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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 147 KB, 900x996, wendys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6225303 No.6225303 [Reply] [Original]

We state our jobs, salary, age.

chef at Wendy's

>> No.6225309

Should have went to college.

>> No.6225320


>> No.6225326


>> No.6225327


>> No.6225341

I worked at McDonalds for a while. Got minimum wage. Shit was gross and the management sucked.

>> No.6225343
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>> No.6225349
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>chef at Wendy's
>at Wendy's

>> No.6225387
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Chiller Tech at JCI
$45.00 hr

>> No.6225390

Cook at johnny rockets

>> No.6225402
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Management at walmart
I'm not a drinking man, but that place has almost drove me to it.

>> No.6225405

draw coordinator (new home construction)
45k / year
alcoholic - nothing is fun anymore

>> No.6225411

Analyst at a prominent research firm specializing in information technology

$105,000/yr salary


>> No.6225418

Merchandiser at Albertson's
$14 hr

I need to find a better job. I drink too much malt liquor.

>> No.6225420

$12-20 an hour depending on the season

>> No.6225430

Props Carpenter.

>> No.6225432

Pastry cook

>> No.6225434
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software engineer

>> No.6225467

substitute teacher/sales associate
$8/hr +commission on weekends and summers

trying to work my way into a full-time teaching position at a school I really like. I'm called in daily, but the pay is so skimpy it's still tough... I will sometimes go an entire month without a single day off. makes me question my decision to study a liberal arts subject on bad days.

>Food & Cooking

>> No.6225469


>> No.6225485

Mallcop Supervisor

Next step is middle management, yeah!

>> No.6225486

Seriously questioning the people here who claim to make >$30k and be under 25. That doesn't match up with my real world experience or IRL acquaintances at all...

>> No.6225492

CNC machine operator

28 bucks an hour

32 yr old

>> No.6225494

sucks for you, can't learn knowing the right people

>> No.6225496

Investment banking intern

I should be making close to $100k after bonuses next year. Provided I don't fuck up. I'm really inefficient right now.

>> No.6225499

People lying on an anonymous image board? Impossible!

>> No.6225502
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>> No.6225505

I was earning well over 45k when I was 17

>> No.6225510

My girlfriend is 21 and she just signed a contract to be making $65k+up to $20k in performance based bonuses next year. It's her first paying job.

Must suck having not gone to college.

>> No.6225513

Loadsamoney from equity stake in family consulting biz.

Ain't nothing like working three days a week.

>> No.6225514

Math major
$200,000/yr starting

>> No.6225517

>wanna be a NEET
nah fuck that.

>> No.6225518


Here, I could be making $42k/yr but I got cheated out of a Director position due to company politics.

>> No.6225520



>> No.6225521


>> No.6225522

Mind explaining to me how that equity stake makes you rich? Cause last time I checked an equity stake doesn't work that way.

So you're either lying out of your ass or you don't know what an equity stake is. Since you're saying it's a consulting biz, you should know what an equity stake it. So, I'm pretty confident you just pulled that entire thing out of your ass.

But if it makes u feel like a big man to lie to a bunch of anonymous weeaboos, more power to ya.

>> No.6225523
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>> No.6225525


>> No.6225526

Lmao she's a valuation analyst for an investment bank in NYC.

All of my other friends who work in Finance also make at least $65k. $60k is like minimum starting salary on Wall Street.

You're a faggot and your steaks are shit.

>> No.6225527

Im dating a 34 yr old cookat wendys who makes that much.....jesus op way to freak me out.

But 22 here and hope to snag this job at smashburger while looking for higher pay. Not the best but i have beenoutta work for too long.

Should hopefully start at 8/ hr

>> No.6225535

Internal phone support for a brokerage firm (work from home)

>> No.6225539

I know you're claiming this is your girlfriend, but I doubt people like that would ever associate with or enjoy something like 4chan

I'd be too busy traveling or eating at fancy ass restaurants to ever waste my time here again if I had that kind of dosh

>> No.6225549

We ain't that rich brah. Not yet. We both just worked really hard in college. And her salary isnt eally that high for New York City.

I still gotta get a full time job. I'm interning now at the bank that she was at before she got her offer, so I'm hoping to get something similar to her. But I feel like I'm fucking up in my internship so who knows.

I really, really like my job, though. My bank specializes in alternative investments, so we invest In things like self storage units, we're thinking of buying an MLB team, and also art.

>> No.6225553

You do realize she's blowing the manager right?

>> No.6225556

Lmao you wish fuccboi

>> No.6225560

>chef at Wendy's
I don't think you know what a chef is. Let me guess, you also have a "brigade" and try to speak french?

>> No.6225568

>posts an hourly wage

>works at wendys

I'm surprised it took /ck/ so long to recognize this for 0/8 b8 (0 cause no jimmys were rustled).

>> No.6225583

>Mind explaining to me how that equity stake makes you rich? Cause last time I checked an equity stake doesn't work that way.

No need to be aggressive. The LLC is taxed as a partnership, so the money that is paid into the company for services is taxed as net profits for the year. Then it sits in the LLC's piggybank. We are paid a daily rate and reimbursed for expenses, so the operating capital needs are quite low relative to the revenue. Thus, there is a lot of extra money for "owner's draw."

That money is disbursed to my brother, my father, and myself like a salary at a "regular" company. After settling the self-employment tax (paying individually what a c-corp would include for SSI), I'm left with the income.

I don't know who told you that equity is a bar to compensation-the piggybank is usually something partnerships don't allow partners to withdraw from on-demand, sure-but that's not a rule and certainly not a common practice for a family-run LLC.

It makes sense to write up formal disbursements as owner's draw in the Articles if you don't want your partners to be able to raid the piggybank, but that's not a concern in a setup like this.

How exactly did you think members of a member-managed LLC were paid? They don't take a salary from payroll if there is no need for a payroll, they generally have an organized owner's draw.

>> No.6225597

I honestly don't know what I was thinking. I know everything you just said as fact, but for some reason in my head I heard equity stake and assumed it was similar to public equity. But I know iit's not. And I know how members managed LLCs pay their employees.

I was just in a blind rage of jelly yoy lucky fuck.

I interned at a consulting firm last year. What kind of consulting do you guys do?

>> No.6225607

R&D for Alterra coffee
$28 hr

>> No.6225614

i worked hard in college, got a bunch of internships, and finished my grad degree by 24

im 26 but id probably be doing even better if i didnt do so many drugs in hs

>> No.6225616


>> No.6225622

also, all of my friends who did CS are making bank

>> No.6225624

>i didnt do so many drugs in hs
Story of my life.

Today I was sitting in a meeting at my bank with my two managing principals. While I was sitting there I sat for a moment and thought, "I can't believe I used to fucking shoot up heroin in high school and now I'm sitting here listening in on and learning from these guys discussing a $90 million deal"

>> No.6225630

English Tutor

>> No.6225631

this is bullshit

>> No.6225635

I promise you it's not I swear on fucking everything holy.

>> No.6225636

holy shit I know.

I still have track marks that act as a constant reminder.
Makes me feel like an outsider tho

>> No.6225640

Well actually it is. I did well enough in high school to go to a very competitive university in NYC. My freshman year I was shooting heroin. Sophomore year I got clean and since Spring semester sophomore year I've had 3.8 GPAs or higher.

I'm an intern at a investment bank now. That's why I was listening in.

>> No.6225647

Same with me, I took a year off half way through sophmore year. Feels good to be doing well finally

I IVd coke tho cuz like wealthy in the bay area

>> No.6225652

What the fuck nigga are u lying? I have no track marks anymore. My veins in my bicep are hardened and scarred, so they're kinda bumpy, but my skin looks totally normal.

>> No.6225654

Banquet Setup at a restaurant
$9/hour plus tips included in checks.

>> No.6225658

Oh. That explains the scars. I did that a couple times too. My arms always looked like pin cushions after a night of IV yay. That shit was the fuck worst. You felt better than you could possibly imagine, then 10 minutes later you felt worse than you could possibly imagine because you didn't feel so amazing anymore.

>> No.6225660

i mean, its only been like 2 years clean. word isnt track mark but its from a track mark being infected and leaving a lil black area

>> No.6225667

it was the definition of "chasing the first high" for me

>> No.6225679

Project Manager for an IT firm
$125/hour (insisted on hourly instead of salary: fuck unpaid overtime)

>> No.6225682

Never again. Seriously.

Stay strong, homie.

>> No.6225685


>> No.6225697

I'm >>6225679.
At age 18 I joined the military in ROTC. At age 21 I graduated college early and went into the force. At age 24 I ended my term as an officer and got a job with a defence contractor.

Fuck your experience and acquaintances. All that says is that you're shit and know shit people.

>> No.6225704

Why did you give up on your dreams?

>> No.6225705

Graphic designer, 40 hr week (full time) employment w/ weekends off
$9 hr

>> No.6225706

hey thanks man, you too

its nice to know some people are in a similar situation

>> No.6225709

Military guys are always so full of themselves. I'll bet you weren't a Marine. Am I right?

Shame they don't teach humility in basic.

>> No.6225713

For real, man, it is. I kinda still think you're lying though. No offense. It's just I've never met someone else who's gone through the same shit I have. So it's kind surprising that the first time I hear of a story similar to mine is on 4chan, but I know people like us are out there cause I've done it and I'm no special snowflake.

>> No.6225716

>buying an MLB team

Why would you throw away money like that. Your bank is retarded. MLB and NBA are both due to contract soon.

>> No.6225718

as opposed to riding the government rail?

>> No.6225720

>actually thinks he'll pull 200k

>> No.6225721

I can assure you my bank is not retarded. We're in the preliminary stages of the dilligence process. So at this point it's still pretty much just an idea.

>> No.6225723

its cool im too trusting on internet so i should probably be more reserved

The hardest part tbh was probably seeing a lot of my friends after hs just run into the ground. Two are still addicts and i probably will never see them again. thats weird to think about

>> No.6225724


Graduate student in biochemistry and biophysics
$29k/yr (stipend)

>> No.6225725

Show some respect, faggot. My tax dollars paid for your fucking sham of an education that gave you a leg up on everyone else cause muh "THANK OF DER BETERAns!!"

>> No.6225726

I thought a commission was at least 8 years?

I was seriously thinking about joining the air force or something after graduating college, but I'm probably too old and I seriously doubt i'll end up graduating.

good for you though.

>> No.6225731

That selling owner is getting a raw deal no matter the terms.

>> No.6225733

How the fuck does management only make 9 dollars? Fuckin walmart.

>> No.6225734

Almost all of my friends are still addicts. A couple have died. I'm only 21.

I had to cut everyone off when I got clean because I couldn't risk being around drugs. I only have one old friend now, who I've known since I was 6.

How long did it take you to get clean? And do you ever smoke weed or drink any more?

I smoke weed once in a while, but it's not good. I like it too much. On the oother hand, I don't like being drunk, so I enjoy a nice craft beer every once in a while.

>> No.6225746

(Ch)air force. Humility is what inferior men use to excuse their inferiority.

People call me Sir every day of my life. My W2 lists over $200,000 of taxable income in 2014. What have you done with your life?

>> No.6225747

Pawn shop, 10 a hour, 20

>> No.6225749

it took around a month but i was off for a year.
Typical return, cut contact with everyone(except gf who went to rehab) and avoid those situations. Ive gotten too lenient recently

My drinking is bad. I like have a beer then decide the nights already fucked up so I kill at least a six pack if i dont go for some bourbon.
I know I need to stop especially with the meds but like idk
as for smoking, I dont enjoy being high anymore so I stopped

drinking will be the end of me.

damn dude im sorry for losing friends thats rough. Do you feel guilty at all? I feel like i kind of abandoned some of those guys

>> No.6225750


E-4 in the United States Air Force

About $45,000 salary

>> No.6225752

Apprentice plumber

>> No.6225754

>Humility is what inferior men use to excuse their inferiority.
Uh huh...

Well best of luck to yu bro

>> No.6225755

Product Manager at an IT company.
38k starting (my first big girl job)

I was a Manager for Whataburger about 6 months ago making $11 an hour.

>> No.6225757
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maybe you missed my thread, but i made an earnest plea for you to leave this board forever


>> No.6225759

purchasing manager at a place

>> No.6225761

>Do you feel guilty at all?
Not in the slightest. I grew into a different person entirely. I still see some of them sometimes, and it's always just a reminder of why I don't hang out with them any more.

Their entire attitude ttowards the world is fundamentally different from mine. I like to be a decent, honest person and I like to be dependable. Needless to say, none of my old friends are anything like that.

>> No.6225764

b8ing too hard, friend

congrats if you've been as successful as you claim, but you don't seem like a very happy person

>> No.6225765

Just goes to show that people are biased towards white men and will even hire them if they're former drug addicts

>> No.6225768


Cook at a local bar
$13/hr + tips

Just finished by Econ Degree, now onto my Comp Sci degree. Only 2 more years... sigh

>> No.6225769

Or did you mean guilty about the ones who passed away?

I do sometimes. But I did try to help them when I stopped..there's only so much u can do for a person.

>> No.6225770

>Military guys are always so full of themselves
Marine here. We're paid ten times what's normal for an 18 year old fuck, get free college, are hired before any other applicant at every job, no matter what, are considered the epitome of attractiveness (Ask out a girl while wearing dress uniform = guaranteed sex. No exceptions.) and are given preferential treatment everywhere we go, for life.

Why the fuck should we be humble? I can't fathom why anyone wouldn't enlist, unless you're just too much of a coward to succeed.

>> No.6225771


I agree with everything youve said. I have such a great life now and a completely different outlook

I still feel sometimes as if I could have helped them out more than I did. I know thats wrong and I did what I needed to but its hard to shake

>> No.6225776

>Just goes to show that people are biased towards white men
No it doesn't. You think I'd get hired at a fucking investment bank if anyone knew my past? Fuck off for being such a retard.

On paper, I'm a nearly straight A student with multiple internship experiences, who also volunteered a lot of his time to teaching disadvantaged ghetto children about how to save for college and manage a budget.

Don't blame your problems on your race.

>> No.6225778

>mfw I had just handed in my papers
>mfw I threw up and collapsed in a wal-mart two days later
>diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
>no military for you sick boy


>> No.6225781

I hope you never have kids

if you don't mellow out you'll absolutely ruin them

>> No.6225785

Not him but,
>why the fuck should we humble?
Some day will you understand boy

>> No.6225786

I actually have respect for marines because, in my experience (despite your post), they're the only humble branch and also the most bad ass.

Air Force and navy guys are always thinking they're hot shit.

Just do what you can, man. Don't dwell on it. Do good for those who you have in your life now.

Do what you can.

>> No.6225793

>you don't seem like a very happy person
I get this a lot, actually, and I don't honestly know why. I'm young, rich, and powerful: I can literally point at a woman, tell her to blow me, and most of the time she will do it. If I wanted a helicopter, I could go out and buy a helicopter, and have it paid off within 3 years. I have no intention of working a day of my life past 40. Three separate women have proposed to me and I turned them all down. Why would I possibly be unhappy?

>> No.6225794

Kitchen hand at red rooster
16.50$ an hour

>> No.6225800

>Three separate women have proposed to me and I turned them all down.
Of all of the things that never happened, this happened the least.

>> No.6225802

>in my experience (despite your post), they're the only humble branch
To be fair, I'm 19, I very well may calm down before my enlistment is up. But right now I can't come up with a single reason why I'm not the hottest of hot shit.

>> No.6225803

you have the emotional maturity of like a freshman high school student, dude

>> No.6225804




>> No.6225806

>Six figure income
>Gold diggers don't pester you
Pick only one

>> No.6225809

unless youre a woman

>> No.6225813

How many people call you Sir? How many people look away and slouch if you make eye contact with them and scowl? How many lives could you ruin with less than 20 words?

Yes. I am powerful.

>> No.6225815

You must live in a flyover state cause I'm from New York and if you tried to impress people here with this shit you'd get a face full of laughter.

>> No.6225817
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I quit my job at the end of December because I was totally sick of dealing with Kroger's bullshit, so previously:

meat clerk

But I'm starting a new job in a new field later this month. I am going to miss working in a grocery store and having the opportunity to talk about food and cooking in real life, but am moving onto something even better.

>> No.6225823

>How many people call you sir
I'm the head of supply chain/logistics for a major oil sands firm. Pretty much everyone calls me sir.

>How may people look away and slouch if you make eye contact with them and scowl?
None. I don't work in an office full of children and my management style doesn't match that of a 15 year old kid's.

It's past your bedtime boy

>> No.6225829

This is true, I see it all the time on Millionaire Matchmaker

>> No.6225830

#R E K T

>> No.6225831

if that's what you think power should be like, you're the last type of person who should have it

you would be literally the worst boss

also, this is all total bullshit

>> No.6225833

>he think he wont blow his head off under the pressure of higher mathematics

>> No.6225834
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Five Guys Burgers & Fries

>> No.6225838

fuck number theory so hard

im not doing cryptography i dont even like prime numbers

>> No.6225846

Case manager
8.75 /hr

>> No.6225851

Clerk at Winco Foods

10.50 an hour


>> No.6225855

>this is all total bullshit
It's funny because it's true.

>> No.6225857


>> No.6225858

$23.00 hr

>> No.6225859

>muh lyfe is perfect
>see ads everyday asking for americans to contribute to faggot us military
>american media has to spin military propaganda 3x a year to get people to enlist
>got a 94 on my asvab in high school( I only know this because I worked at my high school's bookstore.)
>phone calls 2x a week asking for recruitment into whatever rotc program they have or whatever
>actually come to my house one time while i'm outside mowing the lawn to ask if im interested in enlisting
>see vets on streets begging every week in phoenix az
>ya'll faggots live off charity
>m-muh medz! anxieties!

university student, pharmacy technician
$14 an hour

hopefully i graduate pharmacy school within the next three years and at 90k minimum a year i can prescribe you your anti-anxiety medication, making sure to run your mercycare card through, becuz vet prioritiez.

>> No.6225860

Grad student/TA

>> No.6225868

Do you miss the taste of cock in the barracks? How do you feel about "Don't ask, don't tell," considering the taste between cut/uncut dicks doesn't make a difference when you're taking three at a time?

>> No.6225874

>when you're taking three at a time?
You're thinking the navy. The air farce just does circlejerks. Base-wide circlejerks: everyone surrounds a couple buildings, bends over, grabs dick, and elephant walks around the buildings. Anytime anyone cums, he leaves the loop, and the guy jacking him off moves up one spot. That continues until there's only two guys left, at which point they sit on the ground facing each other, and beat each other off as fast as they can while the whole base stands around them rooting for whoever they want to win. Whoever gets the other off first wins, and he gets to be the general that month.

>> No.6225880

That was too elelaborate of a joke to be make up on the spot. Chair force confirmed circle jerk force

>> No.6225888

I was a tanker in the Army for a while; we do dick-sucking competitions. There's a cock ring developed by DARPA that measures the strength of a man's orgasm, so before every mission the tank commander puts one on and we all take turns blowing him. Whoever gives him the best blow job gets to be the one who shoots the gun.

The R&D people say they're working on a vaginal insertion that will do the same thing for a woman, but until they finish, female officers can't command tanks.

>> No.6225894

you just got me depressed, I hope you enjoy what you do for what little you get bro

>> No.6225900

Managing Accountant

Mind numbling boring and overworked.

I'm thinking about quiting and becoming a cook or something with cooking. I live with my parents so rent is free.

>> No.6225906

Why the fuck do you live with your parents if you make $105k

>> No.6225907

>quiting and becoming a cook
So you can be even more overworked but payed less?

>> No.6225913

How are you 37 and still making $8.75 an hour. I know 16 year-olds that make more per hour than you do.

>> No.6225920

At my part time job, if you are over 20 and can work more than 40 hours a week, they pretty much start you at more than $30k and its only a fucking gas station. It really isn't hard to make decent money if you aren't lazy. Me, I've got a job making $70k lined up once I graduate, and I'll only be 23 by then.

>> No.6225921

Pizza Hut delivery driver. $9/hour plus tips (works out to ~$20/hour usually). 20.

>> No.6225925


>> No.6225932

Yu r a liar Sir I know mor than 1 person gets 2 shoot the gun

>> No.6225949

What a faggot

>> No.6225981

nah, you just have no idea what you're talking about

just ask the wal-mart manager making under $10/hr

30k is not great money by any means, but no gas station STARTS someone at a living wage. maybe the standard of living is different where you live, but where I am, 30k would be enough to live more than comfortably as a single person w/out debt

>> No.6226000

Silicon Valley. 105k is nice but it's middle class.

I want to buy a house but it's too expensive at the moment. I'm investing a little in stock and CDs while waiting for a housing bubble (hopefully in a few years)..

I could apartment but free food free rent means an extra 1000 in my pocket a month for fun.

>> No.6226003

>front desk/reservationist at the largest hotel in my state
>$10/hr plus tips depending on what i'm doing

Just graduated, still getting experience. I'm only 22 and almost all of my friends haven't even graduated yet so I don't feel like I'm in a huge rush at the moment.

>> No.6226005

Eh, to each their own I guess.

Thinking about doing a Bsc in CS. What's the valley like?

>> No.6226009

Bout tree fiddy

>> No.6226010

what the fuck could you possibly eating that you'd spend $30 a day on food

>> No.6226016
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true managers make decent money, that anon is probably like the head cashier and is calling himself management

source: i've worked at walmart

>> No.6226019

Lol youre poor

>> No.6226020

>chef at Wendy's

>> No.6226033

Jesus you make the same that I do while I have an infinantly shittyer job

Grocery store porter/maintenance
9 hourly 14 on sundays

>> No.6226036




>> No.6226038

Great weather. Casual people. Only the business folk wear suits (compared to East Coast). Most people are collar and slacks. IT/Programmers are jeans and collar.

Rent is expensive as hell. Cali gas is high but not at the moment.

Food is pretty good. Lots of asian and mexican cuisine; Socal is better but we still have good food.

>> No.6226039

Hey you got something to look forward to

>> No.6226040

Waitstaff + bar if necessary
$22 an hour plus tips, if any (Australian)

>> No.6226044

I'm going into Anthro, so i'm not going to be making much however this does allow for travel

>> No.6226045

>tfw will never make more than 40K a year because I can't do math

>> No.6226049

Lol, at best youll go to detroit

>> No.6226065


>> No.6226077
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745k a year
Also I'm Jewish

>> No.6226087

Physics grad student
~1350$ a month; around 850$ from scholarship (in addition to not paying tuition) and around 500$ from teaching at the student lab, 6-8 hours a week.
26 (3 years mandatory military service in my country)

>> No.6226095

Assistant project manager - cost controls

>> No.6226101

Please we all know any artifact worth digging up is long gone by now and the natives much like china are going to get in the way

>> No.6226110
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cook in a hospital cafeteria
How do all you old fags live on these minimum wage jobs? I only make like $4 above the minimum wage and its still shit.

>> No.6226113

You're not a chef you stupid fuck! You are a frycook!

>> No.6226125
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Quality audit in a warehouse

>i'm going nowhere in life

>> No.6226126

My bad i was thinking of sociology

>> No.6226132

HVAC/R apprentice

>> No.6226147

Manager at a farmer's market

Going to be starting avionics school in the next year or so(have been saving and am close to what I need)

>> No.6226154

Manager at McJewalds
20(21 in a week)

>> No.6226184

You get it a lot because you're clearly unhappy. If you were you wouldn't feel the need to justify it, least of all in terms like that.
>I can get a blowjob whenever I want!
Okie dokie?

>> No.6226194

Barista in Melbourne.

>> No.6226200

Service Ontario issuing office administrator

>> No.6226201

I run a food truck, mexican food ,but last year I made around 65k in profit for 10 months of work.

I love my job and I don't think I would ever want to retire.

>> No.6226202

op here. his thread still going? Wow U all got trolled. Goodnight /b/

>> No.6226206

should say that basically all I eat is Ramen, frozen dinners & out for lunch

>> No.6226208
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, Zuka drink.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dishwashers ww@?

Dishwasher at a bourbon bar. Appetizer sized food goes for like $8 a plate.
8.25/hr + small amount of tips

>> No.6226218

About to finish my Chemical Engineering degree at Colorado School of Mines. Over 95% job placement in that dept, avg starter is 80/yr. If I chose to go into oil then it could be close to 100/yr

>> No.6226225

line cook at a fine dining restaurant

>> No.6226229

Happy early birthday mang.

>> No.6226232

782$ every 2 weeks from unemployment

>> No.6226233


>> No.6226235


>> No.6226239
File: 95 KB, 589x526, ss (2015-01-18 at 06.49.49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freelance writer/editor
Varies, usually about $20-$25 an hour.

>> No.6226244

essay mill writer, $4/hour
also some rich guy sucks my dick for like $100 a pop every few days

>> No.6226252

Thanks anon

>> No.6226268

Studen't / Factory work on weekends
Could be worse

>> No.6226274

Serving meatball at IKEA (and student)

>> No.6226280


>> No.6226281


>> No.6226282

whats being an essay mill writer like?

>> No.6226283

software engineer for social gaming company
salary $130k plus benefits and i'm still fucking poor

>> No.6226285

You sell weed?

>> No.6226290

God id love to punch you in the adams apple

>> No.6226296

They moved my job down to the states. A new company bought them last year so they are moving everything down to Kansas for cheap labour.

>tfw I can take a 4 month trip across Canada on my motorbike with unemployment money

Based gubberment

>> No.6226323

Oooh. I'm from London so we have a lot of the big 3 and magna work go down south. I work at a pretty big magna frames factory weekends

>> No.6226338

full-time student, part-time worker for on-campus catering service

I work with a lot of cool people and get to eat a lot of good food and rub elbows with a bunch of rich and influential people at the university so it's a pretty decent gig.

>> No.6226349

I used to do that when I was 19. It was a pretty good gig. The best part is the amount of $ you save on groceries. Like I barely bought groceries because I would just eat at work (or steal things).

>> No.6226361

Agreed, I live in the dorms and don't have a very good kitchen, so even though I'd be eating in the dining halls anyway the amount of food I have the opportunity to bring home is ridiculous.

>> No.6226374


It's pretty awesome. Lately I've just been doing film shoots which basically means 18 hours of free food and doing nothing.

>> No.6226404
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>obsessing over someone this hard
Holy fuck
Did you actually take time out of your life to gather and save all those posts just to address one guy?

How does one get that sort of job?

>> No.6226406

Make leather BDSM gear to order.
~$50/piece for collars, cuffs, etc.

>> No.6226408


I've actually learned a lot from this place and they have kept me hired for about 6 months now

>> No.6226416
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European Council advisor on (medical) ethics
145k a year

Hours are killing but the job is awesome.

>mfw people told me I couldn't make any money studying philosophy

>> No.6226431

~$1k a month.

>> No.6226437

>Did you actually take time out of your life to gather and save all those posts just to address one guy?

not that guy, but you can search for posts via image if you think someone is samefagging it up

usually used to filter avatarfags

>> No.6226440

I'm down in Orange County. Cost of living here is fuckall expensive. $2,000 a month for a small/medium condo with thinassed shared walls is considered a bargain.
>Am 18
>Finishing H.S. because got fucked over hard and had to transfer, also have weird B-day and started school late
>Making a little here and there, no steady income right now
>tfw no car, no license, no yob.
>do shit like run to store/get takeout/misc for 'rents, get paid $5-10 or more per run.
>It pays for cigarettes
>Have generous dad who also just hands me a little cash now and then, $10 or $20
>Looking for a yob but because most places here are overstaffed I'm SOL.
>Dude whom owns a re-fi business said he has a position in a month for me
>feel good because he's a nice guy I've known for a while and didn't know he owned the place.
>feelsgoodman because I could be making decent money at a young age.
If you want to hear the story with the school I will greentext it for ye. Just ask.

>> No.6226443

Your parents must love you.

>> No.6226454

nah, the government of sweden does

my parents disowned me

>> No.6226468


>> No.6226484

tell what

>> No.6226487

Why your parents disowned you, of course.

>> No.6226493


Well not anymore. I got fired because I didn't hit the target of 50 sales a week, 250 calls a day.

>> No.6226501

I turned 18 and they no longer had any legal obligation to provide for me.
I moved out and finished some basic education, but the loneliness of not having friends and living alone in staircases and train stations was a bit too much. I couldn't speak to them, and when I showed up for my mothers birthday they flipped out about me not being invited and me not being their son because I was homeless.

Then I started whining about my mental health at the shrinks office and now I get paid because I'm anxious and unable to work.
Pretty sweet, but still lonely.

>> No.6226509
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>Fast food
>Actually calling yourself a chef

>> No.6226513

if they knew the difference between a cook, a chef, and a fast-food guy working a line, they wouldn't be working fast food

>> No.6226531

Landscaper, property/ lawn upkeep,
80 -120 a day /avg
good physical work

>> No.6226602

Student, No job
$1200 every two weeks from parents

>> No.6226610

Student/part time soldier
Around $10 200 for 6.5 weeks of work every summer

>> No.6226627

Boards like this really do get me thinking. Everybody makes so much money compared to those in the cooking industry, for less work. I love food, but...

Sushi Bitch
$12.00 + tip, 50~ hours

>> No.6226640

I would never work in the food industry. Just as you're saying, a lot of work but not a lot of money.
You can still cook at home, for yourself, or for friends, family and partners.

I do know one who works at a pretty good restaurant, and he seems to enjoy life. But still, he puts in a lot of hours and that is a life I do not want.

>> No.6226647

industrial hygienist
80k/ yr

>> No.6226732

University Tutor

Navy tutor

Figure model

21; Either gonna do grad school or be an officer in the Navy.

>> No.6226768


>> No.6226800

it auditor

>> No.6226807

Should have also asked to rate how happy you are in your situation.
Like I know heaps of miserable wealthy people but I'm guessing there are heaps of people living in poverty that are happy as fuck.

>> No.6226811

why didnt you go to college anon?

>> No.6226817


>> No.6226835

>>6226800 here, scale of 1 to 10? 5ish? I guess? most of the time I just browse 4chan and play video games.

>> No.6226838

Bar manager

>> No.6226849

Waiter, 10$ an hour+tips+free accommodation

Only reason I can tolerate this shit is cause I get to avoid paying 800-900$ on some jewfuck's roach motel.

>> No.6226851

Lol you are me
Similar salary, same job
Live in expensive city with lazy wife that hasn't made a nickel since we married

>> No.6226856

Graduate student

>> No.6226859

For every philosophy student working on an ethics board there are 5 working fast food and 4 injecting heroin up their arses in dark alleys they live in

>> No.6226865

>Works (occasionally) as an idol
I mean yea she doesn't want to work but that isn't what that means.

>> No.6226870

Some people like to lie anonymously on the internet to people who are equally anonymous. Some of the figures in this thread don't make any sense at all. It must be nice for some of these kids to have no fucking clue what some of these positions actually make, even after generous raises.

At any rate, as for myself I'm a 30 year old bookseller making $12/hr. It's not great but I love working with books and librarians apparently live forever so I'll basically have to assassinate someone if I want to put my MLIS to use.

>> No.6226874

freelance multimedia designer

>> No.6226885

Live in Dallas area. The gas station I work at starts full-time employees at around $30-$40k after bonuses. The reason for the range is because bonuses are based off store profits. I know a guy whose only worked there 4 years and he's moved up to where he's making almost $80k.

>> No.6226900

Sous Chef at Bruger King
$65,078.37 / yr.

>> No.6226908

worked in a mess kitchen at a military base for about 5 months
19 yo

>> No.6226941

Concrete finisher
6 years experience
Taco Bell crew member

>> No.6226954

I can imagine how vital it must be to have sales staff that can shift gas and snacks to customers who maybe only drove into the gas station to browse
$50k in bonuses sounds very affordable for a small business owner
I rate your post 10/10 legit

>> No.6226964

To be fair, he's in Texas. They probably get paid in scrip and rhinestones.

>> No.6226967

Not legal in my state yet

>> No.6226969

Manager at self storage facility

>> No.6226980


>> No.6227073

Death investigator.

>> No.6227113

Cashier at Hannaford
$8.50 an hour (they cut my pay because of a store transfer - I guess two year employees make that so now I guess I make that now)

>> No.6227154


>> No.6227170

Hey buddy ever hear of mutual funds?
3rd year of vet school, working at a bar at nights I take home about 200 a night when I do work

>> No.6227171

>he doesn't like prime numbers
do you even math?

>> No.6227176

that's only old military, back to vietnam, korea, etc.
now military is fuckall, and can add a lot to your cv and hireability.
>muh 6 months in afganistan
then graduate and get a heads up over other candidates.

>> No.6227195

$600 a week

>> No.6227202

executive chef in mining industry
$80k a year

>> No.6227211

>small business owner

Its a national corporation with hundreds of stores in the Dallas area alone.

>> No.6227217


"Night Assistant" is the entry-level position for full-time employees.

>> No.6227227


>> No.6227248

that's not a no

>> No.6227260


>> No.6227267


>> No.6227268

What science?

>> No.6227274

digital account executive

>> No.6227342

>At Wendy's

No you're not

>> No.6227352

I fucking hate you

>> No.6227356

Does it matter? He makes less than a part-time employee at Wal-Mart.

>> No.6227362
File: 84 KB, 427x474, 1423700451061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just left my recent position as a saute cook at a local place, been cooking since I've been 15, all at local places, been a fry cook/line/pantry/broiler/pastry/saute basically have done almost every position in a kitchen. 22 now, love cooking as a hobby but working at it this long is killing my love for it

>tfw I'm trying to work somewhere new but only have cooking experience
>tfw I got a call from a local small kitchen where the cook was impressed with my resume and basically wants me to run the kitchen alone or with one other person every now and then
>tfw I'm probably going to take it

>> No.6227366

Why do you hate him?

>> No.6227371
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You're still young enough to change paths. Get out now and don't look back. Take it from me, I'm old and stuck forever.

>> No.6227372

are you the beans and rice kid from last week?

>> No.6227376
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Bruh my parents make a combined 300K+ why does it bother you that they give me a little bit. >>6227366
Poorfag butthurt man

>> No.6227382

I'm trying, I'm going to go a trade school come spring, I need to move away from cooking, I'm at the point where every knows me as a cook and even this most recent interview the guy was like "you want to make a career of this" and I just internally screamed.

>> No.6227383
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Facility Manager



>> No.6227386


>> No.6227397

Thats not bad pay.

>> No.6227499

real teachers make a fucking buttload of money especially if you start early and get into a union/get your masters

my neighbor is rich as FUCK, retired before she was 40

>> No.6227537

not who you are talking to but the classic line of all delusional as fuck kids who are still in college believing the complete bullshit their professors are spouting say shit like what you just said
>Me, I've got a job making $70k lined up once I graduate,

because you picked a major that makes a lot does not mean you have a job lined up, because some school guaranteed some sort of interview for graduates doesnt mean you make that much

most kids are in college, believe they are immortal, and believe they will be rich because they havent experienced reality yet this guy knows what he's talking about >>6225697

if you know how to work the system and are willing to do the shit nobody else wants to do, you can make bank. a lot of people are just lazy, ignorant, stupid people who prefer to drive to and from work within 30 minutes and work at some comfortable desk job that requires absolute minimal work and they proceed to waste away their lives with the 9-5

some people luck into jobs, like myself i had 27 an hour lined up immediately after military, but i went to college instead and got paid around 5 grand a month for attending college + had the college paid in full by GI bill

i've even gotten paid 17 an hour to literally go someplace and watch it, which consisted of me rolling up in my pajamas , with a sleeping bag and pillow and just sleeping there

other positions for guaranteed bank usually involve CAT 16+ hour work days and multi year contracts

>> No.6227547

My high school librarian was the highest paid teacher there only because she had been there forever and had her masters degree. She also didn't do shit all day. That's why there are two library aids there at all times running the place.

>> No.6227549

>at wendy's

Bike builder at toys R us

>> No.6227553

Heh, I'm not supposed to say yes but I have the ability to give cancer patients cannabis extract

>> No.6227557


that's how much I make and I work my fucking ass off as a cook

god, I should have just become a huge pile of shit like everyone else on unemployment

>> No.6227566


you have to have insane, irrational passion to work BoH because you work harder than people who make 5x or more as much, and you barely get enough to live

I make $10/hr and live in the cheapest shithole apartment I could find in my city (it doesn't even have a kitchen), which is $1200. If I wasn't able to eat at work I'd be completely fucked.

I wish I wasn't born here.

>> No.6227571


Most of the people I know who went to college have shitload of student loans looming over them and they still just work entry level jobs. Not talking poly sci majors either, well aside from 1 person.


>works at wendy's

thank you for the laugh anon

>> No.6227575

Dog groomer

>> No.6227582

18, 540k NOK/year(70k$)

Senior IT Technician in a tiny town of 3000 in norway, nobody knows it here so i got the job as soon as i turned 18, rip.

>> No.6227591

Supervising a bunch of nerds pressing buttons

>Analyst at a prominent research firm specializing in information technology

Yeah, that's what my boss says we do.

>> No.6227619
File: 26 KB, 640x480, depressed khan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no money

Previous work place was at Wal-Mart for four years.
$9/hr stocking groceries, 40 hours/week

Tell me if life gets any better /ck/

>> No.6227625


it couldn't get any worse, get another job bro

>> No.6227631

No expenses when you live with your parents.

>> No.6227683


I get shitty but free insurance from my job and I eat essentially all my food for the day there. I also live in a shithole because I live in one of the most expensive cities in the country.

I'd move, but you need money in order to relocate since you need enough for a deposit and a bit extra to get by while you find a job. Even if I stop eating I can't save that much.

>> No.6227692

Busboy for a restaurant at a country club/resort.
$20/hr during slow season
$28-30/hr during busy season

>> No.6227694

Actually the starting salary of a philosophy-student is above average. It's mostly the connotation people have with it. Four out of five friends who I met studying philosophy are making more than me, even. It's weird so much people study shit they have no passion for only because theyre scared about not making money, when you can make money with every-fucking-thing you study at university. Youre still above the 95% of the popilation who'll never join the academic ranks.

>> No.6227715

if you're dumb and studying a liberal arts degree then you're not going to get a job because you're dumb

if you're smart you will be fine

>> No.6227722


>> No.6227745

Why do people say "chef" when it's really "cook"?

>> No.6227752

Connections, mostly. I did stagehand work in high school so I learned from there and living in LA allows for the opportunity to meet people in the same line of work. For the most part it's easy work, manual labor, though if you don't know how to coil cable or plug in lights you're essentially useless.

>> No.6227803


They're very different.
A cook is a person who literally cooks food in a restaurant.

A chef is the person in charge of the kitchen. It comes from the military rank "chief". The chef is more like the manager; they usually do not do any cooking on the line.

>> No.6227810

I know, I've worked in a real kitchen for years.

That's my point.

>> No.6227815

part time library page, also a student
$10.50 an hour

Being a page isn't half bad, more strenuous than I thought it'd be but it's really easy stuff like moving/shelving books, lifting transit bins, etc. All the old lady librarians are really nice and make cookies and cakes and bring them to work to share. Also plenty of opportunities to fuck off and flirt with the cute college girls who come to study.

>> No.6227817

Because Food Network has declared anyone that has ever boiled water is a chef.
And people are gay.

>> No.6227850

Jr. Web Developer
$35k a year

I could probably end up making a lot more, in fact I'm working on my javascript/node.js skills to hopefully move up to a position making closer to $90-100k/year, but I'm happy where I am right now. I usually work from home, schedule's flexible, bosses are chill as fuck, and I genuinely enjoy what I do.

>> No.6227870

Freelance in educational publishing
$22/hr, usually less than 20k a year

Not making enough, but I don't have many expenses. Also working from home is pretty neat. Looking for contracts/jobs as an archivist (my "real" profession), but they're few and far between now that our idiotic PM is fucking up the whole province's administration.

>> No.6227884


because people who aren't in the industry just call everyone who works in a kitchen a chef since they don't know the difference


in my experience in several fine dining restaurants chefs absolutely still do cooking on the line

>> No.6228176

Freelance in educational writing here. I have a publishing diploma; what do you do for your contracts?

>> No.6228190

I work for only one company that sends me work whenever they have some (still freelance in legal terms because I'm not on their payroll though). I usually do stuff on online platforms (interactive books and exercises) and some indices, typography, graphical proofreading (not sure if that's how you say it in English) here and there. To be frank, most of my work is doing copy-pastes over and over again, but I still like it.

>> No.6228208

That sounds pretty cozy. I analyze educational essays and write questions for them for the TOEFL exams. Good money but doing the same thing over and over gets pretty tiring, so I'm hoping to find another client or two.

>> No.6228228

Yeah it is. Yours sounds way more hardcore than mine haha

>> No.6228234

You make more than I do too! I'm pretty jealous, seems like you have it made until you want to move on to something else.

>> No.6228244

I still feel the bad parts of being freelance too (eg not having any work for weeks/months on end and shit), but yeah, I was very lucky to get that gig. I'm not sure if I'm ready to sacrifice that comfy lifestyle for more money yet.

>> No.6228254


Yeah, that is a tough call. I have steady work with my current client but the money isn't amazing; I'm hoping to find a client that pays higher (like yours) for the occasional break in the monotony to pad out the ol' wallet. Getting paid very well for sporadic work is my dream in theory, but I'm a workhorse who needs daily work too.

>> No.6228265

printing factory (not a printer, I work in the packing lines)
€12-€15ph on swingshift

pays not great but the work is easy (when I even AM working) and its secure

>> No.6228313

Dentist, i take home around 10 grand a month, 27.
inbr hurr durr you cant be a dentist that young
mfw i live in canada and you can graduate dental school by the age of 24

>> No.6228549

Graveyard shift clerk in a gas station

>> No.6228557
File: 432 KB, 401x480, Arse Grab Guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post pics of your carbon road bike with aero bars and power meter that you ride on one sunday every month.

>> No.6228614

i drive a jetta.

>> No.6229304

dishwasher at a canadian restaurant, min wage here

>> No.6229342

That's fucking shit for a dentist in Canada is it not? Our family friend is a dentist and he pulls $250K

>> No.6229347

ITT poorfags get mad and blame things on their situation and don't go out and do something about it. -acting like 80k/year is rich. Fuck off.