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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 371x354, tenderising-brisket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6304803 No.6304803 [Reply] [Original]

anyone used these before?

When I marinade chicken or beef, usually after cooking, only the outside of the piece of meat is flavorful while the inside is bland and rubber tasting of nothing. Would this tool make the inside more flavorful?

after watching a how it's made video of meat getting injected with marinade with multiple needs, it got me thinking that this tool would work in a similar matter. so if you used this tool before, could you give some reviews of it?

>> No.6304804

You can also just, y'know, prick the meat with the tip of your knife for a minute or two.

>> No.6304810

let's say I could, would that work in making the meat nice and flavorful inside? This tool just looks like it would do a more uniform job at it.

>> No.6304816

I worked at a place that used those on the tougher steaks, mostly sirloin iirc and it worked very well to tenderize. I have no idea how well they allow a marinade penetrate though. I'm sure it would help.

>> No.6304820

If you used one of those and vacuum packed the meat with the marinade it would force some of it inside. I don't know how much penetration you will get if the meat is just sitting in a container, but it's going to be more than if you didn't do it at all.

>> No.6304848

you use a flavor injector

>> No.6304854

sounds good, I googled marinade injector.


>> No.6304907

>When I marinade chicken or beef, usually after cooking, only the outside of the piece of meat is flavorful while the inside is bland and rubber tasting of nothing. Would this tool make the inside more flavorful?
You are supposed to let it marinate for some time.

>> No.6304916

Get a vaccination machine and vaccinate the fuck out of your steak with whatever you want!

>> No.6304949

I haven't cooked a lot of meat except tenderloin which didn't need tenderising so what else is it usually used on?

>> No.6305218

You can turn eye of round into tenderloin with one of those and literally no one can tell the difference

Dumb carnists like BBQ King will go ballistic (well maybe not BBQ king he can't even spell ballistic), claiming that a jaccard "ruins the meat" and that they can totally tell the difference but joke's on them because they eat jaccarded meat all the time.

>> No.6305365

>literally no one can tell the difference
I'd take that challenge with $1000 USD wager on the line

>> No.6305374

I use one (well, just a fork - but to the same effect) on venison leg steaks. It's more about breaking down the tissue of the meat and less about marinade penetration, though. The jury is out on marinade injection - the folks at Cook's Test Kitchen swear injecting marinade produces worse results than a simple 24 hour soak.

>> No.6305389

you're a lazy joke if you'd use that. good meat speaks for itself. if you're having issues with marinade penetration you're either not being patient enough or not using a proper marinade.

>> No.6305400

>muh sophisticated tastes
It's a piece of salted cooked meat, calm down.

>> No.6305462

whatever you say, it just shows that you have no standards and have no passion for cooking. i wouldnt eat in your kitchen.

>> No.6305473

The problem with tenderizing like that is that its punching the top layer of the meat and that's just going to let the juices seep everywhere while its cooking.
If you want a delicious flavor infused steak then just brine it over night.

>> No.6305479

>When I marinade chicken or beef

marinade = noun
marinate = verb

>> No.6305489

Have you ever tried to? I know people keep saying that but i never got dry meat when i did that.

Maybe the searing seals it up again?

>> No.6305509

That's basically a myth:


>> No.6305540

Carnists and other picky children aren't welcome in my kitchen.

>> No.6305541

>the inside is bland and rubber tasting of nothing.

You're over cooking your meat

>> No.6305546

>good meat speaks for itself
Its a guarantee that you're white and everything you cook is underseasoned and shitty because you can only handle at most 2 flavors at once.

>> No.6305593

you're projecting, i'm simply saying instead of ruining a perfectly good piece of meat by tenderizing it improperly, he could just do it the right way instead. theres no benefit to poking holes in your meat regardless of what you believe, nor should you ever need to hammer a piece of meat flat.

It reeks of amateur, in the case of needling the meat, all you accomplish is a.) destroying the structure of the meat. b.) opening up the meat to potentially lose all of its water content, which ironically will probably make it tougher after all is said and done.

for decent to good cuts of meat theres no need to tenderize behind a marinade. and for "bad" cuts the majority of the issues come from not understanding how to cut the meat in questions.

why do you not want to marinade your meat anon? perhaps you're the shitty cook.

>> No.6305600

shows what a chef you are. having standards isnt being picky. let me guess; you dont have a michelin star.

>> No.6305618

you're a tard
the juice is pushed out by connective tissues that contract in the heat. but cutting lots of these tissues, less juices are squeezed out.

>> No.6305632

there's so much stupidity and lack of knowledge in this post. you're a lost cause. are you the sort of faggot that sears his meat to keep in muh juices?

>> No.6305636

>meme insult from vegans butthurt after years of shit posting on /ck/

>> No.6305638

nope, i only sear meat to render fat, you would know that if you were a true chef.

>> No.6305643


Why would you render fat at searing temperatures?

>> No.6305645

>searing to render fat
>not knowing about the maillard reaction
full retard confirmed

>> No.6305665

why wouldnt i? i'm going to be trimming it anyway i just want some of it to reabsorb into the meat. its just a last minute thing before i take it off the heat.

>> No.6305671

Let me guess, you read chef steps and are thinking about splashing out for a lucky peach subscription to impress grills

>> No.6305675

One of the best things about this thread is the knowledge that I will never eat food that you have produced.

>> No.6305679

off the mark, try again.

are you retarded? thats like saying:
>broiling to firm crust
>not knowing about the yeast organism

its irrelevant and you've just proved your stupidity.

>> No.6305690
File: 36 KB, 384x576, moder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your first names first letter? im going to put you on a black list at my restaurant, bud, dont worry. know that there will be many people who will feel the quake of your actions here today, if 1/26 of the human americans will be denied service hereafter at my kitchen so be it.

you will not taste my food, damn right.

>> No.6305694


I've noticed a lot more racist posts like this over the past few months than I can remember seeing in the past. Has anyone else noticed an increase?

>> No.6305697

no nigger, you said that you only sear meat to render fat which is:
1. a retarded way to render fat
2. shows that you don't sear meat to form a crust for dat flavor, which is retarded

>> No.6305699
File: 1.16 MB, 285x228, 1372629327993.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've noticed a lot more racist posts like this over the past few months than I can remember seeing in the past
Is that because you migrated from reddit to 4chan in those months you dumb faggot? This is how /ck/ has always been.

>> No.6305702

gtfo honkey

>> No.6305723

Shitskins are pissed about their inferiority.

>> No.6305746

>I've been here all summer
Tell me about the new avocado fad :^)

>> No.6305766

obviously i sear to form a crust too, but i was more trying to refute: >are you the sort of faggot that sears his meat to keep in muh juices?

do you want me to outline my entire day for you too bud?

>> No.6305780

>uses word 'only'
>doesn't mean 'only'

>> No.6305838

>implying you couldn't say that about literally any ingredient when somebody says there are ways to cook it properly

"it's a piece of (insert seasoning) cooked (insert ingredient). calm down"

0/10 your food probably tastes like cardboard

>> No.6305844

do you also look down on your mantle of superiority and criticize wolves, coyotes, wild cats, falcons, fish, pitcher plants and venus fly traps for being carnists?
>Just curious.

>> No.6305854
File: 349 KB, 626x461, rRaG8in-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's because of the proliferation of "omg i rolled dubs check em" threads on /b/, so all the racists came from there to here.

>> No.6305867

How would someone "look down on their mantle of superiority", exactly?

The thing about animals is that they don't fetishize one random food based on cultural hangups. You don't see vegans raging over PROPER garbanzo beans and yet you people lose your shit over muh steak

>> No.6305871

>You don't see vegans raging over PROPER garbanzo beans

Except you do

>> No.6305893

Today I marinated some pressed tofu and before doing it I used a toothpick to let everything go through. It turned out perfect, I don't see why it wouldn't work on meat as long as you give it enough time.

>> No.6305917

tofu is all uniform, that's different. with meat you are literally damaging the structure in such a way that you are opening the door to a miriad of other issues during the cooking process, all for the sake of making it supposedly "more tender" even if it means making the meat of a lesser quality to do so.

you do not need to perferate meat - its already porous enough that the marinade can seep in.

dont take my word for it, its very easy to test for quality differences. Marinate one steak for 24 hours, marinate another for 6 hours (after perforation). everything else constant, i guarantee the difference in quality will be extremely noticeable.

>> No.6305920


marinades don't do shit buddy. brines do though

>> No.6305929

on.. from. English is my 4th language, so gfy.
>You don't see vegans raging over PROPER garbanzo beans and yet you people lose your shit over muh steak

I hear vegans flip their shit all the time. Vegans are the biggest bunch of drama queens on earth. They make fundamentalist christians seem reasonable.

>> No.6305941

>marinades don't do shit buddy

thats cute

>> No.6305956

are you joking? a brines not going to tenderize meat whereas a marinade would ...

>> No.6305960


the serve 2 different purposes, ignore the idiot

>> No.6306043

>Implying I'd eat autism-steak
Good one, jidf

>> No.6306102

once i marinaded a chicken for 4 whole hours. came out like shit

>> No.6306167


meat isnt porous, unless you're talking about on the cellular level, then everything is porous

>> No.6306221

4 hours is not enough. plus your marinade was probably garbage - what'd you use?

>> No.6306320

19 year old vegans acting like children get noticed because they're acting like children about something slightly edgy
55 year old carnists acting like children get a free pass because a piece of salted cooked meat is the highest art form known to man

I don't know about you but I'm more inclined to cut the teenager some slack

>> No.6306353

If only you were using a trip so that I could filter you. Oh I know, I will just filter everyone that uses this term.

>> No.6306398

Fun fact, marinating your meat for excessive amounts of time will do nothing to improve the flavor, your marinade is never going to penetrate further into the meat than it does after like 1-2 hours, MAX. Instead of worrying about getting more marinade into your meat, maybe buy better meat and learn how to cook it worth a damn so it doesn't come out like a tasteless piece of rubber or shoe leather.

>> No.6306416

>your marinade is never going to penetrate further into the meat than it does after like 1-2 hours,

That would depend on what's in your marinade, now wouldn't it?

I once had a steak literally turn to mush--as in baby food consistency--because I marinaded it too long with raw pineapple juice.

>> No.6306427

"If you're explaining, you're losing"
--Ronald Reagan

>> No.6306461

That's because of enzymes found in pineapple and papaya.

>> No.6306482


Yes, of course. But the point is that the marinade penetrated far more into the meat than >>6306398
said it would. In fact, it destroyed the meat. In other words, this example proves that >>6306398 is wrong.

>> No.6306547

>carnists quoting the guy who made ketchup a vegetable

>> No.6306614


soaking a piece of meat in a solution with an enzyme is called digestion, and it happens in your stomach. marinating implies that some semblance of flavour might be imparted rather than ruining a perfectly good steak through incompetance

>> No.6306618

Get a load of this tard.

>> No.6306642


acidic marinades don't actually do much to meat protein. the lactic cultures in milk and yogurt and shit do though, and salt does.

>> No.6306645


Soaking meat in a flavorful liquid is called marinading.

Soaking meat in a flavorful liquid including a tenderizing agent is a subset of this.

Of course leaving it in there too long was certainly a fuckup, but it is still an example of a marinade penetrating far into meat.

>> No.6306647

I don't have my trip on my phone, but it's amusing to see how sensitive you people are. You want a trigger warning? ;_;

>> No.6306663

/ck/'s been like this for about a year. We get a lot more traffic here now, so naturally a lot of those people are memespouting shitstains.

But we sometimes get good threads, so its almost worth it.

>> No.6306674


by marinades most people tend to mean acidic liquids. people think the acid breaks down the meat but it's just an old wives tale, same with salad dressing. obviously yeah marinades can do stuff to meat in a number of other ways.

>> No.6306685
File: 33 KB, 453x500, 1423496279491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is some real entry level trolling to try to justify turning your gay little steak into baby food

>> No.6306700

That's... uh... I have a weird boner right now.

>> No.6306706

I've been a regular since 06 and the only thing that has changed is that we get minorities calling white people names on a more regular basis. Used to be "nigger nigger nigger" and occasionally kike raghead gook, now Mexicans and Indians and Orientals rag on white breads and their bland food multiple times a week. It's consistent with the place being more mainstream now, just as we have grown adults with jobs and kids and being able to afford gadgets and restaurant meals and expensive alcohol that makes the broke college kids shit themselves with rage.

If you think racist shit flinging is a new thing, you cannot possibly not be white. It's almost as old as 4chan, you just didn't notice it.

>> No.6306713


>we get minorities calling white people names on a more regular basis.

it's quite possibly white people trolling.

>> No.6306768

>Asians only exist in anime

>> No.6306981

Its good for breaking down the sinew and toughness of a lower quality cut, and yeah more surface area for marinade would cause the flavor to penetrate well. At the very least its better for the end result than smacking it with a meat mallet.

It would also be great for scoring thin collops like country fried steak, thin cripsy pork chops, or even schnitzel (not that veal needs much tenderizing)

>> No.6307286

no by marinades people mean marinades, some of which include enzymes to tenderize the meat. are you not paying attention to the conversation at all?

come on dude.

>> No.6307289

okay true, i can agree with that. if you are going to ruin your meat, yes, this is a better alternative than meat mallets.

>> No.6307300


i came in and explained what was causing the breakdown of communication in the conversation, so yes i was paying attention. the prevailing wisdom on the subject for a long time was that marinating in shit like red wine would tenderise the meat and saturate it with flavour over time. that doesn't happen.

this guy >>6306398

was explaining that, and then someone came in and raised a counterexample and as the two of them argued a blind spot in both their arguments became apparent. i was just trying to help.

>> No.6307471

This tool chews the food for you before you even cook it.

>> No.6307497

>ruin your meat
yes, because all meat should be exactly the same. if not, it's ruined.
why aren't we growing our food in a tube yet?

>> No.6307528

lol if thats digestion, then like this post says: >>6307471

then the tool in the OP is mechanical digestion.

>> No.6307553


pretty much

>> No.6307587

marinades are shit unless you have a thin cut of meat

>> No.6307951

>calling someone a carnist
can you really call whatever the fuck you have a kitchen?

>> No.6307970


>> No.6307975

>I was only pretending to be retarded
Ayy lmao

>> No.6308038

youre misusing both of those memes.

>> No.6308061

Jaccard Meat Tenderizer

this toolwould help allow a marinade to get inside the meat.
just poking with a fork or toothpics will not do the same as this tool.this tool has flat blades sharpened on the end that will actually cut tissue not just poke holes in it.
you can use it on tougher cuts of meat to help break down the connective tissue.
it is good when you dont want to use a mallet and flatten the meat

>> No.6308071

That's not true at all and you should consider killing yourself.