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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 151 KB, 1024x1024, flour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6407784 No.6407784 [Reply] [Original]

Farming insects is way more economical than farming mammals but hipsters have made insect food products expensive.

When will this change?

>> No.6407790

can literally start a cricket/grass hopper farm in backyard or or your apartment for like 50 dollars .

>> No.6407801

Yea that's useful information, I'm not going to do this though.

But it does validate my point of profit margins on cricket related products being majorly excessive.

We're supposed to be saving the world by substituting meat more and savings a load of money in the process but it's been made into a gimmick. Makes no sense.

>> No.6407804
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>We're supposed to be saving the world by substituting meat more and savings a load of money in the process but it's been made into a gimmick.

Are beans out of the question?

>> No.6407810

hipsters and capitalism go together like butter and bread. How are you surprised by this?
>find fringe market with growing popularity
>saturate market with alternative labeled corporately produced goods
>get out before you start posting losses
that's all there is to it.

>> No.6407817

Sounds like a market that is asking for more participants. If I wasn't a big pussy I'd start something up.

>> No.6407833

I wouldn't be surprised if it was any other typical market that exploits the averagr greedy consumer. But this is revolutionary, for the greater good. I thought may have become more of something less for profit and pushed by the government to benefit everybody in the long run.

Like people getting more for cycling to work and other similar things.

>> No.6407838

Yea I think so. It would be easy to run a company that makes very nutritious and cheap stuff and make a nice profit without making it an extortionate meme product.

>> No.6407847

I was thinking of incorporating insects into my diet but the fact that hipsters got their paws on it before me changed my mind.

>> No.6407848

People get carried away with beans being high in protein. They protin content is high for what they are but you'd have to eat a ton of beans just get the same amount of protein from a palm sized piece of meat.

>> No.6407858

Yep, people forget that meat loses water when cooked, therefore getting more protein/mass while vegetables soak water, therefore getting less protein/mass.

>> No.6407862

well the "green revolution" has always been fake as hell. For instance the amount of gas consumed by the whole of american drivers is a drop in the bucket compared to that used for industry namely and military. So there's not much the consumers could do that would affect co2 emissions. Also wind turbine power is only good for residential housing which again is practically nothing compared to that for manufacturing new goods. So unless you can convince everyone to stop buying so much shit all the time and do most of their non-food shopping at garage and resale stores nothing is going to change no matter how much you inconvenience yourself for "the good of the world".

>> No.6407863


A cup of cooked beans is about 15 grams of protein. Most people already get way more protein than they need, so there's no concern in people not getting the same amount.

>> No.6407869

that and the protein availability of beans is lower considering you digest a smaller portion of the bean. Also the huge amount of fiber you're getting from them is probably pushing more food out of you before it can as absorbed as possible.

>> No.6407870

Yes, beans are a vegan conspiracy, everyone knows the only complete protein comes from MacDonalds hamburgers.

>> No.6407876

You're right I think the green revolution is a front and nobody acres untill something is directly hurting their pockets.

I'm not really trying to do this for the good of the world though haha I'm just trying to get some cheap protein since buying meat regualrly on a low income is killing me. The stuff from the "bitty" company (pic related) and other looks pretty nice too so it's a shame it's been made just as expensive as meat.

>> No.6407884

like I said grow your own crickets it's cheap as fuck. You just dehydrate them in your oven at like 180 for an hour or two once they're grown. Then blend them in a food processor or grinder until they're powder and you have your own for a couple dollars on the pound. But if you're looking for cheap protein that's not beans try peas. I eat like 1 cup of peas a day and that runs me about 3 dollars a bag for like 4 cups worth.

>> No.6407890


>> No.6407891

That does sound real simple. I thought there would be more to it.

>> No.6407900

well you can always add fillers like wheat flours but dried goods are pretty hard to spoil considering the low moisture content.

>> No.6407919
File: 270 KB, 834x929, Lentil nutrition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lentils are great too. Like 50% protein by calorie when you factor out the fiber (which it's also a great source of)

>> No.6407930
File: 10 KB, 410x305, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people saying the future of protein is insects are corporate jews
Stop trying to convince people that it's ok to take the first step on a road that leads to abject poverty and sitting around picking off and eating the fleas from your loved ones starving bodies.
Thanks Obama

>> No.6407931

These look so tasty. Bet they're expensive as well though.


>> No.6407940

yeah I used eat lentils a lot but if I eat more than 1/2 cup a day I'm pretty much shitting soft serve. Which is unpleasant as hell. It's just hard as fuck to get a days worth of protein out of lentils and not feel sick. So obviously they good as a supplemental source but everyone should really be mixing sources for optimum nutrition anyways. Probably the biggest pro of lentils is they're pretty much ready in 20 minutes as opposed to most beans you have to pressure cook or simmer for hours. So if you live loose and don't necessarily plan your meals it's a good thing to have around.

>> No.6407941

OP here. 50g of protein per serving? This sound too good to be true.

Is it really the same quality as animal protein though? I may have to get some tomorrow.

>> No.6407944

I don't see how it would be in their interest. Do Jews have a monopoly on invertebrates?

>> No.6407949

no it's not a complete amino acid profile but with rice it is. Also you're going to want to eat something starchy with the much beans anyways for the sake of your anus, toilet and family.

>> No.6407952


It's not per serving, that's for a cup of dried lentils, which makes about 3 cups of cooked lentils. 1 cup of cooked lentils is around 18g protein and 166 net calories

>> No.6407957

That's still not bad. I thought it would be less.

>> No.6407965

Why would rice contribute the the nutrition you get from them?

>> No.6407977

because neither of them have complete amino acid profiles but they fill in for each others missing amino acids. So you're getting all 9 essential amino acids in one day.

>> No.6407985

That complex stuff man. I would never have know.
You've some science in that brain anon.

>> No.6407993

not really it's pretty much mom-tier science. Anyone who's ever eaten vegetarian or decided to go on a cheap but healthy diet has to know this shit.

>> No.6407998
File: 23 KB, 414x425, 1233255977804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get sweet deals on insect food products at your local flea market.

>> No.6407999


Worth mentioning that any grain can compliment the proteins and you don't have to eat it at the same meal. Oats, wheat, barley, buckwheat, etc all work too

>> No.6408002

It's not common sense though. It's something you would have to learn about and understand. It's interesting.

>> No.6408006

I'll sooner live off beans and tofu before I start eating fucking bugs.

>> No.6408026

Seriously, next thing you know the new fashion trend is going to be burlap sacks with grass skirts and everyone will have a bone in their nose.

>> No.6408032

I remember people saying this in the 80's. When's it going to happen because I'm all for living out my days as a barbarian scholar.

>> No.6408039

Pretty sure that was an episode of I Love Lucy. Pretty sure because I remember watching that episode when I was home sick from school in the early 80s. Probably you heard them saying it in reference to I Love Lucy.

>> No.6408096


>> No.6408124
File: 521 KB, 2048x1365, proteinblock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt farm insect to mass produce protein blocks

Get with the times retards, this is the best and most affordable way to make food. So it is

>> No.6409539

>oey vey goyim you should start eating bugs
>you are just animals anyways, protein is protein!

It's dehumanizing. It's even less sanitary than regular factory farming, and unlike cows, if a swarm of insects gets loose it could spell disaster economically, ecologically, and sanitarily .

>> No.6409548

>the world's elite wants all the resources for themselves, but they dont want to pay the cost because oey vey only stupid goy pay retail

>lets pretend resources are running out. cows are a finite resource, you cant argue with the facts goyim
>oey vey, here Ive presented solution for problem, its fool proof
>you guys can eat bugs, we will keep eating meat, it will be great we promise :)

this can be applied to pretty much everything too, when you think about

>oey vey, the peak oils is running out, you have to stop driving your car so we can keep using a million times more oil to ship our cheap plastic shit from china. think of the environments and the co2s

>oey vey, global warming is real, trust us, the world is going to flood. What? Pay no attention to all this ocean side property I own.

>oey vey, california is in a drought. This means you cant water your lawn goyim. What about all the water I put into bottles which I sell out of state? Oey vey, I bought that water fair and square, dont question it.

>> No.6409550

see a therapist

>> No.6409564

Yore going to rule it out because it's a big less sanitary than animal farming. It's all far away from being very hygienic ghats why you cook your food properly.

>> No.6409567

could you make cricket gluten?
mix cricket powder into flour and then make a wheat gluten hybrid?

>> No.6409570

OP here. That is far fetched my son. I just want cheap tasty nutritious food and I wouldn't trade it to be enlightened by these great theories.

>> No.6409579

>Most people already get way more protein than they need, so there's no concern in people not getting the same amount.

If you want to pack on muscle you need to eat your weight in protein. Any average /fit/tard would need to eat close to 160-230 grams of protein a day. That is more than 10 cups of beans, if that is all they are eating. Plus >>6407869

>> No.6409653

global warming is real.

>> No.6409661
File: 88 KB, 600x904, 16_gas_mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People like you are why I'm in favor of gun control

Seek help

>> No.6409664


poopydoody. You can get big on nothing but rice and veggies if thats all you.have. we eat 10x the protein actually required by nature

>> No.6409675
File: 79 KB, 508x720, 1415003415871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6409696
File: 130 KB, 935x898, PIo8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But muh starting strength! Muh GOMAD!

Daily reminder that /fit/ is the fat acceptance board

>> No.6409700

Why the fuck would you make flour out of pretty much just protein?

>> No.6409704

>I"ve never heard of gram flour

Whitebread middle america please go

>> No.6409757

Starting strength is the same as the shit i did in football just jamed together in three days instead over the course of five. GOMAD is literally marks lazy way of forcing 80lb skater teens in texas to eat something so they have the energy to DO his program while he is training them.

>> No.6409771

I'm a moron for not reading what you replied to

>> No.6409827

The amount of protein rice is so low though.

>> No.6409849

Okay, why would you make 'all purpose wheat flour substitute' out of pretty much just protein?

>> No.6412543

If I want to eat "sustainable animal protein", I'll start eating le snail.

>> No.6412622

I think saying the jews are behind this is retarded, but there are definitely a small number of the ruling population that would sell America down the river for profit

>> No.6412633

>Any average /fit/tard would need to eat close to 160-230 grams of protein a day

yeah no unless you're already seriously yoked or on some drugs. try 100-150g

>> No.6414043

Anybody get this joke?

>> No.6414108

>hipsters have made insects expensive
You've got that backwards, actually.

Insects are expensive right now because there's no industrial system set up to reliably satisfy demand here.
When hipsters pay expensive money for insects, they funnel the necessary money into the system to build that system, ultimately making things cheaper as wide distribution and competition start taking effect.

So you shouldn't decry the hipsters and early adopters, you should thank them for what they're about to do for you.

>you're fucking welcome, poorfag

>> No.6414136


this guy gets it. for a long time people were saying "but muh organics were only for rich people" well look now organic shit is everywhere

>> No.6414160

The definition of organic is broader now, legally.

>> No.6414162

Organic food is certainly common now, but it's also more costly than the non-organic version. The fact that it's more expensive hasn't changed.

>> No.6414169


compare the cost now vs. the cost when it first was introduced. it's still premium but also the system for farming and distributing organic produce is more in place

>> No.6414172

>Farming insects is way more economical
No, if you want to produces by the ton like other animals, the material you'll need to keep it live, clean and without cross contamination is off the charts.

>> No.6414313

But that's to be expected somewhat. Nobody ever said organics/biologics would, or even should, ever achieve price parity with conventional crops.
The lack of artificial pesticides, fertilizers and ripening agents means organic yields are down and losses to pests and spoilage are up vs conventional crops.

Since they have to invest the same amount of effort to pick organics and conventionals, it only makes sense that organics cost more since they have less stuff to sell, and more of it will go bad before it can be sold.

>> No.6414345

Not so much, actually.
It's more that smaller, more local farmers can survive on the higher unit prices achieved by organic stuff. It's the niche that can feed them, so that's where they go.
They're not competing directly with large industrial growers that produce conventionals, so they don't have to match the rock-bottom prices that would drive many of them out of business.

>> No.6414347

Why are you pretending you have any idea what you are talking about.

>> No.6414500

This lek.

I'm almost certain that anon pulled that crap our of their imagination.

>> No.6414524

Are you an actual idiot? Or just playing one.

You think that the farming processes, feeding and land costs of insects are more costly that cattle?

It's 1:16am here so consider yourself lucky that I haven't got the time to embarrass you, I'm going putting my phone down now and about to laugh myself to sleep. Hopefully we'll carry this on I'm about 12 hours.

>> No.6414534

>that do sell America down the river for profit

>> No.6414553

This is partly true. Local farmers do tend to use organics as a niche, but this is only a small portion of organic farmers.

Most of the stuff you buy at organic supermarkets comes from industrial sized organic farms which ship their produce through the same channels with conventional produce.

Small organic farms still must compete with the pricing set by these large output farms since the supermarkets want to deal in large amounts of product from less sources.

>> No.6414558

Ideologically, the definition of organic is smaller. It originated as a way to grow food without using industrially produced means. Fundamentally, the movement wanted to develop a completely new way of food production that was subversive to the existing food industry. However, the movement folded into an industry itself while foregoing some of their original ideas.

>> No.6414573

Now the certification for organic is set up, but it is not entirely in line with the original ideas. Organic foods are still allowed to contain additives that are stated to be safe by the FDA. The difference between many "natural" and artificial additives, which is important because only "natural" additives are allowed in organic foods, is simply the way in which the additive is created. If you create banana flavoring in the lab by adding together chemicals, then its artificial, but if you distill tons of bananas down and add certain chemicals to collect off certain oils then its natural. Either way its a heavily processed additive.