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File: 711 KB, 476x9300, 2am chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6360777 No.6360777 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone tried this recipe? Was it okay?

>> No.6360781

Why wouldn't it be? It's not particularly special.

>coconut oil
>adding brown sugar

Aside from that, nothing really jumps out as obejctionable

>> No.6360783

>takes time to save a recipe
>asks other people if it comes out good
>not just trying it themselves

>> No.6360812
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>4th and 5th panels

see this pre-mixed McCormick chili seasoning mix? throw it away. now guys

guys listen

purchase THE EXACT SAME McCormick spices that are in the pre-mixed one, but individually

now you're cooking for real

>> No.6360823

>Aside from that, nothing really jumps out as obejctionable

Wow, really?

That recipe bugs the crap out of me because he says to throw out the packet (which is good advice) but then proceeds to replace it with the exact same shit-tier spices that were in the packet in the first place.

It also lacks whole chili peppers, which is the most important ingredient in a chili. All that effort to make that vertical and there's still just "chili powder" in it.

>> No.6360838

>not using fresh bay leaf
I don't hate this recipe but I know that mine's better.

>> No.6360845

Post your chili recipes

>> No.6360867


6360823 here. I have posted my recipe a few times on this board. All I have available to post right now is a powerpoint version of the recipe and the board won't let me upload it. Let me see what I can do in order to get it to post; I don't have the time right now to manually extract all the photos from the PPT.

>> No.6360881
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OK, got it figured out.

We're making chili, so that means we need chili peppers. It's the name of the damn dish. Whole peppers, not that dried powder crap.

Clockwise from upper left: Anaheims, guajillos (dried), Arbols (dried), Anchos (dried), Jalapenos, Habaneros.

>> No.6360890
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cut the stems off these peppers

>> No.6360897
File: 136 KB, 752x564, chili3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peppers go in blender. Add some beer to help hydrate them.

Don't use water for chili. It has no flavor. You want to use something flavorful like beer or stock.

>> No.6360902
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Meanwhile, season up some sirlion steaks with salt & fresh ground pepper.

>> No.6360909

To this we should add:

>green beans
>bell pepper
>kidney beans
>4 tsp. chili powder
>garlic and onion powder with chopped onion and garlic
>white sugar
>wheat flour not masa
>adds the oil soluble spices to the cooking liquid instead of frying them in a bit of fat

Chili powder isn't objectionable, but the amount he used is. You're not making chili unless you're using about 1/2 cup of chili powder.

>> No.6360911
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Get the steaks on the grill and get a nice sear. Char the fresh peppers too.

>> No.6360916
File: 204 KB, 752x564, chili6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once everything comes off the grill it should look like this.

don't worry about cooking the steaks through; we're just browning the outside right now.

>> No.6360921

Fuck, I'll throw down.

2 cloves of garlic
2 Chili peppers
3 jalapenos
5-6 sweet peppers
1 red bell pepper
1 yellow onion
2 tomatoes
1 lbs. ground turkey
1 can of crushed tomatoes
1 carton of vegetable stock
1 can of pinto beans
1 can of black beans
1 can of kidney beans
3 fresh bay leaf
As the chili flavor goes I use Alton Browns chili powder recipe cause I'm a queer like that. (http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/abs-chili-powder-recipe.html))
2 table spoons should do the trick but you could always add more. I'm not your keeper.

Chop up all the peps, garlic, onions (Put some gloves on when chopping the jalapenos and chilies.) and cook them till they're about al dente, not mushy. Once the veggies are done, take them out of the pan and set them aside. Open the cans of beans and tomatoes and drain them. Save the tomatoe juice cause that's the good stuff. Set those to the side. Using the same pan as the one for the veggies start cooking the ground turkey. Not all the way, just till the pink it gone. Drain the grease and set to the side. Add a little of the vegetable stock to the pan that you cooked all that stuff in and add the chili seasoning. Once dissolved, get your crock pot or pot or something. Get the rest of the stock, tomatoe juice and everything and put it all together like some crazy witch. Add the bay leaf but tear it up a little so the flavor can do its stuff. Cook for 30 minuets on low to medium low. Add any additional seasoning.
Add some tortilla chips and some cheese or if you're a real bad ass you could make some corn bread to go with this.

>> No.6360922
File: 179 KB, 752x564, chili7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cut up the peppers

>> No.6360924

>ground turkey
>vegetable stock

>> No.6360925
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Put the grilled fresh peppers in the blender with the beer and the dried chilies.

Will it blend? Stay tuned to find out.

>> No.6360928
File: 144 KB, 752x564, chili9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! It blends!

>> No.6360929

I like my chili with beans. You wanna fight about it?

>> No.6360932

I don't fight girls.

>> No.6360933
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back to the meat. Dice up the steaks.

>> No.6360936
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chili is always better with a variety of meats, so we're adding more. Clockwise from top left we have a pound of bison, a pound of pork, and at the bottom we have about a pound and a half of venison. Yeah. Bambi. Bambi is delicious.

>> No.6360941
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Yeah, I'm sure you have more important things to do.

>> No.6360942


This was the first one of his recipes I saw and tried. Never thought of adding beer to chili before that.

>> No.6360946


Here's the rest of our ingredients.
The bowl at the upper right has four yellow onions, chopped.

>> No.6360947

Could you just show the final product so I can go get lunch?

>> No.6360951
File: 179 KB, 752x564, chili12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would help if I remembered the pic.

>> No.6360954


Where the fuck else is he supposed to get them? Do you know for sure that his proportions and ingredients are the same as in the packet?

>> No.6360957

>Anyone tried this recipe?

No, but I'd drop the corn and green beans (WTF?) and provide diced fresh onions on the side, for the crunch.

Also; only newbies put their crackers/chips on top of the chili, patricians know to _first_ put the crushed crackers
into the bowl and then ladle on the chili after, so that they mix in easier and more throughly.

>> No.6360960

>4 lbs of meat in chili

Holy shit. You goin' all out.

>> No.6360962

Not who you're replying to, but...

>Where the fuck else is he supposed to get them?
You can buy whole spices at any Indian market for cheap.

>Do you know for sure that his proportions and ingredients are the same as in the packet?
Honestly, I think he would have been better off using the packet.

>> No.6360967
File: 139 KB, 752x564, chili13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown the ground meat. Make sure you get a nice sear on it. It's looks "light" in this photo because of the camera flash in the shiny pot, but make sure it's browned and not just gray.

>> No.6360969


How in the fuck did it went from green to red?

>> No.6360970

>this guy
>"want to cook a real cake? throw those supermarket cakes away and get a box of instant mix."

>> No.6360975
File: 150 KB, 752x564, chili14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Once the meat is browned, add the onion. As the onions sweat that will deglaze the pot for you.

Again, make sure the meat is browned and not just gray--the photo here doesn't make that very clear.

>> No.6360980


look at the earlier pictures in the thread. the bottom of the blender contains a large number of dried red chilies. their color dominates the fresh green ones.

>> No.6360983

>how did it went from
>who you was talkng to
>i be the best
>womans am stupid

>> No.6360984
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When the onions have sweated down and are turning translucent then add everything else to the pot: the diced steaks, the pepper/beer from the blender, another beer or two, and a few cans of vegetable juice (or more beer, or beef stock, or tomato juice...basically anything but water)

The dry spices you see in this photo are smoked hot paprika on the left, and freshly ground cumin on the right. This photo is right after dumping it in the pot.

>> No.6360992
File: 159 KB, 752x564, chili16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to simmer, low and slow.

Here it is after about three hours. Taste and adjust seasoning as needed. The V8 is salty so I didn't need to add any salt, but I did add a little more black pepper.

>> No.6360997
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>prepackaged chili seasoning
>throw that shit away
>canned beans
>aw yeah toss it in

>> No.6361000
File: 146 KB, 752x564, chili17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After about 4.5 hours, DONE.

>> No.6361008


>> No.6361017

>Where the fuck else is he supposed to get them?

Whole spices bro, not pre-dried, pre-powdered crap. And even if you are limited to pre-ground stuff, McCormick is about the worst brand there is.

Also, who's to say you want the proportions in the packet? Don't follow recipes blindly. Taste and adjust the seasonings per your preference, the potency/freshness of the spice, etc.

I had 3 lbs of sirloin, 1 lb bison, 1 lb pork, 1.5 lbs venison. I'd like to have used more venison, but that's all I had. Needless to say that is a large batch that feed me and my friends for a week.


>> No.6361020

>don't use water for broth, it has no flavor
that's how dumb you sound. you want to taste the meat and chilies, not beer.

>> No.6361042

>a bottle of MGD is going to drown out the flavors of red meat and hot chilis

Have you ever used a fucking chili?

>> No.6361053


Of course. That's why a I used a lightly flavored cheap beer like MGD. You didn't see me using a doppelbock did you?

>> No.6361056


Someone totally different, but I'll share mine:

1.5 lbs ground beef (turkey also acceptable)
1 can dark kidney beans
1 can pinto beans
1/4 of an onion, diced
1 can tomato sauce
A couple bay leaves
1 tbsp chili powder
1 tbsp cumin
2 tsp Garlic Powder
2 tsp Onion Powder
2 tsp Salt
2 tsp Ground pepper
2 tsp Brown sugar
2 tsp St. Lucifer powder (look it up, it's delicious)

Spice measurements are merely a suggestion. I usually start there and sprinkle in more as I go until it feels right. Never make the same pot twice.

Serve w/ cornbread.

>> No.6361063
File: 31 KB, 680x472, noose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canned beans?
powdered spices?

>> No.6361065

I've never understood this. If you're going to add fresh diced onion, what's the point of onion powder?

Why garlic powder instead of minced garlic?

Is powder better for chilli?

>> No.6361066
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>> No.6361070

I didn't notice the kind of beer. Yeah, MGD probably wouldn't be very overpowering at all, but I still think water is the best way to go. We'll just have to agree to disagree; everyone has different preferences.

>> No.6361073


Dunno, it's just the way I've always made it. Never gotten a complaint from those I've served it to.

>> No.6361078


I'm not the guy you are asking, but the only time I use onion powder is when I don't want to add the extra moisture from onions to the dish. Fresh onions taste a lot better, so they're always preferable. In the case of a stewed dish like chili I don't see the point in using the onion powder, except maybe for laziness. It's easier to dump some powder in there instead of cutting up an onion.

>> No.6361083

I like onion flavor, but too much onion can become a textural problem in chili, I feel like.

>> No.6361086

Wait, someone actually thinks any amount of any kind of beer will make it to where you can't taste the peppers or the meat?

How little pepper are you using and what do you boil the meat for a few days, drain and rinse it before you put it in?

>> No.6361087


then cut them finer or use a food processor. or cook longer; chili is best after its been simmered for hours and hours at which point the onions disintegrate.

>> No.6361088

My chili is fairly minimalist. It's just a matter of preference.

>> No.6361091


>> No.6361093

Nah, it's a matter of fact. You stated that the shit couldn't be tasted.

>> No.6361098

I was saying that the beer adds an unneeded dimension to the chili, not that you can't taste the main ingredients over the beer.

>> No.6361141



>> No.6361195


Here's my impromptu recipe. Probably not authentic or particularly mind blowing, but it tastes pretty good to me and it's something I can always whip up using ingredients I have lying around.

1 kg beef or lamb, cheapest cut, diced into large cubes (fuck mince)
2 1/2 onions
2 chopped scotch bonnet chillies
1 small cup/handful of chopped bell peppers
5 chopped garlic cloves
salt (to taste, maybe 2 teaspoons)
black pepper (to taste, maybe 1 teaspoon)
1 tbsp ground coriander
1 tsp paprika
2 1/2 tbsp ground cumin
3 tsp garlic powder
2 tablespoons of cayenne chili/extra hot chili powder
liberal dashes of hot sauce (maybe 4 tablespoons, substitute with lemon juice, extra salt, and even more cayenne powder if unavailable)
1 can of chopped tomatoes, 4 tbsp tomato paste, or 5 finely chopped fresh tomatoes
1 can kidney beans, including water (beans are optional so it's no biggie if you dont have any lying around)
1 square (1 1/2" by 1 1/2") of dark chocolate, 90 percent (can substitute with 1 1/2 tablespoons of cocoa powder)
roughly 300-350ml lamb or beef stock (or enough to barely cover the ingredients)
Bit of lemon juice or sugar (preferably brown) if you think it needs extra sourness or sweetness

Simmer until meat is tender, probably 2 hours.

>> No.6361255

Here's my recipe:


Anything else and you're doing it wrong.

>> No.6361463

>smoked hot paprika and not hungarian sweet
you disgust me and my motherland