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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6226549 No.6226549 [Reply] [Original]

So, /ck/ . . . would you??


Customer Christina Dow was at the market, and upon seeing the frozen raccoons, filmed the scene on her cell phone. She shared the video on social media.

“The way it’s packaged in the store, it’s so real, and it’s so fresh, and you don’t see chickens with their feathers and blood all over them, and their expression, with their tongue hanging out,” Dow said.

Dow also went on to contact the LA County Health Department, who says that selling raccoons as food may indeed be perfectly legal, depending on the origins of the meat.

The market has ceased selling raccoons, since the department’s visit, until it and be reviewed and officially approved.

CBS2 contacted a number of local agencies, including the LA County District Attorney’s office. However, none of them were immediately able to say whether selling raccoons as food was legal or not.

Store employees say they’ve been selling raccoons for years, and never experienced any issues until now.

>> No.6226551
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>> No.6226561


>The way it’s packaged in the store, it’s so real

Do people not realise meat comes from dead animals

>> No.6226564

They do, but the supermarket normally butchers it.

Shit, I could buy a few dozen of those and make a fur coat and matching cap. Plus have the tails left over for my car antenna.

>> No.6226569


People don't kick up a fuss over entire dead fish being sold in markets, not even live fish. Sounds to me like people are shocked that those "barbaric asians" are selling an entire dead carcass which is no different to the pork chicken and beef that every other person buys at "normal stores" except for there has been no effort to mask the reality of what is being sold.

Nothing wrong with selling whole dead raccoons.

>> No.6226570

I'd rather have my meat sold without the fur. Removing it would be time-consuming and I don't know how to prepare fur so it can be used to make things in the first place.

>> No.6226574

>Nothing wrong with selling whole dead raccoons.
Other than the whole rabies thing, of course.

>> No.6226576

you don't sell frozen meat unprepared with fur on it. It's highly unhygienic. Especially since those animals were probably killed in the wild, and not in controlled farms. the amount of diseases and parasites those giant garbage eating rats carry is off the charts.

>> No.6226584

>comparing fishes to racoons

>> No.6226586


>this whole dead animal is okay to sell

>this other whole dead animal is NOT okay oh my GOD they are SELLING DEAD ANIMALS

>brb gonna go buy me a whole roast chicken :)

>> No.6226597

I dunno, raccoons are pests, they eat anything and everything. Doesn't sound like it'd taste good.

>> No.6226611

People are stupid.

The pelt has been frozen . Is it still usable? I've never skinned a previously frozen animal before nor a raccoon. Are they as easy to skin as rabbits are?

Making a pelt isn't as difficult as you might think but I don't know what having been frozen might do to it.

Other animals can carry all sorts of other health hazards. Rabbits, for example, also carry rabies but they're sold in most supermarkets in my area.
If the raccoons were FDA inspected, there should be no risk of rabies.

Is it? I would guess so, but I don't know enough to make the absolute statement that it absolutely is.
>garbage eating rats
But they're cute. They're a nuisance, but they're damned cute. Nonetheless, I don't mind killing and eating cute things.

Stop making sense.
Also, chickens are seldom sold whole in most (all?) Western countries. The heads and feet and feathers are removed prior to retailing 99% of the time. People grow upset in my area at Asian markets because they sell chicken that way. Not enough to contact the media, most likely because the media won't care, but enough to give white wimminz panic attacks in the store when the spot one. I've seen that happen twice. Fucking white women. Worthless cunts.

Same with boars and peccaries and I'll be fucked in the ear if they aren't delicious.

>> No.6226643

>you don’t see chickens with their feathers and blood all over them, and their expression, with their tongue hanging out
this is only the place in sheltered white people stores. any ethnic grocery store has whole animals for sale with minimal processing done ahead of time.
shit, you can walk into any store in queens and find fucking goats hanging in the open air

>> No.6226650

>People are stupid.
Pot, kettle. . . .

>Rabbits carry rabies
Really? Farm-raised rabbits, confine inside pens and barns, are known to have rabies running rampant 'round their rabbitry? Methinks you are a tard.

>I don't know enough to make the absolute statement that it absolutely is.
Of course it is, you idiot. Nobody raises raccoons in farm conditions. These are wild-trapped or wild-shot real dead rabid garbage-eating vermin.

>> No.6226683

>i'm being wrong and no one can stop me!

For one, there are raccoon farms. For another, rabbits are on the game meat list, even if farmed. Oh? What's that? You didn't know there was a game meat list? Surprise, surprise. Someone who doesn't know what he's talking about is sharing an opinion on 4chan. Surely, this is a first. Shocking.

The USDA and FDA maintain a joint venture called the FSIS. The FSIS maintains a list of game species, even game species that are from farms, that are salable in the US.
This includes raccoon. Raccoons are farmed for pelts in the US. The pelts go to making a variety of products. You think that a farm, which is in business to make money, would just throw out salable meat? Of course not.

And yes, even wild-caught raccoon meat /can be salable/ in the US.

>> No.6226688
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yeah i'm okay with that.

>> No.6226701

I had a pet racoon, was really smart.
I would not eat one but i think it's ok if you do.
I think it's retarded to sell them with fur in a grocery store unless it's a weird store for chinks that has live snakes, chickens and other gross stuff. Serious who wants to skin a raccoon, at 9.99 a pound?
Get a spear, go down to the pond and get your own.

>> No.6226730

> a weird store for chinks that has live snakes, chickens and other gross stuff
>go get a spear and go down to "the pond" to get a raccoon


white people are too much

>> No.6226738

you are still, resorted to puerile trivialisation that makes no sense.

>> No.6226742

>comparing modern meat that comes from controlled farm to pest raised in garbage
>think forest animals are comparable to rodents living in your sewers

Are you chinese?

>> No.6226746

>the photos are clearly whole animals
>b.b.but the famer use the pelt and sell the meat!

You are a retard.

>> No.6226766

This is what years of conditioning does. People don't put one and one together that meat actually _is_ the animal. Since there is no resemblance of what the animal looked like in cuts of meat and the gore process is hidden behind closed doors. Even when the butcher in a store is cutting up the meat it has no distinct characteristics of what it was. A lot of modern humans would be turned off from eating meat entirely is the processing part wasn't kept as a social stigma.

>> No.6226796

>conveniently ignoring the last sentence
Oh you!


>> No.6227596
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>> No.6227610
File: 125 KB, 750x500, african bush meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...would you?

>> No.6228870
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OP here. No, of course not. I am not a bone-through-nose savage.

>> No.6228891

>coon skins coon

>> No.6228902
File: 84 KB, 640x360, Detroit_man_sells_raccoons_2351380000_10898964_ver1.0_640_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would you??

If someone else (who knew WTF they were doing) prepared it, sure.

There was an article in the Detroit Free Press a few years back about a guy in Detroit who sells raccoon meat.

They couldn't get him to admit he was hunting them in the city (which would be illegal) but the implication was clear...

(WXYZ) - An elderly Detroit man is making a name for himself selling meat. Not the typical meat you find in the grocery store, but a specialty item.

His signs can be spotted along roadways in Detroit. They read: "Pure Mi. Fresh Coons. 834-8617." The man behind the signs is Glemie Dean Beasley. He has two passions in life: Blues music and hunting.

"I've been hunting over 40 years," said Beasley.

Beasley came to Detroit in 1958 from a small town in Arkansas. That's where he first learned to hunt. Now he does it to help make ends meet.

"Business is not bad," said the elderly man.

He runs his raccoon selling operation out of his Detroit home on the city's west side. He keeps his dogs in the backyard, and a freezer full of raccoon meat in a shed. The meat and the fur are equally valuable to Beasley. He skins the animals for their fur so it can be used to make coats. Beasley says he has customers as far away as California. He sells his raccoon meat for 15-20 dollars per animal.

Hunting is illegal within city limits. Beasley says he hunts his raccoons on a farm in the Jackson area.

>> No.6228906


of course it's a chink place.

>> No.6228916

I think I would trust that beard to sell me some fine, grade-A ringtail.

I mean, just look at it

>> No.6228918


Right? $10/lb? Jesus

>> No.6229163

When I was about 13, I liked making stories up on here too. I used to say I was in my thirties and a lumberjack type in Montana. Are you doing that? I think you are, because kiddo, rabies isn't common in domesticated, farm-raised rabbits and you can pretty easily skin something that was frozen.

Shit, freezing a pelt literally does nothing if you know how to thaw it (and it isn't freezer burnt). Most modern taxidermy was frozen at some point, thawed properly, skinned and tanned - and I'd argue that taxidermy requires fewer pelt defects than making a pair of gloves or a hat does.

Eating a raccoon isn't the problem, and even if the woman is being an emotional sack of wet cunts, it's still unhygenic and dangerous as fuck. They're very prone to disease and parasites, and have been left whole and ungutted in a freezer in a torn bag for however long.

>> No.6229165

Are you going to pretend you're not white, or that a pond might not have raccoons near it? Considering that most wildlife seek out bodies of water and the damned things are prone to gathering at the edges of bodies of water.

>> No.6229167

Anyone who eats raccoon meat is just asking for diseases. I say go for it, sell it. The people who buy it aren't long for this world anyway.

>> No.6229176

wait a minute. Are you people tellin me you never heard of eating coon meat? they were commonly hunted for food and fur for ages.

The way they're sellng it is pretty damn unappetizing looking though.

>> No.6229179

Game meat needs to be immediately removed from the carcass and dried or soaked in saltwater to kill bacteria/parasites and get rid of the gamey taste.

You can't just put a dead wild animal in a bag, whole. I bet the yellow bastards didn't even gut the things first.

>> No.6229183

I'm OP. I've even eaten raccoon. The hillbilly neighbor of some of my relatives, who lived in the middle of nowhere, came over for dinner one night and brought raccoon stew.

Someone else, I forget who, gave me a tail from one he'd shot while it was raiding his garbage can one night.

So yes, of course we all know that raccoon can be eaten. But whole dead frozen raccoon, unskinned even, in an Asian market?

>You can't just put a dead wild animal in a bag, whole.
Of course you can. They did.

>I bet the yellow bastards didn't even gut the things first.
This too.

But as was noted elsewhere, if these were "farmed" raccoons, WHY IS THE FUR STILL ON? You claimed they're raised for fur. Fine. If they were raised for fur, THEN THE RANCH WOULD HAVE SKINNED THEM YOU MORON.

Therefore, these weren't. Q.E.D. Someone is just going out and trapping or shooting wild ones. That's fine, it looks like it's even legal. BUT THEY HAVEN'T BEEN CLEANED and it's unsanitary as hell. Frankly, it's disgusting.

>> No.6229192

>giant garbage eating rats
You do realise that almost all shellfish are bottom feeders?

>> No.6229196

>Of course you can. They did.
And now for the consequences. Hot prison rape.

>> No.6229198


>> No.6229199

>shellfish are bottom feeders
So? They're not mammals. Different disease organisms and parasites. No such thing as a lobster with rabies.

Different diet, too. Garbage-eating mammals taste awful and get all sorts of contaminants with the edible garbage. Crabs/shrimp just eat dead fish and plant matter.

>> No.6229232

There is a big difference. First off, raccoons were hunted PRIMARILY for their pelts. Most of them were simply discarded after the pelt was secured. This is because you only want to eat young raccoons. Which means you aren't getting the best fur so most raccoons hunted were older ones. The native americans and slaves used to eat it and as well, in particular, in California before ~1950. So it's not a surprise we see it here again in CA. It's really risky though because unless they are getting them wild from far away from the cities the chances for disease are pretty high.

You can eat raccoon just like you can eat any other rodent. It doesn't mean you should.

>> No.6229260

>You can eat raccoon just like you can eat any other rodent

>> No.6229286


I'm asian. Anything might have raccoons near it. I used to have one that hung out in my backyard all the time. If I was a hillbilly I guess I might have harvested it. Is that the right word?

>> No.6229294

No, no I would not. I love raccoons.
We used to have pet raccoons when I was a kid, when my dad would find abandoned babies on our ranch. We'd bottle feed them and raise them until they were juveniles and then let them go again, but they'd always remember us and come find us when we were out on the land.
And, they will be the next great mammal evolution. I watched a fantastic nature special about them, on how fast they're evolving, and how city raccoons are evolving different skill sets than country raccoons, and how they live in their own small settlements, not more than a mile or so wide, etc etc.
Anyway, point is, forget Planet of the Apes, it's going to be Planet of the Raccoons.

>> No.6229312

>tfw in a blind taste test you would have no idea wtf you are consuming most times.

not interested in eating a raccoon. i am sure it tastes just fine, all the same.

>> No.6229561


Actually, you'd probably know something was up. Raccoon meat has a very strong gamey smell. There are scent glands on the carcass that have to be removed so they don't taint the meat. It's certainly not something that "tastes like chicken", which is why it's rarely eaten. Same with most carnivorous animals, really.

>> No.6229569

person you quoted...

i dunno, i have eatn rabbits and squirrels, i can't imagine them tasting much difference; they are lean tiny animals; hell if anything i would assume a raccoon had more on it's chops, but i could be wrong. i honestly think, despite how many different things i have tasted, if i could just blindly call it out. but maybe i am just easy to please or stupid..w/e.

>> No.6229586

>i dunno, i have eatn rabbits and squirrels, i can't imagine them tasting much difference; they are lean tiny animals

Herbivore vs. carnivore makes a huge difference.

Animals like rabbits and squirrels have many predators. They tend not to have strong smells as they don't want to attract something which might eat them. Predatory animals like cats, raccoons, dogs, etc. don't have that worry. They also scent-mark their territory. As a result their meat tends to have a much stronger gamier flavor. That's a major reason why we humans often eat herbivores but rarely eat carnivorous mammals. Herbivores tend to have a mild tasting meat. Carnivores--especially those which scent mark--tend to have a very gamey taste.

>> No.6229589


Would read again

>> No.6229700


>> No.6229737

>coon hunter
>South Georgia

something's fishy guys

>> No.6229772

I don't have a problem with it being sold, but I don't think I would eat it. My grandmother told me when she was young and they didn't have much her family caught raccoons once. She said it was very dark and gamey and the worst meat she's ever tasted. But, maybe I would like it?

>> No.6229795

Raccoon is set to be the next body building food. That protein!

>> No.6229798

This, who the fuck pays $10/lb for coon?


They'll probably make raccoons endangered because of this and outlaw killing them. In 2017 LA will be overrun with them. Can't wait to see that.

>> No.6230005

>still conveniently ignoring that last sentence
Here: let me copy and paste it for you below.
>And yes, even wild-caught raccoon meat /can be salable/ in the US.

I know that for other animals, deer and gator, for example, salable pelts aren't typically sourced from wild game but, rather, from farmed ones. Even though wild game meat from both those animals are found for sale in some parts of the US.
Perhaps the same is true of raccoon.

Were it illegal altogether, there would be no need for an investigation, as the article says there will be. There'd be simply a citation or arrest or something. Now, I don't know whether or not it's legal to sell wild game meat with its pelt still attached. This may be something the investigator or inspector might have a problem with.

>> No.6231911

>harvested it. Is that the right word?
Not if you were a hillbilly. They generally don't know words of more than two syllables.

>> No.6231914

>Planet of the Raccoons
Ever read Stephen R. Boyett's "The Architect of Sleep"?

>> No.6231956

I have no problems with racoon meat and eating it.

What I have a problem with is that its the entire fucking carcass, frozen solid, bones, skin eyes, and fur and all, slumped over in a cheap plastic bag with blood all over the fur.

It looks like some ching chong shot it, put it in a bag and threw it in his freezer at home, and then brought it to work the next day and put it in the store freezer.

if you are going to sell small animal meat, you sell it skinless, and separated into smaller parts. And packaged properly.

>hur dur white poeple aint never seen an ethnic store! silly whities!

So ethnic stores means complete lack of proper sanitation? I find thats often the case whenever I visit china town.

>> No.6231979

>So ethnic stores means complete lack of proper sanitation? I find thats often the case whenever I visit china town.
Hell, you should see the messes in China. There was some blog by an "ethnologist" doing "research" by living among some Chinese peasants who had moved to the Big City to try to make their fortunes, and she wrote about how they tried to start a food stand with the paltry amount of cash the whole family had saved from weeks of doing manual labor. They did a dumpling stand. When they were assembling the dumplings, the "ethnologist" photographed the meat being entirely covered with flies. It was vomit-inducing just reading about it.

When I was in college (USA), going into Chinatown to get dinner, the whole area always smelled like rotting garbage because they dumped the kitchen swill all over the streets and sidewalks.

>> No.6231981

>Ah kilt me a coon fuh eatin' Billy Bob.

>> No.6231991
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Wait, wanting clean, cruelty free meat from healthy animals, thats butchered into different cuts and packaged properly is a white people thing?

I think everyone should try and meet those white people standards then.

>> No.6232189
File: 37 KB, 514x397, KKK-drinking-with-black-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever do you mean?