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6349628 No.6349628 [Reply] [Original]

>having juice with breakfast

>> No.6349640
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>> No.6349651

Ice cold OJ with heavy pulp is the best possible drink to have with breakfast

>> No.6349655

>heavy pulp

extra smooth zero pulp master race reporting in

>> No.6349659

Juice any time of the day strikes me as an odd choice of drink, unless you're five years old.

Then again, I don't get soda, either.

>> No.6349666
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>> No.6349668


>Drinking pulp

It's like you want to ignore all man's achievements and live as a savage.

>> No.6349672


Juice is pretty much always what I have with meals, soda only when I eat out/order fast food, when I'm just thirsty and not eating I always go with water, but when I drink water with meals I feel like it tastes like whatever I'm eating which bugs me.

>> No.6349677


Or alternatively, wine, but thats only with dinner usually.

>> No.6349680


He said as he slurped on his Mountain Dew Game Fuel, a smug grin spread across his bearded chin. His charcoal grey fedora felt out of place, so he reached up and gave it a tip, taking another swill of his carbonated brew as he let out a single "heh."

>> No.6349684

nice trilby anon. What's the significance ?

>> No.6349690

The morning is the only time I ever feel like drinking juice. A nice cold glass seems to wake me up somehow.

>> No.6349692

I have water with most meals. Some foods go really well with beer or wine, so I'll drink those when I'm eating a meal like that. The only time sweet drinks "work" for me is if the food is crazy spicy.

>> No.6349694


Probably the sugar, if you're not on caffeine and don't eat sweets much sugary stuff will have the same effect as coffee IMO, when I stopped drinking caffeine and sugary stuff all together a small glass of Coke would wake me the fuck up in the morning

>> No.6349994


Fact: Coke contains caffeine


Fact: Alcoholic juice, such as wine or hard cider, is the only acceptable form of juice for adults.

>> No.6350006

Water and black coffee best. Orange juice has more sugar by volume than soda with negligible nutrients; would rather just chug an energy drink by that point.

>> No.6350065

Smearing half digested shit all over your rectum due to lack of fiber is a good thing?

>> No.6350082

>Not having a detachable showerhead

>> No.6350134


BS, in the summer nothings better than throwing some watermelon in the blender with ice and just downing that shit

>> No.6350140

fact: you're a retarded alcoholic.

>> No.6350142

>Fact: Alcoholic juice, such as wine or hard cider, is the only acceptable form of juice for adults.
"I'm not going to drink something nutritious that I like, because I'm an adult now."

You're not an adult. I see attitudes like your's all the time and it shouldn't bother me, but it's coming to a point. Maybe I've mentally regressed to childishness myself.

>> No.6350152
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YOU CAN NOT purchase juice.


its IMPOSSIBLE to purchase juice.

to purchase juice is NOT POSSIBLE.

is that clear

>> No.6350159

No pulp faggots are literally some of the worst kinds of people in the world.

>> No.6350197

i drink a glass of multivitamin juice with breakfast. for the vitamins. water the rest of the day.

>> No.6350217
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On what grounds

>> No.6350218
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uh, no. It's basically just sugar-water with trace amounts of potassium and some Vitamin C, both of which you'd be better off getting from vegetables.

>> No.6350224


Drinking OJ with pulp is like swallowing a million gigantic sperm cells like a huge load strait out of some mutant orange dick which only a total faggot would consider doing.

>> No.6350226
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where is your god now? percentages are per 100ml. so roughly 100% daily intake of everything per serving.

>> No.6350233

>Vitamin A & Vitamin C are the only vitamins that exist

Oh, America.

>> No.6350237

you need many years of therapy.

many, many years.

>> No.6350240
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>having breakfast at all

>> No.6350243

I think for an apricot and apple puree to have ~110% of your estimated daily requirement for vitamin C, per 240 mls, is a bit more than trace. High in iron and vitamin A as well.

I;m not sure what kind of juice you're buying, but you're doing it wrong. The only grounds anyone really has to bitch is some fruit's tendency towards higher fructose levels.

>> No.6350279


stfu euro fag

they are the only applipable vitamin in this instance, so thats what is printed

fuck you America is terrible but for much different reasons

>> No.6350338


what do you mean?

>> No.6350342


Those stats are for German apple juice. I'm talking about American.

>> No.6350354


>America is the only country in the world

>> No.6350384

you're not very bright, i take it....

>> No.6350387

and you're dumber than the guy spouting off about vitamins A and C.

>> No.6350396

I don't drink juice at all. It's acidic and full of sugar. Bad combination for teeth. Potatoes have lots of vitamin vitamin c, so does cabbage.

>> No.6350431


How the fuck are you drinking potatoes?

>> No.6350440

HE's also neglecting to notice that potatoes are very starch-like and extremely high glycemic. Any residue left in your mouth is readily converted to usable monosaccharides by bacteria, which then create acids on your teeth.

I'm reluctant to agree the actual pH of the liquid itself is directly meaningful. Sure, your teeth don't like it, but your saliva neutralizes and removes it so quickly it barely matters. It's just bacteria in or directly on the tooth surface that are the problem.

I also wish they'd ditch fluoride already and start using theobromine in toothpaste. Studies are showing it works better, and if we aren't going to change our diets or habits, might as well make some kind of decent change.

>> No.6350444

He or she that is. I assumed male.

>> No.6350523

some folks do like orange juice, apparently.http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_ORANGE_JUICE_SHOOTING?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT

>> No.6350581

Absolutely disgusting.jpg

Tastes like watery shit and has no texture. Drinking nopulp is equivalent to eating well-done steak; you are literally that pleb.

>> No.6350857

that isnt the fucking issue here you retard, jesus christ this is funny

>amerifat says something stupid
>europoor tries to correct it, but completely misses what was actually wrong with the post.

our apples here in america might have gmo's or whatever the fuck in them, but unless you are buying some really weird shit the vitamins in american apple juice and german apple juice are going to be roughly the same.