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File: 347 KB, 2048x1326, la-dd-velveeta-confirms-liquid-gold-cheesepocalypse-shortage-2014011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6296226 No.6296226 [Reply] [Original]

Is America the only country with Velveeta technology? Rest of the world, are you in on this, room temperature non perishable cheese food product?

>> No.6296232

lol they don't even know how to into individually wrapped slices. Stone ages.

>> No.6296234

>room temperature non perishable cheese food product
Sounds delicious

>> No.6296238
File: 508 KB, 1000x572, velveetacounts[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checkmate athiests

>> No.6296638
File: 108 KB, 960x720, 1416188132053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6296645

what is a "cheese product"?

>> No.6298085

it has cheese in it but also other stuff.

>> No.6298382

more like it tastes like cheese and has a colour similiar to cheese
God damnit US, get your shit together, eat something real for once

>> No.6298473

The sad part it was actually made from cheese up until a point.

>> No.6298485

poorfag detected

>> No.6298526

'merican.here. and though I like American cheese. I dislike Velveeta gummy tasting I guess it is like chezze wihiz in Philly steak wit,wt out. next. ain't got all day. me it's not too bad, but almost anything .is better .cheese snobs on 4 chan, but only one step above "slices" in plastic, soy, whey, oil. still,could do worse. dirt.

>> No.6298529

>not keeping your velveeta in the fridge

the fuck is wrong with you.

>dad always use to spaz the fuck out when i was a kid if my mom bought valveeta. "WHERE NOT MILLIONAIRES ONLY MILLIONARES BUY VELVEETA!!!"

his father scarred him emotionally as a child.

>> No.6299487

You know there is REAL cheese from America, right?

>> No.6299505

sure but you have to go to a coast for that and coasts are commie and have to many libruls

>> No.6299507

>what is Wisconsin

>> No.6299515

This is a joke, right? Iowa makes a good blue cheese called Maytag, otherwise middle america is a food desert.

>> No.6299516

You seriously don't know about the Wisconsin cheese industry? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6299520

>cheese industry
Key word highlighted just for you.

Of course everyone knows about it, just like everyone knows about mexican marijuana or california "wine".

Just because a place is known for making a product in vast quantities doesn't mean anyone with taste wants to consume it.

>> No.6299525

suck my fucking dick

>> No.6299528


A website by an trade group thinks their shit doesn't stink. What a surprise?

Interested in buying a bridge?

>> No.6299533

So they're just making it all up? If I look up the results to the awards that they claim these cheeses have won, they won't be on there?

>Wisconsin cheesemakers claimed 24 cheese honors at the recent World Cheese Awards in the United Kingdom, leading all U.S. states that entered the international competition, according to the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board.
>The competition drew more than 2,700 entries from more than 20 countries.
>Two Wisconsin cheese companies won Super Gold awards, the highest award in a category.

fuck off, troll

>> No.6299540

>The sad part it was actually made from cheese up until a point.

you know shit is sketchy when "made with real x" is a selling point.

>> No.6299542

>Wisconsin cheesemakers claimed

Stopped reading right there. See >>6299528

Does your dad work at a wisconsin cheese factory or something?

>> No.6299543

Is it 2008 again?

>> No.6299544


Welcome to the American heartland.

>> No.6299546

claim as in take, Mr. Ruseman

>> No.6299548

My high school friends used that word in the mid 90s. Where do you live?

>> No.6299550


What are you trying to say? Is this some kind of anti-semitic meme? Why rusman and not bergstein or goldfein or some such?

>> No.6299551

I didn't even start high school until 2008.

>> No.6299552

>I was only pretending to be retarded
just admit that you didn't know that Wisconsin had good cheese, and move on.

>> No.6299557

What exactly do you mean by "know"? Is this some cutting edge epistemology that I haven't heard about yet? By most mainstream accounts in order to "know" something, that thing has to be true.

>> No.6299560

>I was wrong, so I'll just ruse!

>> No.6299561

It was a serious question, I would like to learn more about this new theory of knowledge.

>> No.6299564

Velveeta is fucking disgusting. Eat some real goddamn cheese, holy shit.

>> No.6299567

>ruse ruse ruse ruse ruse

>Switzerland wins top prize but Wisconsin dominates the World Championship Cheese Contest

tell me more about how Wisconsin never wins any cheese awards

>> No.6299569

>Processed cheese...invention is credited to Walter Gerber of Thun, Switzerland, in 1911.

>> No.6299571

I know its not real cheese. I know its probobly full of crap. But damn it makes good nacho dip.

>> No.6299574


More unbiased facts from an unbiased source, no doubt.

I hereby crown myself king of the internet. Wow this is fun!

>> No.6299576

>But damn it makes good nacho dip.

This is probably all Velveeta is good for.

>> No.6299580

From the official World Championship Cheese Contest's website. Try to ruse your way out of this one.

>> No.6299587


You're a funny guy.

Anyway it's been fun but I have to go. Here on the coasts there are fun things to do that don't involve astroturfing gullibles into believing you make good cheese, or dumping more antibiotics into the feed bags for the cows. See you around wisconsinbro, inb4 you declare "victory on the internet" just as you declared yourself the kings of cheese.

>> No.6299593

>i saved up a bunch of GBPs, so mom made me extra special tendies and promise to give me a bath afterwards, so i have to go!

>> No.6299599


Great British Pounds?

>> No.6299606

A lot of Americans think that if someone has wrong opinions they're automatically from England

>> No.6299612

lurk moar, newfags

>> No.6299615

definitely a newfag
might be a newfag

>> No.6299616


I've been here all summer.

>> No.6299618


>> No.6299647

amen. stop he green text, also. every one alredey knows < and>. .

>> No.6300067

Pls stay in america forever they deserve you.

>> No.6300076

Eating 2 port wine, Velveeta and turkey bacon grilled cheeses right now! Tastes god tier if you ask me!

>> No.6300114

good boy points

>> No.6300490

are you drunk?