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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 132 KB, 720x1280, veganchili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6281028 No.6281028 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this chili, /ck/?

>red kidney beans
>sauteed onions, garlic, red bell pepper
>tomatoes (diced and pureed)
>cayenne pepper, cumin, oregano, turmeric, nutmeg, salt

turned out bretty good

>> No.6281035

That's not chili. That is a bean and rice stew.

>> No.6281039

>has everything chili has sans ground beef (which is entirely optional)
>it's not chili!

No, fuck off.

>> No.6281050

>fucking rice
>no chili peppers
>no meat
are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6281051


I've never heard of rice in chili. Chili is supposed to have meat in it.

>> No.6281088


you're a funny guy

>> No.6281099

I was under the impression that chilli traditionally doesn't have meat, it's just beans. And then chilli con carne is the version with meat.

IDK though, no mexicans where I'm at.

>> No.6281103


Chilli is short for chilli con crane.

>> No.6281115

Chili was originally peppers, beans, and spices. "American chili" is Tex-Mex and is an abomination akin to Taco Bell.

>> No.6281122

>chili con crane
My sides

>> No.6281123

here in hicksvill it's often served over white rice

>> No.6281130

Fuck these fags. Looks pretty good

>> No.6281131
File: 959 KB, 2048x1152, gaylord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop lying you faglord.
Chili has always been meat, chile peppers, and spices. Beans were occasionally added as filler. Chili is short for Chili con Carne. If you add beans, it's Chili con Frijoles. Rice has NEVER been an addition to chili, although some people like to eat their chili over rice.
What OP made is stew. Not chili.

>> No.6281135

>Chili has always had meat
Get a load of this guy

>> No.6281136


Your fedora is on too tight, son.

OP looks pretty good but what did you use for fat?

>> No.6281138



>> No.6281145

I was going to make chili today but I couldn't acquire the ingredients until too late in the day, so I'll probably work from home Tuesday and make it all day.

I don't care about the beans argument or other boring discourse, but I have to say that using chuck roast (versus ground beef) and making my own paste with whole dried and toasted chilis made all the difference in the world.

I tried this last year (and had a surprisingly constructive thread on /ck/ asking for tips) and I'll never go back to dried chili powders and ground beef.

>> No.6281147

>"Chili in the current form originated in Mexico, and is commonly attributed to El Jefe Cabron. The original ingredients according to Cabron are "green chili, red chili, beans of any kind, and 2 heaping cups of white rice." The Mexican rancher denied comment on whether meat was added to the original recipe."

Get fucking rekt kid.

>> No.6281159

Ya'll read too much vegan Wiki shit. Learn to read actually books sometime, the information is more accurate.
>muh authentic mexican shit
>muh vegan shit
You're all idiots.

>> No.6281163

>being this big of a vegan shill
What are you gunna say next, the original hamburger had no meat?

>> No.6281164

> el jefe cabron

Este vato aqui

>> No.6281167

You're doing good work, son. Kudos to you.

>> No.6281169
File: 56 KB, 500x348, 1421124773259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no dark chocolate
>no meat

You even trying ?

>> No.6281171

>chili con crane

>> No.6281176

Whatever you say, Cletus

>> No.6281191
File: 50 KB, 283x200, cackling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to use derogatory terms to justify being a retarded vegan assmunch.
You're fucking stupid, and it makes me laugh.

>> No.6281194

At least I have a soul, unlike you.
You need meat in your diet to develop a proper soul. It comes from metabolizing the life force of the animals you eat. Trufax bro.

>> No.6281204

Go back to shitposting in YouTube comment sections, faggot

>> No.6281210

>implying I ever post on Youtube
Okay, grandpa, you need to take a good long look at your life and reevaluate it. Your idiocy is overflowing.

>> No.6281213

Man, you're really reaching here, fatty.

>> No.6281217

You're right Anon. He is. This vegan thing, it's just a phase. When you reach old age, you'll be eating meat again, trust me.

>> No.6281220

Fatty fatty fat fat fatty fat fatty

>> No.6281232
File: 37 KB, 640x480, chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this chili, /ck/?

It has like, one ingredient that you might put in chili, and it's in a bowl, so it counts!

>> No.6281237

Oh look, it's this faggot again.

>> No.6281238


>> No.6281242
File: 18 KB, 430x300, beansontoast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good, m8!
Here's some chili I made the other day, tasted great. I fucking love chili.

>> No.6281246

that chili looks good.

>> No.6281248

Chili is a completely subjective term. A thick stew with beans and rice? Why the fuck not. /ck/, you could be so good, but you fucking suck.

>> No.6281249

Looks OK. Put that in a bowl and I would totally devour it.

>> No.6281250

Chili is NOT a fucking subjective term at all, you dumb cunt.

>> No.6281251

>implying you can't have the wrong opinion
you must be new here.

>> No.6281253

Why can't it sometimes be short for chili con frijoles?

>> No.6281255
File: 49 KB, 620x620, cocteldecamarones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this chili /ck/?
Turned out bretty good.

>> No.6281257
File: 194 KB, 800x520, chili2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and post more chili.

>> No.6281264
File: 147 KB, 1200x800, indianbuffet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a chili buffet the other day that was fucking amazing.

>> No.6281266
File: 83 KB, 800x600, chili3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this chili a couple nights ago. I used boxed chili roux, but it turned out pretty good.

>> No.6281273
File: 205 KB, 600x443, pastafagiole1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this chili, /ck/? Turned out bretty good.

>> No.6281275

Best chili thread ever.
Thank you OP.

>> No.6281280

>/ck/ actually becomes autistic about beans in chili

I thought that was a meme.

>> No.6281281
File: 792 KB, 1600x900, Clam-Chowder-Soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a white chili made with clams and potatoes instead of beans and rice.

>> No.6281287
File: 97 KB, 460x380, chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this chili the other day. Everyone loved it and wanted the recipe, said it was the best chili they ever had. Turned out bretty good.

>> No.6281288

Embrace the autism.
More autism is more better.

>> No.6281289
File: 216 KB, 640x425, chili4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cambodian chili. They made me put the rice in myself. Must be a Buddhist thing.

>> No.6281292

I like adding corn to chili.

Sweetens it up a little.

>> No.6281299
File: 77 KB, 800x600, chili5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, check this out. In America, they put chili in a wrap.

>> No.6281303
File: 9 KB, 259x194, chili2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this chili the other night. Turned out bretty good.

>> No.6281305


it's not autism, it's just snobbery

you should see how retarded people are about it irl

>> No.6281308
File: 3.39 MB, 3008x2000, Chicken_makhani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does /ck/ think of my chili?

>> No.6281309

Cincinnati fuck off, next thing you're gonna tell me it needs cinnamon and nutmeg.

>> No.6281310
File: 84 KB, 620x411, 1966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, do you think we've taken this too far? I mean, have a little respect. My father died in the chili fields of Viet Nam.

>> No.6281323

I'm so sorry. I d-d-d-didn't know.

>> No.6281331
File: 31 KB, 300x300, barbecue-potatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this chili at friends house the other day. It was delicious. I asked for his recipe, but he just trolled me and kept trying to convince me it was barbecue stuffed potatoes, but I KNOW CHILI WHEN I SEE IT.

>> No.6281333
File: 8 KB, 330x153, chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my chili

>> No.6281334

Obviously. It's just chili in a potato bowl.

>> No.6281341

that looks like a fucking delicious vegan chili. 10/10

>> No.6281346


I don't think it was the beans that did it. I think it was the fact it was never chilli to begin with.

>> No.6281359


OP's chilli already contains nutmeg.

>> No.6281366

It's Greek-style bolognese served over noodles and topped with cheese. Which is to say, chili.

>> No.6281367

your dad should have not been a yellow slope gook. And you should be required to pay for the munitions used to exterminate him, and the overhead of the American death machines that sent him to hell.

>> No.6281371

>American death machines
Occupy Wall Street pussy detected.

>> No.6281388

Sounds a bit too chilly for a chili.

>> No.6281397

Chili con carne is okay, a bit too simplistic though. I'm more of a fan of chili con carne y frijoles en el arroz.

>> No.6281405

I don't live in "hicksvill" or even America but I've always seen chili served with rice (or baked potato). If not rice (or potato) what do you serve it with traditionally? Or is it supposed to be eaten more like a meat soup straight out of a bowl with a spoon?

>> No.6281406

What do you call it if I make it sin chile con carne?

>> No.6281412

If you really lived in hicksville you'd know you're supposed to serve it with cornbread. Goddamn, I live in the North now and I really miss cornbread.

>> No.6281414

illegal immigrant detected.

>> No.6281421

>chili is short for chili con carne
>chili is short for chili with meat
>chili as a word on its own means literally nothing?

>> No.6281449

chili is a spicy stewed meat

>> No.6281596

IDGAF about beans, but it seems particularly with chili, certain people are so keen to pretend that "everything is chili xD". You don't see them doing this with any other dish. It's just chili. I presume it's pushback against the no-bean purists, but it's taken to such a retarded extreme that these people are now commonly the bigger idiots out of the two groups.

Every dish has its purists. Those who come from the place where the dish originated are always going to have strong opinions about it. Make what you like and serve what you like, but thinking words shouldn't have definitions is fucking stupid.


11/10, it's good to see other people share my ire about this.

>> No.6281658

This. It's not a "beans or no beans" or a "is tomato paste acceptable" thing. There are a few different chili traditions, but if basically any concoction you make in a pot can be considered "chili," then the word loses any historical meaning. If you're not in a chili competition no one gives a fuck if you have beans. Or ground beef instead of cubed. I don't even give a fuck if you call a Midwestern Greek bolognese "Cincinatti chili" because no one even in Cincy would assume that's what you meant if you just said "chili." But if you want to call every soup "chili" the only thing you're doing is some mental trick with yourself. That's why vegans use it. They actually want to think they're eating the dishes they grew up with so they'll say "chili" even it's it's just a soup with rice and beans. There's nothing wrong with rice and bean soup, but vegans secretly believe there is. That's on the vegans. I eat a lot of vegan/vegetarian dishes, but I'm not about to pretend that they are something they're not. It's kind of like how that chick in the other thread called her mashed date wrapped in a head of lettuce a "burrito." I guess if that offers some psychological benefit to your actions that's cool, but keep it to yourself. Words have meaning. A Reuben isn't a "corned beef cheeseburger" any more than a pot of rice soup with beans is "chili."

>> No.6281681

>spicy stewed meat with meat
you're an idiot.

>> No.6281734

no, the spanish are. don't blame me for their broken language.

>> No.6282028

Chili con carne English: chili with meat), commonly known in American English as simply "chili", is a spicy stew containing chili peppers, meat (usually beef), and often tomatoes and beans.

>> No.6282067

No, chilli with meat is chilli con carne, chilli without meat is just chilli.

>> No.6282215


Where the hell did you hear that chilli is without meat?

>> No.6282218


Where the hell did you come up with that bullshit?

>> No.6282289


>> No.6282432


>> No.6282459

This nigger is 100% correct though.
Let me spell it out for you deluded mince lovers.
IF Chilli signifies a dish that contains meat, then Chilli con carne means:
>chilli with meat with meat
so feel free to bite the pillow now and cry some . You've just been rekt

>> No.6282482

Okay, now you must be trolling with that spelling.
Chili con carne = chili peppers with meat.

>> No.6282483

you forgot an "L" anon

>> No.6282518

Chili is amerifat spelling. Chilli is for the real world

>> No.6282521

>People from a traditionally poor region of the world made a staple food out of large quantities of an expensive ingredient.

It's all about the beans.

>> No.6282533

Chili, Chile, and chilly are words. Chilli is not.

>> No.6282543

fatcunt actually thinks a bunch of impoverished central and southern american brethren got a shitload of meat available for their signature dish. It would be amusing, if it wasn't for the stupidity that it implies.

>> No.6282544


>> No.6282547

enjoy your decapitation, umerrikun

>> No.6282553

>not a word
Take it up with Oxford. The real one. Not Oxford in the state of Shitsville

>> No.6282569

weab detected

>> No.6282572

Oxford isn't an American book. Chili peppers are from America. We decide the proper spelling.

>> No.6282575

>Chilli peppers are not from Umerrikuh
Told you so

>> No.6284019

You're that chip butty thread fucker, aren't you.

>> No.6284051

Why would you eat bolognese on noodles? Bolognese is served on pasta (typically tagliatelle). I'm not one to care about "muh authenticity" but that's just fucking weird and sounds kinda gross.

>> No.6284109

In Spanish, the word chile from the Nahuatl "chīlli" refers to a “chili pepper”, and carne is Spanish for “meat”.
so feel free to bite the pillow now and cry some . You've just been rekt

>> No.6284192

>has everything chili has sans ground beef (which is entirely optional)
chili con carne means chili with meat you doofus

>> No.6284195

Do any of you put beer in your chilli? I did it last time I made it and it tasted great.

>> No.6284198

>The spanish are our lords and masters
Ayy lmao

>> No.6284499

I use red wine.

>> No.6284513

but if chili means chili con carne, then chili con carne is actually chili con carne con carnie. but that first chili also mean chili con carne, and that goes on forever, so it's really chili con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne

>> No.6284530

>>has everything chili has
Except chilis..

>> No.6284543

I always make my chili with a bottle of beer, usually a brown ale.

My usual chili looks something like this

>Cube beef roast, season with salt and pepper
>brown meat in pan with a small amount of oil
>remove meat, add onions and slightly caramelize
>lower heat, add garlic and cook just slightly
>Add tomato paste and let cook for just long enough to get a slightly roasted flavor
>deglaze pan with beer of choice
>add back meat, diced tomato, and sometimes pinto beans (girlfriend likes them, I don't mind)
>bring to simmer and season to taste (cumin, chilis, salt and pepper, cayenne, paprika, anything else I'm feeling at the time)
>let cook for as long as it takes for meat to basically disintegrate

Tastes good.

>> No.6284550

Argue about ingredients all you want, who gives a fuck.

But how exactly can you call something chili which contains literally no chilis?

>> No.6284562

You are such a fucking moron.
"Chili" is the shortened term of "Chili con Carne". "Chili" doesn't mean anything, it's not even the right way to spell chile peppers. It's a short way of saying "Chili con Carne". Deal with it, you stupid, stupid, faglord. If you were just talking about chile peppers, you'd say Chile or Chiles. "Chili" contains meat.

>> No.6284565

>has never heard of cattle drives or learned American history.
Fucking morons.

>> No.6284570


>> No.6284571


>> No.6284575

>But how exactly can you call something chili which contains literally no chilis?
Exactly. Too many dumbasses on here think that they can make any sort of stew and call it chili.

>> No.6284580

liquid + pot = chili

>> No.6284581

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, because you're an American Anon :^)

>> No.6284587

Only Americans know what chili is supposed to be, and only Texan Americans at that.

>> No.6284597

>Texan Americans
>Knowing anything
Ayy lmao

>> No.6284612

Keep being jealous. You'll never have thousands of acres to roam on.

>> No.6284619

At least my kids aren't learning creationism in school.

>> No.6284634

HA, neither are mine, dumbass.
>implying you know anything about the Texas education system besides what you hear on the Daily Show.

>> No.6284646


>> No.6284649
File: 2.99 MB, 3456x2304, texan chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not loving texas chili

>> No.6284653

>Dylan Beard bit through his tongue and suffered chipped teeth, a broken nose, a black eye, and other injuries when he was beaten by two friends and a 17-year-old girl
>The teen said he was invited to join some friends Oct. 12 at a Baytown skate park
The article clearly says they were all friends so i don't see what the issue it

>> No.6284654

>implying I watch the daily show
you're really grasping for straws, friend. But if I am wrong, please enlighten me.

>> No.6284660

"Beard, who is homeschooled, said he knew his assailants, but not very well, and they had never attacked or insulted him before."

Do they not teach reading comprehension in Texas?

>> No.6284661

>beaten by two friends and a 17 year old girl
You can find incidences like that in nearly every state. There's shitty people everywhere, don't think you have any moral or intellectual high ground, buddy. What state do YOU live in? Let's see what atrocities we can find on that, shall we?

>> No.6284664

That's not grasping at straws in the least. You have the typical attitude of someone who watches that show, so it's safe to assume you'd be one of them.

>> No.6284667

Texas chili clearly sucks

>> No.6284668

Oh you.....

>> No.6284669

Okay, well please enlighten me about the amazing Texas education system.
I don't like being wrong, so if I am wrong, please at least tell me how I'm wrong so I won't be in the future.

>> No.6284671

>he doesn't support the attack

>> No.6284677

>no actual chilies
>just powder

>> No.6284711


Make some fucking cornbread then. It's not that hard.

>> No.6284727

>cumin, chilis, salt and pepper, cayenne, paprika, anything else I'm feeling at the time
Where did I say chili powder, exactly?

>> No.6284780

I add corn to mine.

>> No.6284807

I don't give a fuck what anyone calls it, that shit looks fucking delicious.

>> No.6284892
File: 38 KB, 320x240, kingofthefags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must be nice to be a ball-less coward who sits behind a keyboard and talks shit about other people and other places without ever revealing anything about themselves. You sound like a supremely insecure, deluded faggot.
Also, as with any state, the education system depends on whether you are talking public, private, charter, and what county, because it varies wildly, as places with higher school tax have better facilities and curriculums.

>> No.6285009

If you don't want people making fun of any part of your personal identity, don't reveal any part of your personal identity. You're on an anonymous image board; don't get mad when people are smart and maintain their anonymity. Are you new here?

>> No.6285190
File: 2.89 MB, 290x154, hahyeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't get mad when people are smart

LOL, okay. Are YOU new here?

>> No.6285223

That was a round about way of calling you a retard.

>> No.6286881

>no meat

What's the point? Call it what it is, vegetable soup with rice.

>> No.6286895

That's mainly just soup

Chili should be thick enough to practically eat with a chip, something coursing with content, a meat base whether you add beans and frills or not.

For a soup or stew that's probably fine, soups are more watery or not really thick at all.

>> No.6286938

>being this thick

Good lord, man. Now I just feel sorry for you.

>> No.6289052


>> No.6289228

That's a very nice Chili con maricón you got there.

>> No.6289268

Literally just a "con".

>> No.6289286
File: 312 KB, 1200x737, chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some classic chili that I like to make. Sometimes it goes by the colloquial term "josh rogan" because it's named after the inventor, seth rogan's brother josh. He's a chili guru.

>> No.6289405

Good morning /ck. You want the usual rage soup?

>> No.6289497

>Chili with faggot
But I don't see any sausage.

>> No.6289508


>> No.6289536

Vegetable and rice soup/stew is not chili, OP.

>> No.6289540
File: 6 KB, 221x228, commandertellmeabout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why is it so yellow?

>> No.6289560
File: 71 KB, 360x474, 132234152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6289606

OP will be inhaling plenty of them for dessert.

>> No.6289632

>sauteed onions, garlic, red bell pepper
>tomatoes (diced and pureed)
>cayenne pepper, cumin, oregano, turmeric, nutmeg, salt
>no beans
>no meat
So now its.. rice-o-mato soup?

>> No.6289637

> Rice
> In Chili


>> No.6290642

that barely counts as food, much less chili

>> No.6290771

>no meat

fucking kill yourself

>> No.6290788

>also, no fucking chilies
please, kill yourself

>> No.6291432

>based on chili con carne
>omits both the chile peppers and the meat
>both of which consist of THE ENTIRE FUCKING NAME OF THE DISH
>it's still chili!
No it's fucking not.
It's something else.
It might be comforting and tasty, but it's not chili.

>> No.6291439
File: 60 KB, 750x570, mKXz8n7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



stopped reading there

>> No.6291548

>not crumbling jalapeño cornbread into your chili