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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6189725 No.6189725 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good price for emu?

>> No.6189730

its a good price for the jew who sold you this

>> No.6189737

almost $80 for a piece of meat you're gonna cook yourself?

i dunno if aussie prices are inflated to be more than murrica dollars but damn that better be good meat

also, if you're aussie why isn't your pic upside down

>> No.6189751
File: 23 KB, 320x352, straya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you put a price on freedom?

>> No.6189757


78 dollars................?

that better have a fucking diamond in the middle of it.

>> No.6189775

You could pay a hooker to take a bite out of her thigh for less than that!

>> No.6189780

no, you got ripped the fuck off

$20 a kilo for emu, $10-$15 a kilo for kangaroo (depends on the cut)

now, if were talking about some of the other natives

koala: $45 a kilo
wombat: $80-120 (depends on breed, hairy nose goes for more)
echidna: $60-90

now for the rare ones:

platypus: $200-500 a kilo (eggs, being so rare, go into $1500+)
bilby: $3500-5000

>> No.6189786

If I saw some cunt eating a bilby I'd deck them

>> No.6189794

what if it's made of chocolate :^)

>> No.6189796

why is that, becuase of all the propganda people spew about how they are endangered despite having populations running in the millions in some locations?

do you even know what a bilby is, cunt?

>> No.6189808

aren't koals protected or some shit? why is their meat relatively cheap but i can't have one as a pet?

>> No.6189812

Cuz they're my favourite animal you fuckin druggo. And yes I know what they are. Abo rabbits.

Chocolate bilby is A-OK

>> No.6189819

theyre aggressive as fuck. its probably not for its safety

>> No.6189821

>paying 70 dollars for frozen meat

>> No.6190336

bullshit, most of those are protected, and some are even toxic.

>> No.6190368
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>> No.6190503

What the fuck is wrong with your thumb.

>> No.6190517

lmao @ this

>> No.6190518

uh pretty sure i can buy emu for like eight bucks a pound in the us

>> No.6190588

> $52 for frozen meat

>> No.6190609
File: 209 KB, 900x1032, alpaca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare meats thread?

Alpaca meat is going to be the next meme food, kickstarted by liftbrahs searching for a new way to consume stupid amounts of protein.

>> No.6191321

>millions of anything, not called a kangaroo
nope, get out cunt

>> No.6191326

Of course it's not. That's ridiculous. It's a gimmick meat. Emu are very common. It could be very easily commercially available. It's not because it doesn't taste very good.

>> No.6191332

On the topic of rare meat, I really really want to try buffalo.

Since the buffalo nearly went extinct in North America because they were hunted so much, you know it has to be good.

>> No.6191339

>Casualties and losses

That is hilarious.

>> No.6191354

I have this, too. I can bend my thumb way backwards, it doesn't hurt or anything.

>> No.6192394

i like it, its usually pretty cheap too

>> No.6192411

It's called hitchhikers thumb. It's a genetic trait. Like the attached/detatched earlobes thing or the ability to roll your tongue or the second toe being longer / shorter than the big one.
Like 50% of people have it. You probably think it's weird because you've never noticed. Ask your friends if you have any.

>> No.6192428

They weren't hunted for their meat you eejut.

>> No.6192432

It's not too difficult to find buffalo where I live and it's not very special at all. Just a regular lean meat I guess.

I was really disappointed in camel, though I've only had it once and probably didn't cook it to its potential.

>> No.6192459

>Camel Hump Pudding
>Roast Tapir Snout
>Seahorse Ceviche
>Armadillo Quesadilla
>Bobbit Worm Stew
>Marsupial Medley (various marsupials) Mofongo
>Flying Squirrel Sausage (wing meat)
>Elephant Rump Tartare

Some items I've tried at the local exotic foods restaurant. OP is paying too much for Emu. Last time I had Emu Kebabs I got sick with the worst stomach ache and had the shits for two days.

>> No.6192495

>Armadillo Quesadilla

I've always wondered what dillo tastes like, but I like my fingers too much to take the leprosy risk.

>> No.6192500

Looks like a prosthetic hand

>> No.6192503

You got ripped off, cobber.
I know a bloke can get you a bloody good roo backstrap for virtually free, mate.
Next time, ask strangers on the internet first, me ol' cock sparra

>> No.6192549

Literally a continent controlled to this day by crazed birds, now that is funny.

>> No.6192572

While I seldom see it in the grocery stores where I live, bison meat isn't particularly rare anymore.

I've had it at restaurants, it really wasn't anything special. Tastes a lot like very lean beef.

>> No.6192574

I see bison all the time and I'm in New England. I've had like 3 things of bison jerky this week.

>> No.6192595

yeah bisons actually pretty common
they raise them everywhere