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File: 861 KB, 884x1200, st-bernardus-tripel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6110456 No.6110456 [Reply] [Original]

So, I got a St. Bernardus gift pack with the Pater 6, the Prior 8, the Tripel, and the 12. I have been drinking American "craft beer" for about a year but I never really ventured into Belgian beer because it is fairly expensive. But regardless, I finally got some, had the Pater 6 2 nights ago, it was delicious, and extremely different than what I am used to. My main question is what to do with the yeast at the bottom of the bottle, I just left a little left in the bottle with most of the yeast in it but should I just pour the whole thing in? I guess this goes for all bottle conditioned beers not just Belgian ones.

Also, general beer thread. I also have been drinking some Spaten Optimators the past couple days. My first German beer as well, and it is pretty good, but my enjoyment of it is dulled by how good the St. Bernardus beer is.

>> No.6110490
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The reason beer bottles have a shoulder is to trap the yeast. The reason beer goblets have the little dimple on the bottom is for the same reason. It is bitter as hell and *can* give you the shits (though it's never happened to me.)

Belgian ales are God tier. Conserve the yeast and start brewing your own.

>> No.6110494

I prefer to pour it in. I like doubles best, Unibroue's Maudite and Chimay Red are favourites.

>> No.6110498

Oh, and I am drinking St. Ambroise oatmeal stout currently.

>> No.6110539

Just had my first (unflavoured) Lambic tonight and it was delicious! That smell is just amazing, a bit like rancid food but in a good way, followed by a sour after-taste.

I also drank a cherry one and a raspberry one but those tasted like alcopops unfortunately.

>> No.6112987

>based unibroue
one of the best options in ontario where i live. Just had their Resolution last night, very enjoyable. Also tried their 17 which was excellent as well. I've currently got some Beau's gruit and other stuff which i will post in time.

>> No.6114451

I pour until there's the minimum beer in the bottle to hold the yeast, then just drink the rest of the bottle. I don't want shit in my glass but I don't want to waste beer. I've heard things about beer yeast making you shit but I've never experienced it myself.

>> No.6114482
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We busted out a Tripel Karmeliet with dinner tonight. Really great grain-forward Belgian that I'd recommend. The grains are backed up really well by the spices, but more dry than other Belgians I had, so it stayed nice and light and didn't fight with the meal.

OP, if you enjoy the rest of your St. Bernardus, I'd strongly recommend everything by Chimay, as well as exploring Unibroue like the others pointed out. La Fin Du Monde is one of my gateway beers for introducing newbies to the rich and spiced side of things.

>> No.6114496

Never in 18 years of drinking triples, have I heard or encountered that thimbleful of causing the shits.

Drinking too much? Yes, but that also can happen with filtered beers.

>> No.6114520

>Drinking too much causing the shits
I've only ever heard of this on /ck/ with people calling it stupid

I have heard of yeast though. I don't think it affects the flavour, so I don't bother leaving it in the bottle. If it's been standing upright for a while it will settle anyway.

>> No.6114545

Chimay is next on my list to try. The store I got my St. Bernardus gift pack also has a Chimay one. This particular store is fairly well known in the area for having a huge selection of beer and owners with good taste for Belgian beer - they have pretty much all of the big trappist breweries.

They also have a gift pack that comes with 4 bottles of Tripel karmeliet and a glass. I love nice glassware so I always buy these gift packs that come with custom glasses if I can. After I grab the Chimay pack maybe I will get one. Though I also have been waiting to try some Duvel.

>> No.6114569

Nice. I haven't had Duvel, but I hear it's held as a kind of standard.

Have you had a Belgian sour of any sort yet? Petrus Aged Pale was my first. It's a bit like the lemonade of beers. Bitter, refreshing and mildly funky. I'd definitely check it out if you're feeling adventurous.

>> No.6114591

I almost purchased some Lindemans but I got the St Bernardus instead. The whole sour/lambic thing seems really interesting. I am sure it is good, but it is not really at the top of my priority list. I am more interested in these Trappist ales and also Saisons. The place I get beer from has a lot of Fantome and Dupont.

Eventually I also want to try some Ommengang and Unibroue too but I want to get familiar with Belgian beer before I try the North American versions of them.

>> No.6114620

i want cheapo sour beer, what should i look for?

in so cal if it matters.

>> No.6114632


Ommegang makes an excellent saison, Hennepin, the best beer they make in my opinion. Saison Dupont is also excellent, the standard setter of the style. Once you've gotten familiar with the style give Brooklyn Brewery's Sorachi Ace saison a try. It takes its named from a rare variety of hops they use in it which gives it an interesting lemony flavor.

>> No.6114909

Bars/pubs here in Belgium still give you a shot glass with your regular glass if you ask them so that you can pour the last 1/2cm of the bottle with the yeast in the shot glass and drink it separately. It's what "purists" do but the vast majority of people don't do it. It's not bad once in a while imo. Enjoy the world of Belgian beers.

>> No.6114913

Oh and try rochefort and orval if you can get them. It's personally my favorites in the Trappists.

>> No.6115667
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GOAT seasonal

>> No.6115675

If you have a bottle conditioned beer with some live yeast still present it's possible to harvest it and use it for your homebrew.

>> No.6115679

The 12 is amazing, one of my all time favorite beers.

>Tripel Karmeliet

Mah nigga.

>> No.6117834
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So having finished this gift pack, I have to say, the 12 was by far my favorite. Fucking amazing beer, I wish I had another.

On a side note I a actually liked the Pater 6 more than the Prior 8. And the Tripel was really good, maybe my second favorite. I really want to try their Witbier and their Christmas Ale now.

>> No.6118013


I was lucky enough to have St Bernardus 12 on tap in Ypres, not far from Watou.

It was fantastic.

OP, try to get to your hands on Westvleteran 12. It might seem a little overhyped but its worth thtaste

>> No.6118700
File: 88 KB, 220x410, allagash cur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allagash Curieux. Brewed in Maine, but fuck it, it's perfect.

>> No.6118718
File: 180 KB, 1024x793, Rochefort-beers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I love Rochefort

>> No.6118732

paid like $9.42 or something for #10....worth every penny

>> No.6118736

i might be able to ship you 10 bottles for $60
don't know how i would pack them though

>> No.6118757

10/10, only beer ive tasted without knowing what it was before hand that made me go "wow"

>> No.6118758
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forogt the motherclucking pic

>> No.6119073

£5.20 for the 10 here, have it quite good by comparison. Honestly the king of beers, so I'd be willing to pay much more in all honesty.

>> No.6119075

are you me? that's the best beer i've ever had.
>tfw you will probably never be able to go back to belgium again

>> No.6119106

>*can* give you the shits
I used to have a hurricane diarrhea after yeast beer (commercial) until I got used to it.
When I made my first homebrew batch and drank some, I had crazy farts the next day. My mum entered my room, took a deep breath in to ask me something and started to caugh from the smell :DDDD

>> No.6119323

My favorite Ommegang brew is their Three Philosophers. Honestly better than any legit Belgian I've had

>> No.6119327

Good shit

>> No.6119335

Excuse me as I go cry, that store typically over prices things, but it's the only one near me that has 10.

>> No.6119629

Mah nigga. It also bottle conditions really nicely imo, if you're into that sort of thing.

>> No.6119687
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>tfw average beer selection in Belgium supermarket

>> No.6119688
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>> No.6119691
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>> No.6119696
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>> No.6119698
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>> No.6119760
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Oh god I want all of it.

>> No.6119788
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150106_235614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh fridge
Started tasting bears a few months ago, sometimes it's nice being in Belgium.
Shame I don't like most cheeses unless they're an ingredient.

>> No.6119791
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Most are my roommates' tho, I only have a Westmalle, Affligem, Maredsous and Grimbergen glass, gifts from my dad when I moved out.

>> No.6119795

>Drinking to much doesn't give you the shits

I guess Beershits are just a myth then

>> No.6119821

Pretty cool, must be nice. How is living in Belgium, though? Personally it is a place I really want to go, Germany and France too. I sort of have a thing for Western Europe. A lot of my favorite things come from there.

>> No.6119838

Can't really complain so far, tho some things are pretty retarded. Great healthcare, but it's also ass-backwards in some aspects.
The thing that pissed me off the most is that I've had a physical disability since age 7, and when I became an adult some schmuck that sees me once every 4 years suddenly decides that I'm healthy again (chronic, degenerative, auto-immune disease, go figure), and I lose all benefits. I love my job but it wrecks me if I push myself, I make ~€1000 a month. In the mean time lazy fucks that know how to act and how to abuse the system get €1400 or more a month for doing fuckall.
And the roads suck, every few years when there's elections coming they scrape and recoat a few, for some reason this takes over half a year, and the first time there's a frost they're all fucked again.
And criminals get away because of 'procedural errors' which can be as lame as one page of one several hundred page document not being translated or a missing signature, and some proven murderer gets to walk.

Awesome food tho, and especially in the smaller towns most people are really nice.

>> No.6120009

You.. you keep nice beers in the fridge?

>> No.6120037

If he's going to drink them within the next week who cares?

>> No.6120381

not sure if mocking

>see these
Nice, I got a 6 pack of chimay blue for like 6 euros last year, I don't recall there being much selection.

>> No.6120675

had orval tonight, pretty underwhelming imo.

>> No.6121820

>not sure if mocking
What do you mean? The 4 following photos were all from a single rack.

>> No.6121848

Where do you live vlaanderenbro?

>> No.6121955

And the bears are just kinda cool with that?

>> No.6122004

Idk, man. I usually do the same thing with a Belgian beer as I would with a German unfiltered weizen: get that yeast in the glass. Often enough, the beer's taste seems to sorta fall flat unless I do that.

>> No.6122224
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>> No.6122805

dat is balen

>> No.6122816
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Moved here a few months ago, people I tell this and myself can't stop making that 'joke'.
Seriously considering getting some spraypaint and adding "dat is" to a city sign.