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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 400x200, well-done[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6154618 No.6154618 [Reply] [Original]

What is the perfect steak?
>Pic related

>> No.6154632

looks raw

>> No.6154636

That's a roast

>> No.6154663

Can I have a few long thin slices of that? My windscreen wiper rubber needs replacing.

>> No.6154696

That looks dry.

>> No.6154699
File: 33 KB, 352x320, lilahi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6154702

Now that'd fuck after marriage.

>> No.6154783

10/10 would chew for an hour

>> No.6154791

>Pic related

Not that.

>> No.6154886


That dog food almost looks edible.

>> No.6154909

is that tuna

>> No.6155208

Still pink in the middle, how about cooking your food properly?

>> No.6156239

looks juicy, tender, and best of all free of e.coli

well done well done op

>> No.6156247
File: 72 KB, 558x602, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't even pass the FDA test
Do it right next time, it's practically raw

>> No.6156254

Perfect steak is med rare triple A or better if your country has it

>> No.6156260

God I hope your joking

>> No.6156270
File: 679 KB, 495x6711, 1413636999721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6156272
File: 220 KB, 1600x1067, T-bone1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Med-Rare T-Bone, it gets no better.

>> No.6156285

>implying steak only refers to a cut of beef
You just failed.
Just like you failed at the English language.
Just as you have failed in life.
Just as you have failed in trying to troll and shit post.
Just like your parents failed to raise a normal human offspring.
>I weep for you

>> No.6156291

Whahaha!!! Totally manly bro!! I didn't get bullied in high school! No tears retained in these here eyeballs brah!! hahaha!!! Manly dude! Ha..

>> No.6156303

Oh hell yeah brah! Bring it back to my big bad man cave and watch my favorite sports team score points against some other sports team amirite?!?!?!?

>> No.6156306


>> No.6156309

god i cringed so hard reading that

>> No.6156319

Wow I can actually see the hipster panties knotting from here.

>> No.6156329

oh the ironing!

>> No.6156340

but so much of this is wrong.

>> No.6156344

>salting your steak that early on

>> No.6156347

this is funny. In Spanish (well at least in Chile) a piece of meat you can cook in a pan (I'm trying to say not a chunk. Oh God, fuck this language) is called 'bistec'.
It's a deformation from beef steak. I've always thought this kind of funny. Some English came asking for beef steak and they got to name a thing that I can't refer to with another word.

>> No.6156349

Eating it well done

>> No.6156354

Looks like Jaba da hut

>> No.6156365
File: 40 KB, 435x435, dwight disappointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6156472

Looks like a dry ass porkchop

>> No.6156586


all you guys dissing on this image are dumb faggots.

>> No.6156610
File: 87 KB, 610x458, dinnerintuscany-bisteakallafiorentina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6156634
File: 127 KB, 282x298, 1420134742555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never use extra virgin olive oil
>real men don't like virginy things anyway
>real men

>> No.6156652

>inb4 "let it sit out for 30 minutes to bring it up to room temperature"

>> No.6156668

idk, little too pink for me

>> No.6156697


>loin cuts only
>muh mo' fat mo' bettah meat industry propaganda
>immediate seasoning
>fresh ground pepper tasting different than preground
>fucking salt elitism in a dudebro so manly article
>no other seasonings ever under any circumstances
>only extra processed virgin olive oil, none of that faggy virgin shit (you aint a virgin right)

im actually suprised he didn't advocate some microsaucery 12 dollars a bottle XTREME barbeque sauce with pictures of a skull on the front at the end

>> No.6156704


he's right about pretty much all of that shit

>> No.6156705



>> No.6157596

dat surviving bacteria though breh

>> No.6157701

almost perfect.

>> No.6157728

>>real men don't like virginy things anyway

Nothing more manly than having a girlfriend who has been plowed by several other men.

thank god my girlfriend was a virgin.

>> No.6157729

>fresh ground pepper tasting different than preground
This is true for all spices dude

>> No.6157747

>surviving bacteria

...and this is why people who eat well-done steak are morons.

PROTIP: There is no bacteria INSIDE the meat.

>> No.6157752

>He doesn't even realise that extra-virgin & virgin have different smoke points
>He doesn't know fresh-ground spices always taste better than pre-ground

Which is how we know your opinion is invalid.

>> No.6157757

there's bacteria everywhere breh. Just not when the meat is inside the cow.
As soon as that fucker gets split open with the knife though, bacteria begins to fester like a petrie dish in a cesspool

>> No.6157759

you are an uncivilized barbarian cunt who can't even eat a proper steak

>> No.6157763

There is bacteria on the surface of the cut of meat. Which is one of the reasons why you cook the surface. When you slice it open, you're not transferring any bacteria from the surface because the bacteria has been killed by cooking.

Any bacteria that settle on the meat from the air will settle just the same no matter how much you cook the meat.

>> No.6157778

Well, I'd imagine that the muscle cells have gaps between them greater than the size of bacteria. So I doubt the surface would be sealed from bacteria in the same way which skin cells seal our muscles from bacteria.

>> No.6157793

>I'd imagine that the muscle cells have gaps between them greater than the size of bacteria

You don't need to imagine, people have actually tested this.

Any bacteria that can get into small pockets on the surface of the meat are still close enough to the surface to be killed by cooking, apart from POSSIBLY a blue rare sear (which is why a lot of places refuse to cook steak blue).

>> No.6157885


People eat beef raw stop acting like its going to make you sick to eat a steak rare

>> No.6158155

Is it ok to order fries with my green pepper steak? First time eating stake in a restaurant, don't want to look like a pleb.