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File: 48 KB, 620x345, peanut butter and jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6119108 No.6119108 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know how to make a good Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwhich.

>> No.6119111

Start out with good quality bread. Toast it ever so lightly. Then apply good quality salted PB and some good quality fruit preserves.

It's like anything else, mang. You gotta use good ingredients.

>> No.6119113


>> No.6119115

nope, only chili and steak pros here

>> No.6119124

God tier pb&j.

Chocolate chip waffles as bread. Lightly toasted.

Chunky peanut butter.

Strawberry preserves... NOT jelly.

Slices of banana.


You're welcome.

>> No.6119135


That sounds fantastic.

>> No.6119137


>> No.6119140
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1200, Raspberry_jelly_033357_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone think of putting peanut butter on jelly?

>> No.6119168

jelly != jello you dumb dumb.

>> No.6119187
File: 230 KB, 572x768, 09dab535-669c-425b-9553-27b23bb7b246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you forgot one ingredient

>> No.6119193
File: 67 KB, 500x628, George Costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adding chicken to PBnJ.

>> No.6119209
File: 277 KB, 938x526, peanutbuttermemetime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6119232

Redwine reduction and white roux.

>> No.6119244
File: 22 KB, 1280x720, waynebrady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wasn't a samefag. he genuinely liked my concept. so fuck off.

>> No.6119249

Yes ketchup, very nice

>> No.6119301

start by making it right


>> No.6119356
File: 199 KB, 1024x597, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's a good one

>> No.6119764

Start by making your usual sandwich, then grill it like a cheese sandwich. Shit's warm and gooey and wonderful.

>> No.6119864

wont that fuck up the toaster?

>> No.6119873

Yes, when the sugar in the jam catches fire and burns fuelled by the oil in the peanut butter.

>> No.6119892

I would just do the peanut butter then right after toasting put the preserves.

>> No.6119898


>> No.6119924

Banana slices
that sounds amazing

>> No.6119971

On the stove, I should have clarified.

>> No.6120196

I like to dunk a pb & j in egg and fry it up like French toast in some butter. Using bananas or chocolate chips goes well too.

>> No.6120499

peanut butter, banana, bacon, toast

>> No.6120682
File: 14 KB, 200x200, 1418959106519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thats pretty much it

>> No.6120696

Wonder Bread. The whiter and softer the better

Seriously who the fuck enjoys PB and J on wheat bread

Gains or not White Bread was designed to get maximum satisfaction out of this sandwich

>> No.6120752



The softest freshest wonder bread you can find

the smoothest jif peanut butter you can get

welch's grape jelly

ice cold glass of milk

I don't give a good goddamn how fancy you are, get your pretentious jam sandwhiches outta my face

>> No.6120753


This fucker gets it

>> No.6120755


This. It's like you stole my thoughts.

Pb&j is not classy. And if you try to add shit, then it's not pb&j.

>> No.6120772

While I do like your recipe, there's nothing pretentious about using nice ingredients. The pretentiousness comes from the attitude about it. In the end it's just a PB&J, even if you use artisan bread, organic pb&j, and locally crafted jam made from Francois DePleur IV's small patch grapes fertilized with grass fed cow manure.

>> No.6120775


>> No.6120787

>2 Slices of bread. If you're using white, that's ok. If you're using wheat bread, keep it simple. Nobody wants a PBJ on 12 grain bread with fucking sunflower seeds and shit in it.
>Apply a light coat of the jelly to one slice. Or jam. Or preserves. Or whatever the fuck you want. Just don't overdo it, just a thin layer.
>Put a lot of peanut butter on the other slice. Then put some more. You're looking for a 4:1 ratio of peanut butter to jelly. Creamy, crunchy, natural, whatever floats your boat.
>Pour a tall glass of milk

>> No.6120795

Pre-sliced bread isn't enough, it always seeps through and spills out the sides, that's why I use regular loaves.

>> No.6120804

Here's what I like in a PBJ-

Honey Wheat bread
Smucker's Blackberry Jelly (tastes way better than grape, but there are so many seeds in blackberry jam so I prefer the jelly)
JIF Extra Crunchy Peanut Butter
Tall glass of milk.

>> No.6120809


>> No.6120812

>whatever bread you like
I use 12-grain bread because none of my family members like it and I can just yank off the seeds on top, anyways
>peanut butter
Slather that shit on. Don't skimp on it.
>grape jelly
Strawberry jelly is for pussies.
>toast it in a pan
Only if you're feeling fancy or want to be like Elvis.
A lot, a lot, a lot. No warm drinks for me, please.

That's about it.

>> No.6120813

You already failed

>> No.6120833

>he doesn't make PB&J on flour tortillas

Try it at least once.

>> No.6120838


If you call jelly jam then you have no authority on an American snack

>> No.6120850

?. Jam is jam, and jelly is jelly. The fuck are you on about?

>> No.6120856

They're two different things Anon. Jam has the chunks in it and jelly is smooth and clear. Stop being retarded.

>> No.6120869

>in PB&J
And that's why we use jelly, not jam.

>> No.6120877

Children use jelly. Adults enjoy pieces of fruit.

>> No.6120883

> fruit preserves
and it's no longer a pb&j.
you can't change a fundamental ingredient and it be the same dish.

>> No.6120885

>Adults enjoy pieces of fruit
I bet you're a fan of Clay Aiken

>> No.6120888

Unless you're on Cutthroat Kitchen.

>> No.6120893

It's still bullshit. And I'm not saying using jams or preserves isn't tasty as hell, just it is no longer a pb&j.

Like if instead of steak you use sausage in a steak and eggs... it's not a steak and eggs.

>> No.6121587

"Like a cheese sandwich" made it pretty obvious what you meant. He just didn't read the post properly.

>> No.6121751

My favorite take on the sandwich is putting Jif smooth peanut butter and apricot preserves on Aunt Millie's Cracked Wheat bread. Toasted post assembly in a toaster oven. Apparently, this is a bastardization of the sandwich and I should suffer a modern witch burning for it. But its fucking delicious, especially with a cup of Earl Grey.

>> No.6121756

Yes it is a bastardization, but no you don't deserve a burning unless you insist it's a pb&j.

>> No.6122405

But I make grilled cheese in a toaster