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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6423165 No.6423165 [Reply] [Original]

Mine don't look this photogenic. Mine are more "oldworld", "rustic". My pot pies LOOK clunky, but I think they taste great.

One of the best foods on the planet.

How does /ck/ do pot pies?

>> No.6423207

I take the ingredients for the pie crust, add an egg to it, form it into clumps, boil them in water and eat them with the chicken, veg and gravy.

I call this dish "chicken with clumps of dumpling-like doughboy thingies because making a proper pie is beyond my fucking patience, godfuckitalltofuck."

Alternately, I do make more pasty-like pseudo pot pies by dicing the veg rather than cubing it and using chicken mince instead of cubes. I still make the gravy but serve it separately.

I also make chicken pot pie pizza from time to time: all the ingredients for a typical CPP but on top of a pizza base: chicken gravy replaces the tomato sauce, cheddar replaces the mozzarella and the various veg and the chicken itself (both cooked in the gravy) serve as toppings. Pretty good.

>> No.6423288


good post.

I make a classic chicken and veg with King sauce with a puff pastry shell.

use 4 cup pyrex round glass bowls

>I use the frozen medley
>just tastes more right

I also make a beef curry with hamburg, onions, potaties, carrots and non-indian curry mix(jap or generic spice bottle)

>> No.6423356

Make a crust out of finely smashed oreo cookies, filling is lots of cool whip and broken up oreo cookies, bake

Best served hot with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top

>> No.6423559

"rustic," "oldworld."
Are the those the new hipster terms for looking like shit that you just got out of a dumpster or did you get them from that faggot boringdane on cnn?

>> No.6423561

>pls /ck/ accept me

>> No.6423563

What the fuck is a pot pie and what the fuck are you trying to imply by using "oldworld"?

>> No.6423685
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Time will tell.

>> No.6423712

I've only ever had a potpie a few times, am I incorrect in assuming they are single serving foods? I can't see how you could share that, right?

>> No.6423716

Depends. You can make them small, single-serve, but traditionally no. They're made larger and portioned out.

>> No.6423717

Ah, ok. I've only ever had the little potpies.

>> No.6423720

Yeah, the smaller, single-serve versions (usually frozen) are pretty popular. I'm not surprised, that was the only way I had ever eaten pot pie until I was in my late teens at least.

>> No.6423724

It seems easier than sharing a larger potpie to be honest, I'd rather have my own little pie.

>> No.6423854

Cream sauce made with cannabutter?

>> No.6423906
File: 134 KB, 1280x853, stargazy pie-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine come out looking like the chestbuster from Alien was inside.

>> No.6423912
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What the fuck did you do?

>> No.6424009

It's a vegan alternative. Because fish have faces and love each other.

>> No.6424025

No, not at all.

>> No.6424311

Thank you.

The filling looks a great deal like my chicken pot pie pasty. I've not had a stargazy pie in a very, very long time, mostly because I've never once seen pilchards for sale here and I tried making one once with mackerel but the flavour didn't pan out too hot for me.

So what: chickpeas, lentils and rice flavoured with seaweed flavour extract?

>> No.6424450

I usually make mine from stews I've made. A simple crust is all you need to add.

>> No.6425879

>seaweed flavour extract?
Honestly, I have no idea. I just grabbed the ugliest stargazy pie pic I could find in GIS. Not entirely surprisingly, it was labeled as a vegan substitute.

>> No.6426031
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Pot Pie is like this

>> No.6426225
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yall niggers need Australian beef pies

>> No.6426311


>> No.6426433

>doesnt know what mince meat and gravy is
>thinks he knows shit about meat pies

legit lmao americuck, try harder.

>> No.6426441

>pot pie

In my country, we call it a fucking 'pie'.

>> No.6426458

Did someone say Chicken Pot Pie?


>> No.6426460

>Mince meat

Sorry, who are you calling stupid?

>> No.6426631

Yes beef is a meat, are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6426662

Why do you need to puke the chili out before you make it?

Wouldn't it taste the same either way when it comes back up?
You're too impatient to make Australian cuisine properly.

>> No.6426681

>are you fucking retarded?
Says the person defending Australian beef pies.

>> No.6426727

worlds better than American pot pie, its pathetic.

you what

>> No.6427187

>he thinks i'm american!

So: have you never seen a tin of dogfood, Aussie? Or has all the ozone radiation damaged your eyes to the point where you can't recognise the obvious similarities between that slop you posted and tinned dogfood? I bet it even smells the same.

People shit on how bad American food is, but come on: Australia and New Zealand are worse by leaps and bounds. I'd rather eat American home cookery than whatever slop you might offer up.

Your culinary traditions are fucking terrible. Kiwiland and Skincancerland are each better than the US in every other way, though, so you've got that.

>> No.6427880

That doesn't quite look good.

>> No.6427914

how does one prepare the chicken for pot pie?

>> No.6427925
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>> No.6427953

Yeah, that's called a pie.

>> No.6427954
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Is a pot pie just stew with a pastry lid?

>> No.6427955

You don't know what mince meat pie is, then.

>> No.6427956

For PA-style, the chicken is prepared as the stock is being made: you simmer a whole chicken in water to make the stock, then remove it, strain and filter the stock and stash the both of them in the fridge overnight.
The gravy is made from the stock and the meat to be used in the pie is pulled from the carcass.

I think southern-style does the same but I'm not 100% sure.

Modern-style either uses precooked chicken or simply stews raw chicken in the stock as the gravy is being made or sautés the chicken separately to add to the gravy.

>> No.6427958
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>> No.6427959

Yes. Sometimes we put a bottom on the pie too though.

Pot pies are typically chicken and cream stew filled pies, sometimes with other meats, and usually filled with mirepoix and peas.

>> No.6427968
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>> No.6427972
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>> No.6427974

the fuck is this shit? That's a bowl of meat and gravy with a puff pastry on the side. get that shit outta here. no bottom, side and top pie crust = garbage

>> No.6427975

Pies are disgusting.

>> No.6427976
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>> No.6427980
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>> No.6427984

Not if its a chicken pot pie

>> No.6427986
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>> No.6427997

Do you have a recipe? You sound like you have a recipe.

>> No.6428007

gross wtf guy took that pic as a stealth way to sneak his mom's tits in there

>> No.6428011

>Those lionhead soup bowls
Fuck those things; fucking potwash never cleans them properly and we spend about half an hour after each service QCing and polishing those fucking things. Even worse if there's a godamn wedding or some shit; that's two pairs of hands tied down for at least an hour and a half with the freaking vinegar spray stinking the entire servery up. Fucking lionhead bowls should be banned. I'd have thrown them all away, but the owner says he thinks they're pretty and doesn't care for his staff.

Fuck, industrybros must know this feeling.

>> No.6428025

If mcdonalds made a chicken pot pie like that I would fucking destroy it instantly, shit sounds cash

>> No.6428027

lol no one says tinned in the states austard

>> No.6428066
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>> No.6428114

>do you have a recipe
Not really. I can give a general guideline, though, I guess? I've made proper PA-style pot pie a few times but I've only had success when I made them by freezing the gravy first before encasing it in the pie crust because I fucking hate making proper pies. I posted >>6423207, by the way.

Make stock from a whole, small chicken then strain out the solids and filter the stock, fridging the chicken and the stock separately.
Smaller birds weigh about enough to make a half gallon/2 litres of stock.

Pull the meat from the bird and cut it into pieces; set aside.
Cube up and parboil some potato and carrot. Also pearl onions or shallot. Parboil those, too.
Make a light roux from the chicken grease from the stock (also, you can render more grease from the chicken's skin and fat, too) and some flour then stir in some minced carrot, celery and onion and off the heat; keep stirring until the sizzling stops.
Use the roux to thicken the stock and reduce until gravy-like in thickness rather than stew-like.
Add the parboiled veg and the chicken, some peas and salt to taste then off the heat.
Allow to cool then pour into moulds and freeze.
Encase the frozen gravy/veg/chicken mix in shortcrust pastry.

The pizza one is more common for me. I use chicken backs to make the stock and gravy then simmer boneless thighs and whole veg in it. I slice the thighs and veg to use as toppings for my chicken pot pie pizza.

The pasty one might be easiest. chicken mince, and chopped veg sautéed together in chicken grease, then stir in 1tbsp of flour and cook it through for each 200g/7oz of ingredients.
Stir in a half cup of water per 200g of ingredients and some stock powder to taste.
Allow to cool and spoon onto standard pasty crust, then crimp and fold shut before baking.
If desired, make a proper chicken gravy and serve alongside.

>> No.6428466

From the thumnail it looks like a poor sparrow took a dive into that pie and then some other birdies are peeking out chirping that it's just a sparrow. Those black birdies are going to hell.

>> No.6428470

>vegan alternative
Have you considered the cyanide kool-aid?

>> No.6428476

You need to really join a cult to enjoy that. On your own it's not kool, just tragic

>> No.6428493

I just make the filling and topping separately and break pie crust pieces to garnish it since reheating pot pies or making them ahead usually don't go so well. I lay the crust first on the plate then add the filling then more pieces on top since sometimes best parts are the crusty pieces that get soggy.

>> No.6428534

They aren't convict pies, Bruce.

>> No.6428551

That's a pudding in your picture, not a pie.

>> No.6428560
File: 41 KB, 475x328, Mince pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to talk about a mice pie? Because there is a difference to mince meat and minced beef, you autistic faggot.

>> No.6428585

Pot pie has the pot as a base

>> No.6428614
File: 27 KB, 640x478, mousepie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mice pie

>> No.6428681

Original post >>6426433
says mince meat. I guess reading comprehension isn't a big thing down unda.

>> No.6429109
File: 311 KB, 1149x291, K978a4O[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally wrong.

thats just minced fruit pie.

>> No.6429208

Canned butter?

>> No.6429211
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>mice pie

>> No.6429236
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South Australian here contributing. Pie pea Floater

>> No.6429357

I have no time to make this until tuesday, but your help is much appreciated. Definitely going to make the standard pot pie though; my only worry being that I've made one before years ago and it was bland as shit. I'll post results if this thread still exists.

also I don't understand the purpose of freezing

>> No.6429672


It appears as though anon is making multiple frozen pot pies. He finds it easier to freeze the inner pie before encasing with pastry?

>> No.6429829
File: 77 KB, 700x520, aa72745_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have you never seen a tin of dogfood, Aussie?
Are you high? It's a fookin' delicacy, m8. Din't ya see the Mel Gibson documentary series?


>> No.6429835

But veganism is its own cult.

Google it mofo.

>> No.6430142


I only make pot pies of sorts not generally available for sale, such as fish/seafood, curried chicken, pork with leek and mushroom and things like that. When I make them, I like to make a bunch to freeze for oven heating on days I don't feel much like cooking. Come home. Pop one into the oven (which has an automatic off timer so I can time the pot pie perfectly while I'm doing something else without worrying that I'll forget about it and burn my house down), take a shower, then go serve myself some pie and salad and a beer.

That's one of the reasons why I could only give a guideline rather than a recipe proper: I rarely make 'normal' pot pies when I do. Also because I don't think in recipes.

I freeze the gravy before adding to the crust because the liquidy filling either messes up the pastry for me or, before I had small enough pie tins for individually sized pot pies, because they would otherwise not stay in place. It's the same way I make soup dumplings.

Before I had small pie tins, I was at a supermarket and saw that 350g tins of cooked chicken were on offer super cheap. If you've never seen them, they look like those 150g tuna tins, only over twice as big. So I bought several and used the chicken (which was surprisingly not bad!) in several applications (enchiladas, American chicken salad, chicken soup, chicken croquettes and pasta with garlic and chili and chicken as well as a few other dishes) and kept the tins to freeze the perfect amount of filling for pot pies.

>> No.6430486

You are a genuine dong.

>> No.6432409

Actually, "rustic" is a very old word, usually used as a euphemism for "'made by incompetent hicks".
"Old World", likewise, has come to mean something like "made without regard to photogenic appeal", but in a nice way, so as not to heap shame upon the subject being talked about.
Put together in this sense, it generally means "I don't care if you faggots say it looks like ass, this fucker is closed up, and that's all I care about."