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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6099724 No.6099724 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to eat healthy on a budget (~$150 a week) and still get 3000+ calories?

I need to gain weight, but I'm a college student living on my own with a part-time job. I'll eat unhealthy shit if I need to do so to gain weight, but eating healthy would be preferable.

>> No.6099735

Drink more milk.
Do you even GOMAD faggot?

>> No.6099739


>i need to gain weight

No, you really don't, anon.

>> No.6099741

my new years resolution is to stop funposting too

>> No.6099745

6' and 140 lbs.
I really do.

>> No.6099750

haha what

>$150 a week

nigga do you live on the international space station or something? because $150 a week you could eat like a king. I'm talking all kinds fresh fish, chicken breast, all kinds of veggies fruits nuts etc etc.

>> No.6099751

Start drinking hard alcohol. That will be sure to get you some extra weight (unless you're making yourself throw up or something dumb like that (if not you probably have a worm).

>> No.6099759

No shit...where the fuck does OP live where $150 a week for food for one person does not equate to eating quite well? I made do with $30 a week and still managed to eat fairly well.

>> No.6099764


I live in fucking Manhattan and $50 a week I can eat pretty damn deliciously & healthily.

>ur just dumb/bad at money OP

>> No.6099772


not that OP isn't stupid about money but I sincerely doubt that you're eating a high calorie diet that is well balance for that amount

>> No.6099775

Fuck, I meant to say ~$150 a month. $150 a week could feed a whole family easily.

>> No.6099776

Do you people really not get how to stretch your food budget out? Do they even attempt to teach home economics in schools any more?

>> No.6099778


it's not going to be any sort of exciting food but yeah, just buy rice & beans, peanut butter, eggs, milk, and maybe some oranges. Get some salt and pepper and hot sauce and there you go, babbys first poorbulk.

>> No.6099783


attempt, sort of.. I got nothing out of it personally though, I just have OCD so I compulsively researched how to do it effectively on my own. That said if he was talking about $50 a week then that is legitimately difficult to stay under unless you don't mind torturing yourself by only eating rice and beans.

>> No.6099785


>chicken quarters = max $1.50/lb in bulk
>various fresh greens = $10 total for a fuck ton
>steak = $7/lb (once a week)
>spagootles = cheapest meal ever
>20 apples = ~$5

rest can be ben & jerry's, junkfood for munchies, eating out.

>> No.6099790
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and more exepensive things like spices can be accumulated over time.

also sweet potates and rice is also cheap as f00k.

$150/month = 37.5/week according to my mathematical calculations. If I can survive in manhattan on $50 nicely, you can survive on $40 in your flyover st8, m8.

>> No.6099793

No, you fucking don't. Be glad that you are blessed with a fast metabolism. There is nothing unhealthy about being thin if it isn't from starving yourself.

Quite the opposite, if you start stuffing your face to gain more bodyfat, that is gonna be unhealthy.

If you want to gain weight the right way, just eat more protein and start lifting. But don't just increase your calorie amount in hopes to get fatter.

There's nothing great about being slightly chubby. It has no advantages whatsoever.

>> No.6099795

you can be huge on less than $50 a week. check out evan centopani. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNctsEFp7Zs

>> No.6099824

> $10 total for a fuck ton

if you live in buttfuck nowhere and can buy from farmers on the side of the road

>steak = $7/lb (once a week)
1.5lbs of chuck? o-okay

>20 apples = ~$5

ok now please tell me where you live because it's at least $1 per shitty apple where I live, and I'm not talking fancy types of apples or organic shit

>> No.6099826


>fast metabolism

"hi my name is anon and I've never taken a biology class"

>> No.6099838

Fast metabolism? Maybe, but that doesn't account for how skinny I am at my height. The truth is I just don't eat enough. Sometimes I'll only eat 2 meals because I "have nothing to eat", when the truth is I'm just a lazy cunt who needs to get off my ass and cook something.

Just got a slow cooker, now I need some basic ingredients to start making shit that will be easy to store and bulk on later.

>> No.6099841

>20 apples = ~$5

What the fuck? That's how much it costs for me to get 7 apples. Cheap, shit red delicious too.

>> No.6099844

Where the hell do you live that food is so expensive? I guarantee that there are cheaper options if you have a chinatown or latino quarter in your city.

>$150 a week
>$15 eggs
>$30 meat, 1/2 chicken pieces 1/4 ground meat on special 1/4 shit which you like such as steak or pork = 10 meat meals a week or more
>$15 rice/beans
>$50 on fresh fruit and vegetables
Then you've got money left over.

>> No.6099845

Forgot to include >>6099785

>> No.6099856


same, for shitty cheap apples that I wouldn't even eat (like red delicious, fuck that shit and I love apples. Even when they are good they're mediocre and they seem to have a 1/2 chance of being mealy)

>> No.6099857

>20 apples = ~$5
I like right beside apple orchards and yeah, I can get apples for such a price in season.

Have no idea what where you are getting your apples unless you do the same, that is way too cheap for supermarket prices or what-have-you.

>> No.6099861


no chinatown or latino, I live in the worst city ever because it costs a fuckload to live here and we have no ethnic markets

santa cruz, california

also I was under the impression that you were responding about being able to eat for $50 a week, as $150 is absolutely doable

>> No.6099978
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>blessed with a fast metabolism
This is you, isn't it anon

>> No.6100001

dawg santa cruz is not as expensive as you're making it out to be

>> No.6100014

Damn, my sympathies truly go out to the dude.

>> No.6100029

Learn to can with a pressure canner and make recipies in bulk.

If you buy in bulk for cheap and can it you could easily feed yourself a nutritious meal every day for less than $100 a week with a starting cost of less than $300.

Hell last week I made 85 meals for less than 300 dollars. That's $3.5 per meal.

>> No.6100031

he probably has to stop eating 20 dollar pizzas every day

>> No.6100055

>not to the dog

>> No.6100126

Cheapest food:
Bag of rice
Mince/ground meat
Beans (dried not canned)
1 or 2 bottles of sauce for taste

Cook all that shit up together. Put in containers and freeze. Cheapest possible food if you can handle the same taste and texture everyday. I'd add eggs and green vegetables when there's enough money

>> No.6100132

Buy jars of coconut oil

>> No.6100165


I'm not saying fat people are destined to be fat. Every fatass can be a normal weight by exercising and eating right.

But there are people that can stuff their face like a fat person and not get fat in their teens and up to their early twenties.

Are you seriously denying that?

>> No.6100175

"hi my name is anon and I like to shit talk people who know more than me because I live on the peak of mount ignorance"


>The basal metabolic rate varies between individuals. One study of 150 adults representative of the population in Scotland reported basal metabolic rates from as low as 1027 kcal per day (4301 kJ/day) to as high as 2499 kcal/day (10455 kJ/day); with a mean BMR of 1500 kcal/day (6279 kJ/day). Statistically, the researchers calculated that 62.3% of this variation was explained by differences in fat free mass. Other factors explaining the variation included fat mass (6.7%), age (1.7%), and experimental error including within-subject difference (2%). The rest of the variation (26.7%) was unexplained. This remaining difference was not explained by sex nor by differing tissue size of highly energetic organs such as the brain.[10]

>Thus there are differences in BMR even when comparing two subjects with the same lean body mass. The top 5% of people are metabolizing energy 28-32% faster than individuals with the lowest 5% BMR.[11] For instance, one study reported an extreme case where two individuals with the same lean body mass of 43 kg had BMRs of 1075 kcal/day (4.5 MJ/day) and 1790 kcal/day (7.5 MJ/day). This difference of 715 kcal/day (67%) is equivalent to one of the individuals completing a 10 kilometer run every day.[11]

>> No.6100272

Manhattan, NYC, NY, USA, Earth, Solar system, Milky Way, Local Group

fuck dude, look for weekly deals. And not chuck man, it's at worst USDA choice top sirloin, but most of the time its NY strip. Also yes, NY state is an apple state, so i can cop juicy apples for $1-2 a lb. I eat like 3 of them when I'm high. Maybe we have different definition of "fuck ton" but I just mean enough for me to eat 2-3 servings of every day so I don't get constipated.