No.6517301

Oh, come on. I've had strikingly similar sandwiches in both Italy and Sweden. What sets the American version apart is that it can be made quickly by a mother or short order cook from very cheap ingredients (enriched white bread and processed cheese food product), but with the slightest bit of care it still comes out delicious. As a result it's something busy people feed fussy kids. Many Americans are nostalgic for it because it's a taste from their childhood.

No one considers it a delicacy, but it holds a special place in many people's hearts. Fucking it up annoys many people, the late food writer Josh Ozersky formerly among them.

>> No.6517308

Oh wow another stop liking what I don't like thread.

>> No.6517324

They don't think it's a delicacy. They think it's a comfort food. Comfort foods are generally those that are either quickly and easily prepared and/or so ubiquitous and commonplace enough that a near unanimous number of people of the culture from which they hail have eaten them several dozens of times before they've aged into the double digits. Like tteok and kimchi for Koreans, pasta with garlic and olive oil with a little grated cheese for Italians, spätzle with lentils and würstchen for Swabians and dirt cookies and unsuspecting travelers for Haitians.

There are all comfort foods for each of their corresponding cultures.

>> No.6517328

Delicacy =/= Comfort Food

>> No.6517330
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>all the people taking the bait ITT

Report thread for trolling and move on

>> No.6517332

Whoa, whoa, that's a lot of words to say "lol americans fat"

>> No.6517340
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Yeah, stupid Americlaps.

Give me a toast sandwich or some fairy bread any day

>> No.6517353
File: 222 KB, 800x198, frozen-grilled-cheese-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The number of styles of grilled cheese does raise it to the level of gourmet delicacy.

>> No.6517356

Learn to enjoy simple things.

>> No.6517368


No-one actually eats those, they're a joke that retarded Americans fell for like "Eel pie" or "fish head pie".

You guys will believe anything. I've never met a Brit that has eaten any of those things and most react with laughter when they hear it.

All the Americans I've met on the other hand, rant and rave about grilled cheese.

>> No.6517373

>lol grilled cheese
>lol toast sandwich

>> No.6517375

We've only had a couple hundred years to evolve from >>6514488, and we've had to spend most of it fighting for the freedoms of women, people of color, and Europoors.

In due time, we will no doubt have a cuisine as sophisticated as any.

>> No.6517383

>I've never spoken to an American but I'm this mad anyway

>> No.6517389

Now, now. Don't be rude. Amerifriends might be a little larger on average than we are, but that's no reason to be unpleasant to them.

>> No.6517399


You can be unpleasant to the fat ones.

>> No.6517416

Nice try to foster disharmony, AmericAnon. But I know you're not a Brit since you don't even know the name of "fish head pie." Furthermore, you seem to think that only the head is used. The whole fish is baked into the pie, but with the heads sticking out because it looks boss, son.

You remove the heads before eating, but thereafter, the whole fish is generally edible (pilchard bones turn super, super soft when prepared this way). It's surprisingly not shit, despite British cuisine's other offerings.

I had it once. I liked it. I'd make it myself, but where I live currently, I can't find sardines large enough (pilchards are just big sardines) to make it with the heads sticking out and all.
I've made a fish pie with mackerel fillets, though. That was pretty good.

>> No.6517419

I agree.
Us thin, pretty people can get away with being twats and cunts, but if you're fat, you need to be super nice. They're entirely too unattractive to be cunty.

>> No.6517421

what's with all the american bashing recently ?

>> No.6517437

Believe it or not, most of these threads and posts are made by very, very bored Americans. See >>6517368. This person is obviously an American.

>> No.6517458

All the NEET Europoors are waking up just in time for tendies after going to bed at 6am.

Americans are at work.

>> No.6517461


It isn't recent, it's basically the most common shitposting on this board.

But post a thread blatantly mocking other places? You will be banned. The mods on this board are European, I got banned for making a thread about British people drinking warm beer not long ago and asking if somebody was Jewish because they don't tip before that.

>> No.6517462

I've never heard it called a delicacy. It's an average elementary school tier lunch. Even an 8 year old couldn't fuck up making one.

>> No.6517466

Anon, why can't anyone tell me what's wrong with antisemitism?

Not even /pol/ will explain.

>> No.6517474

A delicacy? It's like food for kids/broke ass niggas

>> No.6517479

Because "muh holocaust". They're going to milk that for hundreds of years, much like the whole slavery thing.
Although, considering Zionism, I don't see why we have to accept that.

>> No.6517484

I've seen bait threads get deleted, but never any of the American ones, and somehow fast food/Joey threads stay up even though they're blatant marketing. Do you realize why this is yet? It's because mods are sitewide,and don't actually browse the boards they're deleting shit from. 4chan also doesn't really have that many mods, which is a pretty huge problem when your site gets this big and what constitutes shitposting on one board gets a free pass on a different board.

I'm pretty sure hating Jews is a pretty consistent thing across all boards, except the Tumblrfied ones, like /b/ and /co/, though.

>> No.6517497

err, we are ahead of you time zone wise. It would be the evening not the morning.
Just saying.........

>> No.6517507

I have nothing against Jews.

>> No.6517512

Why not?

>> No.6517515


Anon, I don't believe that. For one (prepare to hate me) I make fast food threads all the time as well as Review Brah threads...and I am not a fast food exec nor Review Brah, I just am a guy who likes those things and by the rules they are allowed.

However, trolling and shitposting is NOT allowed outside of /b/, and you said it yourself, mods here WILL delete threads/issue bans for people breaking these rules but they allow anti American threads. It's a case of bias.

>> No.6517520

I don't either, not really. The whole "G-d's chosen people" and "muh 6 trillion" can get annoying, but I've never actually met someone who is Jewish before. Except this one kid in my English class in 10th grade. Typical nerdy kid, his last name was even Elvenstar. He wasn't really that outspoken about it, though.

Eh, having fast food threads kind of defeats the purpose of having a cooking board. Maybe if you were posting some fast food imitation recipes that actually taste better than said fast food, it'd be somewhat acceptable, but coming here and seeing ten million threads about In-N-Out or whatever just makes me not want to keep coming here.

>> No.6517552

You can't be this stupid to believe that. Then again, none of you thought of supplementing your diet during the potato famine so....

>> No.6517553


>Eh, having fast food threads kind of defeats the purpose of having a cooking board. Maybe if you were posting some fast food imitation recipes that actually taste better than said fast food, it'd be somewhat acceptable, but coming here and seeing ten million threads about In-N-Out or whatever just makes me not want to keep coming here.

The board is food AND cooking, not one or the other...it's perfectly acceptable to make a thread discussing a new recipe then make a thread about your favorite flavor of potato chips right after it. Complaining about one or the other is like going on /co/ knowing it's comics and cartoons and saying you're sick of Adventure Time threads because you want more people to discuss your favorite issue of Superman.

But the point is, those things don't break board rules, even if you are not fond of them, they are allowed, meanwhile mods/janitors prove that they are very strict and administer bans/deletions to posters/threads that break the rules here very promptly the only exception is anti American threads which they will let fill the board and not do anything about

>> No.6517557

the same cheese with three different food colourings mmm

>> No.6517562

I know for fact that the /ck/ janitor is an American.

>> No.6517566

>they allow anti American threads. It's a case of bias.
I'm American, and I disagree with this. As an early adopter of industrialized food production America has an unparalleled bounty when it comes to food, but also a general deficiency when it comes to quality. OP pic is a perfect example.

Every American on this board knows what that sandwich tastes like. But there are some who never would make it for themselves because they've decided they no longer want to buy products like Wonder Bread and American cheese. The same way most Americans know what pic related tastes like, but never make it because they don't buy frozen vegetables and condensed canned cream of mushroom soup.

Plenty of Americans are turning their backs on the kind of food that grew up here in the 50-some years between the Great Depression and the introduction of HFCS because they see that food (rightly) as degraded trash. The chicken nugget is a perfect example, too.

This is not America bashing. It's bashing a very recent kind of corporate invented American food that many consider well worth bashing. The kind of food they serve at Blue Hill is equally American, and (as I see it) a much better foot to put forward than food based upon the mistakes of the last few generations.

>> No.6517573


Then why does he not remove troll threads when the US is the subject, but ban people who say anything about other places at the drop of a dime, trolling and shitposting are blatantly against the rules

>> No.6517580

I agree, I'm English and love America (to the point were we should tell Europe to fuck off) but I detest corporate America.

>> No.6517581
File: 55 KB, 800x450, greenbeancasse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6517587

>I detest corporate America.
Corporate America gave us really cheap food, but the downside is that really cheap food doesn't taste that great. But the stuff is so overwhelmingly the norm that avoiding it in America is pretty fucking expensive. It can be done, but it'll cost ya.

>> No.6517590

>This is not America bashing. It's bashing a very recent kind of corporate invented American food that many consider well worth bashing.

Only it is....I don't know if you read OP post but it's pretty obviously a troll attempt. It didn't say "I'm not fond of grilled cheese"

>> No.6517593
File: 107 KB, 720x563, 10422185_849330881807810_2348074895688576579_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fine american cuisine

>> No.6517594

I can't answer that, I do know he lives in a different time zone from USA and Europe so he may not see a lot of these threads.
No, I don't know his name.

>> No.6517595

Eh, I'd eat it.

>> No.6517596

>Then why does he not remove troll threads when the US is the subject
because he's not a whiny bitch like you getting offended for stupid useless shit on a internet board

and don't give me this "anti american only" crap, i made plenty of yuropean food trolling threads myself and they always stayed around. it's just a matter of disguising it well or picking some time where the janitor is away (despite doing it >for free they're not on 24/7 you know)

>> No.6517617

If he's a teacher in North Carolina, that'd be pretty weird. How many Jewish Elvenstars can there be?

>> No.6517618


the obsession is embarrassing

>> No.6517620

>it's pretty obviously a troll attempt.
Granted, but the sentiment is legit. If you didn't grow up with American cheese and Wonder bread that sandwich will seem like a joke to you. The fact that it is kind of iconic in America is pretty fucking sad. Plenty of "normal" American foods popularized by corporate interests between the Great Depression and the 1980's are truly terrible things, and the only reason most of us don't realize this is because we grew up eating them.

>> No.6517625

the only delicacy in america is food that only the upper upper class can afford

a grilled cheese is not a fucking delicacy

>> No.6517626

Yeah, he is from NC.