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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 300x300, Beetroots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6461117 No.6461117 [Reply] [Original]

Beetroot is fucking amazing

>> No.6461845

its a beet. net beetroot

>> No.6461847

Why do people call it beetroot? It's longer and no one that isn't pretentious calls it that.

>> No.6461876

Ive tried to like these. They sell them in plastic packs of like...12 in the vegetable section refridgerated.

I think they taste like dirt or something. They are definately unique and make your mouth red like youve been eating a slush or something

>> No.6461884

Try getting really fresh ones. Idk I think they taste like dirt too, but my mom makes them taste amazing and I seriously can't get enough of them. I'm too worried that I would fuck them up to make them myself.

>> No.6461886
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maybe it's a cultural thing and the internet has expanded beyond your your realm of perception.

>> No.6461890

How is that possible? Nothing gets by me. The only thing I don't understand is why people call lightning Jews "firebugs".

>> No.6461894

I was really surprised how good golden beets are. They are sweeter than red beets and when served chilled they work great in salads.

>> No.6461895

>people call lightning Jews "firebugs".
Se, I've never heard of that. You taught me something today. Isn't the internet great?!

>> No.6461904
File: 34 KB, 550x248, b20519ec93939617_beets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beets also have greens which are very delicious when cooked right.

>> No.6461906

Yes, without the Internet I fear that I might be an uneducated moron. I'm not sure though. Not that I'm claiming to have a wealth of knowledge, but there are a lot of wonderful nifty little things that I've learned. I also like ordering things on the Internet.

>> No.6461909

Are they intended to be eaten together with the root or separately?

>> No.6461921

>Nothing gets by me.
>Not that I'm claiming to have a wealth of knowledge, but

You could have been anything you wanted to be. But.

>> No.6461926

No you spastic, its name is a beetroot. Let me guess, you're an American being arrogant as per usual.

>> No.6461932

You sound pretty arrogant as well. Obviously they are called and recognized by both names. What's the problem?

>> No.6461949

Depends on how you have them can be both. In Eastern Europe there are versions of borsch with the beet greens as well. In fact I'd say it's more common than without the greens. But the greens can also be cooked on their own as you would with collard greens.

>> No.6461960
File: 5 KB, 230x197, Bo Diddley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life hack: put a beetroot in your wash with your white business shirts and they'll come out softer than silk.

>> No.6461964

I have only liked them pickled so far.
What's a good dish to make the best of fresh beetroot?

>> No.6461967

Really? I'll have to try that some time. Just the whole thing? Should I cut it up first?

>> No.6461979
File: 116 KB, 473x343, bo_diddley-thumb-473x343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peel and cut into quarters for maximum effect!

>> No.6461988
File: 3.10 MB, 3872x2592, google image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beetroot slices on hanburgers are an Aussie tradition.
I've made beetroot brownies before which were nice.

>> No.6461992

Australians think it's okay to put this crap on burgers.

>> No.6462028
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>they don't keep a bottle of white wine and brandy in their kitchen for use in cooking

that's how you know a person is a cooking pleb.

>> No.6462177
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>Dunno the difference between beets and beetroots

Although this is not an official rate thread, feel free to do it if you like.
Wifey made this a few days ago:
Lentils w/bacon dices and beet(root) slices topped with a shallot vinaigrette and crumbled feta. Served on a cold salad.

>> No.6462240

Beets and Swiss Chard are the same plant species, just one is bred for huge delicious roots, and the other is bred for huge delicious leaves.

>> No.6462448

I love beetroot, but is it odd that I honestly can't tell much a difference between freshly cooked and ones from a tin/jar/vac-pack?
I tend to buy tinned ones because they're minimally more expensive than fresh (by about 18¢ per pound) but require no extra work on my end.
Plus, I use the tin liquid instead of plain water in my brine when pickling eggs.

>> No.6462458
File: 62 KB, 496x501, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not american and they're called beets, asshole.

>> No.6462461

>grate beetroot
>spread on baking sheet with paper
>dust with sugar
>bake low and slow until caramelized and soft
>mix sugary beetroot with whipped cream
>serve on top of brownies or other chocolate dessert

Try it.

>> No.6462494

I've heard about something similar which I've wanted to try; instead of baking them you cook them grated/finely sliced in a skillet with a little sugar, and then mix with sourcream.
Sounds good but I always end up eating most of my beets before they even make it into whatever dish I had planned for them. Warm beets straight from the water are the best.

>> No.6462501
File: 361 KB, 400x528, 1380138537416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry amerifat your ameriburger is showing. It is Beetroot.