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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6214660 No.6214660 [Reply] [Original]

So i’m watching a documentary on Autism. A friend of mine linked me the video.

I’ve noticed that one of the symptoms of autism is terrible dieting. There are multiple reasons why this is

First off. If your IQ is laughably low of course you can’t be trusted near fire or dangerously sharp instruments

So of course this means you’ll be eating shit processed food.

There are also studies that Autism is linked because of the food we eat. I know this board has no proof in linking GMO’s with Low IQ’s or Fluoride in Tap water but these could potentially be side effects we don’t have any proof in...yet.

What do you guys think?

>> No.6214666

> that QT on the right


>> No.6214678
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/tv/ pls

It could be the mothers shitty lifestyle before the kids are born. Instead of staying home and taking care of themselves, girls are still going out and getting drunk and gangbanged and smoking themselves fucking retarded, then later on wondering why thier kid is so fucked up.

>> No.6214680

autism has been linked to tendies

>> No.6214682

I don't think we can absolutely rule anything out yet at this point, but my guess is that no... diet has little to no effect on autism.

It's probably a combination of several different generic abnormalities. There is no evidence that the incidence of autism spectrum disorders has been going up, only that diagnosis has been going up.

>> No.6214687

I agree. I don't think food allergies and autism and all this other shit is 'on the rise', its just that we can diagnose it easier and earlier now.

Though I still wonder how much our current environment factors into it.. being constantly indoors, surrounded by electronics and slathered in 50 pounds of hand sanitizer by your overprotective parents is bound to eventually have some sort of effects

>> No.6214711

autistic people I know are all lard-asses. I think it's that they're manchildren with no ability to regulate their own diets and are too delusional to know that eating snack cakes all day will make them disgusting and fat

>> No.6214909

Correct. Women wait until they are 35 to have a kid then wonder why the kid is all fucked up. Women have the best chance of having healthy children between 17 and 21 years of age. Any older than that and your chances go down year by year due to exposure to environmental toxins, DNA mutations, aging process, etc.

tl;dr - the rise in autism is due to women waiting until they are old and their body is destroyed before having children.

>> No.6214913

Yeah, I ate ur mom out and now I have autism

>> No.6214925

>First off. If your IQ is laughably low of course you can’t be trusted near fire or dangerously sharp instruments

I'm pretty sure you don't know the first thing about autism.

>> No.6214928

>not sharing the link
How autistic are you?

>> No.6214929
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There's a pretty strong correlation between autism and organic food.

>> No.6214936

There's also a strong correlation between internet piracy and autism, I think the conclusion is obvious from this.

>> No.6214948

No sponge bob crabby patty video yet? /ck/ you are slacking

>> No.6214960

I was 26 when I had my kid. I ate well, healthy, I didn't do drugs or drink. He was dx'd at age 2. I'm an RN so I knew something was up so I knew early on. I think he was born autistic because he was a very challenging infant, never slept, very sensory defensive. It's fucked up that you think it's laughable. It's not. It can tear families apart. Many private insurance companies don't cover autism either. Which forces families to figure out ways to cover thousands of dollars worth of therapy each month cuz they want to help their kid. I have no idea why he has autism. But I can say that he is an incredible kid and is a very gentle and kind soul. Very intelligent, but he struggles with fine motor tasks. He's been in therapy for 8 years. Prefers adults over children. His food choices are shit at the moment but he's getting better with that.

>> No.6214966 [DELETED] 
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Good job waiting until you finished college and established your career before having your little autistic baby. Glad to see the propaganda we fed you in the schools and on TV wasn't for nothing.

One less white woman capable of having strong, healthy white children. Mazzaltov!

>> No.6214970


How many GB points do you price his tendies?

>> No.6214980

Yeah, I don't know. Happy I have a great job and job security. At least I don't depend on the gubmint to take care of anything....my other kids are fine...I don't know where the autism came from. No family history of it.

>> No.6214981

>Instead of staying home and taking care of themselves, girls are still going out and getting drunk and gangbanged and smoking themselves fucking retarded, then later on wondering why thier kid is so fucked up.

I have to point out that they've proven that shitty lifestyle choices also affect men's sperm dna, so I'm afraid you can't blame it all on women, no matter how badly you'd like to. People (whether they are female or male) have to realize that your lifestyle choices will affect any stupid little ankle biters you produce later on.

>> No.6214984


>> No.6214985

Looks like /pol/ got banned, good work mods, for once.

>> No.6214987
File: 2.89 MB, 290x154, hahyeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't that the truth!!!

>> No.6214988

Food allergies do appear to actually be on the rise, autism spectrum disorders not so much. Allergies in general are probably environment in many cases.

>> No.6214990

wrong way round, its actually the father' fault for not having babies earlier, as sperm is more vulnerable to mutations caused by environments than eggs in ovaries




>> No.6214994

While this is pure speculation on my part, I've always had a gut feeling that autism, in it's many forms, is part of our struggle to evolve. Obviously, like every other creature on this planet, we either evolve with our ever changing world or we die off. I think a lot of these "disorders" are part of our species efforts to figure out how to adapt to what's next.
Just some philosophizing in the morning time......

>> No.6214995


>> No.6215002

I am inclined to agree with you.

>> No.6215012

>I am inclined to agree with you despite the scientific evidence one post earlier

>> No.6215018

If there's one thing all the science courses I've taken in my life have taught me, it's that there are sometimes multiple factors at work. I don't think anyone is arguing with you on the sperm mutation, but that doesn't mean there aren't other factors at play.

>> No.6215028

People can speculate, and toss around studies and ideas, but there has not been a study to date that 100% confirmed what causes autism. It's a combination of multiple factors including biological, environmental, and genetic mutation that is making the causation factor so challenging to pan down. Modern medicine has made breakthroughs, yes, but the "cause" of it has not yet been identified.

>> No.6215789

Autism is caused by Sonic the Hedgehog.

>> No.6215802

Probably because like cancer, there is no single cause.

>> No.6215803

autism is a developmental neural disorder

it's not caused by or related to diet

>> No.6215806

Suicide is 100% reliable in preventing cancer and in halting its progression.

>> No.6215813

autism is most likely a genetic anomaly caused by older parents and high infant survival rates.

>> No.6215832

I don't think the age thing plays into autism much. People used to have kids past 30 for centuries. Most didn't wait till after 30 to have their first kid but their 3rd or 4th kid was often during their mid-30s or even later. Maybe having kids later exacerbates the causes of autism but I don't think it is the cause itself.

>> No.6216690

No. Twins studies have shown that autism is very clearly genetic in origin. Nothing else causes it, triggers it, or worsens it.

Blame your parents, OP.

>> No.6216731

no it's fucking genetic

they're picky because they're retarded

>> No.6216746

Oh, and also, recent studies using modern scanning systems (not sure if PET, CAT, fMRI, or what) have shown that the brain's wiring starts going wrong even before the baby is born.

Just to be clear, that means that vaccines have nothing to do with it either. Jenny McCarthy should stick to showing off her tits in public instead of trying to play doctor.

>> No.6216764


fucking this

I hope gets fucking lou gehrig's disease for all the damage she's done. HI I SHOWED MY BOOBIES IN PLAYBOY AND I HAVE NO MEDICAL TRAINING, NOW LET ME TALK TO YOU ABOUT MEDICINE

>> No.6217163

The funniest part was that a few months ago, she had her pediatrician reevaluate her kid, and they decided the kid isn't actually autistic, but rather has some other completely different problem. :-/

>> No.6217501

There's a higher chance of autism if the parents are old when they had the child. As I recall, it tends to be from the older father. Older mothers tend to give you Down's.

>> No.6218399

phenylalanine can cause mental retardation in some people

and its in everything

>> No.6219351

>being this dumb
it's genetic, OP. before you ask, you can't get it from vaccines, either.

>> No.6219369





>> No.6219796

how the fuck can food cause autism?
it's a genetic disorder, not something gained over time.

>> No.6219836

Stuff isn't causing it to occur more often, we just diagnose it more nowadays. Not to mention we also misdiagnose it.

>> No.6219845

Correlation =/= causation

>> No.6219850


>> No.6219852

Isn't /ck/ itself provide a large sample of people afflicted with autism who eat relatively well?

I know many posters either actually or joke about eating tendies 3 meals a day 7 days a week; but overall this board has a large number of people who care about good food and who also exhibit signs of autism.

I'm not saying this proves or disproves anything. I just think its ironic you would raise this discussion here of all places.

>> No.6219876

being a dumb ugly kid causes autism

>> No.6219914

>I believe Anon is right saying it's evolution
>Evolution is a product of natural selection of certain mutations
>Mutations, which was discussed in the previous post
You really have NO fucking clue what you're talking about.
People like you are the best argument against democracy.

>> No.6219918

>There's a higher chance of autism if the parents are old when they had the child. As I recall, it tends to be from the older father. Older mothers tend to give you Down's.

There's no other study of any credibility, not for food, vaccines, anything but old dad sperm or dads with touches of autism themselves. For some reason, there's a high rate of autism in IT employee kids? So much so that Microsoft funded an employee elementary for them. Can be linked to age of fathers AND Asperberger computer introvert types both there. But, it's a good research model.

There's apparently some CDC researcher I heard on the news talking this week about a racial link to autism (not vaccines) that the CDC won't let him publish, though he's still employed there. There might be something uncovered soon, if someone else starts doing some research on that as well.

One thing is for sure, if you're really smart, your kids may have low IQ. But, low IQ people do not have high IQ kids, even if they're born with ASD, your little autist can be high functioning if you're a smartie too. Be careful who you breed with, and yea, I guess don't wait to have kids, I dunno. Some of the smartest kids in my high school had a bit older parents, as well.

>> No.6219933


>> No.6220001

That's nonsense. I understand that Putin's diet consists of a healthy balance of fruits and vegetables, so your thesis is likely invalid.

>> No.6220020

autism has no direct bearing on IQ, and if autism was *caused* by poor diet that's not the same thing as poor diet being a *symptom*

OP you are a huge retard.