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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6095484 No.6095484 [Reply] [Original]

>search beer
>search booze
>search alcohol
>no what are you drinking today
It's Sunday folks. What you got? Pic related, same glass and all. will bump with more

>> No.6095487
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also got this, it's the only Ommegang that ever comes to my city

>> No.6095488
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This Nickel Brook is what I drank a min ago, didn't enjoy it as much as the Bolshevik Bastard.

>> No.6095490
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Also this for later, have not tried the single barrel but I figure I'll do it up neat

>> No.6095496

I'm an alc pleb. Please explain the taste difference between single barrel and whatever else whiskey there is.

>> No.6095506

this is a differentiation in their specific product to compare. the proof is higher, for one thing.
Single barrel whiskies themselves are selected from a specific cask rather than being blended amongst other barrels. Gives a more unique taste.
That being said, some places are full of shit and blend a bunch of barrels into a single cask and call that single. So I will see how it differs from other Knob Creek products I've tried.

>> No.6095508


Literally, all it means is that the whisky was aged in one barrel, and whatever was in that barrel got bottled without blending with whisky from other bottles.

It has all kinds of other connotations though. Typically single barrel american whiskies tend to be higher alcohol level (normal people dilute it a bit, spergs will try to sip it at 120 proof). It's implied to be higher quality and sometimes that's true too.

>> No.6095509


Look you faggot, there are already 2 alcohol threads.

Fucking moron.

>> No.6095511

I see. Thank you. So what's the price difference, typically?

>> No.6095512

neither of them seemed to center around what people are consuming today, so I thought this would be an okay place.

>> No.6095517

depends where you are. I'm a Canuck so I pay out the ass for liquor and beer. I'd imagine in the States it's not so bad because I got this particular bottle at the Duty Free on the way back home. 33 bucks American versus around 65 CND

>> No.6095521

It's high in Washington state, too. We privatized our liquor sales and shit skyrocketed.

If you were to order a glass of single barrel and a glass of regular whiskey, let's say both Knob Creek, what are we looking at? 2 dollar difference?

>> No.6095532

I was wrong about 65 bucks, I just checked my province's liquor website and Knob reg goes for 45 whereas single is 54. Not sure about one glass vs the other as bars can differ and no one in my shithole city serves good whisky anyhow.

>> No.6095536

Ah well that's not too bad, bottle-wise. Thanks anon. In that case the price per glass wouldn't be that extreme. I'll try single next time.

>> No.6095541


That's a shame. Their Hennepin Saison and Abbey Ale are much better, in my opinion. Got a bottle of Three Philosophers sitting around but haven't gotten around to trying that yet, perhaps for new years.

>> No.6095549

Abbey Ale and Three Philosophers are the ones I really want. I hate not being able to ship beer across the border, plus I have to be there for 48 hours just to take some home.

>> No.6095559


Abbey Ale is great, and at least in the States tends to be far more available and cheaper than good Belgian shit. It's one of my go-tos when I'm in the mood for a Belgian style beer.

>> No.6095564
File: 238 KB, 1200x1600, trois-pistoles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten more into Belgian style recently. Know any Canadian ones? I've got Unibroues from Quebec but havent found much else. Pic related I enjoyed.

>> No.6095569


>I wouldn't get attention in the other alcohol threads so I'll just make another one

>> No.6095577

>I don't understand the concept of subtopics and my weak brain can only process the idea of one topic

>> No.6095584


Afraid not, my knowledge of Canadian breweries doesn't extend far beyond your standard Molson/Labatt, and Unibroue. Unibroue does make some good stuff though, Trois Pistole as you said, and La Fin du Monde.

>> No.6095631

Last night I had some late rummy eggnog with The Kraken in it.

>> No.6095656
File: 92 KB, 800x800, Troubadour-Imperial-Stout-75cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, inform me please about some not dry RIS. All I know is picrelated, kinda sweet taste.

>> No.6095694

Opened up my Yamazaki Whisky for Christmas and it was beautiful. Very subtle, but refreshing flavour.

It's my first taste of a Japanese Whisky and I'm not disappointed

>> No.6095743

The Fuller's I initially posted I found to be fairly sweet tasting.

>> No.6095897
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Bought this on clearance. Worth the 3.99.

>> No.6095899

Have you tried Stone's Espresso imperial stout?

>> No.6095916

Does anyone else get that "my eyes feel like they're gonna pop out" or "it feels like my nose isn't attached to my face" feeling when they get a heavy buzz/drunk?

Feeling that right now after drinking 8 double shots of jack

>> No.6095942

What are some good steam beers that aren't Anchor? I've only ever had theirs.

>> No.6096215

just duvel

>> No.6097806
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Thanks, but I can't find it in my country. At least I have Troubadour and sweet La Trappe Quadrupel.

>> No.6098859
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Fuck man, I do love beer, living in northern France, drinking lot of local and artisanal beer as well as the belgian trappists (Orval or the Westvleterren are my favourite, but I also love the Chimay or Westmal). And few weeks ago I tried the Trappe Quadrupel (the purple one I think), and what the fuck. It tastes like bad rhum.
I understand some people might love it but I don't know how. I find the alcohol taste too strong, it destroys the other flavors.

Also, the only beer that I have right now is some Fischer, we can call it piss. And don't try their "ambré", it is some fucking soda with sugar and caramel, fucking disgusitng.

>> No.6098861

>Dad finds a half-empty fifth of WT101 in my freezer
>Offers me $30 to pour it down the sink and throw away the bottle

I bought a fifth of Jack Daniels Honey. It's pretty good.

>> No.6099138
File: 30 KB, 326x580, worthy adversary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sipping on a glass of this. you can small the fucking coffee/chocolate from a foot away
I fucking love it

>> No.6099147

I have a stash of malacca and i like to chip away at it every so often; i made a sort of old fashioned with some syrup, peychauds and orange bitters to try out these ice ball things i picked up for christmas

>> No.6099156

drinking some stubbly bottles of coors banquet

>> No.6099390

im about to drink a good liter of pic related

>> No.6099395
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>> No.6099444
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im always here with beer

>> No.6099811

Nothing fancy tonight, I just drank some of Sam Adams. Then I drank a Heineken. Is it just me, or does it taste like shit when you switch beers? Like, ordinarily, I can drink Heineken without gagging, but after a few Sam Adams, it tasted like rotten chocolate.

>> No.6099879

Good shit brah. I'm happy they came out with four packs this year.

>> No.6099880

Heineken always tastes bad to me.

>> No.6099887

Why are black and tans so delicious?

>> No.6099939

Drinking a local Pale ale. Not sure how I feel about it or pale ales in general.

>> No.6099992

Lismore Speyside Single-malt Scotch (at least 10 swallows today)
2 Buried Hatchet Stout from Southern Star Brewery
Since this is /ck/ I'll include the cooking I did, which consisted of hash oil heavy cream, used in a dark roast via french press after boiling hash oil in heavy cream for 15min.

Just finished some bacon and eggs w/toast and some (previously homemade) pecan pralines on the side. Some more scotch now. Watching too much Mad Men.

Great day off!

>> No.6099998
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Shit happens brah. Recently I have tried Trappistes Rochefort 10, that taste was so horrible. Million times worse than "totally similar" St. Bernardus Abt 12. Pic related, Rochefort yeast.

>> No.6100087

I guess everyone has it own tastes (Well it is not a big discovery), because I love the Rochefort 10 (and the St. Bernardus 12).

>> No.6100102

I felt heartburn after 1 swallow of Rochefort. That's why I think it's not subjective problem, that one bottle was defective.

>> No.6100271

fuck i want to have a drink ;_;

>> No.6100279

It's not even 8am and I'm half drunk. I hate myself. Suicide soon lads.

>> No.6100289

Inexperience drinker, picked up a small bottle of Bombay Sapphire and Tanq last night to try Gin.

Bombay Sapphire tastes like shit, and Tanq is only like $1 more. What the fuck.

>> No.6100333
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I've been way into craft beer for a long time, but recently I started exploring whiskey. Bought a bottle of Lagavulin and this is easily my favourite whiskey yet. Doesn't really taste like any other whiskey I've tried before. Really good.

>> No.6100334

Shut the fuck up. Go post in some shiity /alck/ thread or whatever those pathetic cesspool full of pathetic losers blogging about their terrible lives is called. People are trying to talk about nice things that taste good here. Not that you would understand.

>> No.6100337

u mad

>> No.6101450

got a gift set for Christmas that came with Hennepin, Art of Darkness, and Three Philosophers. It came with an Ommegang glass too

>> No.6101837
File: 55 KB, 640x360, 2014-12-30-204221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care for coffee stouts that much but I just had one of these bad boys left over from a variety pack. Can /ck/ guess the brewery (without google) from this low res image?

>> No.6101895

The faggy bacon brewery?

>> No.6101933
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BA Narwhal w/ Narwhal Stout Chili

>> No.6102056
File: 1.97 MB, 2448x3264, wolavers coffee porter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying this, got it for Christmas. Not bad, going to let it warm up before I make any real judgments though. Feels a bit...thin, I might be too used to big imperial stouts.


Nice. How is the BA Narwhal? I have a bottle waiting in my fridge, not sure if I should open it up for New Years or let it sit for a while.

>> No.6102208

I got a bomber of their whiskey barrel libertine. I don't know when I want to open it. on one hand, I want it asap because that shit is so good. on the other hand I want to hold off and maybe share it with some friends that could appreciate it. Problem is that few of my friends really drink, and I don't think any of them drink good beer seriously. The worst thing is that I know one guy that I think could really appreciate good beer, but he has fucking Celiac's. It's infuriatingly ironic.

>> No.6102227
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I just got this for Christmas. Has anyone had it before? Should I add water, drink it with ice cubes, or what?

>> No.6102237

>Can /ck/ guess the brewery (without google) from this low res image
yeah, because I live a couple miles away

>> No.6102258
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admiral nelsons because captain Morgan is too expensive. It's terrible I love it

>> No.6102260

Drink it however you want, it's yours.

>> No.6102298


Well yeah but it's the first non-garbage bottle I've gotten. I've had good whiskey before, but never actually had a bottle to call my own. I'd rather drink it the way it tastes best, y'know?

>> No.6102439
File: 54 KB, 420x508, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having a few of these tonight

was only 14 bucks for a 12 pack

>> No.6102571

try it a couple of different ways and see what you like the most

three most common are:
neat (aka straight at room temperature)
on the rocks (with an ice cube or two)
with a splash of water (a few drops)

>> No.6102765

Was going to drink some bread and butter beer for NYE but I've been reading about Beer and Estrogen and now I'm scared as fuck to drink any.

>> No.6102769

I know how that goes man. I had no one to share bombers of anything with for a long while. My friend is slowly getting into better beers, and I started seeing some bitch who likes good beer too. It's nice. Gonna open up my Surly Eight tonight and split it with my bro.

>> No.6102774

At midnight tonight it will officially be 6 months since my bout of actue pancreatitis and being diagnosed with diabetes. I'm ringing in the new year with my first drink in 6 fucking months. And It shall be drinking a Brut Prosecco.

Hell yeah boi.

>> No.6102779

>tfw drinking bud tonight because I seriously haven't tried enough different beers.
I'm sure as soon as I try a better one I'll drop bud completely.

>> No.6102798


I got:
Sam Smiths oatmeal Stout
Sam Smiths winter seasonal
Anchor Maple Leaf
Anchor Saison
Founders all day IPA
St. Bernadus Abt 12

and some others I can't remmeber.

>> No.6102806

There's a reason it's so cheap ;^)

>> No.6102833

14 dollars for a 12 pack is cheap? To who?

>> No.6104591

Drinking Celebration by Sierra Nevada tonight. I got a couple bottles of Pliny the Elder for Christmas and they didn't last long. Good beer, but I'm not sure it lives up to the hype and the price.

>> No.6104602

to whom

>> No.6104603
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>> No.6104961

had some goldschlager earlier tonight to kick off NYE, sipping founder's centennial ipa at the moment.

>> No.6105008
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Had these earlier