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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6431474 No.6431474 [Reply] [Original]

Is Jollibee any good?

>> No.6431482

Depends on what you get, but not generally, no.

>> No.6431486

What's the least awful thing I could order?

>> No.6431499

Forget least awful: I'm gonna tell you what's good.
Ever been to McDo? Ever had their mouth-singeing apple pie? Good.
Now imagine that pie filled with both peach and mango instead of just apple.
You're welcome.

Also, the chicken is pretty okay. Not great. Not bad.

>> No.6431539

The chicken or the spaghetti.

>> No.6431557

lived in shitiphines for most of my life.

The chicken's really nice but it's literally just your generic deep fried chicken.

The pies are seriously good, like seriously, the UK has absolute gutter shit pies but the jollibee ones are great.

spaghetti is ultimate pleb tier bottom feeder guilty pleasure, im embarassed to even like it.

don't bother with the rest it'll just reflect the country's garbage quality ingredients.

>> No.6431603
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>> No.6431605
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>> No.6431612
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>> No.6431620

It's literally the only fastfood I've ever bought and then abandoned after one bite. It's utterly wretched and there is something wrong with people that like it.

I didn't know about flip food before that, and I'm sorry I ever learned.

>> No.6431631

They are pretty meh. I don't know why Filipinos are so adamant that this place has the best fried chicken. It might even be a little worst tasting than KFC.

>> No.6431654
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>> No.6431661

Yeah, it's pretty average but it doesn't necessarily represent the whole of flip food. To say that it does is like saying McDs and Burger King represents the whole of American cuisine.

Also, there's a big difference in taste between the items produced by the branches in the US and the ones produced in the Philippines. The US ones are so subpar that even me who's not a fan of the food can notice the difference.

I'll agree that the pies are good.

>> No.6431682
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jesus. is that sketti?

>> No.6431716

it's shit tier however their chicken is ok, their burgersteak is tolerable and most are shit. I mean what else can you expect from a philippines mcdonalds ripooff...

>> No.6431729

The U.S. Branches taste different from the Philippine ones

>> No.6431734

spicy fried chicken is best menu item

>> No.6431830

Is it better or worse?

>> No.6432579

I've heard that it's pretty bad because they tried to cater the taste to US citizens.

Although Asians really do have a different sense of taste that's why it's very popular in Asia.

>> No.6432599

Their gravy is fucking delicious on some white rice. Also, halo halo.

>> No.6432612

>I didn't know about flip food before that, and I'm sorry I ever learned.

i like to learn about foreign cuisines through the fast food chains that originate in those countries as well

>> No.6432684


Just order the chicken and rice like everyone else.

>> No.6432696
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plebs, mcdonalds here serves portuguese sausage, spam, eggs, and rice.

>> No.6432803

Jollibee is pretty meh across the board, but it's so fucking trendy with the filipino kids, they just need to be seen eating there and then they upload their shitty food pics to instagram.

>> No.6433791
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What would you get?
Are you a bad enough dude to try the fiesta noodles?

>> No.6433800

I'll never get to go back to my home country to try the food, even if it's bad, I'd still like to try it, get my own opinion ya know?

>> No.6433824

>fiesta noodles
Isn't that just pancit?
I see Jollibees everywhere because I live in an area of CA that has shitloads of Filipinos, but I've never been. Honestly if I want spam, eggs and rice I can just make it at home. That fruit pie looks pretty good though.

>> No.6433832

The fiesta noodles look like the best thing on the menu.

>> No.6433843

i'd eat most of it tbh. especially that sweet pork breakfast.

wanna try the halo halo after that bourdain episode too.

>> No.6433984
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I live literally two blocks away from the first Jollibee that opened up in the US. Back when it first opened, I remember seeing huge fucking lines around the restaurant, it was absurd. It's still pretty popular and I have no idea why. Most of the customers are fobs and I can't tell whether they eat at Jollibee because it's sentimental to them (understandable) or because they genuinely enjoy that shit. Because it fucking sucks, even for Filipino food. Not to mention it'll give you the runs. The only redeeming factor about that place is that it has a 24/7 drive-thru. Even then, I'd rather drive three minutes down to the card room the next town over for some baller ass late-night Filipino food.

Their burgers are awful. For me, the patties are to blame. I'd put them below Mcdonald's burgers, but a step up from Burger King.
Their chicken is alright. The quality of chicken is a little better than KFC's but it's still pretty greasy if you ask me. Dipping it in gravy is ingenious, I don't know why KFC doesn't do that with their gravy (I know their gravy blows, but I'm a sucker for theirs).
Because it's on the sweeter side, their spaghetti might be an acquired taste if you've eaten regular spaghetti your whole life, but even then, I've had better. It's not terrible though. I might be spoiled because my mom makes the best one, but the best Filipino spaghetti is homemade. In fact, the best Filipino food is homemade.
Their pies are great, as mentioned earlier. They shit all over Mickey D's pies. I loved the banana langka ones, but I don't think they sell those anymore.
Haven't had the other shit on the menu, but some of those look piss easy to make at home, like those dinner roll sandwiches or the silogs.

All in all it's pretty meh. If the ones in the Philippines are that much better, then I'd be willing to give it another chance.

Also, Jollibee has its own TV show. Where you at Ronald?

>> No.6433993


those look like the only thing I probably would get

>> No.6434228

Half of the Filipinos I worked with at a fast food place in Toronto said they'd quit and apply at Jollibee when it opens. I can't wait for the authentic experience of "Hello sir-ma'am," "You want one pieces chicken, or two pieces chicken?" "Large prize?"

No wonder they never taught me Tagalog.

>> No.6434243

Is that thing supposed to be a bee. A jolly bee? It's jolly as hell but doesn't look too bee-ish to me.

>> No.6434245

That's how Filipinos look under their masks.

>> No.6434273

HAPPY 4/20

>> No.6434614

They didn't fuck up chicken tenders, so it get my vote. Shit is baller with their gravy and garlic rice. Also: Chicago branch fucking when?

>> No.6434837
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Don't forget to bring a towel

>> No.6435110

It's just palabok. And it looks dry.

I'm Chinese-Flip, born in America (SoCal). The best Filipino food is either home cooked or in those dirty greasy hole in the wall restaurants where the food is laid out cafeteria style and you just point to whatever you want.

>> No.6435155

Why the fuck is Filipino spaghetti so fucking sweet? That shit is nothing to be proud of.

>> No.6435168

They use banana ketchup as the sauce.

>> No.6436387

Welcome to /ck/, I hope you enjoy your stay!

>> No.6438769

we have a few in my area. i only go there for the fried chicken, always ask for spicy and they'll put this weird kimchi powder on it.