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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 226 KB, 1600x1200, SpicFeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6236639 No.6236639 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think is the worst cuisine?

To me it's got to be Mexican It's always the same 3 or 4 ingredients and usually wayyy too spicy that it's unbearable. Also gives me the shits and anal bleeding

>> No.6236640

Someone will say British but objectively it's going to be something Arctic like Greenlander or something.

>> No.6236689

>same 3 or 4 ingredients
Not mexican. Do you even mole?

>> No.6236696
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Moles are gross julio, get that shit cut off

>> No.6236705

That's because you eat trailer park Mexican food. You don't know shit.

>> No.6236710

Not my fault mexicans are poor and have to live in trailers

>> No.6236721 [DELETED] 

chinese just cause your starving in an hour.

>> No.6236854

Pollo en mole is literally the best entree in the world

>> No.6236863
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sounds like you need this OP

>> No.6236877

I'll say mexican because it's just fucking tacos with some meat that has been cooked down until it doesn't taste of anything. That's all they fucking eat. That and rice and beans.

>> No.6237321


>> No.6237338

italian pasta even worse than mexican. it is all literally the same shit in different shapes (woopdie doo) with your choice of pasta sauce or some white sauce

>> No.6237344

Underrated post.


>> No.6238858


>> No.6238869
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British hands down

>> No.6238934

all you idiots saying mexican cuisine is anything bot top tier are idiots ill fucking punch each of you in the face with my avocado dick fuck you faggots

>> No.6238959

>Implying you faggots know anything about real Mexican cuisine
Nachos Bel Grande and Ground Beef Tacos don't count, fucking bongs.

>> No.6238995


Equatorial Guinea

>> No.6239003

Wait till you faggots have phillipino food.
>Worst. Food. Ever.

Also Mexifag here; stop eating shit taco shop food op

>> No.6239009


Have you ever tried a chips butty though? They're dynamite

>> No.6239037

Illegal to say in Britain

>> No.6239040



>> No.6239044

>wayyy too spicy that it's unbearable
They make it so spicy so you can't tell it actually tastes like shit

>> No.6239045


ayyyy lmao

>> No.6239053

>beaner detected

>> No.6239061

im white you slut

>> No.6239067

If you think mexican food is bad here, go to mexico and eat some. Just fucking awful.

>> No.6239070

congratulations, you are now a graduate of fucktard university.

if you think for one second that the abomination you posted is mexican food, you are mistaken. a lot of places have trivialized mexican food culture, usa being a prime example. i didn't grow up on nachos and burritos; your understanding of mexican cuisine is amazingly stupid and low, not that it is surprising. i will admit i used to think british food was garbage, but i ran in to a place finally that showed me how good it can be.

tl;dr no need to be a dick here, there is /b for that.

>> No.6239090
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>> No.6239124

To me, Puerto Rican food is consistently more bland than Mexican food.

And I like PR food. Mexican is definitely not the worst. Fuck no.

>> No.6239128

I would absolutely try sheep head.

I'd also try sheepshead if someone had it.

>> No.6239132

im your white slut ;^)

>> No.6239135

Good reaction picture! Does that mean you won the internet argument?

>> No.6239151

Did it upset the balance of your fedora?

>> No.6239155

Ooo! Another meme! I'll have another, please!

Tell me to go back to reddit! I love that one.

>> No.6239160
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>> No.6239166

Noooo, not another reaction pic. Though I do like that one. It's almost as funny as what I see on 9gag. OH! Tell me to go to "9fag". It's funny, because it's a portmanteau of "9gag" and "fag." Try inserting an ironic "le". That's sure to get people on your side and escalate you to the king of 4chan!

>> No.6239169

If you think mexican is spicy you are a big fucking baby.

>> No.6239171

Japanese hands down

just plain bland

>> No.6239174

>afraid to eat sushi
>afraid to eat donburi
>afraid to eat anything other than "katsu chicken," the tendies of japanese restaurants
>won't even use the katsu dipping sauce, requests ketchup
Yeah. Japanese food sure is bland!

>> No.6239175

it is though

get some standards

>> No.6239185

>get some standards
>The Japanese developed Kobe Beef
How about you stop eating exclusively tendies you got with good boy points?

>> No.6239186

shittest thread i've seen in a while

>> No.6239214

7 layer dip is the greatest invention of all time.

>> No.6239218

Reminder that cilantro tastes like soap.

>> No.6239219

don't worry anon, you're on /ck/
soon enough you'll forget this one ever existed.

>> No.6239221

rotel + velveeta + ground beef or pork + taco seasoning
shredded lettuce
chopped onion
sour cream

heaven in a bowl

>> No.6239241


>onions AND jalapenos AND salsa?
>no avocado
>no refried bean
You are not having 7 layer dip, anon.

And if it was b8, I give it a solid 8/8

>> No.6239245

>mexican food is too spicy

how white are you people?? you can't even handle mexican food? thats truly comical. how shitty is your native cuisine?

>> No.6239253

much autisum
so wow

>> No.6239260

Yo do u put olives? I put olives

>> No.6239265

>mochi ice cream

>get some standards

>> No.6239269

>velveeta isn't autism
>criticizing velveeta, now THAT'S autism
Never change, /ck/

>> No.6239272

Japanese curry is the worst of all the curries of the world though

>> No.6239277

> mexican food
>usually wayyy too spicy that it's unbearable

are you an tarded? That shit isn't spicy unless you put a shitload of sauce on it.

>> No.6239286

Actually, that's just about right.

>> No.6239290

Is it bland?

>> No.6239291


Japanese food is such a meme food. Poor use of herbs and spices. Mediocre sauces. Bland.

I used to like Japanese cuisine a lot but now I've come to learn anything they can do, the western version of it is better.

>> No.6239301


>> No.6239320

Thanks, /ck/! I'll let you go back to discussing which fried chicken chain is best like the niggers you are!

>> No.6239323


>> No.6239327

>it's bad because it's a "meme" food
>bacon is objectively bad because too many people over use it
>sriracha is objectively bad because too many people over use it
>whatever else you've deemed as "meme food" is objectively bad because too many people over use it

>I used to like Japanese cuisine a lot
But now that it's cool you don't? You are the definition of hipster.

Also, show me the western version of sushi and tell me why it's better.

Good argument. You win this time, but I'll be back!

>> No.6239330

>western version

are you out of your mind? their whole ideology is embracing the 5 tastes; you sound like some pathetic faggot who could down a bottle of salt with no cares in the world. Or you live in Kentucky. I could believe either.

>> No.6239335

this nigger here...say something else, i'll smack your stupid empty head with a brick of S&B Extra Hot Curry. that shit is awesome and going to coco's is even better.

/inb4 anything

you lost, don't bother.

>> No.6239337

Weebs always so butthurt. Sushi is only good thing from japfood

>> No.6239343

>but muh Kobe Beef

I can only assume you're a timetravelling yuppie from sometime in the early 90's.

>> No.6239346

sushi is fedoracore

literal trash

>> No.6239349

Naw, sushi isn't even that good. It's overpriced street food.

I love me some donburi, though. Shit's the bomb. Usually MUCH cheaper than the same amount of food in sushi form.

Apparently kobe beef is now "meme food," thus disqualifying it from being pleasurable to eat anymore.

>> No.6239352

>post a pic of american food
>calls it worst food

Congrats , OP. You're the reason why everyone thinks Americans are dumb

>> No.6239369

Pleasurable is one thing. But it doesn't somehow single-handedly make up for a generally bland cuisine. Nor is it some sort of untouchably superior beef. But take good food + Japanese and all of a sudden weebs on one end and yokels with delusions of worldliness on the other are declaring it some sort of nectar of the gods.

>> No.6239372

easy guys..this man knows his shit.

kobe beef was made by Ukraniens in the late 80s but they thought nobody would like it due to where it was from, so they labeled it kobe beef....b/c fuck, japan shits golden rainbows out of anything they make, amirite?

p.s. i hope you all die in a fire....

>> No.6239382


that sounds like bullshit

>> No.6239386


this is so typical of /ck/

>*example of good food they make*
>it's still a good food they make

>> No.6239389

You/ have never left your basement, let alone gone to Mexico

>> No.6239392

Kobe is distinctively better than other beef. For you to even suggest that it's not speaks to your ignorance.

>Kobe beef (神戸ビーフ Kōbe bīfu?) (KO-BEH) refers to cuts of beef from the Tajima strain of wagyu cattle
I'm guessing you're going to tell me all wagyu cattle is from Ukraine, too.

>> No.6239393

Mexican food is better than japanese food

>> No.6239396
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>yurocuck continues to seethe in his self-loathing and bitter jealousy of the superior USA

>> No.6239399

Kobe beef is just beef that any cuisine can incorporate in their cuisine. And japanese food is bland. Its mirin dashi ginger soy sauce and sugar in 80% of their dishes. Its the most bland food in Asia outside of maybe Korea.

>> No.6239406


maybe you've just prepared it like shit

>> No.6239407


>Kobe beef is just beef that any cuisine can incorporate in their cuisine.

come on dude. are we not to credit the french for roquefort because i could put it in a pasty?

>> No.6239423

>korean bbq
Are you fucking serious? Just leave. Just fucking leave.

>> No.6239437

People consider Mexican repetitive but Korean is just worse. Just like the chinese, its mostly an overdose of the same pepper in their dish after dish after dish.

Korean food and Japanese food doesn't have the variety that cuisines that India, Thailand, Mexico , and Peru offer.

Compare a japanese brother to vietnamese and its no contest. Japanese food is shit.

>> No.6239443

fuck i meant just like the japanese

>> No.6239450

You don't like the food in those countries, but is it bland?

>> No.6239455

The whole 5 taste thing is why they are bland. Heat is not a taste. Flavour is not a taste. Pungency is not a taste. Tartness is not a taste.

Japanese food has great presentations, which is why it's popular. It's food vanity.

I haven't tried much Japanese peasant food but I bet its way better than the pretentious flavourless shit that you get at restaurants.

>> No.6239460

>flavour is not a taste
Nigger what.

>> No.6239467

Umami is just some made up bullshit

>> No.6239472

You have the reading comprehension of a retarded toddler. Kobe is good. It's also overrated. And one example of good food does not a good cuisine make. Easier to understand now?

>> No.6239474

I don't said I don't like it, I like sushi and ramen is okay. but Japanese food is not a good representation of a good cuisine. I've been to japan and its one of the best food cities in the world, but their cuisine lacks variety,and flavor.

I already gave out an example, just try a japanese broth and a chinese/viet/thai broth. Japanese is not in the same league

>> No.6239475

Flavour is the smell. When you say something has cinnamon flavour you're talking about the smell, not the actual taste of cinnamon.

>> No.6239480

I ate kobe beef in Mexican, french and american restaurants, and not one restaurant described the dish as "Japanese"

>> No.6239484

Using "umami" pretty much automatically marks the speaker as a fucking idiot. We have a word for that taste in English. We've had it for centuries. It's fucking "savory".

>> No.6239491

I would disagree. I think the Japanese have many notable dishes. I also think there's some absolute shit that comes out of there (like most cuisines).

What I was specifically addressing was the fact that so many anons felt the need to call it bland, which it obviously is not.

Also, as for broth, I'm not sure it's ever trying to be the same kind of food as chinese, vietnamese, or thai. One of the key things about japanese food is that it's meant to be simple.

>> No.6239495

I kind of agree with that. An ingredient doesn't make a cuisine. Oranges are from India, orange juice isn't Indian cuisine. And butter chicken isn't a Chilean dish.

>> No.6239497

You just replaced bland with simple. And dont give me that shit about subtlety

>> No.6239500

No you didn't.
Kobe beef wasn't actually exported to the US until 2012, and it STILL isn't exported to Europe at all.

Even the Kobe beef that IS in the US today is in incredibly small amounts, because the USDA requires any foreign beef that is imported to follow the same slaughterhouse restrictions as ones in the US.

You absolutely did not eat kobe beef in mexican, french, or american restaurants.

>> No.6239501

Please name some notable dishes. And one of the keys of good food is good taste, japanese's principles of food is one of the reasons why it isn't as big as its other asian counterparts. Pho>Ramen anyday

>> No.6239508

>don't give me that shit about subtlety
Grilled cheese sandwich is bland.

Salmon Sashimi with wasabi, ginger, and soy sauce is simple. There is PLENTY of flavor in it, though.

>> No.6239509
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>> No.6239510


i understood exactly what you were saying, it was the beginning of a potential cascade of 'ok that's good, but japanese food is still shit. ok that's good, but japanese food is still shit... ok japanese food n-1 is good, but japanese food is still shit...'

and as if you've ever tried kobe anyway you frothy-mouthed swivel chair masturbator.

>> No.6239517

please see

>> No.6239519

>Flavour is the smell

No, that's aroma.

Flavor = taste + aroma.

>> No.6239521

Says the white guy to other white people.

>> No.6239533

Hey, there's more! Thanks, I'll save that to my "ebin reaction folder". I said "ebin," because it's a meme now (but not for long!).

>> No.6239535

I ate kobe beef in baja and Mexico DF, as well in Las Vegas .

>> No.6239541


Really? Salmon is the pleb tier of sashimi in Japan. Try Yellowtail or red snapper or rarer fish.

>> No.6239547

So breaded cutlet that was brought from Europeans

Steak (once again, a cut that can be added to any cuisine)

fermented soybeans

fried octopus balls are used as good example of good cuisine? If that's the best you can use then I don't want to know the worse.

Seriously, you know your cuisine is shit when one region of china or Mexico can offer more than an entire country

>> No.6239552

lol, you ate "kobe beef" in mexico, lesser mexico, and sin city? You got tricked, anon.

>> No.6239555

Is it bland? Because I'm pretty sure you just deflected.


>> No.6239559
File: 17 KB, 439x324, kobe-bryant-vs-shaq-vs-jimmy-kimmel-live-ass-erosa-burger-hd-video-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this assburger. Its made out of kobe beef

>> No.6239562


Yeah. And it was a great experience

>> No.6239563

>cuisine is invalid if it borrowed anything from another culture
>I don't like that
>I don't like that either, is that the best you could come up with? Where are the tendies?
>Japan is so small that it's shit!

Your arguments are invalid.
Also, if borrowing from European cuisine invalidates a dish, then literally ever piece of Vietnamese food is invalidated, and therefore by default, Vietnamese food is the worst, because there is none.

>> No.6239583

Vietnamese adapted their own cuisine from intermingling with the french. You can eat cutlet anywhere in the world. pretty bad example

And kobe beef can be used in any cuisine in the world. Just like Argentine beef and Australian beef can be used in any as well. another bad example

And I never said I don't like any, but looks like you're running out of good options when you used fermented soybeans as an example of good food. lol

No variety and bland flavors Give me Bangkok, Oaxaca , Hong Kong and Lima anyday over Japan

>> No.6239588


holy shit anon. do i need to explain how retarded this logic is? kobe is a japanese product. just cause other places use that product does not stop it from being a japanese product. if you eat a leek and roquefort quiche in scotland, does that make the roquefort scottish?

>> No.6239594

>$120 per person before drinks
Yeah, I highly doubt you went there.

Also, the "kobe" was probably a scam, since it's fuckin mexico and you went to a tourist trap.

>> No.6239598

>looks like you're running out of good options when you use [insert strange sounding food I've never tried here] as an example of good food. lol

>> No.6239618

Do you know how much Japan would suffer from that logic? Do you know most of the best Tuna in the world comes from Mexican coastline ? Let's not talk about mexican peppers and other Mexican seafood

>> No.6239625

please tell me more about myself. please do. and lets talk about turtle soup and how its a culinary bombshell while we're at it

>> No.6239631

citation needed. please tell me how one of the best restaurants in the world scammed me. This isn't the 20th century anymore. The whole world has caught on to french technique and modern dining

>> No.6239634

>Do you know most of the best Tuna in the world comes from Mexican coastline ?
Do you even Wicked Tuna, retahd?

>> No.6239636

nah italian pasta when done right is very good. My favourite toppings/sauces are carbonara, gricia, and amatriciana is also very good. Mfw when I was in Ireland and a lady served me "carbonara" (overcooked pasta with white sauce and ham)
>lol no egg
>what is pepper
>what is bacon

>> No.6239641

>being good at anything other than drugs and kidnapping

>> No.6239642


i don't understand the point you're making. are you under the impression that i'm pitting japanese food against mexican food or something? i highly doubt japan is a net importer of raw tuna.

>> No.6239647

Well it is called poo-hole

>> No.6239661

source is from a basement dweller from /ck/ then it must be true!!

>ore than 90 species of fish are commercially fished in Ensenada; the most important of which are tuna, shrimp, California spiny lobster, abalone, sea urchin, sardine, mackerel and seaweed. A large percentage of all catches are exported to East Asia

>> No.6239668

Are you implying the Tuna off the Mexican coast line was bred and hand raised by the Mexicans for consumption?

>> No.6239672

Joke's on you, I'm posting from my 6x10 "office" in downtown Boston!

>> No.6239680


when you say 6x10 "office" are you implying that you have some how hacked into the prison wifi system are are posting on a improvised game boy?

>> No.6239687

In Baja California? Yes.

And let's not forget the dried peppers that has been cultivated since Preshipanic times which is a staple of many of the greatest cuisines of all time.

>> No.6239695

7/10, anon. I actually chuckled a little. Not good enough for standup, but decent enough for a depressing day like this.

Can you post a lifehack of how to get a gameboy online? I know how to take my photo with one--hell, I can even PRINT that photo.

But the internet? Shit.

>> No.6239709

No. Wild tuna is not hand raised. You're just fucking wrong.

>> No.6239742

Indian food. It's smelly, uses way too much seasoning like turmeric, and is usually all goopy stuff with no substance like soups.

>> No.6240274

Indian. It just seems like everything is either flavorless or super spicy; no tasty middle ground. The smell makes sure it is never worth it.

>> No.6240303

The British invented curry. No shame person would call their food bad.

>> No.6240314

>no flavour

>> No.6240345

>either flavorless or super spicy
There is flavor. And it comes with a price.

>> No.6240357


you know literally nothing about indian food

>> No.6240425

vietnamese adapated quisine from the french, ok sure...

i guess before the french came in like fucking assholes, they fed themselves with good vibes and meditation.

gtfo of here....

>> No.6240433

.........after tuna and engawa it is the most popular.

confirmed weeaboo pretending they know wtf they are talking about....

>> No.6240441

>posting on 4chan

confirmed weeaboo

>> No.6240446

hard to be a pretender if you are actually from the moon.

choke on some avacado rolls.

>> No.6240450
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eat shit ken sama

>> No.6240459

not a fan, sorry. you eat up in my place.

and be careful...this level of pain in your posterior can lead to colon cancer.

>> No.6240474

No pain of the ass here, only pleasure since ur mom is busy tossing my salad

>> No.6240479
File: 55 KB, 500x782, Chris-Rock-Rolling-Out-8-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people like salad dressing but i prefer syrup

>> No.6240487

so you like fucking corpses, neat.

>> No.6240491


>> No.6240545
File: 70 KB, 330x316, Golden_LEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his mom is a corpse

>> No.6240575

>super spicy
You DO know that Indians define "spicy" as "uses spices" and not capsaicin content, right? Most Indian food isn't very spicy at all.

>> No.6240635

It depends on the region. You're thinking of anglo-indina cuisine.

>> No.6240639

No I'm not.

I went to CIA with a couple Indian guys, and have dinner with an Indian family every Saturday.

>> No.6240649

Can we all Agree that Canadian, Japanese, British, and Argentine cuisine are the bottom of their respective region while Mexican, Thai,Italian, and Peruvian are around the top?

This is the general opinion as food as best and worst foods go

>> No.6240673


i'd hardly say most, they love hot food over there.

>> No.6240676

that is the english definition of a dead body, yes. i would go a little further but i need to go get some band-aids, your edge cut me a bit deep.

>> No.6240677



>> No.6240682

go to southern india and tell them that. they will burn your mouth so bad you would wish you could dunk your head in a swimming pool. spicy can mean different things but it absolutely can mean stupid-hot there.

>> No.6240687

name things wrong with my list, especially the worst

>> No.6240691
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>little orphan anon

>> No.6240706


i don't agree with it

hence we can't all agree on it

>> No.6240713

>Doesn't like Mexican
>Has never had real Mexican food

>> No.6240759

uh..no...just older than you i guess.

>> No.6240785
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>u-uhh b-b-b-buhh ellipsis ellipses ur yung

Can't handle the bantz

>> No.6240801


I had this for lunch and I'm a skinny rich guy.

>> No.6241343

Russian food is pretty damn bad. They have a lot of weird gelatinous things in their diet, and purple colored things.

>> No.6241355

i have no idea what that even means.

and i don't care to.

>> No.6241653


It means you are mad and also a bitch

>> No.6241670

>retarded amerilards even have a thing called "mexican rise"

rice isn't even a thing here, the only time I eat rice is as a side with mole and sardines

No reason to eat rice when the common side is TORTILLAS

TIP: EATING TORTILLAS WITH RICE IS FUCKING STUPID, I don't know why amerilards love burritos filled with fucking rice

Also don't know why amerilards keep parroting this "mexican cuisine is 3 ingredients!" meme... probably beacuase they only eat trash fast food.

>> No.6241674

Nigga, just say chicken.

>> No.6241675

I assume you are mexican which is funny because by all metrics you are as fat or fatter than americans. the amerilards thing makes no sense. On this side of the planet you are all fat fucks. of course its hard to discern the difference since most amerilards are also mexricrement now, must be why they are so fat

>> No.6241694

>when you eat cinnamon you don't taste it, it's just the smell

And I suppose I can't actually hear music, I'm just seeing it, right?

Get out of here with your bullshit

>> No.6241700


Your mad

>> No.6241704

>had shitty Indian take out once
>judges all Indian food ever

Sums up this thread nicely

>> No.6241754
File: 47 KB, 483x364, 96c5b20eb3718706fc35d998a4cbd198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's weird, it seemed like you were the one who got all pissed off you had to go in to rage-mode over my post. i guess i am a time traveller who you got the best of, yeah?


>pic related in all honesty; how i feel trying to understand your faggotry and rage.

>> No.6241779

Go fuck yourself. If you want to talk real food then you would add me on skype

>> No.6241792


not him but id rather be temporarily mad than permenantly a retard

>> No.6241997

>nigga so mad its contagious

>> No.6242032

Pretentious bullshit with the only favors being soy or miso.

>> No.6242046

Indian and therefore by extension, Britain.

>> No.6242049


>> No.6242148

>I don't like it because it's different
Stay picky, bby ;^)

>> No.6242151

Trying to set up a jerk off session on skype?

>> No.6242155

No one calls it "mexican rice." Spanish rice is a thing, though, beaner

>> No.6242164

>the africa of the americas.

>> No.6242234

Anything from asia, including Indian.

It's always just rice and then they throw whatever animal they can find in their third world shithole + some boring spice and call it a delicacy.

Then you "cultured" retards lap it up like it's amazing. If you want something actually good look toward England, they make amazing balanced foods with everyday, readily available ingredients. And they don't try to jerk off about it like food is part of culture.

>> No.6242237

>puts down indian food
>england has the best cuisine

top kek. 7/10

>> No.6242241


>one type of meal

>> No.6242244

Under appreciated post

>> No.6242246


The guys got a point, a good sunday roast is better than anything they put out.

>> No.6242248

lole liked faggot mashed peas and crumb pudding wellington is any better. british cuisine is a joke and it's becoming an even bigger joke via getting cuckold by pakis.

>> No.6242261

The category of "Mexican food" includes the cuisine of every Spanish influenced area in North and South American. Mexican, Texan, SoCal, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, Colombian, Venezuelan, Peruvian, Honduran...

Its all Mexican food. Chile based spices, rice, beans, meat, tortillas...its all Mexian food.

>> No.6242298

>Eating food for flavor

It should just supply nutritional substance all you faggots caring about flavor is laughable.

>> No.6242303

The answer is A.


>> No.6242313

This might be the dumbest thing i've heard in a while

>> No.6242337

truth. those foods should really only be considered sub-categories of mexican food.

people who are from one of those places or claim heritage from one of those places would likely disagree. but if you were to give anyone in the U.S., Europe, or Asia a plate of food from any one of those places, they would likely identify it as Mexican. And that (1) would be understandable and (2) would be correct as it is a sub-category of mexican

>> No.6242338


your life must be very sad. my condolences.

>> No.6242342

LOL food from England....holy shit i crapped my pants almost. you should go on tour with that comedy.

>> No.6242346

i am going to take a stab in the dark and assume you live in a forest somewhere, miles from any big population, that has 1 jp restaurant, and have based everything off their shit-tier quality?

>> No.6242349

why the hell would i want to talk to you....? this is as close as i want to get to idiots.

>> No.6242353

it is pretty bland compared to most asian cuisine. miso ,soy, sugar, mirin dashi general

Compared to other asian cuisines who use other flavors such as xo sauce, fish cause, coconut milk, masala, yogurt, lemongrass, tamarind etc dried peppers

>> No.6242378

my mad what?

>> No.6242381

Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese, Cambodian... doesn't matter. It's all Chinese food. It's all weird things, like organs and raw fish!

>> No.6242389

ya ok...

>> No.6242392

Damn, you retards are straight up cancer.

Grow the fuck up.

>> No.6242417

I think most people would lump all those into a category of "Asian" food. You must admit there is a similarity in flavor, ingredients, and technique between all of those. Throughout Europe, and North and South American, most people are not able to distinguish between those countries' foods, and would label it as Asian, and might guess as to the specific country.

But you're either a white guy really into the culture of one of those countries or from one of those countries to actually care about the differences.

>> No.6242424

Read the post I was responding to.

I was making fun of the retard who thinks Cuban food is the same as Mexican.

>> No.6242427

Did this thread bruise your fedora?

>> No.6242430

holy fuck this thread is rough.
can't y'all just like all food?

>> No.6242433

Can't bad food be called out to the carpet from time to time?

>> No.6242435

thank, appreciate it

>> No.6242440

I like to think there's both good and bad food in each culture. No need to turn this board into a shitfest.

>> No.6242442

your mad is showing

>> No.6242445


You've obviously never been to the American south. Every thing there is cooked in oil and lard. People in Louisiana eat straight out of a ditch (for the nutria rat and other rodents).

>> No.6242447


>> No.6242456

so why didn't you call out the OP or any of these other faggots?

>> No.6242471

That's an old meme... I don't like it so much. Can you try another one? I sort of like "buttfrustrated," because it's a take on "butthurt," but even that's old now.

I've been enjoying the alliteration variations, like "anally annihilated!" Can you try one of those? That's sure to put me in my place.

>> No.6242481

>this unfunny faggot again

>> No.6242483

so not only are you a shit-eating weeb you're also a fucking pussy

>> No.6242486

What's with the meme arrow? I think that's an inappropriate use of a meme arrow.

>> No.6242487


Dios fucking mio, I ate this for lunch and I'm a skinny rich guy.

>> No.6242490

>meme arrow

>> No.6242500

>le the year of our lord 2014+1
>le not knowing the le use of le meme arrows or le greentexting
>not a le oldfag gentleman like me

>> No.6242513

No you're wrong.

>> No.6242523

Are you asserting that wild tuna is hand raised?

Pretty sure that's called farmed tuna, dumbass.

>> No.6242530

No one is saying there aren't differences--certainly someone with an interest in the food is going to be able to tell Cuban food from Mexican. But for most people outside of those regions, "Mexican" food is a category that includes all of those Spanish-influenced cultures.

>> No.6242535

>pollo en mole
>literally means chicken in sauce

Why do people do this? Either speak in Spanish or speak in English, don't go back and forth every other word.

>> No.6242542

Hand someone a taco and a cuban sandwich, and ask them which one is from mexico, and which is from cuba.

Literally everybody, even a downy, could tell you which is which.

>> No.6242546

Mole is actually closer to "pile" than "sauce." That's "salsa," ya dummy.

>Why call it baguette? It's bread. Just call it bread!

>> No.6242585

tacos aren't from mexico tho

>> No.6242625

>A taco (/ˈtækoʊ/ or /ˈtɑːkoʊ/) is a traditional Mexican dish composed of a corn or wheat tortilla folded or rolled around a filling.

Sorry... then what is it?

>> No.6242669

Didn't some Cuban guy who immigrated to Texas from Peru invent tacos?

>> No.6242677 [DELETED] 

you are about to get raped by pretentious douchebags, hard...gl. i am on your side.

>> No.6242686

>The taco predates the arrival of Europeans in Mexico. There is anthropological evidence that the indigenous people living in the lake region of the Valley of Mexico traditionally ate tacos filled with small fish. Writing at the time of the Spanish conquistadors, Bernal Díaz del Castillo documented the first taco feast enjoyed by Europeans, a meal which Hernán Cortés arranged for his captains in Coyoacán.

Yes, you're right. I'm so glad you asserted something you made up.

>> No.6242710

....you are about to get raped in the ass by reality...gl.

>> No.6242717

you tried really hard to use that meme. It came off kinda pathetic and forced though...
captha: meem

>> No.6242736

I can't tell if you guys are joking, if you somehow didn't get that the post was a joke, or if maybe you just missed the series of posts the comment was responding to.

>> No.6242833

> [ˈmole]; Spanish, from Nahuatl mōlli, "sauce")
It means sauce. And in Mexico, and can refer to just about any sauce under the sun. It's only outside Mexico that people think it refers to some particular dish.

>> No.6242858
File: 43 KB, 1125x549, Screenshot (246).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, my bad.

>> No.6242866

I don't own a fedora and I'm not angsty opinionated idiot.

Proptip: read up on REAL history, not the propogandized bullshit you were brainwashed with and you'll see what you morons are yelling at each other have no correlation to reality.

I wasn't going to get rustled but it's clear this is not a troll attempt, some of you are just plain loud morons.

>> No.6242877

Naw, you're wrong.

I used to work at a slice shop with a bunch of dirty mexicans. They'd call the pizza sauce "salsa," not "mole".

>> No.6242878

Not even close. Oaxaca alone has more variety than Cuba. The fact that Cubans don't use much peppersat all tells you the distinctive styles of flavor.

The closest thing to Mexico would be other central american neighbors and maybe peruvian (im pushing it there), but that's about it. No one would ever mistake Argentine, Chilean or Brazilian with Mexican

>> No.6242880

No one knows what the fuck you're talking about, kid.

>> No.6242885

salsa = mole you idiot. Mole derives from the natuatl word for sauce

>> No.6242891
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Meanwhile in Africa...

>> No.6242897

Looks like a boring version of Mexican TBH

>> No.6242903

>you idiot
>you idiot
>you idiot
>you idiot

>> No.6242908

>fried plantains
>smoked fish
Looks great

>> No.6243514
File: 43 KB, 500x750, seattlehamburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got the joke, just saying..prepare your anus. it needs to be ready.

>> No.6243519
File: 340 KB, 1143x788, Egg_sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6243547

What does that stuff taste like?

>> No.6243552
File: 68 KB, 592x594, 1422999348644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mexican is worst cuisine
> "same 3 or 4 ingredients"
> "too spicy"
> uses taco bell as pic

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.6243607


Indian curry > Jap curry
There are some top tier Indian restaurants in my city ih jesus christ it's a gangbang of flavour in your mouth everytime.
While Jap curry has some weak ass no spice curry with potato and carrot maybe an onion if your lucky

>> No.6243618

SEAsian and West Indian curry is also superior. Japan has the worst curry on the planet.

>> No.6243625 [DELETED] 


I ate this for lunch and I'm a skinny rich guy.

>> No.6243638


after 21 years of fermented soups and vegetables, fast food is a blessing to me

>> No.6243648

Yes, jap curry is an instant powder with ridiculous amounts of sodium, the same goes for when I eat "korean currys" in Seoul

>> No.6243653

Gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8
Almost had me there for a second heh.

>> No.6243672

what bullshit jp curry have you guys been eating...? only a powder? no taste? not spicy? wtf????

i will agree completely indian is the best, hell it is their invention, but you are acting as if jp curry is on the shit-level of british curry.

>yum yum, all that cumin and no spice to hurt muh tum-tum.

give me a break.

>> No.6243682

I like all food that I've tried. French has been the biggest disappointment though.

Expensive, pretentious and overrated.

>> No.6243717

>Brittish curry

Im from straya m8
Alzo I have eaten jp curries in korea too still shit tier, I make better myself and for cheaper

>> No.6243740

>tfw worked in an indian curry joint

lentil curry is the best honestly, but a bit of work. nothing wrong with japanese curry though; fancy yourself a trip to japan and go to a Coco's and try to tell me it was shit.

>pro tip: you won't be able to.

no idea about korean curry so maybe that is garbage. i just know i hate people who are pretentious douchebags who probably hate something just due to where it is from.

pro tip +1: that means you.

>> No.6243825

I live in Korea dumbass, I love it here and everytime I have eaten curry it's been shit. Plain and simple it's shit even more so when comparing it to real Indian currys

>> No.6243837

it's curries, 'dumbass'.

sorry korea has no curry culture worth a damn...no reason to blast japan for it though; they fucked you up hardcore but food culture is different and should be above your autism anger.

coco's curry. try it. ika, level 10. try to tell me how bland that was. i can wait for this thread to update np, you will be shitting fire and spice for a while if you do it, but that just may be the kick in the ass you need.

>> No.6243839

>Implying korea and Australia don't have japanese restaurants aswell.
Ok weaboo

>> No.6243846

Coco's is shit. No a countin' for weaboo tastes.

>> No.6243852


>> No.6243859

small pieces of bream or bass, sliced thin, soaked in 50% lemon juice and 50% lime juice overnight in the refrigerator, dusted with a light sprinkle of salt and pepper, and twisted around a spear of roasted asparagus, or chopped and mixed with a bowl of rice.

>> No.6243866

>lentil curry is the best honestly, but a bit of work.
How is lentil curry(I assume you mean dal) any work at all. It's what I make when I'm too tired to make anything else. I eat it at least 3 times a week.

>> No.6243867

if coco's is shit your mouth must be where all sewers lead to; and weaboo? seriously? save that slander for dumbasses who know ramen only through anime, you don't know anything about me lol...oh man....why do i even bother?

>> No.6243873

well i guess it depends on the person. i have tried to show ppl how to make it and they got annoyed at the whole process. an onion base curry like in southern india is much more time consuming, i just do not expect much out of people sorry. cool though. that stuff is delicious, glad someone even acknowledged it.

>> No.6243883

every fucking mexican I know eats rice and tortillas with almost every meal. And I live in little mexico in my town, my best friend is married to a mexican woman from Tampico, Mexico; and I go to far too many mexican birthday parties, parties and Quinceañeras for a white, redneckm, southern man. Where rice and tortillias are served everytime, along with those paper thin t-bone steaks cooked to shoe leather consistency.
You fail on many levels, especially on the understanding of staples.

>> No.6243887

ITT: massive flame war

>> No.6243889

it probably is, cuban and mexican food are about as alike as niggers and water skis.

>> No.6243890

......................wtf are you talking about? are you in some special retard-bubble? you need to all die in a fire......especially you.

>> No.6243899

>an onion base curry like in southern india is much more time consuming
Well a sambhar is harder than your usual everyday dal. I just boil the lentils with salt, turmeric and coriander powder. When that done I add a tempering of ghee/butter, cumin, red chillis and maybe a bit of crushed tomatoes.

>> No.6243901

Don't get butthurt cause you ate at a shit chain restaurant that time you went to Japan. Your implied knowledge true ramen reveals your inner weaboo.

>> No.6243904

mexicans eat rice and tortillas, faggot. At almost every meal. Including breakfast. Learn the difference between shit tier tex-mex and mexican food.

>> No.6243933

Mexicans don't eat rice that much, mostly when eating mole or as a sopa. Usually its beans

>> No.6243978
File: 247 KB, 480x360, 1415826609918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, sure, if you've had nothing but Taco Bell, Chipotle, and Qdoba your entire life. Which don't even really qualify as Mexican food.

Real Mexican food is tasty as fuck and has a huge variety of different ingredients. Hell, even actual Tex Mex food, in and of itself a bastardization, uses a ton of ingredients. And the term "too spicy" is a term only used by stupid gay babies.

As for actual worst cuisine, the midwestern United States is a goddamn culinary wasteland. All of our good food either comes from other parts of the country or other parts of the world. We haven't originated anything except for Ohio chili... and that tastes how it looks and looks how it tastes.

A lot of eastern yuropeen food is also pretty terrible, as is Scandinavian food.


>> No.6243995

Holy shit you have never eaten any of those foods in your life

[spoiler]SoCal food also has a lot of Asian influence.

>> No.6243999

I'd like to think so too but I have never had a good Scandinavian dish in my life.

>> No.6244041

>m-muh authentic!!!1!

Kill yourself fag

>> No.6244090
File: 40 KB, 800x600, tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yea this mexican place I go to is totally authentic!
>I mean they use cornmeal instead of masa harina and canolia oil instead of coconut but they're still like totes authentic!

>> No.6244095
File: 110 KB, 445x455, eating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger countries are objectively the worst


>> No.6244109

a lot of people eat rice-filled tortillas. doesn't mean that it is representative of cuisine of any sort; just that you are being lazy and not scared of carbs.

>> No.6244113
File: 196 KB, 888x460, gorditas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6244118

>implied knowledge

..the fuck? did you drop your 4chan instruction book in a tsunami and are just trying your best to save face?

there there, lil carebear...everything will be okay. eat your shit err, food.

>tfw this guy's captcha requests confirmation 'I am not an autist.'

>> No.6244137


True. But Salmon is entry level Sashimi. Tastes great but I wont be lying if I want salmon.

>> No.6244156

Calm down weeb.

Japanese food is kind of shit, aside from sushi. It's all hot pot dishes.


Go fuck yourself.

>> No.6244173

my my, you have quite a strong opinion....if only food was objective and based off of my feelings, waaaaaaaaaaah...

go kill yourself while i fuck myself for bothering to talk to you....

>> No.6244185

Not sure if this is baitoru or something.

You're the one 'sperging out because someone said Japanese curry is inferior. I think it is, I've had both Indian and Japanese curries. I haven't been to Japan or India, but based on the stuff I've tried here, there's no comparison.

Indian curry is spice and flavor, Japanese curry is just salt and bland. I hate to burst your spontaneity fucking bubble there weeb.

>> No.6244221

sorry m8, but Japanese is one of the least varied cuisines in asia. Just like another anon stated, most japanese is composed of the same 5-6 ingredients in every dish while other asian countries use dried and fresh peppers, tamarind, coconut milk, fish sauce, yogurt, peanuts, multiple spices , butter,hoisin etc etc.

Even a city in vietnam has more to offer thanmost of japan. Japan's food is not their strong point.

>> No.6244313

>Implying Mexican food can't be taken vastly differently from one style to the next
>Implying Mexico doesn't have some of the best ingredients, making flavor diverse and complimentary
>Implying OP is capable of eating more than baby's first hot sauce

>> No.6244333

unbelievable....i mean, i believe you feel what you are saying, but i do not get it...even as a chinese, i feel i have to give respect to their food culture, even if most of it is borrowed.

japan is hailed as a place of intricacy in flavor; hitting all flavors most times in very subtle ways.

japanese food is subtle. if you are a real cook or a foodie, you obviously have been eating shit made by mexicans/sri lankans and have not had a decent experience. understandable, most of the world lives in the dark food-wise; stupid to expect you have good options to open your mind to it, or have been there. in that regard, i apologize. enjoy your ham sandwich, sincerely.

>> No.6244381

Huh? Your last sentence doesn't make sense for the reason that Mexicans are one of the best cooks in most of the restaurants I've experienced., since they have a strong food culture.Some of the shittiest Japanese I've eaten were made by Koreans and Filipinos.

Most of their cuisine is half-assed, the ones that they adopted, such as pasta and curry and sweet bread. But theproblem isn't who cooks it, but its the same ingredients over and over again. Dashi, ginger,soy,mirin and sometimes sake galore. There isn't much variation in Japan food, and I don't mind minimalism, because I like Italian food, but just like Thai and Mexican, you can spend months and months and try something different in their vast gastronomy

>> No.6244398

>japan food
>i don't mind minimalism becase I like Italian food

alright..not going any more rounds with you lol...holy shit you are dumb..i mean....lol..god damn...amazingly stupid.

>> No.6244410

Gaijin here

Japanese food has barely any variety. Most of the cuisine here is imported and adopted from other countries.

>> No.6244431

You're hilariating. I'm gonna sell tickets to your show 'That Time I Went To Japan.'

>save face
The weeb is strong with this one.

This is not your weaboo friend circle that'll take what you say as gospel cause you ate at a shitty curry chain in Japan. I'm willing to bet you ate at a shitty ramen chain there as well thus rounding out your vast knowledge of Japanese cusine.

You're the American version of Japanese tourists that eat pancakes at Denny's cause they think that's the best place to get pancakes.

Please continue to respond to all of us calling you out on your Japanese curry fanboyism. Best time I've had on here in a while.

Conversely, you could just take your meds and go to bed.

>> No.6244442

>Indian family
Where in India are they from?

>> No.6244445

>And they don't try to jerk off about it like food is part of culture.
>Food isn't a part of culture.

>> No.6244447

...american. ok.

4chan, home of autism and retardation.

fuck denny's. but please do not bother to respond, i would hate to take you away from your western sizzler meal your are cramming down your throat like a cock.

yum yum in the tum tuuuuuuum, right?

>tfw i will enjoy lentil curry later tomorrow and probably whip up some jp style curry further on in the weekend. and i will enjoy it, b/c i am sane.

enjoy being a super cool angry guy over nothing.

>> No.6244463

Confirmed weaboo amerifat.

>tfw Imma hit up a god tier ramen joint after I get off work just cause you can't. And I'm gonna enjoy it b/c i'll be lauging with my friends about this gaijin that thinks Coco's is awesome.

>> No.6244466

that's what you get for having shitty tastebuds.

>> No.6244467

lol....my family owns kaze no ko. you really are in a loss on this fight, man. i am sure you will reply with some smartass comment but reality will be unchanged.

>> No.6244480


Tell stories to your weaboo friend circle if you're looking to impress someone.

>> No.6244482

yeah..ok...come by in funabashi sometime. i will want to knock you through a wall if i am there but my parents will happily take your money with 0 fucks given.

>> No.6244500

Anywhere in particular or you own all of funabashi?

>> No.6244503

i don't own shit, but they own an izakaya.

want to get serious? here:
2 Chome-27-15 Honcho, Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture 273-0005, Japan

come say hi, say kyo/stephen sent you. you don't deserve it but they will treat you very well.

>> No.6244508

Challenge accepted.

>> No.6244509

enjoy. i hope you treat them better than we have been talking like..not that they understand english much.

>> No.6244539
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Worst cuisine : Greek
They only have 4 dishes: souvlaki,moussaka,tsatsiki,greek salad

>> No.6244552


first off it is tatziki, and that is not a 'dish', it is a way to enhance your dishes further or have as an appetizer.

secondly....who fucking cares. god. i thought /b was bad, but /ck is making me sick more lately.

>> No.6244582

hopefully the last post of this thread is mine.

this thread is cancer. everyone in it should fucking kill themselves, apart from me.

>> No.6244584

well that's just mean.

>> No.6244597
File: 47 KB, 323x323, 1362209929651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice job scrub. Tatskiki, hilarious. Keep try asshole - it's tzatziki, but gosh who fucking cares amirite?

>> No.6244715

Anyone smart enough doesn't actually consider japanese curry a real curry. I'll much rather stick the japanese loanword karee on it and enjoy it as a separate dish. When you stop thinking it's curry your having it actually tastes pretty good.

Also no spice? Bland? My sore ass wouldn't agree. It depends on who made it.

Thai curry is still the best though.

>> No.6244719

>implying a restaurant of any nationality in a country other than it's own is actually anywhere near the real thing

>> No.6244724

> I haven't been to Japan or India
Well there's your problem right there.
Also stop comparing those to curries, they're too different and you should consider them separate types of dishes altogether.

>> No.6244788

Yes it can be hence why I said in my city there ard top tier Indian restaurants that serve proper curries, you know ones with various styles using various ingredients and with some fucking favour

>> No.6244861

All Mexicans always eat rice. I know all of them, and they only eat rice. The mexican word for "food," which is "comida" actually translates to american as "rice."

>> No.6244905

Eat Mexican food from Mexico and then eat Chipotle or Qdoba. Flavors are completely different.

Taco Bell goes without saying. They couldn't even sell that shit in Mexico when they marketed it as "authentic American food".

>> No.6244999

Ceviche isn't sushi.