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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6466055 No.6466055 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Mexican food so delicious?

>> No.6466069
File: 25 KB, 228x239, 1430292795039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you like Mexican food.

>> No.6466074


>> No.6466076

Honestly, how many cuisines can you say aren't delicious in at least one or a few ways?

People like to eat. Color me surprised.

>> No.6466085
File: 3.15 MB, 3008x2000, 3517031425_24a8ae47db_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is at least one thread about how disgusting a certain cuisine is

>> No.6466099
File: 15 KB, 331x224, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Chen thread.

>> No.6466130
File: 34 KB, 630x320, Recetasmx.com_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting anime in a vietnamese boy group board

get out

>> No.6466133

go home tibetan finger painter

>> No.6466137
File: 295 KB, 700x704, 1410659840670.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mongolian tapestry weaver detected
Go back to your own board.

>> No.6466168


including mexican food

>> No.6466175

Because it's based on a Southern European cuisine

>> No.6466196
File: 41 KB, 627x363, tehuacan-puebla-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Mexican isn't the best thing to happen in the americas since 9/11

>> No.6466571
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>> No.6466579
File: 407 KB, 920x370, slider_tacos_fiery_2013[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep I sure do love mexican food!

>> No.6466580

why are latinas so fucking fine?

>> No.6466599
File: 55 KB, 500x375, taco-bell-fritos-taco-500x375c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good man

>> No.6466971
File: 133 KB, 960x960, 3e3r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so fucking fine?

>> No.6466974

Their asses

>> No.6466980

Until they reach 20 or have a kid. That latter usually happens at age 13

>> No.6467052
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>> No.6467114

Hearty ingredients/portions, uses actual spices and not just salt and pepper, ingredients compliment each other nicely without putting too much emphasis on a single ingredient.

>> No.6467373
File: 467 KB, 800x531, 6a00e008d618bb88340133f490f75a970b-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we had good Mexican in Vegas. Only thing we have is decent taquerias

>> No.6467408

>Why is Mexican food so delicious?


>> No.6467413

what's the mexican take on sushi?

>> No.6467439

Speaking of Mexican, what's good at Rosa's Cafe/ Tortilla Factory?

I'm going with family tomorrow

>> No.6467449
File: 39 KB, 799x448, buf404_065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your all retarded.
None of this is Mexican food.
Mexican food is beans, rice, and cactus.

You dumb Americans who think this is "Mexican Cuisine" are about as retarded as Rick Bayless who thinks the latest wave of bandejos selling him bs so that he can pretend to be doing Mexican food is so fucking funny to us.

Go celebrate "Cinco de Mayo"--something else you Americans think is a Mexican thing. It isn't. We don't do that either--it's something you all do though and think it's Mexican.

Clue: we don't have burritos, enchiladas, chimichangas, or any of the crap you Americans have been duped into thinking is Mexican.

FYI, cilantro is from India and wasn't used in Mexico until about 20 years ago.

We can't even grow corn here and have to import it, yet you think that's Mexican too! LOL

>> No.6467467


i had to check the corn thing before i realised how much you were bullshitting.

>> No.6467475


>we can't grow corn here
>Aztecs had multiple gods of maize

im so baited right now holy shit

>> No.6467487

It's true. Mexico has to import a shit ton of corn.

>> No.6467497

Yeah, you're dead wrong.
The Mexican is right. Corn is not a Mexican thing.
"Maize" was Arawakan, Taíno to be more exact. "Maize" is not "corn". "Maize" is "Indian corn". Most current data strongly suggests that "corn" as we know it originally came from the American southwest and was very, very different than we know it today. It was a skinny little nothing of a plant not even a have a millenium ago.

"Corn" as you probably know it is an American "invention" of sorts from breeding a variety of plants. Mexicans never had "corn". Also, if you think Aztecs have anything to do with Mexicans, you are equally as ignorant about modern history as you are of plant biology.

>> No.6467499


for like livestock and shit they can feed themselves

they only import because US makes it cheap anyway

>> No.6467507


Corn is still the most important crop in Mexico, grown on almost sixty percent of its cropland and contributing to just over nine percent of human calorie intake and fourteen percent of protein intake.[3] Central Mexico grows about sixty percent of the country’s corn, almost exclusively in the rainy season from June to October. While self-sufficient in the production for human consumption, half of Mexico’s grain imports are for feed corn for animals.[3]

>> No.6467516
File: 92 KB, 2063x1128, World Corn Production_Page_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<----I'll just leave this little fact here for you.
FYI, corn grows very poorly in Mexico for a variety of reasons. If it grew halfway decent, given that it is one of the very best cash crops, don't you think Mexico would be growing it?

Back to the point: most of what Americans do perceive as "Mexican" food is just made up nonsense by elitist foodies that need such jibber jabber to feel important.

The Mexican is right, like it or not, and we are all brainwashed about what Mexican food is and isn't.

>> No.6467520

>US makes it cheap anyway
Dumbest thing I've ever heard on 4chan.
Every uneducated, dumb farmer in the U.S. just laughed at how dumb you sound to them.

>> No.6467521

aguachile is mexican sashimi. there's this thing that sinaloans made, which is their style of sushi. basicallly rolls and shit

>> No.6467522


>comparing mexico's corn production to that of the rest of the world in order to make a point about how much corn mexico produces for itself

nigger you are stupid. you are dumb. they still grow and eat a shitload of corn.

>> No.6467528


it's true, production is more efficient in the US and corn is at a massive surplus so mexicans can buy it cheaper than they could produce it for

>> No.6467529

>cilantro isn't from Mexico

Guess what, neither is Rice you dumbshit

>> No.6467532

That's simply not true.

Have you ever even been to Mexico or are you just talking out of your ass after you google some tidbit and spout off here as though you are an authority?

>> No.6467536

Not everyone here is from US or outside of Mexico. Infact, all of the pics are from Mexico except for one or two

>> No.6467542


i obviously just quoted the wikipedia, which has empirical data on the subject. my own and your experiences are irrelevant in comparison.

>> No.6467547


>We can't even grow corn here and have to import it, yet you think that's Mexican too! LOL


fake mexican detected

>> No.6467553
File: 31 KB, 682x600, laughing-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get your point.
He gave facts and posted a pie chart backing it up in response to your misinformation.
You come back with "nigger you are stupid" and then claim they still grow and eat a shitload of corn.

The facts point to a very different conclusion.

He actually sounds smart and you certainly don't so it's ironic you call him dumb. Looks like even China produces about 7 times as much corn as Mexico and even Brazil outranks Mexico yet you somehow claim "shitload" for Mexico.

You probably should have given up after the first several times you were proven wrong but to continue after that and keep going takes a real special type of ignoramus.

>> No.6467559

>quotes wikipedia
>thinks it's authoritative
>hasn't read wikipedia's disclaimers
>doesn't know anyone can post info on wikipedia

apparently you dont realize wikipedia is prolly the least reliable source for anything

sure, if you're a 12 year old doing a report maybe, but then it begs the question if you are that young or that naive what are you doing here?

>> No.6467560


he posted a pie chart which actually disproves his point, he's just too dumb to understand that it actually shows that mexico is in the top 10 of corn producing nations worldwide. it also says nothing about per capita consumption. directly above his post i posted an excerpt from a cited article stating that mexico grows corn on almost sixty percent of its cropland.

>> No.6467562

wtf is an ignoramus???

>> No.6467563


>the 'wikipedia is unreliable' defence

nothing less intelligent

>> No.6467585

>wikipedia cant be right! and neither can any of its sources!

can you post your sources?

>> No.6467591
File: 64 KB, 720x960, rajas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you faggots stop derailing the thread and post some food?

>> No.6467598


>I think maize and corn are different
>I don't realize that modern corn is just maize with further selective farming
>I'm too dense to correlate the utilization of maize by the Aztecs and the utilization of corn by Mexicans because I don't know that several aspects of Aztec cuisine still persist in Mexican cooking
>I'm a retard and don't know my ass from my elbow about jackshit

Thanks for the info, bro. Door's on your left. To summarize: modern corn is essentially a derivative of maize, the difference between modern corn and Mesoamerican maize prior to the Spanish conquest is negligible. Aztecs used maize, and most of the ingredients and preparation methods utilized by Aztecs are still used by Mexicans today.

If you think otherwise, you're probably an invalid.

Literally who is Centeotl

>> No.6467612

Coupla facts:

The U.S. produced 351,272,000 metric tons of corn in 2014.
Mexico produced 22,880,00 (a factor of 15x less), and trailed in production behind such obscure countries as Ukraine and India in that production despite many such countries consuming little to no corn at all.

Mexico exported no (zero) metric tons of corn in 2014 (and never has exported corn for more than 20 years since such statistics have been kept).

Of the leading buyers of U.S. corn in 2014, Mexico ranked #57, behind such behemoths as Sri Lanka.

In fact, Mexico's GDP ranked #78 and they exported little with a GDP per capita that is 1/7th that of the U.S.

In fact, Mexico has a population of 116 million vs. the U.S. at 317 million (around 1/3 that of the U.S.). In fact, Mexico has about 1/4th the area of the U.S. with an area of 761,600 square miles, whereas the U.S. has an area of 3,118,884 square miles (Alaska not counted because, you know, Alaska). Despite the U.S. being only 3 times bigger in population and only 4 times bigger in area, it produced 15 times the amount of corn Mexico produces.

Facts: dumbasses hate them.

>> No.6467617


yes, mexico is a poor nation with much of its population subsisting on inefficient agriculture. this doesn't change the fact that corn is its most produced and consumed crop.

>> No.6467621

backtracking and goalpost shifting when your lies get blown out: dumbasses love them

>> No.6467633

Mexican food was in America before 9/11

>> No.6467637

No it wasn't.

>> No.6467642

umm, no
you are the dumb one, clearly
i agree with the other guy and you keep changing your point to conform to the facts each and every time he posts facts

this is ck, not b

he's right about that too
i don't have time to show you
go do your own research
you can't even quote wikipedia in high school as its known not to be accurate and specifically says so right on the site
anyone can post on wikipedia
no point arguing with you if you dont even know this

>> No.6467651

maize is not corn
maize is not a derivative of corn
they are two completely different plants

aztecs did use maize
but very little of it
and maize is not corn anyway

you win dummy of the year award

what's hysterical is you keep posting and calling others dumb when everyone here can see who the dumb one is

>> No.6467656


if it had a 'citation needed' you might have a point, but this is cited information, on what will be one of the more scrutinised wikipedia pages..

i haven't changed my point once. mexicans eat and grow lots of corn. if the argument had been about whether or not they were a net exporter of corn, this would be a different conversation. the idea that just because they import corn means it's not mexican is laughable.

>> No.6467658

argument changed again
now it's about poverty

pretty sure his point was beans, rice and cactus and that mexican food is not what you think it is and you are brainwashed

idiot mentions aztec gods
goes off on 50 tangents always changing his point to conform to facts presented to him
thinks anons don't realize he is an idiot
literally, only the idiot (you) doesn't realize your an idiot

change your argument a few more times
tell us how it was always the same in your head all along
ignore how many times you've been proven wrong

>> No.6467670

>i haven't changed my point once
wrong again
>mexicans eat and grow lots of corn
wrong again
the facts have been presented very clearly and they neither grow nor eat lots of corn
they are in fact producing 1/15 of the corn of the U.S.
they are in fact importing at #57 (behind Sri Lanka)
if they don't produce much and have a population about 1/3 of the U.S. and 1/4 geographic area, then how can you say they "grow" lots of corn (changed, from "shitloads", though you haven't changed once, right?)
if they don't grow much and don't import much, how can they eat "lots" (down from the changed "shitloads" which will later in this thread become "some" and then "little" and then you'll tell us you haven't changed anything again)?

hello in there?
anybody home, or ya just dumb?

i give up, i'm obviously talking to an idiot

>> No.6467671


>pretty sure his point was beans, rice and cactus and that mexican food is not what you think it is and you are brainwashed

the point i was arguing about was about corn. he said

>We can't even grow corn here and have to import it, yet you think that's Mexican too! LOL

and then BOTH SIDES OF THE ARGUMENT posted statistics stating that mexico can indeed grown corn, and that in fact it constitutes the majority of their arable output. the people who i was arguing with literally proved my point severally while trying to use those facts for the opposite purpose.

every single fact posted in this post here:


was either irrelevant or actually served to prove my one, simple and clear point - that mexico grow corn that they eat.

so there you are. i don't see how you could possibly want to take this any further.

>> No.6467679

oh, and by the way, I was an admin at wikipedia for almost 2 years
you obviously don't even understand that wikipedia is just a collection of what people post and is often wrong
there is literally NO authority at wikipedia
NOT ONE single person who fact checks nor even one expert

there's disclaimers to this effect right on wikipedia prominently displayed

only a neophyte to the internet would ever quote wikipedia as authority for anything


>> No.6467686

>Clue: we don't have burritos, enchiladas, chimichangas, or any of the crap you Americans have been duped into thinking is Mexican.

So, I guess all the Mexicans born in Mexico that I work with eat a homemade burrito for lunch every day because they are actually not Mexican?

I mean, like, really dude, you're just ruining a nice thread about delicious food.

>> No.6467688


the fact that they produce less corn than the US is, obviously, consistent with the fact that they are a smaller country than the US. they're not a net exporter, which means the corn they grow stays in mexico, and we can fairly assume that a substantial quantity of it is eaten, seeing as it makes up 9% of the calorie consumption of the average mexican. america IS a net exporter, which explains the fact that they produce more than mexico by a larger factor than the difference in population would suggest.


oh you're proving very effectively that not everyone on wikipedia is smart: however, i know how it works and i know how to use it for information in a pinch - i check that the information is cited and then i follow the jump to the citation if necessary.

>> No.6467690

>the point i was arguing about
Give up, kid. You've been thoroughly destroyed in every way intellectually and by the facts.
You don't get to keep changing your point. If you were responding to what he said, you have to address that point. That's argument and logic 101.

Even then, he's also right about the fact that you have changed your point repeatedly.

That you think anything here >>6467612 actually proves your many ever-changing points is just more evidence that you are insane or simply too dumb to be posting on the internet.

If you are not an 11 year old, you definitely have the mental aptitude of no greater than that.

>> No.6467691

Burrito's in US are different from Burritos in Mexico. Much smaller, no rice and just a stew of meat and sometimes refried beans

>> No.6467695


>give up
>you're dumb
>everyone can see you're dumb
>you should stop
>'argument and logic 101'

buddy, you're not making yourself look good here.

>> No.6467697

Actually, burritos aren't Mexican at all. You will never find a burrito in Mexico. It is a tex-mex creation.

Source: me. I'm tex-mex but have been all over Mexico visiting relatives. I've never seen a burrito in Mexico outside of DF where they only recently started being made and only because they are in import from the U.S.

>> No.6467702

Sure, and when we have a pitch-in at work they'll bring in some of those. Silvino also once made tamales (meat steamed in a CORN HUSK) that were the best thing I had ever had, and Martha brought in esquites, a type of CORN SALAD that is just frickin' phenomenal.


>> No.6467703

Yes, that's why they are not burritos. Burritos means donkey's dick you dumb gringo. Stop stepping all over your tongue pretending to other gringos that you know anything about Mexico.

We don't have burritos. I promise. We don't even have wheat tortillas. Another gringo invention. Sure you can find a little here and there nowadays but it's because we just imported them from America and not the other way around.

>> No.6467710

That may or may not be true. I don't know, I'm not a paleontologist. But I can say that the Mexicans (again, born in Mexico) I know frickin' love them some burritos.

>> No.6467716

i love that i got into this corn argument expecting it to finish quickly so i could get into the cilantro argument but there's no end in sight.

>> No.6467723

Actually, tamales are from Spain.
They aren't Mexican either.
We do have tamales with masa and the masa is sometimes made with corn, but very rarely in Mexico. In the U.S., sure, they are ALL made with masa from corn.

So yeah, you are just wrong yet again.

And you are still talking about corn as though the more you say it the more you'll change the facts?

The other guy was right, you are dumb.

Tell me more about how your mejicano friend brings americanized tamales to pot luck and therefore all Mexicans eat lots of corn and we're just swimming in it, cuz you need to be right even in the face of a guy who's been all over Mexico for 30 years now and is 100% Mexican.

>> No.6467725


>arguing with everyone no matter how tangentially related thinking they're all the same dude just because they provide evidence that mexicans eat at least a little bit of corn

>> No.6467728

cilantro=indian (dothead)
not mexican
you do know this is the coriander plant, right?
like one of the holy trinity in indian cuisine
soooo not mexican, like so much else thought of as mexican food in this thread

>> No.6467738

>arguing with everyone
I've literally posted twice.

You seem mentally ill.

Sorry I contributed at all. You go one telling us Mexicans what we eat now. Okay? Everybody wants to hear your point. I'll bet you've never even been to Mexico once and aren't even Mexican. How about I tell you about who you are and what your family and culture eats and vomit utter bullshit all over the internet as though I'm an authority on it. Sound fun?

>> No.6467740

not mexican
like the staple grain of east asian cooking
soooo not mexican, like so much else thought of as mexican food in this thread

>> No.6467744


>plant is used in other cuisines around the world
>somehow this discounts it from being used in mexico


i'm not telling you what your fucking family eats, jesus christ. are you guys for real? do you not understand that just because you live in mexico it doesn't give you the right to argue with widely published statistics on the crops your country produces and uses for food?

>> No.6467746

As was pointed out to you previously, rice doesn't originate in Mexico either. And incidentally, considering that the modern day land of Mexico (and much more of South America) was colonized by Spain and Portugal over the course of ~500 years, I think it's fair to say that Spanish cuisine is a major influence on modern Mexican cuisine.

Similarly, tomatoes originated in the Americas. Once they were exported to Europe (I think in the 1400s), however, they revolutionized European cuisine. If you told an Italian today that, say, sugo al pomodoro or insalata caprese aren't really Italian food, he'd laugh in your face and then feed you until you exploded.

Also also, you're arguing against at least one person besides me. Not really important, but I felt you should know that.

>> No.6467750

>importing burritos
top fucking kek

>> No.6467787


Someone get this faux mexican out of here

>> No.6467792

I mean, like, Mexico's a big place. Not China big, but still larger than most 2 European countries put together, and all of those have distinct variations in regional cuisine. Have you ever considered that MAYBE you come from a part of Mexico that doesn't eat as much corn as some other parts of Mexico?

>> No.6467794
File: 2.10 MB, 3264x2448, image_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, and in addition to having burrito's in mexico, there's a taco made of pita bread called taco arabe. pretty much the al pastor taco before there was al pastor


>> No.6467801


This is what you're looking for. I give props to this brave me stepping a foot in chihuahua

>> No.6467817

Goddamn I'm hungry now

>> No.6467947

because everything is either deep fried or has a ton of fat and starch.

ps. you're a fat piece of shit.

>> No.6467970

i eat mexican food all the time and iam underweight,also if you want to complain about food thats nothing but startch complain about italian,it is also the least diverse.greek is the only thing that is as good as mexican imo.

>> No.6468352

>least diverse

>Bitches don't know bout Napoly, Modena, Venice, Sicily, Capri, Lombardy, Sardinia, Piedmont, or Tuscany

>> No.6468371

9 places that all use oregano and tomato's on everything. inb4 "ehh but the sopressa has a more peppery flavor, the olives are far more subtle"

>> No.6468372


>> No.6468376


nice hamburger

>> No.6468599

>bitches don't know about baja, oaxaca, DF,Michoacan,Puebla,Yucatan,Chiapas,Veracruz,Hidalgo,Jalisco, Sonora ,Sinaloa or Mexico state

>> No.6468604


why do faggots like you have to make everything into a x cuisine vs y cuisine thread

>> No.6468617

someone has no arguement

>> No.6468636


nor did you. do you want to make a point out of that list of regions?

>> No.6468644

so was it a troll or an autistic retard trying to weirdly deny the use of corn in mexico?

>> No.6468665


it would be a relatively clever troll who managed to speciously interpret stats like that, i think it is a couple of genuine retards.

>> No.6468676

Mexicano here. Also 33 years as a Mexican chef and the past 14 of which I have been restauranteur who now owns 4 different (Mexican) restaurants, albeit the last quite a stretch from anything Mexican.

The other paisano is basically correct.
The thing you Americans are missing is that traditional Mexican food is nothing like what it has been the past 25 years since the Mexican transplants started bringing back American influences and from their own Mexican communities in America. I'd say 90% of what is all over the cooking channel and everywhere through the U.S. that is portrayed as Mexican Cuisine is nothing of the sort. Of that lot, maybe 75% are dishes that originated in the U.S. from Mexicans in the U.S. Of that 75%, easily 90% of that is Tex-Mex and maybe 10% is what we refer to in the industry as Cal-Mex. Mexican transplants have lived in the U.S. in large numbers in large communities for nearly 30 years and while some go back even further, the cuisine changes were documented until about then.

That Mexican-American food, heavily Americanized, made its way back to Mexico. Oh how we laugh of the stories concocted of how the burrito was invented and how a hundred other things "Mexican" cuisine originated with Pedro peddling street food in the early 40's. It didn't happen. If you are Mexican and old enough, you know exactly how Mexico was prior to American investment as a tourist trap and that the fact is traditional Mexican "cuisine" prior to that was extreme peasant food (literally nothing you'd find in a taco today, including any type of meat with the exception of the occasional yearly goat). Nopales, nopales, and more nopales. Some beans. There was no corn to speak of in the markets and if you come to Mexico I challenge you to find even one market on any regular basis. Way more rice than the other staples.

If you don't know, most of Mexico's agriculture is subsidized heavily. Post-NAFTA, it's been over 90% foreign and export to the U.S.

>> No.6468685


>The other paisano is basically correct.

no he isn't. the salient point is that us ugly foreigners don't know what mexicans actually eat, which is fair enough, but saying that mexico's only had coriander for fucking 20 years, and they don't grow and eat much corn, is just objectively incorrect.

>> No.6468689

But the stats didn't really support their argument. Like they were trying to imply that because other countries produce more corn mexico does't eat any which doesn't follow. Additionally stats posted saying that not only does mexico keep all the corn that they do grow, which is a significant portion of their agriculture regardless of their world-wide ranking, but they further import corn from the US suggesting a need for it on top of the stats of it's proportion in the average mexican diet.

>> No.6468691

actually, i didn't think it was true at first either and argued against it and then i did a lot of searching and basically everything he said is true
mexico doesn't produce much corn at all per capita and of what they do, most is exported and the comparative amount of their importation is miniscule so it is literally an impossibility that they eat "shitloads" or even "lots" of corn

literally, based on the per capita data, the average american consumes more than 10x the amount of corn that the average mexican does

i guess that makes sense too when you think about it. if you drive through the midwest there is basically nothing but corn and we all know how the supermarkets are flooded with corn in the early fall yet try to find it in the winter and good luck, despite every other type of vegetable being exported from mexico to the u.s in winter and off-season months

just goes to show once again that we are kind of brainwashed into thinking one thing and fight any notion of being hit with the truth but the fact and stats don't lie

>> No.6468693


that's what i meant by speciously. taking stats and abusing them like that in order to troll people is quite clever. that's the sort of stuff tobacco lobbyists and sleazy politicans do.

>> No.6468695


>literally, based on the per capita data, the average american consumes more than 10x the amount of corn that the average mexican does

i'm willing to bet that is a severe misinterpretation of the stats.

>> No.6468696

>Mexican food is nothing like what it has been the past 25 years
>the food made and eaten in mexico isn't mexican for reasons I can't really define but definitely exist
>what sources?

>> No.6468698

>mexicans "don't grow and eat much corn"
>went from they grow and eat "shitloads"
>to grow and eat "lots"
now he's changed his argument to arguing that the other side brought up the whole corn thing and they were arguing that mexicans don't eat or grow "much" corn

how special

be right in your head if you want
just go away

your posting more than anyone else in this thread is getting beyond neurotically obsessive and if you aren't aware, the more you post doesn't make you more right

>> No.6468699

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.6468702

Yeah but it's also something autists can do without meaning to in the blind belief that the world revolves around them and their "Superior" logic, it can be hard to tell the difference.

>> No.6468708


are you seriously trying to accuse me of backpedalling by making a false distinction between 'shitloads' and 'lots'? i just got bored of writing 'shitloads'.

>> No.6468711

you are just clueless

against hard statistics and from credible witnesses with credentials, he says he "bets" something isn't true still

yet demands other provide citations to everything

>double standards and grossly flawed logic literally ALL OVER the place

you lost long ago
it's not possible to lose any more than you already lost

go outside and kick a ball or something kid
maybe see if the other weird kid down the end of the street might play with you today
but gtfo

>> No.6468715


i'm betting against his *interpretation* of the statistics, which, by the way, he didn't actually post.

>> No.6468716

Your arguments consistently degrade to ad hominem attacks. Speaks volumes. Also, consistent with your illogic throughout.

>> No.6468721

Tamales are precolumbian.

>> No.6468722

>I did the research and wow do the stats agree with what that "other" anon is saying!
>what, post my stats and sources?!

Also amerifats eat more of a bunch of shit than other places do, doesn't change how much corn mexico eats. This is the same weird type of argument like saying that because other countries produce more corn mexico doesn't eat any even though they grow it as a large proportion of their agriculture and keep it instead of exporting it and import more and it makes up a significant portion of the average mexican diet.

>> No.6468725


to be fair, he does seem to think they export it instead of eating it. why he thinks this? who the fuck knows, i can't find any data suggesting that he's right.

>> No.6468727

Looking like it might be autism more than clever trolling.

>> No.6468728

Nothing you said correlates anything to what he said.

>Cilantro wasn't even used until 20 years ago

Not true. I can find old recipe cook books using cilantro from the 30-40's

>we don't have burritos
yes. its pretty big in northern mexico

>none of this are from mexican food
half of the pics posted is from mexico

carry on

>> No.6468735

>hard statistics
>that I can't post but are totally out there
>credible witnesses with credentials
>you can TOTALLY trust me guy, who would just go open the internet and tell lies?

>> No.6468737

He's right.
That's exactly what you did.
Before you claimed you didn't change your points at all to conform to the facts.
Now, when it has been proven in the thread that you have changed not only the characterized amounts of corn referred to from "shitloads" down to "lots" then all the way down to not "much" and twist it so in the not "much" all of a sudden the other side is the one arguing about corn when you are the one who brought it up entirely (the original post starting this was beans, cactus and rice, not corn) only shows how you are.

I can only imagine how people avoid you in real life. You seem to always feel like you are right and will even keep changing what you said to conform to the facts in an attempt to try and convince the other person you were correct all along.
Now you expect everybody to believe the whole "corn" thing and arguments for "shitloads" wasn't yours and want everyone to think that the guy who merely mentioned beans, cactus and rice now has to the take the opposite position and adopt the contrary of your latest diminished assertion?
How sick.
How people must loathe you.
Have trouble with relationships and interactions in real life much?

>> No.6468744

>you lost long ago it's not possible to lose any more than you already lost hard
You know that "anon" is more than one person right? Are you from reddit or something?

>> No.6468748


>when you are the one who brought it up entirely

ok so you've been trolling all along.

>> No.6468755

>Paradójicamente, ninguna de estas dos plantas es nativa del continente americano, pues el cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) proviene del norte de África, en tanto que el perejil (Petroselinum sativum) es conocido desde antaño en las naciones europeas que rodean al mar Mediterráneo. Así, ambas fueron incluidas en el gusto culinario de México y Latinoamérica a través de los colonizadores españoles en el siglo XVI.

keep on trolling samefag, and maybe do it in spanish while you're at it

>> No.6468758

I'm still thinking autism, I mean who would think that's good trolling?

>> No.6468770


if he's not trolling i'm genuinely shocked that someone could be that blinkered.

>> No.6468783

>Tamales are precolumbian.
Exactly, therefore they cannot be Mexican.
You all do realize that Mexico hasn't even been around for 200 years, right?
You all do realize that Mexico was colonized by Spain and France, and that the vast majority of native peoples and their cultured were killed off, died of disease, or were completely bred out of their native culture, right?

Any notion that Mexico is this or that is inherently flawed. Mexico's history is relatively new, mostly from transplants, and yeah, the notion that there is Mexican this or that food other than traditional peasant cactus and beans is just laughable and foodie-talk to try and make it seem complex and interesting.

Why not just argue that pizza is American and not Italian? Or that somehow Italians had tomatoes to make pizza prior to the tomato even being introduced to Europe from the Americas? Or that "pizza" isn't just the bastardized form of "pita" meaning bread from the Greeks and their predecessor invading cultures from the middle east. You sound just as ridiculous arguing that most of what we call "Mexican" food today originated in Mexico. It just didn't. Nearly all the food considered to be Mexican food today (and ironically only in the U.S., not in Mexico or by Mexicans themselves) is not Mexican food at all. They simply didn't have the money, the crops, the industrialization, the markets, or the resources until about 30 years ago to do other than put some cactus and beans together from the dry and arid farms with way less water than the U.S. and no form of mass agriculture or consolidation of it for that matter. You ate what little could be scrounged up.

This whole thread with Americans trying to tell Mexicans about their own culture is just insulting.

As Mexicans, we know full well we are peasants with peasant food. If you need to pretend that we eat "shitloads" of corn and that all the latest foo-foo crap is somehow deeply routed in "Mexican Cuisine" then knock yourself out.

>> No.6468792

Your whole argument is flawed because Tamales today are a mestizo cuisine.

>uses of cloves, cinnamon, anise, cumin,cilantro and other herbs and spices


Once again, type in spanish you shit tier troll

>> No.6468804


>Any notion that Mexico is this or that is inherently flawed.

what an intensely fucking hypocritical statement.

no one is telling you you guys eat at chipotle every day. it is just clear from the stats that you guys eat a fuckton of corn. if you're taking that as an accusation that tex-mex bastardisations are all you have to offer, you're acutely mistaken.

>> No.6468935
File: 147 KB, 430x539, i-dont-always-eat-taco-bell_but-when-i-do-have.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umm, he's the troll?
look in the mirror
at least he states facts and seems to be an expert
you are internet troll spouting bs beliefs based on your nonexistent experience from what you've heard and watched on tv and inflaming the situation and ignoring facts and the truth
=troll, or certified moron

>implying the mere existence of Chipotle doesn't support his argument
>implying Chipotle is better than Taco Bell--the true and the only authentic Mexican food; lol
>implying anything attributed to Mexico and culture or foodieism isn't a construct of American Yuppies and Urban Hipsters looking to charge you more for a friggin taco.

pic related; it's your mexican beer expert

Drink more koolaid, dumbass
Your just too dumb to even be posting around here

>> No.6468944
File: 51 KB, 620x734, taco-bell-diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of the pathogenic intestinal microbe sauce.

Mexican food is beans.
Mexico has existed for 5 minutes.
Americans claiming Mexican food is complex, from a rich and deep cultural background, and this and that.

>> No.6468975

>he seems to be an expert

He can't even speak in spanish despite calling himself mexican

pretty much a troll

>> No.6469030
File: 38 KB, 640x480, jewish cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mi cara cuando gringos discuten comida mexicana

fucking hilarious.

>> No.6469062

I always find new world cuisine interesting. It's really just

>Okay, we have this cooking tradition from Europe
>Half those ingredients don't grow well here or are expensive
>Let's substitute them for native ingredients

And boom. You have French recipes using alligator, Spanish recipes using hearty amounts of beef, and English recipes just getting forgotten about.

>> No.6469100
File: 22 KB, 262x192, dense motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He can't even speak in spanish
A fine demonstration of just how dumb you truly are. Apparently you can discern from a post or two on the internet that if someone does not respond to your absurd diatribe and challenges that are completely off point that therefore they cannot do something.
pic related
tell me what your magic ball tells you about others through the internet again and profess it as fact to make an absurd conclusion

You are perhaps the dumbest dumbass of all dumbasses on 4chan. You made more sense when you were constantly changing your argument to "shitloads" then down to "lots" then don't to not "much" and attributing to him an assertion that you needed to take to an extreme to make yourself appear correct which was instead a contrary position which originated entirely with you and you alone.

Keep moving the target. Maybe one day you'll be right. Your wife or girlfriend must be a very tolerant person to have to cope with the monster that is you.

>> No.6469108


that is interesting but it's hardly the whole picture. there are all kinds of techniques in new world cuisine that originate from the new world itself

>> No.6469114


still thinking that everyone who thinks you're an idiot is the same guy, huh? still positing that 'lots' is a significant downgrade from 'shitloads' and not just a synonym?

>> No.6469204
File: 283 KB, 726x1074, dumbasses think there&#039;s Mexican Cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>6469108 nigger gets it.
Go back 30 years and there was absolutely no Mexican Cuisine. People ate whatever scraps they had. No heritage there. Foodie talk. Pure crap.

Externalities and mostly necessities for survival are the consistent trigger what these days, imbeciles refer to as "cuisine". Pre-spice trade, there was none, pretty much anywhere. So the spice trade triggered most of what is considered "cuisine" throughout Europe. Add in the introduction of new staples and ingredients from commerce elsewhere in the world such as tomatoes being brought from the Americas into Europe and voila, you have Italian "Cuisine". Have Italian Americans from NYC bring their newly-created food back to Italy and voila, you have modern-day "pizza", which every idiot now considers to be Italian (it's not).

Like the other anon said, Mexico has been around for 5 minutes, has little culture let alone cuisine. This is all just foodie nonsense.

The idiot who keeps screaming about how Mexicans eat shitloads of corn obviously has never been to Mexico. The cactus and beans thing is dead on. Nothing more to discuss here.

Make up your own fantasy stories you regurgitate from the Food Network all you want. It's contrived folklore meant to sell commercials and books. If you need that to pretend a burrito came from Mexico and therefore you are eating Mexican food and it makes it tastes better in your head, you probably lead an abysmal life based mostly in fantasy and should have paid attention in school and maybe history class for that matter, then maybe you wouldn't be a cook or a dumb foodie like the rest of the sheeple mindlessly marching to fairy tales of food to make you pay $50 for a chicken after you wait in line for an hour to be seated by a maître d with a funny accent peddling pretentious dogshit carefully placed with tweezers on a plate and laden with mismatched flavors and overly described sourcing of food in obscure words to make you think you are special.

>> No.6469212


you are a mentalist.

>> No.6469219

you must be one of those people who claim indian food gives them the shits too,fucking pathetic baby.

>> No.6469228

even if "traditional" mexican cuisiene is beans and cactus or whatever when they got the ingredients available they fucking made glorious food,which i believe is underrated regardless of whenever it came about.

>> No.6469235

This article might enlighten you.
Mexico had policies in place in the 80's to get rid of all the farmers and peasants. They came to the U.S.
This is completely consistent with the 30 year thing the other anon said about Mexico having no real semblance of a cuisine prior to 30 years ago and what they have now was created by Mexican-Americans who have lived in the U.S.

Looks like all the stuff we think about Mexican food is just made up and the facts seem to bear that out.

I'll say this. I travel frequently to Mexico on business for my company and have done so for 18 years now going on average 10 times a year and I previously never saw any of the "cuisine" thing in Mexico back then. In fact, it was next to impossible to even find a restaurant in the any of the biggest cities except maybe Monterrey and I guess only because it's close to the border and has a lot of Americans in it. Now you can find restaurants in Mexico that aren't complete dumbs serving cholera and it's only been about the past decade that has happened and quite frankly, it is "Mexican" food we had in the U.S. 20 years ago.

Funny how we get everything all backwards and misattribute things to a culture through a lack of knowledge in history.

>> No.6469242

mexican americans have the ingredients available,it is still mexican.no other food in or out of the us resembles what they make and no white,asian,black person makes it as good as they do.
>inb4 darkies work at my taco bell
vomit up your own intestines.

>> No.6469260

Samefag who can't speak spanish pls go

>> No.6469275

just not true
all my mexican friends are from the restaurant industry just like me and they that when they come back from mexico visiting their abuelita that the thing they missed the most is the food in the u.s.
for many years they have said that americans do mexican food way better than mexicans
also its true that if you talk to any real mexican he will tell you that mexican food is just cactus and beans
they dont cook any of the complex dishes we ascribe to them
maybe a mole or two on a special occasion but thats it
everything else is pretty much american inventions made from mexican ingredients and popularized by americans and taken back to mexico
anybody who claims otherwise just sounds stupid and obviously doesnt work in the industry, is not mexican, or is deluded or brainwashed by wishful thinking or the countless trashy cooking shows

>> No.6469280

>my friend
sounds legit

>> No.6469281

also iam sure corn,mayo and avocado are'nt traditionally a jap thing but they use it and it taste good so no one gives a shit.mexicans always have to work harder i guess.

>> No.6469284

Not Italian

not Belgian

Not Vietnamese

not Chinese

Sorry no cuisine exists

>> No.6469287

i know lots of mexicans and i have been with one for years,they love their food.liar.

>> No.6469291

That's my post >>6469235 and I've filled up and had to get 6 new passports over the past decade due almost entirely to trips to Mexico. I am Argentinian. And yes, I speak very fluent Spanish as my native tongue amongst the 3 languages I speak.

You need serious help from a mental health care practitioner.

>> No.6469295


>M-Mexican doesn't I swear its just ric---i mean cactus and beans.

Samefag who pretended to be Mexican earlier is now a tourist. How cute

>> No.6469298

r u 8 years old?
summer's early

>> No.6469301

My mexican friend says Mexican cuisine is the best in the world therefore it must it should

>> No.6469308

Can we go back to posting pictures pf mexican food and recipes now pls?

>> No.6469324

Anyone who has been in a Mexican household knows all they eat us rice and beans
breakfast: coffee with bread or rice and beans with meat or eggs
Lunch: more rice and beans and meat
Dinner: more rice and beans and meat

Occasionally soup

All the shit Americans think is Mexican is just street/fast food or food for special dishes. Burritos tacos tamales churros enchiladas tortas = not mexican

>> No.6469325

That wasn't me. I was a petroleum engineer for Petroleo Brasileiro and we are subcontracted out by a U.S. based company to service all the equipment supplied to Pemex. I am neither Mexican nor a tourist to Mexico but I do speak Spanish and have been going all over Mexico for almost 20 years now. I'm also married to a beautiful Mexicana for the past 10 years and most of my many friends are Mexican and tell me that I know more about Mexico and have more experiences by far in Mexico than they or anyone else they know has.

What exactly are you and what are your qualifications to speak so authoritatively on Mexican food.

>> No.6469332

Yet another person with firsthand experience speaks up and tells the truth.

Now the troll will go back to telling us about shitloads of corn and how he doesn't keep changing his argument and how he wasn't violently penetrated by his dad at an early age and takes his buttfrustration out on 4chan.

>> No.6469333

mexicans who speak spanish,look and act like mexicans make/invented that shit,therefore it is mexican.

>> No.6469334

this guy obviously knows what he is talking about
i wouldnt bother engaging with the troll anymore
i dont think hes even a troll
just a retard that cant even tell how badly hes had the shit kicked out of him on the internet

>> No.6469335

I'm Mexican, from Sinaloa. Cactus here is rare. Actually I've eaten cactus twice in my life time

Tacos is our strongest tradition keep trolling m8

>> No.6469340

how do the beaners not eat your annoying ass alive when you cross the border? i know old and young people from mexico that refuse to go back.

>> No.6469342

100% accurate

>> No.6469366


>> No.6469373

>Cactus here is rare.
Your single data point does not negate the general fact that Mexicans eat cactus, beans, and rice. Okay, so you rarely eat cactus. Again, and???

>Tacos is our strongest tradition keep trolling m8
In the past 30 years, you are right. Prior to that? No. Not in the form tacos are served in today. In fact, nothing like it. If you are truly Mexican, you know this. You wouldn't find any of the stuff put into a taco in Mexico 30 years ago that you could find anywhere in the U.S. "tacos". What is served in Mexico now for "tacos" in the latest upscaling and branching out of Mexican food is a U.S. construct that was imported from Mexican chefs and workers in the restaurant industry returning to Mexico post-2006 from the U.S. economy collapse when a good quarter of the restaurant industry folded.

As the Argentian said, good luck finding a restaurant in Mexico 20 years ago. Most of what you find now are in tourist cities catering to Americans or the latest upstarts in DF post-2006 reintegration.

Also, no Mexican says "m8". Americans don't either. That's a britfag thing exclusively. Credibility lost.

>> No.6469383

literally my only post in this thread
pretty obvious there's more than one other anon there too
see conspiracies everywhere much?

curious: why is it so hard to believe so many know you are wrong?

and you ARE clearly wrong

fyi, my second post itt and now i'm out
unlike you, i have a life and its a nice day out

>> No.6469384

its not aside from the eggs and meats part for breakfeast (they add more to it though) which everyone around the world does cause its cheap and nutritional.Now start posting pics,cause who really gives a shit about history? we have what we have now and it is delicious and unique and as mentioned before many people didn't originally have the dishes that made them famous,they invented them over time,cause thats what we humans do.

>> No.6469414

and to the "muh 30 years guy" you say that like it somehow makes it unimpressive that hispanics managed to invent foods and succesful chains of restuarants in such a short amount of time.

>> No.6469457

because its been 35 users posting here for there past 3 hours. shit bait at best

>Your single data point does not negate the general fact that Mexicans eat cactus, beans, and rice. Okay, so you rarely eat cactus.

And your point does not correlate with the fact that Mexicans don't eat Cactus on a daily basis.


>As the Argentian said, good luck finding a restaurant in Mexico 20 years ago

I could find 100 easily


>> No.6469461

>I'm Mexican, from Sinaloa.
Right. Whatever you say, obvious troll.
Just so you know, I can very clearly tell you are not Mexican just by saying, "I'm Mexican, from Sinoloa". There is literally not a single Mexican on the planet that would every say that in that way. I'll let you try and figure out what you did wrong there. Needless to say you are neither Mexican nor from Sinaloa and that is obvious to anyone who is Mexican.

Here's a test: if you are Sinaloan (yeah, it's Sinoloan, not "from Sinoloa" dumbass), what is La Gucher and what is his real name?

You have 1 minute to answer. If you don't answer at all, then guess what Mr. "shitloads of corn" troll, you are literally beaten to a pulp again before everyone's eyes. I just read the whole thread and you sound stupid as fuck.

>> No.6469469

Ahem, not one of those is over 20 years old.
Read much?
Trying to prove the Argentian's point?
You just did.
Too dumb to realize it I guess.
Move on dumbass.

>> No.6469473

Still 35 posts.

>beating to a pulp

>Cilantro wasn't even used until 20 years ago
which was wrong

>In the past 30 years, you are right. Prior to that? No. Not in the form tacos are served in today

which was wrong

>As the Argentian said, good luck finding a restaurant in Mexico 20 years ago. Most of what you find now are in tourist cities catering to Americans or the latest upstarts in DF post-2006 reintegration.

which was wrong as well. oh god such a one sided beating kek

>> No.6469478

>The small restaurant in Zona Rosa, a popular tourist destination, has been serving authentic Mexican food for more than 57 years

>Ahem, not one of those is over 20 years old.
Just proves you didn't even bother claiming reading anything since I only linked you to one restaurant and assumed I posted multiple sources

shit b8 m8

>> No.6469484

>people don't claim where they are from

>> No.6469490


here's a 100 yr old restaurant, still running strong.


>> No.6469495



>> No.6469510

b-but they don't exist anon!i'am an expert and have been to mexico over a billion times!

>> No.6469511

Whatsamatter? Can't seem to answer even the simplest of questions any Sinaloan would know posed here >>6469461 ???
Oh yeah, try again samefag lying Shitload of Corn Troll.

You got served yet again.

Now exposed as a full fledge liar.

>> No.6469530

lol I'm another anon who came into the conversation to agree with corn anon because he made sense based on the stats and the only argument against him was a non-sequitur "other places produce more corn!" You seem to be the only one obsessing over the exact words used to relate the fact that mexicans on average eat corn as a significant portion of their diet based on the available statistics.
4chan really isn't the place for you if you see a conspiracy behind every anon post, I came back to this thread after a few hours and you're still posting your butt-devestation all over the place.

>> No.6469531

i think you missed his point
that you have to come back multiple times with multiple attempts to find one or two here or there even with access to google solidly proves he was right

also, if you think there is any "100 yr old restaurant" in Mexico, you are truly fucking stupid and definitely not "Mexican, from Sinaloa"

did /b beat you down so bad you had to come here to try and troll?

>> No.6469533

you are trying so hard whitey,its so obvious,youre prolly some jelly frenchie or some shit.

>> No.6469537

>my single anecdotal opinion trumps all statistics but any contradicting anecdotes don't count
literally autism

>> No.6469542



Here's another m8 and one of my favorite places to eat en DF. So gonna change the topic again so I can debunk your mexican expertise once again?

>> No.6469545

dude,you said there were'nt any restaurants in mexico 20 years ago and multiple places have been posted that say otherwise,how many times must you be proven wrong? why do you care so much anyway? you are not real mexican anyway and it sounds like you dislike the new and traditonal food.like seriously why are you in this thread derailing it?

>> No.6469547

Salvadoran tortillas > Mexican tortillas

>> No.6469552

>You have 1 minute to answer. If you don't answer at all, then guess what Mr. "shitloads of corn" troll, you are literally beaten to a pulp
lol what is this autism, are you new here? from reddit or some other community?

>> No.6469559


>> No.6469563

>derailing it
I think you have your answer.
This is 4chan, it's some pasty-ass neckbeard in his parents' basement with a hateboner for mexican cuisine because it distracts him from his dissatisfaction with his own life.

>> No.6469572

>be american
>type m8 all the fucking time

How new are you? Do you think only pirates type m80?

>> No.6469573

Agreed,we should just ignore his stupid ass.

>> No.6469790

m en tal iln ness

>> No.6469954

is anyone gonna start posting pics at least?

>> No.6470176

i would if i had them,do you know of any good recipes? i'd love to try some mexican style soups.

>> No.6470186

fake mexican food > real mexican food

>> No.6470193

not him but
Here you go. I'll post some more soon

>> No.6470195

>fake (insert nationality) food>real (insert nationalitys food)

>> No.6470198

Thanks bro,it looks really good.

>> No.6470204

no no no disregard THAT. IT HAS NO BEAN PUREE


Check this one instead. and like always, adapt your own flavors in your dish

>> No.6470209

omg i have failed again. what's with these shitty recipes not having bean in the recipe.


here you go

>> No.6470211

thanks again :) can't wait to try this.

>> No.6470220


Here's a different one. garlic soup. this is an old spanish recipe that has been Mexicanized.


and here's a pepper and cheese soup. enjoy

>> No.6470433

original 'shitloads of corn' anon here

thanks guys for keeping up the good fight

weird anti-corn mexican, you are weird and wrong.
