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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 608x380, fo-ode-to-american-cheese-608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6142944 No.6142944 [Reply] [Original]

This "cheese" is so fake, why do they even sell this!?

>> No.6142949


Because of its ease of use, cheapness and long shelf life.

Also because some people like it.

In short: there is a market for it.

>> No.6142952

Because people will buy it and they can make a profit.

>> No.6142965

Because I can slap it on some bread and a griddle a tasty snack within 3 minutes.

>> No.6142966

Why is American cheese the only food that makes me gag?

>> No.6142969

good news friend

you can just buy real cheese, because you have the option to do so

>> No.6142974

Lasts longer, is cheap, and the texture when melted is pretty good for the price. The mouth feel and flavor and cooking properties are terrible when compared to extremely creamy soft ripened cheeses, outside of never breaking, but it has its uses. Also, a lot of kids don't seem to like strongly flavored things, and it seems like many never develop the palate for the stronger flavors for some reason. I wouldn't call it fake, but I don't think of it in the same category as good cheese. Does that make me hipster scum?

>> No.6142978

We used to go to a family friend's place every bonfire night when I was a kid, and I'd just eat like dozen of these cheese slices in a row then throw up. Good times.

>> No.6142980

it's hitler's fault


>> No.6142984

>4 month ban is primarily responsible for the survival of vegetable oil and cheese emulsion
I'm sure it is the kind of attention most manufacturers have wet dreams about, but nah, there's more to it. Also, I didn't know they banned all cheese ever besides it during rationing, but it doesn't surprise me much.

>> No.6142999

I would like to point out that most of these "not-cheese" pasteurized processed cheese products (except for actual imitation cheese) start out as cheese and are made into what you see on the shelves for the purposes of their ease of use, shelf stability, flavor consistency, and melting properties.

>> No.6143000

It's actually quite real.
The first ingredient is milk IIRC.

>> No.6143014


>> No.6143015

The first ingredient in ice cream is milk too, but that doesn't make ice cream cheese.

>> No.6143019

Oh my god food burns if you apply a direct flame! Stop the goddamned presses!

>> No.6143032

"Baudrillard claims that our current society has replaced all reality and meaning with symbols and signs, and that human experience is of a simulation of reality. Moreover, these simulacra are not merely mediations of reality, nor even deceptive mediations of reality; they are not based in a reality nor do they hide a reality, they simply hide that anything like reality is relevant to our current understanding of our lives."

>> No.6143034

All this
>muh meltability

If you can't reliably melt proper cheese you probably shouldn't be on a cooking board.

>> No.6143039

It wasn't invented to be used like traditional cheeses are used, it was made so that when you melt it, the oil won't separate. In other words, sandwich melts.

The intent was never to have it compete with the kinds of cheeses you'd drink with a good alcohol.

>> No.6143041

It still contains real cheese and milk but with an emulsifying agent mixed at a high temperature to produce a more uniform texture. The government mandates that to be labeled a cheese product it must contain at least 41~44% cheese by ingredient weight.

You may not like it, but it still is what it is.
Also products labeled as cheese food must contain at least 51% cheese.

>> No.6143046

Why is it fake?
Its made of cheese.

Suppressed childhood rape trigger?

>> No.6143063

>Suppressed childhood rape trigger?

This isn't Tumblr, man.

>> No.6143080


you can do that with any pre sliced cheese though anon

maybe it'll take a little bit longer to melt but it'll be better for you

>> No.6143081


exactly. everyone on 4chan suppresses it and lets it leak out angrily.

>> No.6143119

Did I say it was?