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6270415 No.6270415 [Reply] [Original]

Why are all of you calling it "PEPPERONI"..? In Italian we don't even have that word! With just one p (Peperoni) that means "Big Peppers" or sweet peppers (bell peppers or whatever.)

The thing you call pepperoni, is SALAMINO, like "small salame" (we use "ino" at the end of a word to say it's little, and "one" to say it's big, like "Peperoncino = Chili Pepper, little PEPERONE)

Hope you learned something.

>> No.6270418


>> No.6270424

You're not the center of the sausage world Italy.

>> No.6270428

Of course, but pepperoni is obviously a mistranslation of an Italian word.. just to make things clear!

>> No.6270429

>"Peperoncino = Chili Pepper
Those are Chiles, or capsicums if you prefer, not peppers.

Hope YOU learned something, wop

>> No.6270431

Italy hasn't been relevant since the 1930's.
Hope you've learned something.

>> No.6270432


What do you even mean, i was just trying to tell that PEPERONE is not FUCKING SALAME asshole.

>> No.6270433

biologically its the same family, genus and even species.
your "differences" are random

>> No.6270435


>> No.6270440

Isn't american pepperoni kinda spiced up salami though?

>> No.6270442


its all the same shhh only dreams now

>> No.6270446

i'm italian but let them call it pepperoni, who the fuck cares

>> No.6270449

From that link:
"The name "pepper" came into use because of their similar flavour to the condiment black pepper, Piper nigrum, although there is no botanical relationship with this plant, or with Sichuan pepper"

Don't start a thread trying to correct people's naming of a food, and in the argument use an incorrect naming yourself.

"Better to remain silent and be assumed a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it" - Abraham Lincoln

>> No.6270454

>this is why italians are reviled
Good job,OP

>> No.6270460

Piper nigrum is a completely different plant.
and all european names for paprika derived from pepper. thats how that spice got so famous.
its a good substitute for expensive pepper.

but paprika, chili, bell peppers, capsicums its all the same.

shhhh no tears

>> No.6270473

"Pepperoni isn't a thing, it's little salami!"
"Peppers are totally peppers, it's all the same!"

It's ok, you don't need to be so defensive about being wrong, it's fine. Either people call things what they like, and pepperoni is totally fine, or people need to call things what they are, and Chiles need to not be called peppers. Your choice.

>> No.6270477


>> No.6270498

It's an American original word.

>> No.6270661

The thing we call salamino is not pepperoni. Pepperoni is a different kind of cured meat product. Sure the spelling means nothing in Italian, but who gives a fuck?

>> No.6270666


>> No.6270670

>It's an American original word.
>America is the international language of business (for now until mandarin or whatever)

Therefore YOU should ALL use the word peperonni. It's great being a fucking hedgemony.

>> No.6270679

>Why do English speakers not speak Italian

Do you realize how retarded you sound?

>> No.6270684

>America is the international language of business (for now until mandarin or whatever)
err, that would be English. Also the international language of Aviation. America is not a language (nor is American).

>> No.6270698

cause they aren't able to learn or speak another language

>> No.6270706

We don't have to. The world is required to conform to us, m8.

>> No.6270711

sure but you're still ignorant fat faggots

>> No.6270732

Op vai a cagare, é colpa di gente come te se sti buzzurri di americani ci prendono per il culo

>> No.6270738

Yeah no shit, salame is salame and pepperoni is pepperoni. Pepperoni is an american invention, a "meat" product designed to mimic italian shit. I suppose next you're going to have some autismal rage about rice-a-roni?

>> No.6270739

ma perché poi chiamano il salame "pepperoni"? cioè il senso di tutto ciò?

>> No.6270743

>implying American isnt a language

>> No.6270746

At least we're not a bunch of degenerate dago wops

>> No.6270747

Perchè è na specie di salame piccante. Quindi il nome è una semplice corruzione del nome "peperoni"

>> No.6270748


>> No.6270750

che poracciata

>> No.6270757

Negro al mio paese le gomme da masticare si chiamano cingomme, corruzione dell'inglese chewing gum. Cose del genere succedono quando ci sono scambi culinari e immigrazione tra paesi, e l'italia non ne è immune. Vedi americani che si rodono il culo perchè al mio paese chiamiamo le chewing gum cingomme? No, quindi get over yourself. Sei peggio di quei minchioni che si lamentano su youtube perchè Gordon Ramsay usa la salsa worchestershire nella sua versione del ragù alla bolognese. Non segue l'antica ricetta, ma sticazzi. Pure io quando faccio il keciàp ci metto i fichi sotto spirito.

>> No.6270758

Se tieni poi conto che gran parte degli immigrati in america manco lo conosceva l'italiano perchè erano dei poracci terroni o veneti ti rendi conto che non stavano tanto a badare allo spelling quando si trattava di far salami con la carne di scarto del maiele

>> No.6270770
File: 78 KB, 832x584, Into+the+trash+it+goes+_f69aedde0ee8814348b04c2818fcb990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pure io quando faccio il keciàp ci metto i fichi sotto spirito.

>> No.6270771


>> No.6270791

Get on my level negro. Quando faccio il polpettone ci metto le patatine al formaggio tritate dentro. Chiama la digos, non me ne fotte.

>> No.6270794
File: 8 KB, 210x240, madpepememe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6270799

E faccio pure i pici all'aglione col sugo senza pomodoro. E uso il pecorino lucano nella cacio e pepe. Metto la cannella nel tiramisù e uso il dado per fare le zuppe.

>> No.6270806

>cannella nel tiramisù
could be good

>> No.6270811


>> No.6270932
File: 798 KB, 320x240, italian talk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6270994
File: 12 KB, 303x229, 303x229xprisencolinensinainciusol-oll-raigth-thumb.jpg.pagespeed.ic.i9adTV42QtycJKI-Gnq2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6271071

No, what Americans call (bell)pepper is actually paprika.

>> No.6271077


Starting at a minute and a half. Best song of all time coming thru.

>> No.6271082

americans have a chronic problem with misusing loanwords

>> No.6271088
File: 8 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet Baby Jesus on a Stick deliver us from this shitty threads.

La cucina mondiale è bastardizzazione di bastardizzazioni, non possiamo lanciare una crociata per ogni stronzata. Smettiamola di considerarci culturalmente superiori quando non lo siamo assolutamente.

A parte che potresti dire che quello che gli Amerigrassi chiamano pepperoni è più simile in realtà ad una specie di chorizo.

>> No.6271093


>> No.6271098

A livello culinario siamo superiori ma non era questo il punto di OP

>> No.6271100

Il punto di OP era hurrrr durrrr per caso?

>> No.6271109

Hai capito benissimo qual'è era il punto di OP. Per favore torba a fare il molliccio su reddit

>> No.6271116
File: 34 KB, 558x700, yVZCO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6271132
File: 19 KB, 490x307, look claudia, faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our premier, he's an idiot but i'd get drunk with the guy.

Si ma possiamo evitare di fare gli stronzi al riguardo mi sembra, è quello il punto del discorso per me. I loro pepperoni hanno chiaramente trasceso qualunque collegamento con la cucina italiana, li avessero chiamati "sliced freedom" non avremmo battuto ciglio.