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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6108955 No.6108955 [Reply] [Original]

>be former fatass
>lose a bunch of weight by calorie counting and exercise
>obese acquaintance asks me for advice on losing weight
>suggest giving up soda, sweet tea, and every other calorie-dense drink
>suggest drinking coffee or hot tea to suppress appetite
>suggest counting calories with simple food diary website
>suggest cooking own low-calorie foods in large batches and eating those instead of eating tacos or pizza for lunch every day

>"But I love sweet tea!"
>"I don't like coffee or hot tea unless it's sweet."
>"I have to log EVERYTHING I eat?"
>"But I don't know how to cook!"

Goddamnit this is infuriating. I didn't understand why people raged at fatties until I was no longer a fatty. So many of them are just fucking lazy. Anyone experienced this? Do you encourage them to take baby steps, or do you just say "Fuck it, you don't actually want to lose weight"?

>> No.6108960

>this is infuriating
You gave them the advice they asked for
>Fuck it, you don't actually want to lose weight

>> No.6108968


Yeah but I feel like I can't really say that, it'll just discourage them more. This person is actually a friend of my SO and she just encourages her to get a small (16 oz) soft drink for lunch instead of the large (32 oz) and thinks that baby steps are better than nothing, which I guess is true. But fuck, man, how can you see all the fatasses sputtering around on their scooters and not think "holy shit I need to lose weight NOW"?

>> No.6108980
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>lose a bunch of weight by calorie counting and exercise


That's just not how it WORKS



>> No.6109004

I'd pound either of those girls assuming they're not ugly.

>> No.6109010


Read their stomachs

>> No.6109011
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>> No.6109015


top kek

>> No.6109018


Don't let Tumblr see it

>> No.6109019

I was a fucking fatass as a kid, even since before I could walk. Dodgy birth bacteria, dodgy parenting, dodgy young impulse control, whatever.

So I was a fatass until 19.
Cue Crohn's Disease. Can't eat, can't digest food. No medication they give me works. Begin dying of malnutrition. Hit 60kg before the NHS funds infliximab, get put on medicated diet. Regain a fair bit of weight as it's 3000kcal/day.

That's blown over a bit now. I'm still visibly chubby at 73 kg, 175cm. I'd like to lose weight, down to ~65kg. I'm going to do it in 2015. I've been on /ck/ a long time so I don't eat junk, almost everything homemade, and I'm not stupid about nutrition. I just have a strong sweet tooth and I like baking sweet things. I can log calories, I just have a hard time sticking to it because logging calories in homemade meals is tedious.

Any advice for someone who isn't a dumbfuck about nutrition?

>> No.6109059

In the process of unbecoming a chubmeister here.

I dropped 50 lbs just be regulating my calorie intake, going on a vegetarian diet, and cutting soda and fast food, from 230 lbs to around 185-190. I didn't exercise. I just stuck to a diet and was disciplined about it. Went from a size 38 waist to a size 32, and an XL shirt size to a M (still have to wear a L in some brands though). Now my goal is to get an established exercise regimen going, drop another 20 lbs, and get toned. Already been weight lifting and doing ab workouts, but need to get more cardio in.

I have to say that weight loss is not for the faint of heart. Sometimes the people are lazy, yes, but other times there are overweight people who have started changing their diet and don't want to feel lazy but are overwhelmed by all they have to do and get disheartened. I'm so close to getting /fit/ but even now I get scared of losing everything and of all the work I still have to do to achieve my goals. I have a lot of sympathy for overweight people because I was for most of my life.

tl;dr, shit on lazy people, not fat people.

>> No.6109066


Your paragraphing made me think that the latter post was making fun of the first post at first sight.

>> No.6109073

she needs to wake the fuck up. any one who actually wants to lose weight will hear something like that and be determined. if she only thinks she want to lose it, but doesn't actually care, then yeah she'll get sad.

>> No.6109249

I feel you op I was overweight so I counted calories and worked out 4-5 times a week and the weight fell off but now all my fat friends expect me to hold their fucking hand and walk them through weight loss.

>> No.6109266

I'm glad you made it, but much like rich people who claim everyone who isn't rich is just lazy, you can fuck right off.
Maybe that is the case for some, but not all, and you're the dumb one if you think otherwise.

>> No.6109398

I went from 280 to 215 from dropping soda and fast food alone. It's fucking scary how many calories are in soda.

>> No.6109408

>It's fucking scary how many calories are in soda.
It's sugar water, obviously it is rich in calories.

I've never understood how people, fat or otherwise, drink soda all day (or with meals!) like it is water.

But congrats on the weight loss.

>> No.6109419

I just started my new years diet of only salad for dinner everyday while cutting out all cheese, beer, bread, snackfoods, and fried foods. I'm already failing all those categories apart from the fried food.
Being hungry all the time is just awful.

>> No.6109437


Of course not all of them are. I never said they were. I said "so many of them"

>> No.6109533

Shut up you fattist piece of scum and go back to /fit/ from whence you come. We know you've never been fat and its just your angle so you have an excuse to hate on people with fucked up genes.

>> No.6109543

I lost a bunch of weight without meaning too. I dropped from ~80kg to 57kg (I'm 1.75m tall)
>tfw skeleton living in a family full of obeasts

>> No.6109544

Agreed. Soda is just nasty nasty.
I would only ever drink it to stay awake in class at college. Afterwards, meh.
Water quenches thirst better and tap water is free. Saves money.

>> No.6109549

Vary your salads and have some proteins in it... Lentils, pulses, etc. not just leafy greens and dressing.

>> No.6109587

I lost weight the natural way. Starvation and a convenient viral infection. You feel like you want to die, but those pounds just fly right off.

>> No.6109591

>I'm so close to getting /fit/
yer never gonna make it, brah

>> No.6109603

>logging calories in homemade meals is tedious.
pic some meals you like
figure out the cals
eat those meals

>> No.6109614


Yeah, I don't get what he means. It's easy as fuck. There are calculators that let you put every ingredient in a recipe into them and then it spits out the nutritional profile of whatever meal you made, per serving.

>> No.6109620

The only thing I ever had with fat people is

>Never trust a skinny chef lol ;)

That's fucking bullshit and most of the time when I ask those lardasses what a chef's personal weight has to do with their cooking they give me ridiculous answers.

>It means he doesn't eat his own cooking!
>Fat people eat a lot so they know what's good!

Takes me from 0-100 so quick.

>> No.6109625


this drives me fucking insane too

>> No.6109637

If you're hungry all the time you're doing it wrong. Only salad for dinner isn't a good idea unless it's an awesome salad with protein, good fat, and a variety of nutrients. Spinach salad with grilled chicken, a boiled egg, some sort of berry, nuts, and carrots can be a good dinner, or a "southwest" salad with avocado, black beans, corn, mixed greens, tomatoes, etcetera.

>> No.6109642

Woah, calm down OP.
When people ask you anything, they are actually asking you what you did and worked for you. It's part morbid curiosity, part actual question. Don't assume it's all the latter. Anyone that wants to change will change what they need to change. If they were at the point you are at, they wouldn't be asking you a damn thing. They'd be fit and eating right already.

My advice, just keep it short and sweet. Say
"I had to make myself accountable. I wrote down everything I ate before I ate it. I quit when I was done for the day. This accountability, really, was the only reason I made healthier choices, so that I didn't have hunger feelings at night, I had to cut out things I enjoyed to allow for more food later that satisfied."
"I didn't follow any remarkable diet plan with tricks. I just had to stick to it again even if I cheated."

Who is going to be able to answer back to any of that? They can't. It's common sense you stopped drinking empty calories in exchange for water if you were simply avoiding hunger pains and sticking to a maximum caloric intake each day. Low fat, high fiber, blah blah blah. Everyone fat knows how to be healthy already. Fact. Maybe someone would indeed like to know how it was hard when around family or coworkers, or what motivated you. That defining moment so to speak.

>> No.6109644

>I just have a strong sweet tooth and I like baking sweet things.
Only bake to "gift it" right away. Enjoy 1 brownie. Freeze 1 for later (not easy to just mindlessly eat, and lasts a while til you are in the mood again). Take the rest to the office, over to a elderly neighbor, over to the old folks home, send it to school with the kids, etc.

>> No.6109647

>That's fucking bullshit and most of the time when I ask those lardasses what a chef's personal weight has to do with their cooking they give me ridiculous answers.
The right answer is that a good chef is busy as shit. People who reduce their hours to a normal 40hr workweek, or less, have the right kind of time to workout, from weight training to aerobics, not just burning calories randomly from work has exertion. Think UPS driver vs bartender.
Furthermore, a good chef is busy, a mediocre chef isn't, and busy people take sacrifices from their personal lives for their craft, and the come home from work tired and in pain. They have cortisol from stress. They probably drink a few calories since they enjoy alcohol too.

So, the moral of the story is that weight can be indicative of someone who is pretty damn good at their craft. Someone who takes great pains to be skinny and fit some celebrity norm is from a background of higher education and class, same as most of the "fit" populace has in background, and sadly, most chefs, being blue collar, are from some pretty degenerate backgrounds and dropouts.

>> No.6109673


>suggest counting calories with simple food diary website

I'm interested in this. Which one did you use?

>> No.6109733

>simple food diary website

>> No.6109876

Oh shut it you tumblrina. I know this might be bate but yeah, you need to exercise to help lose weight

>> No.6109915

>Tfw starving myself and working out every day and still gaining weight
I just can't lose weight my body doesn't work that way

>> No.6109936


Bravo, pitch perfect.

>> No.6110011

>fucked up genes.

kill yourself

>> No.6110757

If everyone's the same why don't short people excel at basketball, the lazy cunts!

>> No.6110791

or just become a broke guy with severe IBS. that way, you can't afford almost any food you're not cooking yourself, and you can't overeat or drink soda/caffeinated beverages without being in severe pain for days. I'm still a fatass of course, but about 10lbs less so (and would be much more if I had to get off my fat ass for more than trips to the bathroom, kitchen and smoking couch)

>> No.6110792

Do people still believe this?

>> No.6110806

I have a question that I didn't want to start a brand new thread for. I just switched over from soda to water but for some reason whenever I drink water it makes me gag. Is that a normal reaction when you first switch to water after drinking soda for 21 years or is there something wrong with me?

>> No.6110819

get a jug style water filter and keep it in the fridge. chilled, filtered water tastes much better than most city tap water IMO

>> No.6110853

skipping lunch and eating low fat food and not snacking ever is the key to losing weight.

>> No.6110863


No it's not, but I'm glad it worked for you.

>> No.6110866


Really, I would never trust a fat chef. That means s/he probably doesn't have the substance abuse problems required for working in a respectable kitchen.

>> No.6110868

>skipping lunch
I could never do this, it's my favorite meal of the day, and the only time my digestive system isn't screaming bloody murder at me

>> No.6110920
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>fat friend asks for weight loss advice
>tell them healthy foods like fruits, oats, beans, sweet potatoes, etc
>"but those have carbs"

>> No.6110985
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>fucked up genes

>> No.6111003

3 meals a day is overkill

>> No.6111021

might be your tap water being shitty, get a filter

i have to let my tap water sit out for a while otherwise it stinks of chlorine

>> No.6111032

i used to feel the same way op

then i read about a fat young girl who had breathing problems. instead of telling her to lose weight, she had surgery. then she died.

now i'm still nice if someone wants advice on losing weight but if they pull that shit about it being too hard and whining about it i stop it right away.

>> No.6111091

Your sweet tooth will adjust if you lower your exposure to sugar over time.

>> No.6111355

>how can you see all the fatasses sputtering around on their scooters and not think "holy shit I need to lose weight NOW"?
Overweight people don't have to become landwhales. After a major illness, my weight jumped by close to 40lbs, and I've never been able to get rid of it. It doesn't go down unless I go on a starvation diet, climbs right back up when I eat like a normal person, and doesn't rise even if I eat way the fuck too much.

Also, you guys can say
>it's just the calories
all you want, but my eating habits didn't change from before to after. The only change was being sick for 18 months.

>> No.6111381

>Your sweet tooth will adjust if you lower your exposure to sug

This depends on the person. For me it has never gone away. I spent almost 3 years eating a healthy mostly vegetarian diet and it never went away. Did low carb/keto and it never went away. Ate mixed diet and counted calories, but still I always had the cravings for sweet things.

>> No.6111578

>depressed because you're fat
>eat because you're depressed

It's a fun life. I'm thinking suicide.

>> No.6111590

I have the honor with being acquainted with someone who insists that they're perfectly healthy despite having a BMI corresponding to obesity and that they're just "naturally" this weight.

They drink 2 liters of Mountain Dew every day.

>> No.6111598

>Been Skinny all my life
>While sitting on computer all day
>People ask me how I do it
>I shrug and say I must just have a good metabolism
>Secretly I only eat one meal a day.

Its all I need. One meal, around 4 Oclock. Maybe a light snack at around 10 PM or so.

>> No.6111602

This is really untrue. It's pretty widely agreed that a good way to control your portions is to have healthy, low-calorie snacks throughout the day and reduce the size of your meals, so you don't end up starving for half the day and then overeating.

Seems to work fine for me, anyway, and I'm 5'6" and 110lbs.

>> No.6111606


just try some fucking antidepressants then, could it get any worse?

>> No.6111611

>Eat because you're depressed

Just don't do this.

Seriously that sounds like shitty advice but just because you're depressed it doesn't mean you lose your mind and consume everything around you. Just sit on /r9k/ or watch some movies or go for a jog or do literally anything that not eating. Its a willpower thing, and saying "Well when im depressed I don't have the motivation" is just throwing in the towel and being a bitch because you'd rather eat a chicken sandwich than end your depression.

>> No.6111642

It is shitty advice. I eat because it's the only thing that gives me a moment's happiness any more - I'm at the point where even video games have lost their luster. I worked so hard from being homeless to having a job and working and renting a house - only to realize there's really nothing up here. It's the same bullshit, but with more stuff to distract you.

And so I eat because feeling full is the only thing that makes me feel like my existence isn't useless. I lift weights regularly (225 bench 405 squat 495 DL), I do a half an hour of cardio three days a week - but at home, I just won't stop eating. I grab whatever's loose and just eat until I'm full, which unluckily takes a whole fucking lot. And you say "well don't buy anything you don't need!" or "eat healthier things." And I say, "what's the point of feeling full if its off shit you hate?"

I'm at this stupid nihilistic point in my life and I think the nihilism is winning. The only thing I think about is how I wish I could just start my life over.

>> No.6111657

Again. Its just willpower. Your hands don't have minds of their own. And saying "Well I just can't stop myself" is exactly why im telling you you're acting like a pussy bitch. So maybe hopefully next time you reach out to your refrigerator you'll say "Well I might be depressed and suicidal but im not a pussy bitch" and just drink some coffee instead.

But probably not, because you're a pussy bitch.

>> No.6111661
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>it's just willpower
>he's depressed

pls go

>> No.6111664

I have depression, and while you're more listless you're not fucking dead.

>> No.6111665 [DELETED] 

>Implying I haven't been depressed for years in the past

>Implying you just have to sit back and take it up the ass

This is why you're a pussy bitch. Is it hard to pick yourself up by the bootstraps? Yes. Thats the point, if it was easy no one would be depressed. Posting shitty comics by people who want sympathy comments doesn't reaffirm your points.

>> No.6111667

>The only thing I think about is how I wish I could just start my life over.

I read those don Juan "Separate Reality" books a long time ago, and one thing I liked a lot was the notion of "stopping the world" -- do it, shut it all down, keep the parts that work for you, leave the rest behind. People, habits, bathing... keep what works for you and move ahead without the baggage.

>> No.6111673


Maybe you missed the part where I said "I've literally worked up from homelessness."

I've done more boot strap picking up than you'll ever do. And it was all pointless. Nothing was fixed. My head's still just as fucked as it was when I became homeless.

>> No.6111674



it depends

when I was depressed I still exercised every day, but I barely could motivate myself to shower or eat and everything felt like a horrible chore. I can't identify with him in the fatass department but I can identify with the lack of motivation.

>> No.6111680

>I've done more boot strap picking up then you'll ever do

And you stopped at "Stop putting things in your mouth"?

You could have been stranded 10 feet under the ice in Antarctica and now living in the playboy mansion and you'd still sound dumb. You can be depressed. Thats fine, I understand if even when you *do* get more fit you're still depressed because again it didn't fix your life like you thought it was, but don't blame "Im depressed! :( " as a reason that you can't stop stuffing your face.

ESPECIALLY if you've done the other things you said you have.

>> No.6111683


>> No.6111691

This guy just does not get it.

>> No.6111712

Apparently neither do you.

>> No.6111717

Looking a eating and being more healthy this year... I'm faced with not drinking, which sounds excruciatingly bored. Daunting. No fun.

>> No.6111720

You're visibly chubby at 73kg? Are you a manlet?

>> No.6111723

Alright, you guys win. You're depressed. Nothing you can do about it! What a shame. We're all so sorry, theres no cure, you just have to linger with it. No point in consoling, it doesn't matter, its a disease and it doesn't matter what people say or what you do, its just with you now! You are completely out of control of your own actions because of it!

>> No.6111810

if you had a physical injury people would tell you to go see a doctor. maybe you should go see a fucking doctor if you're that depressed.

>> No.6111874

I'd pount the one on the left even if she is ugly

>> No.6111880

How many calories in a day were you eating whilst on diet?

>> No.6111882

Takes about 10 to 14 days to adjust to reduced calorie intake when you won't be hungry all the time

>> No.6111906

Personally, the most difficult part about logging food is sharing with other people. If you live with other people you can expect them to try to eat from you stewpot or whatever, especially if you're cooking something that tastes good. I can calculate how many calories in total are in a meal, but if say, Shirley comes along and puts some on a plate, how many calories are left for me? Is Shirley gonna weigh how much food she took? No. You ask her and she'll say she took a ladle-full of meat and rice. How many calories in a ladle? Packed or heaping? You probably aren't gonna divide the meal evenly either, Shirley eats less because she weighs less but Harmon is a big guy and takes a larger portion. How many calories are left for you then?

Its probably easier to deal with if you're living with lardasses while you are making healthy food they will dislike but my bulking foods are delicious. They wont listen if I tell them to not eat it and I can't guard my food all day. If I cook my stay at home mother will not. My dad has come to expect me to give him lunch. I either make them completely separate meals or I make itty bitty meals that can only feed me (and then they snipe that I am not feeding them). Either way I end up spending a lot more time cooking. It sucks but so long as I start cooking everyone else stops trying to feed themselves. The best I can do at this point is making the food unappetizing for them.

I can't wait to move out.

>> No.6111920

i don't think many people realize that most fat people are extremely depressed and use food like a drug

i lost 100lbs but I still looked gross with extra skin and stretch marks and i didn't gain any confidence like i thought it would. so i became an alcoholic and now i'm dying of pancreatic cancer, wa la

>> No.6111929

>i lost 100lbs but I still looked gross with extra skin and stretch marks and i didn't gain any confidence like i thought it would. so i became an alcoholic and now i'm dying of pancreatic cancer, wa la


>> No.6111931

A friend of mine eats a cheese bagel with a slice of cheese, an egg, and a sausage and drinks two glasses of milk every day. He works from home and gets exactly no exercise.

He doesn't know why he's heavy.

>> No.6111949

that doesn't explain why he is fat

>> No.6111954


bagel: 500 calories if it's HUGE
slice of cheese: 100 calories
egg: 80 calories
a sausage: 150-300 calories
2 glasses of milk: 170-300 calories

so that's max 1200 calories

>> No.6112017

You're so ignorant.

>> No.6112019


to simplify it genes can predispose you to being more hungry and feeling full more slowly (leptin & ghrelin), obviously that is still going to make you more likely to be fat, but the issue is not that you just have a slow metabolism

even if you have hypothyroidism it does not lower your metabolism very much, when I was diagnosed with it my doctor told me that people tend to gain ~5% body weight before they are on medication.

>> No.6112139

>"But I love sweet tea!"

Honestly this was the hardest thing for me to give up when I decided to get fit. Living in the south I grew up with sweet tea with every meal. Hell, mom put it in my bottle when I was little

>> No.6112491


I don't know why you think these things that worked for you can be universally applied.

>> No.6112506


Because then he has two other meals, and he's 5'6"?

>> No.6112518


As the other guy said, you just don't get it. You seem to have this weird idea that you're having had depression makes you qualified to give advice, as if everyone's depression is identical and can all be solved via the same methods. You're actually quite pathetic yourself, so self-important that you go on the internet to insult someone struggling with depression.

>> No.6112521

Exactly the same here, OP.
Weighed 350, dropped down to 170 through hard work and watching what I ate.
Now people ask me and I tell them how I did it, then I get to listen to them whine about how it's not working. I'm pretty sure I'm done trying to help people who don't want help.

>> No.6112559

Calorie counting, giving up shit and all this crap have always sounded like bullshit methods to me.

Exercising is the only way to burn off the fat and if you think giving shit up is going to make your burn off fat you already have you're an idiot, its just going to not compound further. Go bike 10 miles you lazy fat fucks.

>> No.6112569


You know what helps with depression in every case? Eating better and exercising.

You know what will only perpetuate depression in every case? Eating slop and being a fatass.

>> No.6112597

I know right, thats all you need.

>cut out shitty foods. I.e. desserts, fried potatoes, all junk food, all soda/sugary drinks
>exercise 3+ times a week

After a month you will see a little difference. After 4 you will see a big difference. After a year you are a different person.

>> No.6112617

Most people tend to forget that sugar is in almost everything in the USA. It's in bread, drinks, processed foods, hell, even some "non processed" foods, and where sugar isn't found, we have high fructose corn syrup.

If you've ever seen the film "Fed Up" (great documentary), that explains everything. Sugar is more addictive than cocaine. The big food companies, GMOs included, are currently acting like big tobacco did back in the 70s. People don't have WEIGHT problems in this country, they have FOOD ADDICTIONS, primarily due to sugar, and secondarily due to all the programming they receive to crave food: commercials, tv channels dedicated to food, magazines, billboards, radios, fast food joints everywhere, expensive health food so they opt for the bad stuff, you understand.

Yes, a good life-changing "diet" (Hate the word diet, it's more a lifestyle change) and exercise will HELP, but it is FAR from just calories in/calories out now, BECAUSE of how the food in the US is made, and BECAUSE of how people in the US are psychologically undermined to be addicted. Most overweight people (from smaller obese to morbidly obese) have some pretty severe mental shortcomings, such as depression, self-loathing, delusions of grandeur, and so on. I'm happy for anyone who can lose weight, and be proud of themselves, especially through hard work.

But keep in mind that not everyone has the mental fortitude. Not everyone is able to overcome. If we want real change, we need to challenge the food companies to change their ways, change their labeling, and then change our people mentally, and be supportive instead of condemning. Meet them halfway, man. Mental addiction is hard to overcome. Peace.

>> No.6112622

If they weren't lazy fucks with no self control, they wouldn't have gotten fat in the first place.

>> No.6112642

Been getting /fit/ since the latter part of August. Am 6'4 and dropped from 388/54W/3XL to currently 326/48W/1-2XL depending on the brand.

All I've been doing is counting calories and making sure that I hit my protein goals and keep my carbs under 150G per day. I do 90 minutes of cardio per week and 60 minutes of weight lifting.

If you can actually cook well like I can and are willing to experiment with adding / subtracting things in food to hit your kcal and macro goals, weight loss can be a very enjoyable thing. It's also a great feeling when friends and family start to notice that you're losing weight.

>> No.6112670


>Sugar is more addictive than cocaine

What total bullshit.

>> No.6112697

your turn, bitch
prove me wrong

>> No.6112704

You're not going to completely get rid of your sweet tooth, man, but you can adjust it. Say you started out chugging heavily sugared sweet tea, eating cake/cookie/brownies once a day, and your favorite dinner was americanized teriyaki chicken (sugar, sugar, soy sauce).

You adjust it over time so that sweet tea tastes sickeningly sweet, but you still enjoy a regular sweet tea once in a blue moon as a treat, but you can't live off of it like water. You adjust so when you crave a sweet in the afternoon, a piece of fruit stands in nicely every day instead of the processed sugar dessert (but you still indulge that craving once a week or a month. Your "sweet tooth" is satisfied with a lower sugar item as it is with the higher sugar item. You don't "have to have" that brownie). And you don't need to cover your meat in sugar sauces. You still enjoy sweet things, and yeah, you can call it a sweet tooth, but it is not this endless, only heavily sugared uncontrolled beast. Because it goes past "sugar craving" into "impulse control" issue pretty quickly, and you can't blame impulse control on the fact that "gosh darn, you just like sugar soooooo much!"

>> No.6112715

Take it to /fit/ this is /ck/

>> No.6112718


confirmed for having never been addicted to cocaine

>> No.6112730

>in every case
Come one man, you know that's not true. If there was a universally effective depression cure, people would be talking about it. Depression itself stems from different root causes, so please stop with this once size fits all thing. When has yelling at a depressed person, "Just do it faggot!" ever worked? You're not helping. I'm glad you helped yourself, but you're not helping.

Eating right and exercising has helped people with depression (very true). And most depressed people know this fact. You're not sharing anything new.

>> No.6112731
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>> No.6112744


I've never actually been on tumblr, is that how it is all the time during the day? With the stoners on at night as well?

Because holy shit I now understand the connection between my girlfriend's reactions and her addiction to tumblr

>> No.6112750


"Dumbass rats will consume everything put in front of them." WOW SUCH STUDY WHAT SCIENCE

>> No.6112754

What's funny is that I'm on Tumblr only for 2d waifu porn. I only very rarely get a peek into the SJW world when someone reblogs something, and usually it's #ICANTBREATHE HE DIDN DO NUFFIN shit.

>> No.6112756

>put oreos on one side of maze
>put rice cakes on other size of maze
>put rats in center
>oh they always go to the side with the oreos, surprise!
1/10 try harder faggot

>> No.6112760


Nigga ain't nobody ever sucked dick for cookies

>> No.6112764


"Wild animal prefers calorioe-dense food"

Shocking conclusion. You're a really stupid person if you think this study is worth a damn or says anything at all about human behavior.

>> No.6112769


(cont.) This is the kind of study that no reputable journal would publish (at least I hope not. The article says they will present at a conference where I assume this research will die on the vine). The only reason anyone knows about this nonsense is that it's the kind of shitty fluff headline that awful morning zoo radio shows talk about.

>> No.6112781

so we evolved out of barely not starving in 200 years?
that's why fats and sugars tate bad

>> No.6112794

>Goddamnit this is infuriating. I didn't understand why people raged at fatties until I was no longer a fatty. So many of them are just fucking lazy

losing weight isn't easy.

I was 450 pounds at one point, and I tried for like 6 years to lose weight, and no diet would help me that didn't make me ill and sleepy to the point where I couldn't even do my job.

I couldn't do most exercises either because I had bad knees.

It wasn't until I got a new house with a pool that I could exercise for like 2 months a year, and when I am able to exercise by swimming laps, I lose like 30-40 pounds a month.

The only remotely successful diet I ever did was a ridiculous atkins thing where I couldn't have more than 10g of carbs per day and had to eat less than 1400 calories.

I lost a lot of weight (like 120 pounds in 3 months), but I got dangerously ill and my doctor told me to stop.

The first, like, 10 days of the diet were pure hell.
I was dizzy, sick, and couldn't think straight.

>> No.6112801

>Be fat
>Know nothing about cooking
>Know nothing about Diets
>Decide to eat less
>Cut certain things out completely
>Avoid salt, avoid non-fresh foods,
>Cut down on meat, stick to mostly chicken
>No cheese, or any other shit
>b-b-b-but its unhealthy you will kill yourself, you are not eating everything you need
>5 years later and i am fit as fuck and now eat more but maintain my body.

Whats up with people calling your diet unhealthy when it clearly fucking works?

>> No.6112806

Oreos have
1) more calories
2) stronger smell
3) taste better

Rats, however, are RAVENOUS and will eat ANYTHING.

>> No.6112807

>Calorie counting
You end up only eating what you are suppose to. To a lot of people, it just means they drop over eating.
The rest is just bullshit. Execsize is better.

>> No.6112819


They feel bad about their own lack of willpower so they make endless excuses.

Dieting is easy. Here's all you have to do:

Cut out liquid calories ALL OF THEM
Drink a gallon of water a day
Drink black coffee or unsweet tea if you need a boost
Stick to lean meats, especially white meats
Eat as many green vegetables as you like
Only eat slow carbs like beans and brown rice
No processed sugars or desserts
Avoid all high fat foods except for nuts and olive oil (sparingly)

That's all you need to do to be healthy. I challenge anyone to be more than a few pounds overweight after doing this diet for a few months.

Oh, and if you're addicted to Oreos then go to rehab first LOL

>> No.6112827


Read this dummy: http://www.livescience.com/40488-oreos-addictive-cocaine.html

>> No.6112857

Get a food scale and figure out the calories by weight instead of by serving

>> No.6112858

>sweet tea
>hot tea

What the fuck

>> No.6112908

>The desire to binge on sugary or fat-laden foods shares some parallels in the brain as the need for drugs. For example, rats fed junk food and then given a normal, healthy diet show brain changes similar to those seen in drug addicts trying to kick a habit, according to a 2012 study. And research published in 2010 in the Journal of Neuroscience suggests just as a junkie needs more and more heroin to feel satisfied, so too do overeaters need more sugar and fat as they grow accustomed to an unhealthy diet.

National Geographic had a good story on the history of sugar: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2013/08/sugar/cohen-text

Scientists are studying the impact of sugar in relation to brain scans, and it is mostly recent research. On television, I watching something (Frontline episode? I don't remember; on PBS though) comparing other addictions to food addictions in brain scans, and also other tests. So there is information out there.

Google "brain scan obese compared to addict" or check http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22016109..

>> No.6112934

>if you think giving shit up is going to make your burn off fat you already have you're an idiot

But it does, I don't know why you think it doesn't.

Don't get me wrong, exercising is stupid important, but to say you can't lose fat by cutting calories is simply false.

>> No.6112942


>sweeping generalizations

Look everyone, a moron!

>> No.6112952

If you eat fatty foods like cheese, and eat three meals a day + snacks, then you'll get fat no matter what.

Strict eating times are essential to weight control. I eat at 9am and 3 or 4pm, and that's it. Finally my weight is under control and I don't feel hungry.

>> No.6112955


Hot teas are generally black/green/whatever teas served hot.

Sweet tea is a southern thing, generally luzianne or lipton bags steeped in hot water, mixed with shitloads of sugar, and then chilled.

>> No.6113088

I always thought I hated tea, because I live in the south and never much liked sweet tea; it was just there for every meal and I got so sick of even seeing it. Years later I start trying hot teas and I absolutely love them. Sweet tea is just a bastardization of tea that shouldn't be a thing.

>> No.6113134
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>be fatass, 240lbs
>see picture of myself in 2012, and I remember thinking back then how fat I was
>think how great I look in that picture compared to now
>probably put on 30lbs since then

I can handle eating little, calorie counting, drinking nothing but water, for a couple of days. But I need to have beer because I am an alcohol. Doesn't help that as a fat cunt I somehow managed to acquire the hottest girlfriend I've ever had, makes me think maybe I don't need to lose weight.

I want to, I just don't think I want it enough. I think this is probably how most fatties feel.

>> No.6113172


I eat fatty foods and while I don't eat 3 meals a day I compensate by eating more snacks. I'm 5'9 135. I just eat small portions.

>> No.6113208

I've spent the past three months doing the fat-shredder portion of P90X. Diet-wise, I stay at or under 1200 cal/day, eating mostly chicken, fish and turkey. So far, I've gone from 151.2 to 136.4. I've probably got another 10lbs or so to lose.

I thought I would lose faster, really. The second month was basically a plateau. Felt so pointless. I also cut drinking back to only weekends. Funny thing, I noticed after a night of drinking I would lose 2-3lbs the next morning on the scale. I guess that was water weight?

I'll probably do another 3 months, maybe this time doing the actual full P90X instead of just the fat shredder stage. Or maybe some cardio-only thing would be better?

I can't imagine what it's like for someone who has 100s of lbs to drop. For me, just after three months I'm thinking "Fuck, its the same shit every fucking day/week/month with no end in sight." It makes it hard to keep doing it when you don't see the results you think you should be seeing.

>> No.6113267

My three problems are :

- I am an alchoholic. I might have not gotten drunk in the past four days but I still am drinking daily. Whenever I get drunk I fuck up all my cutting attempts, probably end up eating shit
- I have low self esteem. People have treated like shit all my life because of my weight and keep doing so. Whenever I go out and try to be social I just end up feeling depressed. Right now I am cooconing mode it since I realize it's my best bet.
-My appetite is insane. I used to weight 103 and now I am 85 (My lowest was 83, just three kilos away from a healthy BMI). I lift and do plenty of sports, but I can outeat ANY kind of physical activity. Climbing mountains for 9 hours? Can out eat that. Do starting strengh (kek)? Yep.

Just venting here. I need stuff that works as appetite suppressant more than I need antidepressants. I also need stuff that will keep me FULL for a long time. And obviously I need to cut the alchohol completely out of my life, even if it means losing my "friends".

Fuck me.

>> No.6113282


>> No.6113291

This post is a very accurate description of my life right now.

>> No.6113560


I lost 30 pounds in one month just by biking 20 miles per day and doing a caffeine, ephedrine, and yohimbine stack. Also, if I ever over ate fast food or something I would take an ex lax. Fat pride folks are probably recoiling in horror at that and thinking I am bulimic, but I honest;y felt the best I have in years afterwards.

>> No.6113576

A friend of mine was a fat fuck then became bulimic. Now he has sex with girls and is not a bulimic anymore. I think I could deal with that. Why would you take laxatives? Do they make your digestive tract absorb less macronucrients by shitting the stuff earlier?

>> No.6113588


I just figured shitting faster would stop the digestion and absorption of all that shitty food.

>> No.6113589

>Funny thing, I noticed after a night of drinking I would lose 2-3lbs the next morning on the scale. I guess that was water weight?

Yeah, it dehydrates you pretty significantly. Most people have no idea that they can step on the scale, have lost 4-5 lbs, and not have lost any actual fat at all. Goes the same way for gaining weight, though.

>> No.6113679

I'm 75-80kg, 182cm (6feet).

Since I eat healthy I'm not going to focus on calorie counting and just make sure I actually exercise few times a week.

>> No.6113723

What the fuck is "counting calories"? How are you supposed to know how much a steak is?

>> No.6113732

>How are you supposed to know how much a steak is?
By knowing (usually by weight) how much steak one is eating, instead of faceplanting into the entire roast and just stuffing one self?

>> No.6113741


Are you serious?

>> No.6113942

This is the correct answer. If you're a chef and not on amphetamines, you're just fucking around.

>> No.6113996
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>I made a significant nutritional and medical decision based on something I "just figured"

>> No.6114012

Wellbutrin helps with mood and suppresses appetite. Also cognitive behaviour therapy will help you build good habits, and regular exercise and a balanced diet does wonders for your mood.

>> No.6114227

Right? Same boat. Even suggesting little steps is annoying sometimes. They have to want it bad enough to actually do it. Baby steps is good though. Maybe suggest atkins, that seemed to work okay for my mom.

>> No.6114231


it also causes mild anxiety but it beats being an unmotivated fatass

>> No.6114353

>Wellbutrin helps with mood
Depends on the individual. Wellbutrin acts on dopamine reuptake. If the person's depression is not related to dopamine levels, all Wellbutrin will do is fuck up his brain.

Unfortunately, there are no tests yet to determine what will and won't work on any specific individual. It's all just trial-and-error. The errors can be devastating.

>> No.6114740

I guess its a matter of the type of foods I cook not being most conducive to being weighed. A piece of chicken or rice can be weighed well enough but I tend to cook stuff like stews where its likely you'll get an uneven ratio of potato to beef so gauging the calorie count, even by weight, is gonna be less accurate. I should probably try cooking things more like single pieces of beef or whatever, just to make it easier to weigh. I tend to cook stuff like stews out of laziness tbh, fewer dishes to clean and its an easy way to get good flavors without a lot of thought or finesse but it might be time to broaden my culinary skills regardless.

>> No.6114779

I know dude. The first thing I tried was an SSRI, cipralex specifically. It made me so irritable it was indescribable. I imagine roid rage must be like that. Nearly ruined my relationship.

All I'm saying is, there's options to try until something works, and trial and error is infinitely better than suicide.

>> No.6114792

nice one man, you keep that shit up

>> No.6114793

Just as an fyi, laxatives don't do much to prevent calorie absorption. Neither does throwing up. That's why you get overweight bulimics, their purging doesn't do enough to offset the binge eating.

>> No.6114810

I have a faucet filter from Brita and I also use a big filter from Pur, so twice the filtration, for less amount of time.

The water that comes out of it tastes like bottled water. So I just save it in big containers and chill then in the fridge.

>> No.6114819

Does hot tea actually suppress your appetite? I usually drink it cold (but unsweetened).

>> No.6114830

Caffeine suppresses most people's appetite.

Nicotine does a better job at it though, but Meth takes the 1st position.

>> No.6114939

>losing weight isn't easy.
>I was 450 pounds at one point
Nothing is easy if you are ~that~ overweight.

>> No.6115055


laxatives don't do shit, but barfing actually does if you do so quickly. you won't get everything up though. either way it's retarded.

>> No.6115239

I would suck a dick for a pizza right now.

>> No.6115280

I'd rather be thin than fat any day.

But one thing that irks me is when people who have been thin their entire lives act like it's the easiest thing in the world. Get off your high horse, maintaining your weight is easy for everyone. It's losing weight that's the challenge.

Having said that, fuck everyone who is not up to the challenge.

>> No.6115283

>coffee or hot tea

Assuming both without sugar which I can easily do but can you recommend some green tea/teas that doesn't taste terrible? I'm sure the ones I bought were of dodgy quality so I'm looking for other brands to try.

>> No.6115284

were u live bb? ;-)

>> No.6115288

undr ur bed bbu

>> No.6115289

Any bulimic in the house? How do I even puke? How about purgin with salt to shit everything?

>> No.6115291

losing weight is easy, it's finding the right information that leads you to losing weight that's the challenge

>> No.6115295

Do you have any advice for stretchmarks?

>> No.6115298

dont get fat

>> No.6115299


its like you don't want him to make it.

>> No.6115304

>logging calories in homemade meals is tedious.

Not really. All you need is a food scale and myfitnessapp. Amazingly easy how it became a part of my everyday routine.

>> No.6115311


You honestly don't even need a food scale; you're not a boxer trying to make weight you're a fatass trying to get less fat. You can guesstimate close enough and if anything err on the side of overestimation. It's not hard.

>> No.6115319


there isn't any

you can have them faded with lazer if they are the purple ones, but that will just fade them to be the white stretch marks


I had a friend from elementary school till the end of high school who was very thin and still had them on her thighs, so it's not always from being fat (they were the white ones though). But yeah, it's almost always from being fat.

>> No.6115361


Cut out the middle part and sew the edges together.

>> No.6115496

You can get stretchmarks from being fat, growing rapidly as a teenager or on your upper arms from training.