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6257622 No.6257622 [Reply] [Original]

When's the last time you used ketchup at home ? I still have an unopened bottle from at least a year ago.

If you frequently use it, what do you use it for/with ?

>> No.6257638

hot dogs

the list goes on

>> No.6257641

meatloaf. I do a BBQ sauce/siracha meme sauce/ketchup glaze over the top.

>> No.6257647

Steak and roast dinners

>> No.6257648

I use it on burgers and hot dogs and as a dip for fries. I use it more often in the summer, when the weather is good for grilling.

>> No.6257656

Tendies and fries, of course. Don't have much of a use for it otherwise. Definitely a food I could live without. I'd just use honey mustard instead.

>> No.6257658

>When's the last time you used ketchup at home
I haven't bought a bottle of the stuff in a decade at least. I think the last time I used it was to make "homemade" BBQ sauce. The rest of the bottle sat in my fridge for a year or so until I threw it out. The only condiments I have in my fridge right now are mustard and some chili garlic sauce. I'm not big on condiments.

>> No.6257674

Your life sound boring and terrible.

>> No.6257680


Omelet mostly.

>> No.6257683

My life is awesome. And my food is never so boring as to require condiments.

>> No.6257695

This post is funny if you imagine anon crying uncontrollably.

>> No.6257707

Au contraire! Needing condiments means your food is bland.

>> No.6257708


>> No.6257711

Maybe I make my food bland so I can enjoy condiments, you troglodyte.

>> No.6257718
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>make my food bland so I can enjoy condiments
please be trolling

>> No.6257723

>I make my food bland so I can enjoy condiments

>> No.6257729

The whole fucking purpose of chicken nuggers is to have eight different dipping sauces going on.

>> No.6257736

>The whole fucking purpose of chicken nuggers
this isn't helping your case, unless you're six years old.

>> No.6257738

Never. I can't handle ketchup, the smell of it makes me sick. I can't even stand to be near people eating it, if I have guests over I straight up have to go to the other room to eat. I abhor the taste too but the smell is what cinches it.

>> No.6257783

Basically all I use it for semi-regularly is this casserole dish I make weekly or so, if I use very little ingredients and it's kinda bland I use ketchup.
Less regularly
>hot dogs
>meatloaf glaze

>> No.6257799
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I made some tater tots last night and was eating them with ketchup.
I was expecting to have some awesome feelings of nostalgia while eating them, but instead they just tasted like sadness

>> No.6257805

I usually use it with my lazy meals, like fish sticks and french fries.

>> No.6257842

Try mashed bananas with ketchup. Slap them on toasted bread. Shit's delicious.

>> No.6257874

You'd have to pay me to try that.

>> No.6257878

no thanks

>> No.6257946

I'm american so everything

>> No.6257959

I have NEVER owned a bottle of kethcup and I'm a 26 year old canadian living in southern alberta. The only thing I would use it on if i had some is hotdogs and hamburgers and that's only if I have nothing else to put on them. I much prefer salsa or tomato sauce

>> No.6258030

Last month or so, thereabouts. I don't remember on what, though, just that I refilled my squeeze bottle with some.

I use it to make sweet and sour sauce, barbecue sauce, on egg sandwiches and to dip burgers in from time to time. It's not uncommon for me to have some with my burger, but it's hardly something that's a must have.

Also, I don't put the ketchup onto the burger directly, but rather onto the plate for me to dip said burger into.

>> No.6258039

You should try it. The sweet taste of the banana corporates pretty good with the unique taste of the Ketchup. The toasted bread is nice to stabilize the whole mixture.

>> No.6258048

ok, gimme a step by step instruction of how to prepare this.

>> No.6258068

jesus christ thats terrifying

>> No.6258096

1.Take a slice of bread
2.Toast the slice
3.Put a Banana on the bread (or a half, dependents on the size of the bread)
4.Take a fork and mash the banana on the bread
5.Put Ketchup over the whole stuff
6.Open your mouth
7.Take a bite
8.Repeat 6 and 7 untill there is no Ketchup-Banana-Bread

>> No.6258102

oh shit I thought you prepare your banana, resulting in warm mashed banana. I am curious, it does sound disgusting tbh, but I'm gonna give a go.

>> No.6258158

nope, just plain, cold banana. No one can fuck this up.

>> No.6258171

There's nothing at all terrifying in that post whatsoever.

>> No.6258182

on my tendies that i bought with gbp

>> No.6258186

I hope you fucking die you fucker.

>> No.6258192

Word up anon. I put ketchup on plantains.

>> No.6258539

I put Ketchup on my buttered noodles.

Just sayin

>> No.6258542

Dude, brah, homey, why do you care?

>> No.6258784

every day
on cabbage

I'm poor

>> No.6258792


I use ketchup on:

>Hot dogs
>Arroz con salchihas
>Arroz con gandules

When I used it last? A month ago

>> No.6258813

The other day. I use it for egg sandwiches, meatloaf, and I dip my plain potato chips in it whenever I buy them.

>> No.6259204

You're going to die.

>> No.6260208

aren't we all ?

>> No.6260229

>plain potato chips in ketchup
My nigga.

>> No.6260436

Cheap hot dogs.

>> No.6260473
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friday i caved and got myself some chips on the way home from work so then... i had a patch near the bottom of the parcel that didnt have enough salt+vinegar.
beyond that ill put a little in a fried egg sandwich or to glaze a meatloaf... i guess also for omelette rice.

i used to put some in tuna mayo, but my roomie right now doesnt like it.

i prefer brown sauce for dipping/having with meat/in sandwiches tbh but i dont like buying HP now the factory's moved out of the uk... and all the supermarket brands are a little off.

>> No.6260494

I used some on some potato chips on Friday.

>> No.6260499

That guy straight DIPS BURGERS.

>> No.6260566

Not really sure, possibly in the late 80s

>> No.6260581

I have put it on pizza before and it was oddly satisfying. Usually just for fries and maybe fried potatoes though. Also hotdogs.

>> No.6260585

I love this picture, OP.

>> No.6260587

Sounds like you have some sort of mental illness.

>> No.6260590

eyyyy, fuck you

he probably eats chuck steak, in which case who gives a shit?

>> No.6260594

Not him, but he has a point-- have you ever eaten a pretzel without a condiment?

>> No.6260598


>> No.6260617

omg I use a bottle once a week. Use it for french fries, burgers, hot dogs, BBQ pork ribs, chicken wings, sandwiches, BLTs, and sweet and sour chicken or pork. But heinz it sh1t, I use 3three's tomato suce and it is awesome

>> No.6260621

not him, but I make sauces to dip burgers in all the time

>> No.6260622

Goes on egg banjos.

>> No.6260768
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Once or twice a week, hamburgers , hotdogs, chicken nuggets and fries.

>> No.6260798

I use it every time in my Quinky sauce.

>> No.6261079

Tendies w/ fries

>> No.6261133

If I make some kind of sausage/kielbasa-based food I like to sautee some onions, peppers, and potatoes with it and then use a bit of jalapeño ketchup as a condiment. Good stuff.

>> No.6261141

I use it to dunk my ham and cheese sandwiches in.

>> No.6261540

had ketchup with some tater tots today

>> No.6261565

My most convenient late night delivery place has a $10 minimum order, their sandwiches are $9, and a side of fries is $2, so I normally order the sandwich and fries. Some spare ketchup is nice to take those down the next day, since it's too much to eat in one sitting.

I'll also use ketchup when I'm having hash browns with something, but that's mostly out at a bar getting late night breakfast.

Occasionally I keep things like pizza rolls and mozzarella sticks around if I'm feeling lazy, and sometimes ketchup is okay to dip with.

All of my roommates and I share condiments, so the stuff goes reasonably fast. I can't always be sure I'll have ranch or blue cheese.

>> No.6261707

not sure, but i'm going to take a wild guess and say a bit over a week. i'm fairly certain i used ketchup with my potatoes and hamburger patty

>> No.6261719

The last time I ate a pretzel was a long time ago, but I remember that, like hot dogs, mustard is what you put on them.

>> No.6261724

Make a ketchup based bbq sauce bra

>> No.6262561

I don't really like ketchup. I have my fries dry. I avoid putting it on food in general. The smell triggers my gag reflex.

>> No.6262580

I keep it around for fish sticks, pork chops, and on the rare instance I get take out its nice to have your own ketchup for fries.

>> No.6262674

Just used a few tablespoons on some cottage cheese. Delicious and nutritious

>> No.6262718

Used some tonight to make cocktail sauce. Before that, it had probably been 2 months at least.

>> No.6262871

Same here. I remember doing the dishes by hand growing up, and my stepdad would just toss his ketchup-soiled plate right into my clean dishwater without rinsing it first. I'd have to drain the whole thing 'cause I couldn't handle the resulting smell. Fucking awful.