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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6116543 No.6116543 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best breakfast you can make quickly in your own home?

>> No.6116573

I really enjoy just some creamy scrambled eggs and sourdough toast (one slice lightly buttered for eating with the eggs, and one slice lightly buttered with jam or apple butter). That's not the only breakfast I love, of course, but it's definitely the quickest.

>> No.6116577

Define "quick".

>> No.6116584

Scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, juice and ketchup.

>> No.6116592

Eggs, toast/tortillas, deli meat or cooked meat from the last week. Some peppers. Or leftovers. Less than 5 min.

>> No.6116600

muhfuggin bran flakes

>> No.6116601

rice, beans, and frozen waffles.

>> No.6116603

Omelette, I like it undercooked with green onion and ham (or whatever leftover meat I have)
Sourdough toast
Cranberry juice

or sometimes I'll have some canned corn beef hash if I'm being super lazy

>> No.6116613

Well, if you cook the bacon about 50% of the way ahead of time, then you can finish it off in the oven while you fry two eggs in the rendered bacon fat and/or butter. Then you can put some bread in the toaster and add butter and jam. That would take less than 5 minutes to do.

A bagel with cream cheese under the broiler or in a toaster takes just a couple minutes.

>> No.6116615

fried eggs with runny yolks... crusty buttered bread (think artisanal sourdough if in the us otherwise just think of bread) fried mushrroms.. sliced tomatoes with olive oil and salt ... some nice thick slabs of real hardwood smoked bacon and some Scottish smoked salmon.

>> No.6116639

foreman grilled sausages in a tortilla wrap with ketchup

>> No.6116647

Breakfast burritos are my go-to food when I have enough time.

Fry bacon, throw random peppers and onions into the pan when the bacon is about halfway done, start the eggs about the same. Chop some tomatoes and maybe other random veggies if I have them around.

Heat a tortilla, grate some cheese on it, add the eggs/peppers/onions and bacon(and/or sausage), some homemade salsa, roll and eat.

>> No.6116658
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3 slices bacon
two eggs over easy
two slices plain rye toast
come cottage cheese

pic related is good too

>> No.6116710

Cream of Wheat

>> No.6117290

>soft fried egg drizzled with sriracha on toast
>black coffee
optional heinz baked beans

or just some toast with raspberry marmelade, a soft boiled egg and a cappucino

>> No.6117445

Without a doubt my favorite breakfasts are these two, both are ridiculously simple and quick...

2 scrambled eggs, on a sandwhich with one slice blackberry jelly, the other mayo, and a slice of american cheese (Dont hate)

and just simply sunny side up eggs with toast.

>> No.6117485

Hash browns, sausage, bacon, eggs and pancakes.

>> No.6117519

Define "in your own home."
Would nuking instant oatmeal with milk count or must I harvest my own grain and shit?

>> No.6117555
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yeah you have to harvest your own grain and shit

>> No.6117573

Oatmeal with butter and fruit.
Doesn't even give you a sluggish feeling afterwards

>> No.6117603

I was being hyperbolic, but I wanted to gauge just how homemade OP was looking for.

>> No.6117771

Fried rice and an egg

>> No.6117814

I assumed he said that to exclude items that were made in a factory kitchen and packaged, like muesli bars and alike.

It takes me precisely 30 minutes to cook, eat and wash dishes with porridge. But I'm a neet with time on my hands and could probably get it done in under 20 minutes if I wanted to. 10 if I really rush and leave the dishes 'till later.

>> No.6117819

Grits, bacon and a poached egg or two.

>> No.6117854

>melt butter in pan
>scramble eggs
>melt some chiz on the eggs
>heat up a tortilla
>put eggs in the tortilla and top with some salsa
>ready in five minutes

>> No.6117912
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Corned Beef Hash & Eggs.
One pan, takes a few minutes, easy peasy, often greazy.

>> No.6117959

Eggs, Bacon, and PB& J Toast
Loco Moco (Hash)
Oatmeal & Mix-Ins + Yogurt

>> No.6118004

I cut up some potatoes into triangles and fry em with pepper and season all.

Using the same pan I scramble three eggs and add either cut up deli ham or whatever meat I have laying about the fridge like chicken or pork.

I dice up some onions and add them in as well and finish up the eggs.

Get two flour tortillas and put a small bed of nacho taco shredded cheese. I put the egg on top, another layer of cheese, a little bit of sour cream, a little bit of tapitio, add the potatoes, then wrap up and fry both sides of the burrito for a bit of cunch.

shits fucking good.

>> No.6118007

Raw toast.

>> No.6118126

Scrambled eggs must be the quickest one above plain toast. I do scrambled eggs on toast in about 150 seconds.

>> No.6118173

This thread makes me reflect on what a breakfast junkie I am. I love breakfast.

No one has mentioned Chorizo and eggs. I'm assuming it's similar in form and function to your corned beef hash. Throw it in the pan cook it a lil, throw in some green onions, throw in the eggs, toss on some tomatoes, cheese, what have you and wrap that shit up all in a tortilla.
>and a slice of american cheese (Dont hate)
Oh, how could I not? I love the swat of my jam with the savory of my eggs and just a brush of mayo, but how an even slightly more reputable cheese would be makes the sin unforgivable!

>> No.6118198

Fastest is toast some bread while making microwave scrambled eggs. Takes 2-3 minutes and comes out great

>> No.6118205
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chorizo, always a good choice

>> No.6118218
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I used to eat this till I figured out what was in it. No wonder I'd always get the shits after. Pic related someone just posted it

>> No.6118221

Biscuits and gravy is pretty fuckin quick to whip up. Definitely not the fastest but easily one of my favorites

>> No.6118234

This with cubed pan fried rosemary potatoes.

>> No.6118265

>come cottage cheese

>> No.6118272

When I'm in a hurry I whip up an Empty English, that is cheese on toast, baked beans and scrambled eggs with spring onion. Tastes heavenly and is both vegetarian and nutritious.

>> No.6118291

You guys don't know how to do a good quick breakfast.

If you've got a big, I mean actually rather oversized, skillet, you can load it up with bacon, eggs, potatoes (I grate), bread, sausages, and just about everything else. If you've at least held a spatula before, you get a good full breakfast in no longer than it takes to cook the longest ingredient, typically sausage if you use real ones.

>> No.6118306

Two cigarettes, sequentially if you have the time, simultaneously if you don't.

>> No.6118308

Wow, that sounds really quick and different! Talk about showing the thread what's what. Can you tell us more?

>> No.6118311

uncooked toast

>> No.6118452

A packet of ramen

>> No.6118467

Chocolate milkshake without the chocolate, and use tap water instead of milk.

>> No.6118470
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>> No.6118511

I do a lot of do-ahead, like having homemade stock in the fridge and stuff, so probably miso soup with rice. Takes 5-10 minutes to put together, 10 minutes to eat and 2-3 minutes to do the washing up, so around 20 minutes, give or take, for the whole thing.

>> No.6118516

stupid frenchie

>> No.6118542

>sausage contains the worst parts of the animal
Big surprise.

>> No.6118546

Breakfast of champions

>> No.6119065


Quickly? 4-egg omelette, toast and a coffee.

>> No.6119116

A cream cheese bagel.
Grab whatever else you have and put it on it.
Alternatively just skip breakfast.

>> No.6119120

Just pull an espresso as you leave.

>> No.6119131

How about a grapefruit and a cup of fresh ground hand poured drip coffee you Fatty McLardfats

>> No.6119133

jesus nigga how big u are

>> No.6119139

Egg sunny side up and a couple slices of pre-cooked bacon warmed up alongside it. To get the latter, you simply bake it and store it in the freezer in a Ziploc baggie.

>> No.6119147


Intermittent fasting master race here.

>> No.6119156

Reminder that you can substitute coffee for any single meal during a day.
You shouldn't do it for more than one, though.

>> No.6119166
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>> No.6119176

scrambled eggs

god tier for cutting or bulking and tasty as fuck

>> No.6119183

Eggs and toast

>> No.6119184

Not him, but I do the same. Nice sized omelet, I'm 6'3", 220 LBS. I'm pretty active, so if I don't eat like a beast, I drop weight like it's cool.

>> No.6119194

>4 egg omelette

what the fuck do you eat?
It's the minimum amount for me to make an omelette unless I plan on starving

I'm 5'10

>> No.6119195

Aglio e olio, 11-12 mins

>> No.6119202

I dunno, but I usually go for 3 eggs and I'm 30 pounds underweight

>> No.6119215

5'11" 155lbs
6 eggs is not out of the question

>> No.6119221


Not that big. 6'1" @ 14st 10oz and a bout 12% body fat. I'm pretty active though (cycling, running and swimming).

>> No.6119225
File: 67 KB, 527x375, Pop-Tarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay check this shit OP, I'm about to blow your motherfucking mind.

First, grab yourself of box of motherfucking poptarts. That's right, poptarts. With such a wide array of flavors to choose from, you'll never be lacking for delicious breakfast options.

Next, open some of those bad boys up. God damn, son, look at that frosting. Get's my dick hard just looking at them. I wanna shove those tasty little things in my face right fucking now! Stop, anon, gotta wait for the best part.

Put those slices of dry, questionably fruity heaven on a microwave safe plate. We gonna heat things up a bit.

Slap that dish in the microwave on high for 3 seconds. That's right ,3 seconds. Name me one other meal this delicous that you can make on 3 seconds flat. Can't do it? Can you bitch? That's what I thought.

Now get those fuckers out and proceed to devour. Shoot for having them both down in 9 seconds. Thats three times as long as it took to cook them, should be plenty of time. Besides, a man like you doesn't have time to waste. Got shit to do!

Finished? Good. Now throw the plate out the damn window like a frisbee. Doing dishes takes time, time you could be spending being awesome instead.

With breakfast finished ,it's time to go out there and grab life by the balls. Maybe stop by the store, I've got some dinner ideas too. Two words, my friend: hot pockets.

>> No.6119231

Poptarts = despair

>> No.6119246

Poptarts is probably the most disgusting, degenerate and despair inducing meal I've ever had.
I remember being an exchange student I in the US. One day I overslept, so my host father was like, "yo, anon you have some pop tarts if you want, you can eat them in the but".
I accepted it, mainly because I haven't heard of pop tarts in my entire life.
So he makes those pop tarts and hands them to me, telling me they're hot.
I took a bite and they probably were the single most disgusting thing I've eaten in my entire life.
They tasted like sugar and despair and something else, something I'd recognize instantly, if I tasted it again, but I never did.
They easily were the most vile and disgusting thing I've eaten in my entire life.
Finishing them was probably the most straining and exhausting thing I've done during my entire life.
Fuck poptarts, I will never, never as long as I live have another one, let alone two.

>> No.6119253
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Chorizo is so good, but a little too fatty and takes a while to crisp, so I've started doing soyrizo. Takes 5 minutes to crisp, & it's actually really good, I'd recommend it to any meat eater like myself for a quicker/healthier alternative.

>> No.6119254

>Name me one other meal this delicous that you can make on 3 seconds flat.
Frozen Pop-Tarts.
Did I just blow your mind faggot?

>b-b-but anon it takes hours to freeze pop-tarts

>> No.6119258

>mfw plebs call chouriço, chorizo.

>> No.6119260

>Frozen Pop-Tarts.
Those are called Toaster Strudels and are lightyears beyond pop tart garbage

>> No.6119264

By stopping the bus in the morning when it passes my house at 6AM and buying fresh bread.

>> No.6119268

>speaks mexican
>calls others plebs

>> No.6119269

get your fucking pleb tier reheated garbage out of here, I'm talking about FROZEN POP-TARTS NIGGER

>> No.6119272

>4 eggs.

I can make do with 2 how they hell do you do have the stomach for a 4 egg omelette?

>> No.6119275

A man's breakfast should be hot.

>> No.6119289

gays can get married and run naked in the streets while you get castrated by the courts if you get mad at your girlfriend for fucking BBC while you're away on business, how's that feel grandpa? fucking kill yourself now old man

>> No.6119293

Lol. What the fuck is this whiny bullshit?

>> No.6119296


Because I'm not you. I don't know if you know this or not, but not everyone is the same.

>> No.6119297

I'm 26. Feels fine I guess.

>> No.6119304

Are you a 12 year old girl?

>> No.6119320
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What I make when I'm feeling lazy to cook.

I always feel too lazy to cook.

>> No.6119326
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>> No.6119333

Why do people like runny eggs.
usually whites

>> No.6119338
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Fuck yer

>> No.6119373
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>> No.6119678

I go with cranberry sauce+cabbage with coco drops and chips.

>> No.6119844


that is some grade A prime fatbody hamplanet whitetrash shit right there, homie.

>don't eat that shit

>> No.6119848


It's a sign of an advanced and sophisticated, upper class pallet

>> No.6119853


unnnggggghhhhh soyrizo is so fucking good but the stores around me stopped carrying it
>not a vegetarian
>soyrizo is legit better than the actual sausage
>except for the food coloring
>dem red shits
>fuck you market basket
>fuck. you.

>> No.6120068

You must eat nothing but 10/10 food if poptarts are the worst things that you've ever eaten.

>> No.6120158

i couldnt do it. i tried, i cooked it, i scrambled it, i make a great hash with it, but nope. it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.6120186

How I wish this wasn't true

>> No.6120201

With what I have now?

>2 scrambled eggs, cheese, hot sauce
>store brand english breakfast tea
>an orange

>> No.6120347


you are on crack. soyrizo is just like chorizo without the gristle, fat rubber chunks, stones, and unpleasant smell. It is a 110% improvement

>> No.6120353

eh thumb ring on tranny hand distract from everything else

>> No.6120357

hate p'tart love you pasta

>> No.6120368


probably a fruit smoothie

>> No.6120438

nigger you just went full retard

runny yolks are goddamn delicious. if eggs werent so nigger bike stealing cheap this shit would be a mother fucking delicacy.

if you took foie gras and sent that bullshit to a hyperbolic time chamber till it got to super saiyan mother fucking 3 flavor levels,
you still wouldn't have the mouth sex of the incredibly rich mouthfeel and ball shattering umami that a runny yolk broken onto a piece of buttered toast has

>> No.6120452

scrambled eggs with corn tortillas, I just put some hot sauce on them unless I have some leftover homemade salsa or something

sometimes I make that to eat at work too when it's busy but I'm starving and I just need to shove something into my face as quickly as possible. Likewise I put some pico de gallo or whatever other special salsas we might have on hand for dinner service if they've already been prepped, otherwise hot sauce.