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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6129599 No.6129599 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck IS THIS STUFF
and how can i make it TASTE GOOD
i've got 3 kilos of this bullshit stored in my cuppord and i dont want to waste it

>> No.6129601

Add peanut butter and raisins.

>> No.6129634

Tank it, it's good for u. I used to hate the stuff for the longest time, but now I eat it completely plain (milk only, no salt or sugar).

>> No.6129642

add honey, sugar and cinnamon

or have chocolate oats, this one's great:

>> No.6129646

Oatmeal + Protein powder + fruit(optional)

>> No.6129650

protein powder

does that have a flavour

>> No.6129656

I'm not that guy but the brotein powder that I buy is either vanilla (my fave) or chocolate.

Good stuff, mate.

>> No.6129659


they generally come in any variety of acceptable flavor.
I've got some strawberry-banana protein powder atm that's great with oatmeal. there are some pretty raunchy tasting chocolate/vanilla powders out their, but still better than plain oats i tell you hwat.

>> No.6129690

1) Are they steel cut, rolled, or quick cooking? They all have their best ways to be cooked.
2) If you're trying to boil them in milk, you're doing it wrong.
3) If you're trying to nuke steel cut or rolled oats, you're doing it wrong.
4) If you're keeping the pot on high while boiling, you're going to burn the oats.
Over 9000) If you're eating it plain, then refer to the suggestions below, cause you're doing it wrong.

>Brown sugar
>Sliced or dried fruit
>Pinch of salt in the water
Om. Fucking. Nom.

>> No.6129702

rolled bro bra bree

nah im boiling them with orange peels lmao

>> No.6129707

>2) If you're trying to boil them in milk, you're doing it wrong.

Well shit, as a /fit/izen I was trying to get dem gains. What about half and half with milk and water?

What is the purpose of the salt?

>> No.6129714


mix in an egg and fry in butter to make oatcakes. mince an onion in for top level savory deliciousness

>> No.6129725

is this true

>> No.6129733


>> No.6129755

wow nice dubs you fucking loser go back to /b/

>> No.6129756

Don't listen to that pleb.

Boil in 50/50 water/milk and enjoy with extra milk as you would with any other type of cereal.

The salt thing is just a tradition that originated in Scotland but most people don't add salt to their porridge any more. I do sometimes but only when I eat it plain.

>> No.6129762


Highly doubt it on the salt thing. I've seen it in almost every oats recipe, that can't be for nothing right?

>> No.6129764
File: 152 KB, 630x422, Best-Scottish-Rolls-630w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe anon was suggesting oat rolls?

>> No.6129778


> Scottish traditionalists allow only oats, water and salt.

I don't know of any reason to add salt to porridge other than taste, and I personally don't like the taste of salty milk. Fine if you just use water but I like the 50/50 ratio because it makes a creamier porridge.

>> No.6129785

Don't bother boiling oatmeal, just put enough water to top the amount of outmeal in the bowl, then nuke it for the required time. It will be a thick paste. Add milk to taste and you will get your gains and a delicious bowl of oatmeal.

>> No.6129797

>nuke it

OP, since you have a metric fucktonne of the stuff, why don't you try a few different ways to make it and report back to say which one you like best.

Then it's not going to watse because you're doing it for science.

>> No.6129801
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i collect seven-letter words and this is a new one to me.


>> No.6129806

me too except i add cinnamon and undercook it so it doesn't take as long to eat

>> No.6129809

>Protein powder + fruit(optional)
fucking why

>> No.6129813


sure fuckers ill build a nice little dairy of different ways i could cook sawdust for science

>> No.6129819


So you have 'instant oats', correct?

May as well just use in a brotein smoothie because that shit is nasty as fuck. Sorry for your loss, OP.

>> No.6129828

no they're rolled oats

what the fuck is with all this anti instant oats elitism though like seriously mang wood is wood no matter how fine you chop it

also what if cook it in like fruit juice or something creative like that would that taste gud?

>> No.6129834

It tastes just fine if you aren't five, it has the texture of vomit though

>> No.6129841

Nothing to do with elitism but instant is just plain shit. Like instant coffee is shit compared to a correctly brewed espresso.

Try it juice and report back. But I don't think that warm juice is going to taste very nice at all. Though I don't mind warm lemon juice when I'm sick. So maybe try that.

>> No.6129843

>Try it juice..
*Try it with juice..

I forget words sometimes. sorry.

>> No.6129858

no like cook it IN juice. liek apple juice. That tastes fine warm, doesn't it? Think warm apple pie. mmm.

also im poor as fuck and i have to settle for instant coffee, tastes like shit, so i guess i know what you mean

>> No.6129870

>no like cook it IN juice.
Yeah I meant that too. Apple juice might be nice but it could curdle the milk and make you sick. I don't know though. Try it and see.
We could be witnessing the birth of a whole new meme food!

>> No.6129881

Try it. Add cinnamon because goat with apples.
I love oats. I fucking love them. Lately i've been snacking on diced pineaple rolled in steel cut oats. So delicious. As a kid my favorite breakfast was oats with milk and sugar. Make cookies. With butter and cinnamon and stuff. Or i use them for my favorite soup. You roast them with butter then add carrots and stuff, veggie broth. Awesome. Make a fancy birchermuesli. Joghurt, whipped cream, apples, bananas, strawberries, whatevers, hazelnuts, almonds. This is goat. Make smoothies. Banana, vanilla joghurt, oats, milk, blend, enjoy. Now i'm hungry. Can't wait for breakfast.

>> No.6129884

no milk lmao


liek take 125 ml oatz and cook in 250 ml boiling apple jews and then eat with cinnomnom and like brown sugar or some shit

also if we were to add dairy products it would be much less fucking retarded to add cream instead


>> No.6129888

Eat it plain, you will learn to like it eventually. Just choke it down, pretend you are some slut eating a bowl of some fat guys cum. That will fit in with your fantasies and make it more enjoyable. Eventually you will love it.

>> No.6129894

nice trips

shitty post though and the poster was pretty bad too

but the trips were nice

>> No.6129901
File: 12 KB, 234x215, opal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I gotcha. Sorry, still waiting for morning coffee to take effect.

We need a name.
oats + apple = oapple (opal)

>> No.6129910


boiled in half apple juice half mountain dew

with a crunched up dorito as garnish

ill make some tommorow night and post it here

>> No.6129921
File: 70 KB, 396x580, Chuck Norris WINNING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait!

>> No.6129926


>> No.6129932


>> No.6129963



>> No.6129984

memeal quads GET

>> No.6129987


>> No.6129990

What I like to do:

>salt (butter is saltless)
>brown sugar

>> No.6129995

Might as well make cookies at that point...

>> No.6130007

Overnight oats/muesli

Nigga just throw haffa cup of that shit in a Tupperware and add equal amount of ur favorite milk. Refrigerate over night. In the morning add dried fruits/berries/nuts/banoonoos/teaspoon of honey

Enjoy cold

>> No.6130009

wtf dont you have to cook oats tho

>> No.6130010

Assuming it's not steel cut

>> No.6130012

difference between steel cut and rolled?

zomg im an oat noob i kno

>> No.6130020

Add mashed banana, peanut butter and honey

>> No.6130023

nigga that was healthy as fuck (if sugar is limited)

>> No.6130024

sugar is cheaper then oats where i live lmfao

>> No.6130026

Steel cut takes like 20 minutes to cook, unlike old-fashioned/rolled which takes about 5 and instant which takes 1. Different cuts.
What does that even have to do with what I said.

>> No.6130028

Steal cut is literally oats that's been cut up. Takes time to cook. And you HAVE to cook. Rolled is basically crushed/rolled oats. It's very similar to the quaker shit you buy in Walmart for your God damn cookies you hick pleb . Rolled oats you can soak and eat or put in microwave with water/milk for 69 seconds.

>> No.6130224

add fruit
cinnamon and a tablespoon of brown sugar or maple syrup
peanut butter and cocoa powder, tiny bit of sugar if you feel like the cocoa powder needs it

also cook it with milk or a mixture of milk and water. cooking it with straight water tastes pretty awful.

>> No.6130226

How do neither of you know what ordinary whey powder is like?

Has a bit of a milky taste. It isn't offensive in a oats + milk dish.

>> No.6130249

Mix it up with some nuts you like and enough golden syrup to get it to clump. Spread it out on a baking tray and bake at about 350 until it browns. Break up the clumps and turn them over occasionally.

Eat your clusters in milk like real cereal.

>> No.6130255

>bring 2 cups of water to a boil
>add a cup oats and then immediately lower the heat
>stir in the oats while adding a pinch or two of salt
>let simmer for five or so minutes, mash a banana in a bowl in the meantime
>pour finished oats into the bowl, mix in the banana well

I've been having this for breakfast almost everyday and it's delicious

>> No.6130286

Unfortunately I've had to work with rolled oats lately, which aren't bad, but I love being able to make chewy steel cut oats.

I always add salt to the water I boil it in, and after they're cooked I add almond milk, freshly ground flax, and whatever fruit I have around (bananas and strawberries are the best, but more often I'll just use raisins).

>> No.6130288
File: 3.85 MB, 4128x3096, IMG_20150110_090332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.6130308

First time eating porridge?

>> No.6132622

bumping for scientific research.

>> No.6134813
