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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6303684 No.6303684 [Reply] [Original]

You're out with your steady girl, and even though she said she didn't want any fries, she keeps taking yours.

Should you next time just get her an order of them for her and an order for yourself, or would she whine about "telling me about what to put in my body" ?

>> No.6303694

she would probably be wierded out by you being autistic with food

>> No.6303700

just get a larger order next time, you daft nigger.

>> No.6303701

who the fuck cares
order a bigger fries next time

>> No.6303702

It's not autistic for her to be a greedy fatass who lies and thinks it's cute to steal your fries. Maybe she'd be happier if she could date Mayor McCheese and get all the secret fries she wants from his fast food vault.

>> No.6303708
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Do something like this.

>> No.6303709

eat with my girl, but we're not steady. allows us to date other people at the same time. keeps things interesting. Worked for two years so why not.

>> No.6303711

Next time I order fries, I'll be one of those people who pour ketchup all over the fries and then eat the mess with a fork.

>> No.6303732

just get a larger order in the future, anticipating that she will want some. my wife and i usually share a large order of fries when we do get fast food--one combo meal and one sandwich by itself.

>> No.6303735

I'd take my steady girl to the sock hop. Maybe split a malt at the diner later if she's keen to sharing. Boy she sure is a swell gal.

>> No.6303738

its just expected when you get something that comes with more than 1.

Like when you go eat with your friends, if someone gets an order of nuggets their expected to share them with everyone else. So you just get a larger order.

>> No.6303742

>that feeling when you realize you will never take a drive up to the point and neck with your best gal

>> No.6303772

with autism like that running wild, you're not gonna have to worry much about girls anything

>> No.6303776

Archie pls go

>> No.6303784


>eating a few fries
>greedy fatass

and while it may not be autistic, it is socially retarded

>> No.6303787

itt: fatasses

>> No.6303796

if you're that angry at your girlfriend maybe you should just break off the relationship instead

>> No.6303826

She only wants them because they're yours. This is a way women "bond" with you or feel they can be close to you. So just let her pick at fries you child-like autist.

>> No.6303838

Yeah, the inferior sex think it's cute to piss you off in small ways. If you have a little button to press, they'll do it with a giggle and a smile like they're the cleverest retard at stupid camp.

>> No.6303863


>> No.6303865


I eat other peoples french fries because I just want a couple french fries. Go back to r9k/wizardchan please

>> No.6303869

/r9k/ is for foreveralones who want a girlfriend. Have you ever been there? It's not a catchall board for somebody you disagree with.

>> No.6303873

Next time she does it sigh deeply and roll your eyes.
When she gets huffy and bitchy silently stand up, walk to the counter, and order a small fry.
Bring it back and throw it in her fucking face.
Then you won't have this problem anymore, she'll have her damned fries, and we won't have yet another "hey i have a gf have I told you about my gf"-bait thread.

>> No.6303878


yeah, foreveralones who want a girlfriend but can't get one because they're too socially retarded so instead they just complain about how stupid women are

>> No.6303880

/r9k/ is for foreveralones who hate women and have an inferiority complex

>> No.6303883

you sound...mad. Are you? Would you get this upset if somebody said they had a slave, or a dog, or a laptop?

>> No.6303892

you ask for a double order of fries just for yourself.

that way you're not making her have her own serve, so she isn't embarrassed.
And you will be sharing the dish, which is really what she wants.

If you order the double serving and it turns out she doesn't take any, then boohoo you wasted a couple bucks.

>> No.6303897

I honestly don't care if OP has a gf, a bf, both, neither, or is attracted primarily to small horses in pastel colors.
It's the one -to-three mongs who get rabidly buttstrated at any mention of a significant other that they derail /ck/ thread on a regular basis that make me mad, but now that I actually read the thread and see that it hasn't happened yet I feel a little silly.

>> No.6303923

These retarded threads having nothing to do with food or cooking. It's /soc/ that's vaguely /ck/ related so obnoxious assholes can blog about their social lives on here.

>i feel bad wen i cook cuz i dont look like a hot gurl but my bf doesnt :(
For example. It's like those retarded "post a pic of ur car and guess when others last had sex" on /o/- it has nothing to do with cars, they just want attention

>> No.6303930

Then she'll think you're destined to be a fatty and dump you at the next opportunity

>> No.6303938

You won't be if you won't stop eating out all the time.

>> No.6303940

>And you will be sharing the dish, which is really what she wants.

Then she either ask beforehand or split the bill. You don't just go "LOL I DONT WANT ANYTHING" then proceed to eat the other person's food; it isn't cute, it's just annoying and pretty damn rude.

>> No.6303954

>Then she
Then she can*

>> No.6303960

My gf will buy food sometimes and I say I don't want anything, but once it's in front of me I get slightly hungry. Quit being a faggot and just share some food. Unless you're /fit/ and on a bulk, you could probably stand to not eat a bunch of fast food.

>> No.6303971


How much of a cunt are you that you won't share a few fries with someone? I've had the misfortune of going out to group dinners with friends-of-friends where someone will ask if they could try one of their fries/nachos and they go on this 90s tirade about how if they wanted them they should have ordered them themselves. This even happened about 6 weeks ago, and I literally just said "do you have any idea how much of a gigantic cunt you're being right now? They asked to try one fucking nacho you fucking baby" and they stormed out. Good riddance. How these people have friends I'll never understand.

>> No.6303975

Next time I wouldn't order any fries either and see how she'd react

>> No.6303983

Did they take their nachos with them?

>> No.6303985

>Getting this butthurt without even reading the post

All I said was to ask first, holy shit you guys are quick to defend m'lady's honor it's ridiculous.

>> No.6303992

If it's your steady girl, how about you stop being a complete and utter autist and just mention to her before you order "are you suuuure you don't want any fries? cause i don't want you eating half of mine just cause you ddn't get what you wanted"

Works for me.

>> No.6303997

>implying either of us give a shit about the bitch
We were just calling you a stingy cunt.

>> No.6303999

I'm sure her next boyfriend will share his fries with her.

>> No.6304012

dude you sound like greedy fatass here. Sometimes my girl wants a bite of my sandwich and sometimes i want a bite of whatever she's eating cos we have different food. spice of life.

>> No.6304021


surprisingly no

I wish they would have though because that would have been fucking hilarious

>> No.6304050

lmao holy shit bro if you get this angry and defensive at a girl stealing fries from you, you have a hard road ahead.

>> No.6304052
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My GF doesn't like fries, which sucks because all I want to do sometimes is buy a big bag of fries from Nandos, or the fish and chip shop, or the local charcoal chicken and share with her but she's not down for that.

>> No.6304053

thanks,lol. always a bone of contention, even Mom and Dad,. now both gone, to family and friends.we will just share an order of fries. the hell you will, get your own.(and Mom said that).or dessert, I'll just have a little bit of
yours.. I don't think so lady, I'm paying, so order your own. almost anything,except fries, shrimp, fried oysters, , slice of pizza, last cup of coffee when rushing to work. or doughnut. that person you slept with is now a snarling wolf. I do like fries, and tater tots, but eat them seldomn. personal stuff..

>> No.6304105
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>> No.6304110

I really don't think you need to get married, , just buy an extra order of fries hold on hoss, not so easy.as you will learn, shortly, hetero or homo. sometime best alone. A big difference between alone and lonely..plus you get your own fries. but not too often. learn to share.

>> No.6304393

then get your own fucking order of fries and dont eat all of them.

>> No.6304399


Are you fucking illiterate? I said a couple. If I could pay for 2 or 3 fucking french fries I'd buy my own. Why the fuck would I pay for an entire order if that's all I want? I offer my food to any of my friends if they want to try some because I'm not an intolerable cunt.

>> No.6304407

I'd get two order of fries, because more fries is always better than less fries.

>> No.6304415

Get her pregnant. That will teach her. That's how I teach em. Only with girls outside my countRy,

>> No.6304420

Eat HER out next time

>> No.6304429

next time i dont order anything. i say im watching my weight
when she gets what she wants i comment that she got a lot of stuff. i say it in a way that has her questioning what i meant.

>> No.6304443

>Like when you go eat with your friends, if someone gets an order of nuggets their expected to share them with everyone else.

That's some dumb shit, anon. This is not something that happens with normal people

>> No.6304445


If "an entire order" is the only size available you either buy an entire order or you don't get any fucking fries. Literally taking food off of someone else's plate is SUPER FUCKING RUDE. Men get into fights over this shit, a dog will bite holes in your hand if you try to take its food bowl. The #1 necessary thing that animals need to do to live is EAT so obviously stealing food is serious fucking business. Even if you ask first it's still rude since you're pressing the other person to give you their food. Well, that's all assuming that you'd be paying for your own order of fries to begin with since men generally pay for women's meals you worthless fucking cunt.

>> No.6304450

If you're watching your figure you can just have them fill your drink with half coke half diet coke.

>> No.6304457

My ex hates vinegar, and I LOVE vinegar. She never ate any of my fries. But I would get her an order and eat what she couldn't

>> No.6304501

That is one thing I never thought of .I love malt vinegar on fries. greens and she hated it. but probably not a wise thing.to build a relationship on.

>> No.6304510

Are you that guy who guards the dinner roll bin at Hometown Buffet and growls when anybody goes to touch it?

>> No.6304516

>I can't disassociate myself from animals despite supposedly being a higher level organism

>> No.6304567

She'll just consume your happiness, soul, and future.