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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6119197 No.6119197 [Reply] [Original]

poorfag here. My wife just quit her job and we're about to have a baby, so we redid our budget as a result.My new food budget is $250/week for 2.

Any poorfag recipes?

>> No.6119203

>mfw I spend like 90 bucks for 3 weeks and eat whatever the fuck I want to
how do you fuckers spend so much money

>> No.6119204

250 bucks a week for only two people

Are you serious?

>> No.6119205

>$250/week for 2
Nigga, you rich. Now, fuck your bait thread.

>> No.6119206

how do you do it?

>> No.6119207

just have her get an abortion, problem solved

it's not really justifiable to force a person to exist anyway, especially if you are poor

>> No.6119208

Fuck Ionno, don't buy gold plated pork chops. This is some b8 if I ever saw it.

>> No.6119210

Why are you having a kid? You sound like an idiot.

>> No.6119211

fruits, veggies, chicken, beef, pork chops, rice, potatoes, eggs, cottage cheese

>> No.6119216

>poorfag here. My wife just quit her job and we're about to have a baby, so we redid our budget as a result.My new food budget is $250/week for 2.

Meh, it's a pretty shitty start for a troll thread son. 4/10

too obvious. back off a little next time.

>wife and baby
I do like how you worked that in there. It's both justification for your budget and it also will hook those people who get buttmad when people mention their significant others. This is really the only detail of your post that's stopping it from being a complete failure.

>>$250/week for 2
Two problems here:
First, shouldn't it be "for 3"? You do have a baby on the way.
Second, it's too obvious of bait. Much too much $$. Cut it down a bit so it's not so obvious next time.

>> No.6119219

being an idiot is a prerequisite to having a kid, silly

>> No.6119222


>> No.6119223

Thank the lord OP is lying then.Then I think that there are actually people breathing right now that are thinking this exact shit.

>> No.6119234

Get a Lodge Dutch oven.

Buy food in bulk from CostCo and Wally World.

Get a small scratch and dent chest freezer to store your goodies in.

Those three are absolutely essential. later on you can get into hot water canning and start making your own canned goods.

>> No.6119238

underrated post

>> No.6119239

Oh, and since you were specifically looking for cheap and delicious recipes, here's three I emailed to a close family friend after I bought them a Lodge Dutch oven for Christmas:

Savory Dutch Oven Chicken & Taters
1 giant-ass economy package of skin-on bone-in thighs or breasts, whatever's on sale
3-4 potatoes
An onion
Several slices of bacon
Salt, pepper, Italian seasoning
Worcestershire sauce
Red wine and garlic/garlic powder (optional)

1) Preheat oven to 350.
2) Preheat Dutch oven on medium heat. Pour in a healthy dollop of olive oil.
3) Chop up the bacon and onion together and fry them when oil is hot.
4) Slice potatoes into medallions 1/4" thick.
5) When bacon is mostly-done and onions starting to turn translucent, shove them in a big pile on one side and stick the chicken in skin-side down. You're only going to fry them on the skin side so all that lovely fat can caramelize. Salt and pepper the hell out of the chicken, season heavily with Italian seasoning. Garlic powder or garlic cloves are nice too.
6) After several minutes, use a spatula to ladle the onions and bacon on top of the chicken. This way they both get fried and you only dirty one dish. Sprintz the entire thing with Worcerstershire sauce. Dump like 1/4 cup of wine in if you have any. Balsamic vinegar is nice too.
7) Throw the potatoes on top, salt them liberally, put the Dutch oven lid on, and stick in the preheated oven. Go fart around on the Internet for 45 minutes.
8) Bring out the Dutch oven with NON-ORNAMENTAL potholders. When you dish up the chicken, pull off and discard the skin because chicken skin is gross.
9) EAT.
10) If there are leftovers, add a couple cans of chicken stock, bust everything up in it, and make soup. Throw in a couple handfuls of pasta 10 minutes before you want to eat. Cook once, eat twice, hell yeah. Total price should be about ten bucks for two nights' eating.

>> No.6119240

Hungarian Style Mushroom Soup On Steroids
2 packages sliced mushrooms
2 onions
Sausage or ground beef
2 cans chicken stock
Sour cream

1) Preheat Dutch oven to a little over medium heat, add half a stick of butter or margarine, and sautee mushrooms and diced onions. This should take about ten minutes.
2) After mushrooms and onions are mostly done, shove them off to the side and put in however much meat you want. Leave it in large chunks. (If it's really greasy, do this first and pour off the grease. Set the meat aside on a paper plate or something. We aren't making Grease Soup. But with good quality meat you can do everything all at once. The object is maximum laziness and maximum food at the same time.)
3) Dump in the chicken stock and paprika and crank up the heat. When the whole orange-ey thing starts to bubble, turn it down to low and put the lid on. Let everything get acquainted with everything else for half an hour.
4) About ten minutes before you eat, get half a cup each of sour cream and milk and stir them up together with a fork in the same cup. Dump this android-blood-from-ALIENS mixture into the soup and stir it in. Leave it on low and uncovered so the dairy won't curdle. Taste it now and add salt until it tastes right.
5) Dish it up and eat. This is the most wonderful stuff in the world for sopping bread in. Not really suitable for leftovers because that means reheating and the dairy can curdle, so have a care NOT to use the microwave. Warm it up slowly in a pan.

>> No.6119242

Jambalaya Shasta County Style
1 package Italian sausage, either link or ground
3 chicken breasts/thighs/whatever, cut into about 1" chunks
1 package frozen cleaned shrimp with tail off (optional)
2 onions
2-4 seeded diced jalapenos or other hot pepper. Can substitute cayenne pepper to taste
2 1/2 cups rice
4 cups chicken stock
1 can diced tomatoes

1) Chop and sautee the veggies on slightly-over-medium heat.
2) Shove them off to one side and fry up the sausage. If it is link sausage, slit the links and dump the loose meat in.
3) Shove THAT off to the side and fry the chicken. Don't cook it all the way through or it'll be tough -- it'll finish cooking later.
3) Dump in everything else, salt and pepper liberally, shake in maybe 1 tablespoon vinegar, and crank it up to high. Stir frequently. When it comes to a boil, clap the lid on and turn it down to low.
4) After 20 minutes, turn the heat off. RESIST THE URGE TO LOOK. Leave it another ten minutes until the rice has fluffed out.
5) Stir it up because a lot of the veggies and what have you will be riding on top. Eat it. Use leftovers for Chinese stir fry tomorrow night, or wrap them up in steamed spinach or tomato tortillas and make wraps out of it.
TROUBLESHOOTING: Sometimes I wind up with slightly crunchy rice because I misjudged the fluid-to-rice ratio -- added a bit of wine on a whim, or the tomatoes were less juicy. Don't freak out, just add another half cup of water and turn the heat back on low and give it another 10-15 minutes.

>> No.6119247


Why are tripfags always the worst when it comes to feeding the trolls?

>> No.6119255

OP just sounds like another city boy who doesn't know how to cook and wants to save some dosh. I'm trying to help someone with cooking on the FOOD BOARD. What's wrong with that?

>> No.6119256

I don't know, but if people didn't feed trolls /ck/ would have about 3 posts per day, so I don't mind.

>> No.6119257

You need to ask yourself why they are a tripfag in the first place.

>> No.6119262

No recipes, just general guidance: Stop buying all prepared foods. No heat and eat meals, no breakfast cereal, no snacks, no convenience foods. All of those things are outrageously overpriced garbage for people who are either too lazy or don't know how to cook.

Next, scope out where to actually get ingredients. I've seen places that are pretty much food deserts - ingredients were difficult to get, and when you could find things like vegetables, pasta, dried beans and the like they were crazy overpriced because few people bought them. If you live in such a place you're gonna have to plan a weekly trip to someplace else to do your shopping.

Since your wife quit her job explain to her that she's going to be spending at least an hour or two a day in the kitchen making breakfast and dinner for the two of you until she finds a new job. You can pitch in on the weekends if you want to be a good sport. At the very least help her with the clean up.

What will she be cooking? Simple "from scratch" recipes that do not involve expensive ingredients. Google is your friend.

Good luck.

>> No.6119270

we eat out a lot. I work a difficult job and never feel like cooking.


I do ok, but I'm far from rich. I'm a chemical engineer in the pharmaceutical industry and she worked on wall st.

pregnancy was intentional

we want to start a family

>> No.6119273

>What's wrong with that?

You're missing a rather obvious troll post. Did you even pay attention to the OP post? With the amount of money he claims to have he could eat like a king. It ought to be obvious that it's not a real person asking for honest advice, it's a troll stirring up shit.

Good point.

>> No.6119280
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>/ck/ feeds trolls

>> No.6119287

Don't let the neckbeard bachelors drag you down. Best of luck to you and yours. Seriously, get that Dutch oven and chest freezer. Go on a chili/artisinal no-knead bread/marinar-making jihad and you can have enough food to last you a month.