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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6263427 No.6263427 [Reply] [Original]

Does this mean I fuarked up the Teflon and I need to buy a new pot (and that I'm gonna get cancer), or does it mean that I just need to soak the pot in oil and bake it in a bit?

>> No.6263438

Pot or pan?

Who the fuck buys nonstick pots?

inb4 cast iron neckbeards

>> No.6263439


have you noticed that your poop is coming out more easily?

>> No.6263440

Either you have some kind of caked-on residue stuck on the pan and the food is sticking to that or yeah, the teflon got fucked up.

> just need to soak the pot in oil and bake it in a bit?

That's for ferrous metal cookware. Useless for nonstick.

>> No.6263441


Teflon or any "non-stick" will flake off and kill you and your cats and your kids dead. Fuck it. Buy and use cast iron or stainless steel. Or copper, if you're made of money. Fuck Teflon.

>> No.6263445

>use cast iron


Go to Ikea and get a new teflon pan for like $20. Use only wood on it and it's fine for a few years or whenever you can afford to buy stainless. I used one for three years and it was great for what I expected of it.

>> No.6263447
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OH shit the tin foil hat autistics have joined the discussion

>> No.6263464

I always imagine cast iron neckbeards being afraid of aluminium foil too. They probably only use animal skins purchased at the "ren faire"

>> No.6263594

Fuck you, you moron. I got a cast iron pan for Christmas and now it's my favorite pan. Literally anything is better than that poisonous Teflon garbage. Nothing sticks and cleaning it is breeze. I take it with me if I stay overnight anywhere.

>> No.6263595

You eat way more metal shit with cast iron than teflon. without counting the cancirogen burned oil that your "seasoning" produces

>> No.6263617
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>I take it with me if I stay overnight anywhere

>> No.6263631
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My wife's Cuban hot girlfriend with a fat ass and thin waist made "fried" plantains for us when she visited using muh Teflon pot. She definitely fucked it up. Probably too high of heat and she probably was being too rough with the wooden spatula. Now it permanently looks foggy at the bottom of it.

>> No.6263632
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OP here, I was just visiting from /fa/ but yall scary as heil... bye

>> No.6263641
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>I take it with me if I stay overnight anywhere.

Do you use it to block their mind control rays?

>> No.6263642

>cancirogen burned oil that your "seasoning" produces

Confirmed for not knowing how seasoning works.
Why don't you take chem 101 again, as you clearly lack the knowledge?

>> No.6263649

>I take it with me if I stay overnight anywhere

>cool party, but who's the fat guy with the hairy neck holding a frying pan?
>oh that's autistic steve, he never goes anywhere without that frying pan.

>> No.6263814

>implying I have enough friends to ever be invited to parties
I meant places like my girlfriend's house. I don't literally take it everywhere, but I like to have it if I know I'll be cooking. Incidentally, I forgot it there last time so I don't even have it right now.
Metal isn't the problem. Iron isn't going to hurt you in small quantities. It's the bullshit non stick coating that doesn't work or last. And it's literally poison.

>> No.6263839

Just because you have the clothes doesn't mean you have the face to wear those clothes.

>> No.6263867

The majority of people buy non-stick.
It's cheaper and easy to use.

>> No.6263876


>> No.6263885
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>buying non-stick

>> No.6263916
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>yfw you learn every omelette you've ever eaten at a restaurant was cooked in a non stick

>> No.6263930


For a frying pan, sure. But why a nonstick *pot*. Generally nonstick is not a feature you need in a pot.

>> No.6263931

Fuck. And i was doing them on the flattop the whole time

>> No.6263970

I like eating them but cooking them like that takes up so much space for one order.

>> No.6264508

Get a ceramic-coated pan OP. It's as cheap as a Teflon pan and won't poison you (afaik.)

>> No.6264515


Too bad the nonstick properites suck compared to teflon.

Anyway, teflon is only dangerous if you overheat and burn it. The same way that a knife is only dangerous if you cut yourself with it. Why all this silly worry?

>> No.6264792

have to melt it to make it dangerous

>> No.6264827

>using pan with teflon

>> No.6264842

Finally a thread where I can ask this.

Do I buy a copper pan or a nonstick one? And what's the craze with cast iron stuff? And the difference between the cast iron and copper, besides that one is iron, the other copper.

>> No.6264860

I'm sure you guys are gonna call me a retard but does carbon steel get seasoned the same as cast iron?

>> No.6264940

pls respond

>> No.6264975

> That shit
> /fa/
> Menswear
> /fa/
GB2 mfa

>> No.6265759


>> No.6266374

Cast iron isn't a craze, it's been the cooking material of choice for hundreds of years.

But you need to cook with enough fat to keep it well seasoned (in which case the surface is non-stick). Maybe that's why it's becoming known again.

Copper conducts heat better than anything but it's extremely expensive. Don't need that unless you are actually a chef.

>> No.6266378
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>> No.6266384
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>I got a cast iron pan
>I take it with me if I stay overnight anywhere