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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6101948 No.6101948 [Reply] [Original]

what is your favorite shot?

>> No.6101957


>> No.6101967

I don't care if its mainstream party girl shit. I like fireball

however that sours vodka stuff is pretty good, I think it will be the popular go to shot of 2015

>> No.6101972

probably jameson or beefeater

>> No.6101977


>> No.6101982


>> No.6101984
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>> No.6101985

>doesn't even name a type or brand

>> No.6101988

I say whiskey and they bring me a double shot of brown liquid. It's fine, Nancy

>> No.6101989

.303 British

There was a chain "goth" bar near where I lived where they gave you a t shirt if you tried all their "goth" cocktails and most were tasty due to chocolatre and rum content

>> No.6101993

>literally going to a bar and just saying "whiskey"
fucking lel i've not once ever seen this anywhere but a fucking movie. if you said this they would ask you what kind you want

>> No.6101995


english people do it.

>> No.6101997

They don't. It's a local dive I frequent and I honestly don't care

>> No.6102003

>in a shot
It's like you hate the taste of a fine alcoholic beveridge.

I don't drink any more but when I did I could never get enough of sambucca shots. Tried all sorts of concoctions through the years but in the end I always went back to my favourite, simple sugary sweetness.

>> No.6102005

In my experience, when you just name a type of liquor.without specifics, you get served well liquor. Maybe you need to go out more

>> No.6102009

>tips fedora

you're that guy who asks 4chan what drink to order so you don't look like a n00b, aren't you

>> No.6102011

i tell them what i want because i know what i want. and nobody has ever just said they want a type of liquor.

>> No.6102012

...that's when I wasn't drinking fine scotch whiskey out of a tumbler, of course.

>> No.6102016
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>fine alcoholic beveridge

>> No.6102021



Rye for sippin' on.

>tfw I haven' done shots since I was 19

Much rather just have it on the rocks, even if it's utter swill like Jack Daniels.

>> No.6102027
File: 61 KB, 400x375, tequila-sangrita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tequila is delicious as a shot, especially somewhere authentic (someone's house), so you can sip on some sangrita chaser.

I don't do shots usually, just prefer a cocktail. It seems to be a money saving kind of thing, but I feel like it's abuse on the body. I take my time getting a buzz on.

>> No.6102028
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Congratulations, dude

>> No.6102029


Go to Scotland.

Ask for whiskey, get decent scotch.

Oh and if a Scotsman asks you for a whiskey and you're working behind a bar, do not considering asking him if he wants Bourbon. Just reach for the single malt scotch.

>> No.6102032

Well, by volume, for most people it's obviously .22LR. But personally, I really prefer .223

>> No.6102035

>does not know how to spell whisky

>> No.6102036

A shot of good tequila's pretty nice.
A shot of good vodka is pretty nice too.

Those are the only two I like doing shots of.

I like bourbon a lot but not for shots.

>> No.6102037

in america you would have to ask for bourbon specifically, i'd never give someone bourbon if they asked for whiskey

>> No.6102038

Don't believe post pic of the needle in your arm

>> No.6102040

The one where i can get my liver back. My liver suffered inflammation after drinking 4 beers (a day and plus hours after having a half a milligram of an anxiety pill). I thought it was safe to drink. I don't know if i should drink for new years - i haven't needed any of the anxiety medicine. Should i drink tomorrow night?

>> No.6102043


Apologies Scotland.

>> No.6102046

It is when you can afford the good stuff.

Then you'll want to have it beat and sip it slowly to enjoy the taste. Having it in a shot is a waste, and a little bit barbaric tbh. Not the least bit civilised.

>> No.6102050


>> No.6102256
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00 Buck

>> No.6102261
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>My liver suffered inflammation after drinking 4 beers
>liver inflammation
>after 4 beers

>> No.6102349


>> No.6102360

The money shot.

>> No.6102436
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>stopping at 00

It's like you don't want to shoot somebody with eight 9mm projectiles.

>> No.6102533

I thought I'd see more shooters in here. My favorite....

To the Moon, equal parts:

You're sure to get well whiskey. If they ask, "whiskey?" it will be their pricey stuff.

>> No.6102545

im not actually american, i just googled for a mediocre joke.

>> No.6102547
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>> No.6102558

>having no reading comprehension
He said he took some medicine beforehand,even you should know that alcohol and drugs don't mix

>> No.6102575

Patron straight. It's mild enough. If I need a chaser, oj. Beyond that, I'm not a pussy.

>> No.6102598

>Overpaying for average tequila

>> No.6102882


No we do not.

>> No.6102885
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This, with plenty of food on the table to go with it.

>> No.6102886
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laughing lewdly

>> No.6102911

What would you give him, then?
Scotch? Irish? Canadian? Rye? Tennessee?

Whiskey is a broad category. Practically every brand of whiskey falls into a subcategory. There is no "just plain whisk(e)y". At least at the bars I frequent, if you just ask for whiskey, you're going to get cheap bourbon or cheap Canadian.

>> No.6102916
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Either this or home-made Mirto

>> No.6102945
File: 69 KB, 610x405, 20130507-251327-drinks-malort-jeppsons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malort you fucking candy asses

>> No.6102987
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>only do shots with one group of friends
>they insist on Fireball

I've tried to lure them away by saying they should try different brands of cinnamon whiskey, but even that doesn't work.

>> No.6103008

picklebacks for this fag

>> No.6103017


This is also my experience

>> No.6103020

shots are for babies real men drink the entire bottle

>> No.6103032

I'd say the "default" brand in the US is Jack (which meets regulatory classifications for bourbon but is not marketed as one), so Tennessee.

>> No.6103312
File: 65 KB, 375x475, 4782531827_1e9db18ef7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best-tasting shot I've ever had
>worst-named shot I've ever had.


>> No.6103320

Jameson, unless there's a BIB/100 proofer for cheap, but I don't really take shots

I don't really like mixed shots, nor do I like making them

>> No.6103326


Favorite shot might be crown royale with peach schnapps resting in top of it. It's got some stupid name I can't remember.

>> No.6103336

This nigga

>> No.6103340

Patron or cabo

>> No.6103360

>doesn't post name
>expects people to either know it by sight or click on link
>wanting traffic for shitty article

>> No.6103393

After skimming through the posts I thought I would see stuff like teh-kwuee-lah or some other type of shot that involved a sort of ritual.

My wife and I like doing rum shots but a little different, I think.

>macerate lemon wedges
>use sugar instead of salt
>follow order of rum, sugar, then lemon
>enjoy the deliciousness

I couldn't find tequila for our drinking game so we decided to try this. It's a bit of a deconstructed mojito sans mint.

>> No.6103457

it's a lemon drop subbing rum for vodka. sugar+lemon
It's too far from a mojito, sans mint, sans soda, and sans lime. Though...you could say it's almost a caipirinha, which can be a mintless mojito at its most basic.

>> No.6104048

Yeah, you're totally right. I forgot that mojitos use lime. We've been doing our shots like this for a while now so it slipped my mind.

Changing that many ingredients really removes it from being a mojito. Although I've never hada mojito that was mae using soda.

>> No.6104082

Oh god I had this shit the other night, a friend got it as a prank. It tastes like spraying Lysol in your mouth.

>> No.6104093

underaged drinking is a crime.

>> No.6104102

It's wonderful.

>> No.6104109


on fire

>> No.6104287


>> No.6104302


I like a B-52, but if you're talking about straight liquor, I like tequila

while we're on the subject of drinks, what the fuck is Jagermeister and how do I drink it

>> No.6104323

Jagermeister is an herbal liqueur commonly used as a digestif, drank after a meal

Most people shoot it but it can be sipped if you're into that scene

>> No.6104333


Tequila, I think.

>> No.6104334

Haven't had a B52 in ages and now I crave one. Good job...

>> No.6104370

So I'm trying to find drinks that my gf would like. It needs to be something an average college town bartender can do semi decently well.

-Amaretto Sour
-Kamikaze(Probably her favorite so far)
-Pecan Pie Vodka

-Shot of fireball mixed with a whole Angry Orchard
-Cosmo (might have been prepared poorly)

-Irish Car Bomb

She like sour and bitter flavors but not necessarily together. Hates beer for the most part especially wheat beer. Really doesn't like sweet drinks. Preferably a mixed drink.

>> No.6104546

i fucking hate this. every time we get shots i try to order jameson and they just go fuck that we're getting fireball. i don't complain cuz i dont pay for the shit but still it's like fuck off i'm not 17. the shit's too sweet.

>> No.6106153

If she doesn't like Irish Car Bombs you should probably leave her now.

>> No.6106163

>mainstream party girl shit
am I being bamboozlered

>> No.6106216

Vodka and southern comfort in equal measure. Just don't be with me if I order one because things will get uncomfortable and fraught if I drink a few of them

>> No.6106369

Patron XO

>> No.6106390


(head shot)

Hi, from /v/.

>> No.6106399

>Putting whipped cream on a shot composed of sugar and alcohol

Holy shit,4 of those and you don't need to eat anything for the rest of the day

>> No.6107259

>doing shots

Whether I drink whiskey or gin, I sip an enjoy the flavor of the beverage I paid for. Slamming shots, honestly anon.

>> No.6107639


>> No.6107725

Before I went to Poland
>ice cold Zubrowka

>mad dog

Wishnuvka and Pigwowa are great also.

>> No.6107731

Best shots for getting a girl drunk quickly?

>> No.6107737

Sangrita's great for chasing tequila, I don't usually ask for it though since it takes the bartender a long time to make. If I know that I'll have a bunch of shots or am with people that will then that's cool, but for one or two shots, naw.

That's something that I've never made myself, sangrita, I just added that to my list of stuff to do.

>> No.6107745

I usually wake up to...

One Bourbon
One Scotch
And One Beer!

George Thorogood - One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer (live)

>> No.6107759

You give them mixed drinks of increasing alcohol content as the night goes on. Real fruity stuff. Be sure to cut her off before she get super drunk though so you don't have to deal with her puking everywhere.

>> No.6107819

I think that it doesn't or they'd put bourbon the label. It's Lynchburg whiskey but not bourbon.

It's been a while since I read the laws regarding that but it's either not made in the area defined by the law or there's some filtering process that's done or not done.

It's not bourbon. I'm pretty sure that bourbon would be on the label if they could do it, it's a big marketing selling point.

>> No.6107825 [DELETED] 

It's a Tennessee whiskey, which is defined by the state as pretty much having the same requirements as being a bourbon.

>> No.6107828

Yeah I know but legally, they can't market it as bourbon or they would.

>> No.6107832

Starburst Blast

1/2 shot orange vodka
1/2 shot lemon vodka
1/2 glass pineapple juice

But when I'm not feeling like a little bitch, I just drink straight vodka.

>> No.6107834

Here's a goofy question...

How does that relate to calibur?

>> No.6107835 [DELETED] 

No they can. They choose not to. It meets all of the bourbon requirements.

They don't call it a bourbon to make it seem like it is a special, distinctive style of whiskey...all marketing bs.

>> No.6107837

No, Jack Daniels meets every regulatory mandate required to call it bourbon. The only geographic requirement according to US law is that it be produced within the US, which Jack certainly is. It does undergo an additional charcoal filtering process, but there is nothing in US law law that would forbid a product labeled as bourbon from undergoing such a process.

>> No.6107840


>> No.6107994

Arak, especially the expensive lebanease kind

>> No.6107999


>> No.6108037

>nobody has ever just said they want a type of liquor.
you clearly don't get out much

>> No.6109691

What's /ck/ think of espolon?

>> No.6109692


It's ok

>> No.6109708

Espolon is pretty good for the price IMO.

Mezcal or some gold tequila is all I'll take shots of.

>> No.6109709


Bar across the street (Downtown Dallas) has what they call a Dirty Dusty. Shot of Jack and a can of PBR for 4 bucks. Not the biggest fan of either, but for the price and effect of each, can't beat it.

>> No.6109751

Are Irish car bombs a common thing in countries that are not Ireland. I was in the US over the Summer and I was pretty surprised to see something with that name on the menu. I'd imagine asking for one here (Ireland) might get you thrown out of some places.

>> No.6109774

who gives a fuck about being civilized

>> No.6109780

On New Year's Eve I did the Lil Jon "Shots" menu:
Buttery Nipple
Jello Shot
Three Wise Men
Fuck all that shit
Get me some Gin


>> No.6109784

Mezcal is shit

>> No.6109861

reverse image search calls it a "scooby snack" drink
now no one has to click on the link

>> No.6109873

Pink lemonade Burnett's vodka.
Hate all you want that shit is delicious.

>> No.6109877


>> No.6109883

I'm surprised that it's not a Dirty Debbie.
Debbie Does Dallas!

>> No.6109900

Mezcal the brand from monte alban is crapola, like babby's first drink level crap but the type of liquor mezcal or mescal is really good. Try it out.

>> No.6109906

Taaka in a plastic glass

>> No.6109949

I've never seen one on the menu in Canada where I live. But there are parts of the states where IRA sympathisers are the norm for Irish expats that don't know anything about their home country

>> No.6109978

Good stuff, but personally I prefer it in a G&T
Pls elaborate on what a "goth" cocktail is that actually sounds interesting the way you put it. Got pics of the goth shirt lol?
Mah nigga. I spent a good part of my life living/working in Asia, and I eventually grew to love star anise and black licorice.
What kinda rye do you have? I'm living in Canada atm, been pleased with some of the rye whiskeys they have here (Alberta Springs and Canadian Club 100% Rye, yes I'm a poorfag).

>> No.6110246

Shots are done to get you drunk. The entire process minimizes your ability to enjoy the actual drink.

>> No.6110302
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It's great, if you are ever in Chicago you should definitely try it.

>> No.6110313

You're also liable to have diarrhea for the rest of the night.

>> No.6110518

I was talking about Mezcal tequila not the brand. I just can't get into it, tastes like campfire wood and band-aids.

>> No.6110520

I only drink water.

>> No.6110526


>> No.6110531

Why are you projecting?

>> No.6110537

Stop triggering me, teetotaler.

>> No.6111184


except if you just ask for whiskey, rum, tequila, vodka, or gin, they'll just give you a bottom shelf "well". E.g. where I am, usually it's Wiser's Special Blend or Canadian Club, not particularly good stuff, but gets the job done.

>> No.6111402


i was going to say sambuca but probably this

>> No.6111413

So it is like the Islay scotch of the spirits distilled from cacti world? Sounds good to me. I love cacti and I love Islay scotch.

>> No.6111446

If you're in college (like me) then it's still "acceptable". I'm also a black guy so I get to drink whatever I want.

>> No.6111458

>I'm also a black guy so I get to drink whatever I want
What does that have to do with anything?

Also, inb4 water fountain jokes.

>> No.6111459

I totally agree with you, but that dumb fedora meme makes me want to tip it.

>> No.6111461

Black guy. Still in college come January. I call bullshit.

>> No.6111462

It's a joke. Black guys can get away with drinking girly/"fruity" drinks.

>> No.6111465

So are you saying it's not okay for you to drink fireball?

p.s. In the real world, you're allowed to drink whatever you want because you're an adult and it's your money.

>> No.6111471

I am saying you aren't actually in college because McDonald's University doesn't count.

>> No.6111475


>> No.6111509

But seriously, why do black people like sweet wines and alcoholic beverages? I don't understand

>> No.6111522

I don't. I prefer beer. This one girl was making daiquiris with the gross sticky sweet pre-made mix and was adding sugar to it. I only drank it because she was wasting my perfectly fine tequila in the process.

I regret everything about that.

>> No.6111528

I don't really like shots that much. I mean, I'm an alcoholic and on evenings alone I'm doing shots of vodka, but I always take a soda chaser. It's a cheap and efficient way to get hammered.

Out with company I prefer easy shots with a low chance of embarrassing myself by choking or needing a chaser. Fireballs, red-headed sluts, jello, etc. Went to a place once that gave vodka shots with pickle juice and I thought those were fucking amazing while everyone else was practically puking at the thought of it. Gonna have to get people out to a place that makes them and challenge their masculinity with several rounds of pickle juice shots some time.

>> No.6111533


>> No.6111537

>not just chugging cheap rum and chasing it with water

>> No.6111541


>> No.6111543

expensive brown liquid

>> No.6111545

vegas bombs are fucking GOAT

>> No.6112946

you can never drink again. i would say ask your doctor but he would send you to jail for breaking the law


>> No.6112961

Red headed slut

>> No.6113381
File: 2.60 MB, 2306x3073, absinthe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight absinthe or tequila. I used to like liquorice drinks, but not a big fan anymore.

>> No.6114138

How does absinthe taste, anyways?
I've never tried it, but I'm curious.

>> No.6114145

Bitter anise

>> No.6114153

couldn't tell u, the only time i had it, i got retarded drunk and pissed all over my friends house

>> No.6114179

Licorice or anise

>> No.6114206

I bet that would be great mixed with sriracha with crumbled bacon on the rim.

>> No.6114334

smooches booches motherfucker

>> No.6114338

it;s called a flaming dr pepper, new faggot