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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 127 KB, 1200x896, are-you-a-supertaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6279285 No.6279285 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a supertaster, /ck/?

>> No.6279291

I supertasted yer mum's cunny last night.

>> No.6279309

by 'supertaster' do you mean a pretentious douchebag whiner that cant handle spicy food?

>> No.6279318

either that or a pretentious douchebag whiner that can't handle cilantro.

>> No.6279329

I'm a smokertaster. Everything tastes the same. Like nothing.

>> No.6279333

I'm a pretentious douchebag who would prefer not to avoid handling dark green veggies as they are generally bitter as fuck.
Not all of it though. broccoli for instance is gread. It's usually leafy shit that tastes awful.

>> No.6279339

>picky eater


>> No.6279342

You forgot I also got epin trip trips. Fuck you either way.

>> No.6279373

why would you even tripfag on a board like /ck/ if you don't have anything of substance to say at all? If you want attention go somewhere where being a mindless tripfag isn't a fucking retarded thing to do.

>> No.6279383

>implying I'm gonna put effort into tripping
>implying you aren't just giving me the attention you claim I crave when you could just as easily filter me if it upsets you

>> No.6279391

>prefer not to avoid
What are you trying to say?

>> No.6279402

Prefer to*

>> No.6279519


hey anon, how do you filter these idiots?
if it's obvious, and i'm just a newfag, feel free to ignore

>> No.6279529

>doesn't know how to filter
>tries to fit in by calling random people idiots
>if i'm a newfag

>> No.6279551

Spicy isn't even a flavor. It's shit.

>> No.6279558

I'm not sure if I am or not, leaning towards not. While I can usually detect sweet taste in foods where others don't, I can tolerate spicy pretty well.

Plus if I ever was, I probably ruined it by ripping off swollen tastebuds out of irritation of their existence.

>> No.6279715
File: 38 KB, 200x200, 1413221096953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spicy isn't even a flavor. It's shit.

>> No.6279739

I can eat lettuces without retching, so I'm sure I'm not a supertaster. I dated a supertaster, though, who found all lettuces to be unbearably strong-tasting and bitter where I find them to lack much flavour altogether.

>> No.6279741

For a few days and a few months ago I will be in the best way of the way to work on the best for a few months ago I will have any attachments are not the best way to be able to the best for the best.

>> No.6279758

>shitposting about tripfags who reply on topic
youre part of the problem

>> No.6279761

Nope. I'm a garbage disposal.

>> No.6279781

Is that when everything except nuggets and fries tastes super yucky?

>> No.6279790


But there's actual scientific studies confirming that genes determine how you taste certain things; so foods like cilantro, which are related to poisonous plants, can taste like soap to some people.

But hey, you're an American. Educating yourself is hard. Much easier to shovel cheetos into your face while your sausage-like fingers pound your keyboard, typing opinions on things you know nothing about.

>> No.6279814

>genetically inferior and proud

>> No.6279867

I'm a diagnosed super taster, and all it does is make food taste better. I pity you normals.

Coffee and dark chocolate taste like shit to me though.

>> No.6279875

>tfw gag reflex with cilantro
I don't even know why, nobody else in the family has it.

>> No.6279898

must be a recessive thing. somebody in the family was a wrecked-by-cilantro carrier.

>> No.6279900

all the science i've seen with regard to not tasting cilantro is that it's a genetic defect in your ability to smell.
since you can't smell the plant, it tastes off.

but hey, you're free to pick and choose whichever pseudoscience makes you feel better about yourself.

>> No.6279902

That's wrong, taste is done mostly by smell.

>> No.6279992

I used to have that problem. You just gotta try finding the right things to use it in, anon. Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian foods all make really good use of cilantro, it's a good place to start if you want to like it.

>> No.6279997

Super-taster, and professional cook. Life is awful. I'm not sure where you get them, but they make little paper blotter strips. You put them on your tongue. Supertasters will taste bitter hell, regulars will taste nothing, that's how I found out.

>> No.6280017

I don't get this. I've smoked for 10 years and I can taste the shit out of everything. Trying to eat with a non- smoking friend who probably has no buds really brings me down because he can't really taste anything, or smell/hear anything for that matter.

>> No.6280037

Sounds like it's more his perception that's lacking. A function of the mind.

>> No.6280059



>> No.6280084
File: 30 KB, 1024x682, ShrugEmoticon-1024x682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know I could identify it this way, but apparently I am a supertaster.

I don't get some of the posts, though; I like spicy and I like bitter foods and drinks.

>> No.6280111

so this is like, a taste test for supertasters?
because I fucking hate lettuce

>> No.6280144



PONED AND BLASTED THE FRIG OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6280410

Sort of.

To test whether or not you're a supertaster, you're meant to lick a postage stamp that has flavours extracted from cos/romaine and iceberg lettuces. A lot of people can detect the bitterness in cos/romaine to some degree, but not everyone. Only supertasters can detect the bitterness in iceberg. I can't really taste the bitterness in iceberg, but I find the slight bitterness in cos to be pleasant. My ex found cos unbearably bitter, iceberg minimally so and therefore liked neither though was an avid coffee enthusiast.

>> No.6280443

Iceberg bothers me only a little, unless it is picked late, when it is bitter as fuck. romaine is for horses, I can't fucking stand it

>> No.6280456

I've got into the habit of making a crude dressing for shit tier leaves like iceberg and baby gem.
Family buy it all the time, tastes bitter as fuck to me.
Recipe is simple, it's just mayo, vinegar, pepper, salt and a little dash of golden syrup.

Kinda like sweet salad cream, I guess.

>> No.6280514
File: 170 KB, 1120x921, Julia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying tastes develops in tongue only, and not in nostrils.

>> No.6280551

you should start smoking anon
it'll help you eat healthier
and look cool

>> No.6280554

I used to smoke
gave up, it was killing my lungs
I do miss the time when I could NOT smell a turd at 100 paces on a hot clear day without wind

>> No.6280558

Pretty sure the study you're thinking of actually suggested people who hate cilantro can taste something we can't.
http://arxiv.org/abs/1209.2096 ?

>> No.6280727

supertaster is just another way of saying oversensitive palate. not sure how it could become desirable to dislike most foods but i suppose it fits the mentality of those who ascribe it

>> No.6280960


>misses not being able to taste food properly due to broken smoker nose

excuse me but, wat.

excuse me but are you dumb ?

>> No.6280966

fuck I'm sleepy. Chose one of the above.