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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6365358 No.6365358 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently Heinz once sold a ketchup that had onion in it.

Would you buy this?

>> No.6365371

I'd pirate it

>> No.6365379

Yeah that sounds fucking great, I love both on hotdogs and hamburgers.

>> No.6365514

You wouldn't pirate a memesauce.

>> No.6365524

imagine making some bomb ass thousand island with that. HOT DAMN

>> No.6365529

I would. I'd even seed.

>> No.6365534

I don't like onions and rarely ever use ketchup so probably not

>> No.6365545

>I don't like onions


>> No.6365551
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Next you'll say you don't like garlic

>> No.6365613

Absolutely Haram

>> No.6365643

Fuck you I would if I could.

>> No.6365645

>I don't like onions
I refuse to believe people like this exist.

>> No.6365678
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>> No.6365763

If they made it without the ketchup, I would.

>> No.6365775

Do you also dislike bell peppers?

>> No.6365790
File: 20 KB, 240x240, 1415922133138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably not even kidding. There are people that actually do not like onions. They dislike most food generally and are "picky eaters"

These people probably counldnt even survive pre-industrial revolution when you had to eat what was available to you. These people breed...these are dark time.

>> No.6365791

I probably would.

>> No.6366332


>don't like onions

>don't use ketchup

there's... i'm experiencing a conflict of judgment here

>> No.6366339

I thought that's what made ketchup ketchup and not tomato sauce?

>> No.6366342


lol, what?

no, that would be sugar/corn syrup and tomato concentrate rather than real tomatoes.

>> No.6366389
File: 73 KB, 150x400, tomato_squeezy_500ml[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even tomato sauce you fagqueer?

>> No.6366890

Ketchup already has onion powder as a main flavor component. It probably doesn't taste any different from regular ketchup just with a few chunks of rehydrated minced onion flakes in it

>> No.6366895

Ketchup is like runny tomato jam with vinegar and cloves.

>> No.6366901

It's a matter of amount. Much more onion flavor. Was pretty good, but not as versatile as regular or pepper sauce (the ketchup+pepper, not hot sauce)

>> No.6366910

And onion flavours.

Tomato sauce tastes different to ketchup.

>> No.6366927

For some reason, the heinz at dairy queen gives me hellacious heartburn.

No other variety does this nor the packets at any other place.

>> No.6366962

>I don't like onions
You dont like water either?

>> No.6367034

Fuck yes I would!

>> No.6367172
File: 14 KB, 633x758, i still love you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my gf is exactly like that
I love her but FUCK, I wish she could eat like a normal person.

>> No.6367180

Would you download a car? :^)

>> No.6367183

I know I'm getting bitched at for posting this link, but this is one of the few times this assholes site is relevant and he's 100% right.


>> No.6367190

To be fair, even though onions are ubiquitous in western cooking and indeed much of the world's cuisines there are still probably some countries which doesn't use it as much.

>> No.6367368

All the smelly fucks replying to you.

>> No.6368257

>few times this assholes site is relevant
Don't do that.

>> No.6368280

I hate onions so no

>> No.6368329
File: 88 KB, 1125x621, onuin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking retards

>> No.6368438

>imblying it's ketchup when it doesn't even have beans in it

>> No.6368778

>I don't like cows, so that means I don't like all cow byproducts.

well that seems a bit much.

>> No.6368788

I don't like tomatoes, allergic to them. Make me dry heave whenever I try to eat one or smell one.

Don't like most ketchup either. I do like the mcdonalds ketchup on fries or burger though, but by itself I still heave

>> No.6368792

...you're not allergic faggot.

>> No.6368821

Different guy, and onions are literally the only food I don't like. I used to be revolted by them. Today I'll eat them sauteed or in something but the taste has to be neutralized.

>> No.6368871

I love sauteed/cooked onions but to be honest I don't like raw onions in large amounts. I usually skip them in salads etc.

>> No.6368876

A friend of mine eats onions like one would eat apples. It's a sight to see.

>> No.6368891


>> No.6369324


Yeah, but it's like garlic Tabasco. It would have some very specific uses, and you wouldn't want to use it like a general condiment.

>> No.6369372


What the fuck
Does he cry the whole time?

>> No.6369393

You're friends with Tony Abbott?

>> No.6369426
File: 20 KB, 251x251, 1332612507442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mother disliked onions
>meaning basically no onion in our food ever
>mfw moving out and cooking with onions erryday
Finally food that doesn't taste like licking the ceiling

>> No.6370095
File: 8 KB, 180x180, 1418627455059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will not eat with onions
>Burgers are seasoned with onion powder
Not mine, they aren't
fucking disgusting
>Onion rings
>Fried Chicken
the one thing that onion powder is acceptable in (cause you cant taste it)
>Gravy, coleslaw, bbq, ranch
nope nope nope and nope

>> No.6370121

Do you just just fucking hate savory flavors?
I honestly think anyone that doesn't like onion is messed up. Like their taste receptors didn't form properly and are sending the wrong signals to the brain.

>> No.6370307

It's got onion powder in it anyway

>> No.6370889
File: 43 KB, 780x421, 1427414128539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually knew a kid in school that didnt like water, he said he didnt like the taste and only drank juice soda milk and other shit. fuckin wierdo

>> No.6370918

Agreed. I just think of them as permanent 12 year olds since I hated onions until I hit puberty. I mean I can understand it if someone doesn't like onions on their pizza or something, but refusing to eat them in any form is autistic as fuck.

>> No.6372663
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 1418500701836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol are you fucking retarded? not liking how something tastes is autistic?

>> No.6373681


Personally, I love onions but man fuck bell peppers. I mean I'll eat them but they have never been something I've gone out of my way to put in a dish.