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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6433126 No.6433126 [Reply] [Original]

I'm having what I have every morning. Homemade potato bread with an egg in the middle and on top.

>> No.6433129

I had a slice of homemade sourdough, a scrambled egg and some cheddar. Also caffelatte.
I don't normally do eggs at breakfast, but I wanted some today for no raisin. Probably because I am the greetest.

>> No.6433130
File: 531 KB, 1600x1200, Photo0160-Breakfast_of_Champions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Monday morning breakfast of champions

>> No.6433134
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Banana apple porridge with honey. Delicious!

>> No.6433163
File: 235 KB, 770x431, Coffee_and_Cigarette_by_ellatran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only right way to start a fucking monday

>> No.6433188

Holy shit, are you trying to die young?

>> No.6433189
File: 1.42 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG1180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Migas anyone?

>> No.6433190

Doesn't your stomach hurt if you don't eat anything then have a black coffee and cigarette? Mine would. That or I'd needa take a shit.

>> No.6433195

this is me

that looks real good anon I feel that

hahahaha thats just the boxes though you aren't about actually doing that

Porridge looks good, I haven't had porridge in a while

nahh amigo you gotta go with migas

>> No.6433202

cheerios and milk

>> No.6433207

I had a hashbrown and an egg.

>> No.6433215


black bean n rice tortillas

>> No.6433260

What are migas?

>> No.6433268
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I'll see your pleb-tier memebreakfast, and raise you one eggycake.

>> No.6433281

Basically, Spanish/Hispanic/Portuguese fattoush.

>> No.6433283

Now what is that, exactly? Because I have worked hard to perfect my golden bread and I doubt that you can top it with that.

>> No.6433287

Fried egg (yolk still soft) in a pancake with a little cheesy goodness.

>> No.6433296
File: 1.61 MB, 2048x1536, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I do ok?
Does /ck/ approve?

>> No.6433301

did you cook the strawberries into the pancake you double nigger?

>> No.6433307

>not using a fruit syrup
You disgust me.

>> No.6433310
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This, every single morning dipped into a single cup of decaf coffee. I'm sick of it and I'm sure it's not meeting my body's nutritional needs, but I'm so fucking tired and hungry in the morning I don't know what else to make and this is literally instant.

>> No.6433313

Huh. It sounds good. I'll definitely try that some day. But the bread is easier to make all at once.

>> No.6433318

I'm sorry, friend. Could you not freeze something you've made and dethaw it later? Like pancakes, English muffins, pretzels? There has to be something.

>> No.6433319

Some roast beef, some chicken, a pizza.

>> No.6433323

wow, it's never really occurred to me before but you should slice strawberries the other direction, those look like sores on a coma patients ass

while not super pretty, that does seem like it was probably a very tasty breakfast

>> No.6433328

Yes I did, dont hate

It was a spur of the moment thing with the strawberries, if I planned ahead I would have got a fruit syrup

>> No.6433329


what is that strawberry monstrosity

>> No.6433371

Never thought about it. How long do pancakes keep in the freezer? I have a couple of pancake mixes that are over a year expired; those won't hurt me, right?

>> No.6433375

Coffee cause I never have time for anything else other than the occasional danish, trying not to spend money right now

>> No.6433408
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>> No.6433455

>I'll see your
go back to naming shit on reddit

>> No.6433470

>gambling terms are apparently reddit now
Funfact: I've never actually been there :B

>> No.6433485

If you ever see the front page you will see at least 2 instances of "I see your x and raise you with y"

>> No.6433639

I highly doubt that it would hurt you, but it might not taste so good. I have a few old mixes in my pantry that I'm scared to try, but I'm too stubborn to throw them away. Let's take the plunge together, Anon.
That was stupid and I apologize. I was thinking defrost, but I definitely meant thaw.

>> No.6433655

>i apologize
>i meant defrost
No need for apologies. We all make mistakes.

To answer your question about defrosting pancakes, I used to, though don't anymore, make American pancakes in big batches to freeze. Then, I'd reheat them by wrapping in wet kitchen paper and putting them into the nukebox. I also put them into the toaster but didn't like the texture once they came out.

I freeze American cupcakes and muffins, too, reheating them the same way.

>> No.6433656


Half of a grilled chicken salad I got yesterday since the chef decided to put a mountain of it on my plate. Dude grilled the chicken perfectly so I'm not complaining. Although he did put it right on top of the cheddar so some of it melted.

Guess he was in a hurry.

>> No.6433798

It's not pretty, but it looks tasty. How did it taste? How long did it take?
Well there's a few things you could do. You could make a dry mix for yourself and maybe used powdered milk so that you just had to add water and cook. You could also make batter and freeze it. The best solution I think would be to cook them and reheat them with wet napkins in the microwave like that one anon said. I can't think of any other quick homemade breakfasts. I suppose you could make some sort of instant oat meal or instant grits thing. Anyone else have any ideas?