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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 599x415, cook-a-steak-blue-rare-medium-welldone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6187772 No.6187772 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm on a diet, I use about 500ml of semi skimmed in my cereal which is about 250cal. Just found out that some really nice hot chocolate powder my mum uses is just 25 cal for 500ml with added sweeteners and no milk added.

I think I will try using that tomorrow but I will leave the hot chocolate in the fridge as I don't really want hot soggy breakfast cereal.

Anyway I thought it was a cool idea can any of you think of tricks like that?

>> No.6187774

If you can get into the taste of almond milk, you could save a lot of calories. I personally think it is better for plain drinking than regular milk. One cup of unsweetened almond milk has only 30 calories.

>> No.6187797

It better be activated almond milk, otherwise your just throwing your money away

>> No.6187800

>milking almonds
sick fucks

>> No.6187831


2015. People still not activating their Almonds.

Anyway I wouldn't mind trying that but it's about 5x more expensive.

>> No.6187870

Try mixing the powder in cold milk instead of heating it then cooling it.

>> No.6187915

Why? That kinda defeats the purpose of using it to lower the amount of calories.

>> No.6187934

Why is it ok to eat red beef but not ever red chicken?

>> No.6187938

The nips do. I swear to god they do.

>> No.6188077
File: 72 KB, 558x602, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the wrong image bro, i got you covered with the FDA approved one

>> No.6188124


>> No.6188128

because chickens are horrible disease ridden animals

cows are illness free compared to pork or poultry

>> No.6188151

there are a ton of tipps. state the things you already do so we don't spam you with shit you already know... and state what kind of diet you do.

>> No.6188164

>passed the point

Sorry, off-topic question about English and its funny rules: Should that say 'past' instead?

>> No.6188169

No it's passed, the past tense of "to pass".

Past means like "in the past" as a period of time.

>> No.6188176

past is a place in time, passed is the past tense use of the verb passing. two completely different meanings, but can be confusing in this context

>> No.6188178

>500ml milk for cereal
Jesus christ are you eating your cereal out of a fucking bucket?

If you're on a diet, eat a breakfast with some filling nutrition.

>> No.6188182

i don't even want to ask about thhe sort of cereals he uses...

>> No.6188205

How about instead of trying to find things with all the calories taken out, you just try eating/drinking less in general. It's like you want to stuff your face but not get fat. If you just focus on changing your habit of eating too much, you won't have to worry so much about not eating certain things.

>> No.6188225


Thanks! English is not as easy to learn as people would have you believe when you sign up for the course.

>> No.6188232

milk is not a good food if you're on a diet. it stimulates appetite. Try rice and beans.

>> No.6188665

>using a whole pint of milk in your cereal

how much fucking cereal are you eating

>> No.6188934

OP here. It's ok to eat steak because any surface that had contact with germs is cooked it's similarly why you can eat duck breast even when that's bloody when that like chicken has salmonella, you can probably do the same with chicken and pork though depending where you live parasites might be a issue with pork.

>> No.6188944

Well I have soup sometimes that I make myself, and toast I find two pieces of toast with stuff on it like 10g of low calories cheddar is enough for me whilst 200cal from most other things wouldn't.

>> No.6188950

No I just don't add to much cereal but a lot of milk.

>> No.6188990

I have already been on diets and losing weight since late February last year I'm 217lb now down from 330lb.

Most of the time I did a very high Protein and low fat and carb diet excluding most fruit and veg from that limitation but recently I realised that I had become used to eating less so I tried eating normal food but in lower portions and still avoiding some types of food, when I add it up at the end of the day it varies but today for my 3 meals combined I have had aprox 950cal 1 bowl of breakfast cereal 400 2 pieces of toast done under the grill with 10g each of cheese and 20g each of lean meat 270cal total then I had the same later. So if I was going to be pedantic 940 but I'm sure the cereal wasn't dead on 400.

Also some snacks 250cal from some chocolate 75 from hot chocolate and 25 from a slice of meat.

That's about typical.

>> No.6188996

Thought I felt hungrier recently on days when I had breakfast cereal.

>> No.6189061

Half a litre of milk plus cereal is not "eating less/lower portions" jfc

>> No.6189072

>waste of steak
kill yourself

>> No.6189076

>Well done
>Not a fucking waste

>> No.6189166

Edomite detected

>> No.6189203
File: 342 KB, 1200x977, 2551532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That image is the fucking worst, OP. The one labelled "medium rare" is well done on the outside and then completely stone cold gelatin-level raw in the middle.

A proper medium rare steak should be the color of an uncircumsized man's glans, not the color of a fucking bruise, and the color should be maintained throughout the entire steak except for the VERY EDGES where it should be dark brown and crusty. The fucking medium rare in that awful pic is like 60% well done.

Pic related is a PROPER medium rare.

>> No.6189226

You can, it's just gross.

>> No.6189325
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x2560, P_20150130_034119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I fill the bowl to the same level just have more milk than cereal. IMO 400 calories for one meal is hardly excessive.

Here is a pic of one next to a PS3 controller as a reference.

>> No.6189395

Chocolate anything, sugar puffs golden Balls. That's it it's the same calories to eat that than it is to eat bran flakes why torture myself.

>> No.6189531

OP here. I normally remove the fat and let it render in the frying pan until it's all dissolved then coat the steaks in salt and pepper, also I make sure the steaks are warm or hot throughout without cooking it I then fry it in it's fat for about 10 seconds each side dap of the excess fat on the meat drain the excess fat from the frying pan and deglaze it with milk to make a sauce then serve. Tastes fucking yum.

>> No.6189569

yeah that could totally be the tip of a penis

>> No.6189606

Not seeing the resemblance.

>> No.6189630
File: 1.61 MB, 2836x2168, 1422501408092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me what cut of meat this is?

And is it medium-well?

I want to know what to ask for in a restaurant to get exactly this.

>> No.6189665

>to get exactly this

i want to slam my head in to a wall just thinking about someone wanting this over a less-cooked version........but food is subjective in the end, so i will just take a deep breath and try to accept your taste.

not sure on the cut honestly, but that is definitely medium-well, closing in on well-done. if you have never tried medium-rare, please ffs give it a shot just once. if that tastes bad, fine..but lord please try it at least once, for the sake of the meat gods.

>> No.6189677


I've had rare steaks in the past past always found them to be too chewy for my liking. Plus cooked meat tastes better, imo. It tastes like eating a cooked piece of meat, rather than an uncooked piece of flesh.

Maybe steaks just aren't my thing.

>> No.6189683

That's a cowboy cut and it's well done.

>> No.6189686

that's how i like my steak too. i've had good quality steak in multiple restaurants, but still prefer it well-done. they always seem chewier when not well-done.

of course people think overcooking and well-done is the same thing because their preference is med-rare

braised short ribs or something else that's fatty is better anyway

>> No.6189691

nice dubs.

but to be clear, i didn't say rare, i said medium-rare; there is a very distinguishable difference if you give it a try. again though, as much as i may frown on your choosing, no shame in getting what you want.

>> No.6189703

>cowboy cut
So rib eye? I'm not so sure.

Glad I'm not the only one who prefers my steak this way.

>to be clear, i didn't say rare
Yeah, I know. I was just saying that I've tried steak of varying degrees of doneness.

>> No.6189710
File: 492 KB, 687x707, wrangler%20flash[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not cowboy cut at all.

Do you even southern men's wear?

>> No.6189721

I'll cowboy cut you motherfucker.

>> No.6189983


eat some fucking vegetables you donkey

>> No.6189991

I've only ever eaten well done steak. Can someone tell me the difference between it and having it rare? Thinking of buying some and cooking it rare tonight just for kicks.

>> No.6189995


depends on the steak

generally a more intense flavour, much more moisture and a suppler texture.

>> No.6190007


>> No.6190191

I have eaten a lot of vegetables, maybe you misread what I meant.

>> No.6190225
File: 228 KB, 662x690, usda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooking anything under 145

enjoy your parasites and diseases.

>> No.6190613

Only faggots cook stake until it's 145c throughout. Beef generally is quite parasite free in Britbong land, also no steroids hormones or antibiotics added unless on that last point it's needed, and cows riddled with tumors also aren't still aloud to be sold for human consumption, they also eat grass not corn so they aren't constantly shitting out their own intestines and in need of those antibiotics.

>> No.6190626
File: 46 KB, 300x407, pomegranate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in another thread but
I've been eating pomegranates one kernel at a time when I feel like snacking. Especially when I'm in in front of my computer or tv.

This works well because you can spend a long time picking them out and eating them with very little caloric payoff. It gives you something to do with you hands and sates your oral fixation without stuffing you full of junk food.

>25 cal for 500ml with added sweeteners
>Chocolate anything, sugar puffs golden Balls.
>it's the same calories
A fair warning that you shouldn't only be paying attention to how many calories things are, but also how much sugar is in it. The problem with getting your calories from sugar is that it gives you quick energy but it doesn't last so then you are hungry again in a shorter period of time, urging you to eat more.

Also even if a food item doesn't say sugar in the ingredients, it doesn't mean it doesn't have any sugar in it. Check the grams of sugar in the nutrition facts.

Also be careful about artificial sweeteners because there some of them that are more unhealthy for you than plain sugar, especially the fructose-based ones, since they cause leptin and insulin resistance, slowing your metabolism.

>> No.6190639


>> No.6190648


as you didn't include it as a significant contributor to your caloric intake i'm pretty sure you don't eat enough.

>> No.6190668

OP here. Yeah I like pomegranate, yeah it takes a bit of time to eat especially the big ones like in your pic, I actually bought 5 big ones just like that today.

Yeah I know but I have very good self control I would rather eat a bowl of really nice breakfast cereal like chocolate pillows and feal hungry later and ignore it than choke down a bowl of bran flakes then cry in a corner but feel full to the next meal.

I just have Aspartame in fizzy drinks and sodium cylamate and sodium something or other, can't remember they mix the two because the bad after taste from both cancel eachother out.

>> No.6190681

It depends I used to eat a lot more before I switched to having meat, but days I make soup I use and eat a fuckton of vegetables. And I also didn't include any fruit because I ran out but I bought a lot today, of the top of my head 2kg of grapes 2kg of apples 1kg of tangerines 1kg of pears 4 mangoes 5 massive pomegranates about 750g of blueberries 1kg of frozen raspberries 12 bigish nectarines 2kg of plums and 4 tins of pineapple in juice. I'm going to eat the vast majority of that my family aren't big fruit eaters whilst I have always preferred it over junk food but my parents used to hate me a purposely bought junk food I didn't like, in their own words not mine. That's a weeks shop aswell.

The reason I didn't have much fruit before was because they went on holiday and hadn't shopped for 3 weeks.

>> No.6190695

>what is internally sterile