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6077802 No.6077802 [Reply] [Original]

>My Saturday night

anyone else drinking, and no im not young, im 28 just a alki with cheap taste

>> No.6077806

I'm 25 and I exclusively drink Steel Reserve.

I don't understand the point of getting drunk off regular beer. It takes forever, makes you fat and you pee too much. If I'm going to get drunk off beer I might as well get straight to the point.

>> No.6077808


Damn, I can never find those 40s of steelys ANYWHERE.. pisses me off so much, have to settle for buying like 2-3 24's.

respect for the steelys though, most people hate it.

>> No.6077810

Ya ive been drinking steel every single night for like 5 years now Usually a 40oz a night or 2. Its cheap effective and gets to the point.

>> No.6077812


also the berry flavored ones are absolute shit, last time I drank one I woke up with a hangover that felt like i'd been shot in the head.

>> No.6077813

I can respect all of those except the spiked punch
I mean just come on man

>> No.6077814

dat high gravity mang

only thing is the shit taste at the start but then u just become numb to it and your like drank and shit

>> No.6077815

What state do you live in? 40ozs are readily available almost in every store in NJ, I used to be able to get St Ides and Hurricane HG but they disappeared

>> No.6077820

You posted this pic before

>> No.6077821

I've been drinking it for so long I actually enjoy the taste.

I never drink out of a can though, I always pour it into a pint glass. It helps the taste and makes it go down better.

>> No.6077822


new york, maybe its just long island, but I've never seen them anywhere.. We have everything else almost... Hurricane\Colt\Crazy Stallion\OE etc etc, but can never find the steelys 40's

>> No.6077823

Are you me? This looks like every time I leave the gas station. I wouldn't have bought the punch, though. I would have bought another 40 of that Steel Reserve or maybe some Old English or Natural Ice. I like Miller High Life, but the % is shit.

>> No.6077827

i did no point in retaking it when its the same thing tonight. maybe next time ill put a sticky paper on it with a smiley for u anon

>> No.6077832

high life and molson gold are fun to drink in the summer in the afternoon not high % but refreshing as hell

>> No.6077835
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Thanks that would be great. Im drinking pic related

>> No.6077840

no problem ;] and for some reason i cant find 40ozs of king cobra here only tall cans and 32 oz bottles. and king cobra basically tastes like regular hurricane not the hg one.

>> No.6077842

Werd. A few summers ago me and some friends made a huge bon fire and got drunk on Miller High Life and Old English. That was the last time I've had it.

I'm drinking Natty Ice right now.

>> No.6077844

This x100

And it's not bad for making beer bread, either.

>> No.6077845

I wish malt liquor was cheaper and more readily available. Nothing is better.

>> No.6077846

Yeah thats just a pic. Around here i only see the 16oz cans. $1 each. All i drink

>> No.6077847

natty ice good, i like Milwaukee's best ice a tad better and its 99 cents for a 24oz here

>> No.6077850

1.89 for a 40oz of steel reserve here, the most expensive is OE and colt 45 both are which like 2.30

>> No.6077854
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>Finding 25oz versions of these
It's the only time I let myself drink something so stupidly fruity and sugary.

>> No.6077857

Damn thats good. Where you located? OE and colt are 3.50 here

>> No.6077861

NJ, this state blows for everything else and I mean everything, but the 40 prices are legit. And Flordia banned 40ozs which sucks for florida bros

>> No.6077867

$1.41 after sales tax here :)

>> No.6077868

where are you?

>> No.6077869

currently on my second (of three) Gosser tall boys

I don't have a stomach for cheap crap like that anymore OP

>> No.6077870

I hear you. Im not a fan of the new plastic 40 bottles either

>> No.6077872

Whoops, disregard >>6077867

I thought you meant 24 oz.

>> No.6077874

I can get 32 oz. of Miller High Life for $1.11 after tax, but it takes quite a few to get a buzz.

If I could get that price on the Steel Reserve, I would be happy. I'd buy those instead.

>> No.6077875

I cant drink tons of loko anymore i used to drink it nightly but it started giving me heartburn after like a year

>> No.6077882

the plastic bottles suck, Im sorta used to them now but the first few weeks pissed me off

>> No.6077883
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Not my picture, but this is tasty stuff.

>> No.6077886

I usually buy a case, because i hated going to the liquor store nightly and the employees basically knowing me that was weird. a case of 40ozs of steel is under 24 bucks

>> No.6077887

Cant get used to it. I drink cans now

>> No.6077890

the cans give that metallic taste though

>> No.6077891

I never really noticed that. Drinking beer out of plastic bottle just feels weird

>> No.6077893

>not young
pick one

>> No.6077895

well I knew posting that would evoke u must be 18 or some shit.

>> No.6077899

I know its fun to hate on him, but I always watch Diners Drive Ins and dives at like 2am when drunk then eat tons of bad food before bed

>> No.6077906

The average age group of 4chan is around 19, taking all boards into consideration.

28 is old here.

>> No.6077910

this is 4chan guy, anything over 21 is not young for this place

>> No.6077921

i don't understand guys, if you just want to get drunk efficiently isn't the most cost effective way to buy cheap-ish 80 proof liquor and mix it with your own stuff (or just man up and do shots?)

i think one of the most hardcore yet delicious ways to get drunk fast is to buy cheap vodka, gin, rum, white tequila, and triple sec, coke, and sour mix and make long island ice teas. they will crush your liver like a bug!

>> No.6077923

i love long islands and they are the only thing i order when im out at a bar best bang for buck, but to make them i have to pay tons of money to have all that liquor in stock at home.

>> No.6077928

The last time I figured, it was box wine that was the cheapest. It's 14% abv on average, and when you compute the price of abv per ounce, it had the lowest. Shit is seriously tough to drink, though. I'm good with a couple glasses at dinner, but it gets old as the night wanes on.

I like the taste of beer, and it's easier to control the buzz. If you want to sober up, you can. If you need to get high quickly, you can.

Vodka is how you end up blacking out and waking up some place unfamiliar.

>> No.6077929

You ever fuck with Cisco?

>> No.6077932

Steel Reserve is great. I crushed many tallboys of those when in the states in November. love your liquor prices! Makes being an alcoholic actually possible! Canadian here, fuck our liquor prices.

>> No.6077935

how much is a 40 in Canada?

>> No.6077937

good points i loled

yeah box wine gets real old real fast, and if you eff up and go drink a shot at a party or something that red puke is nasty

>> No.6077940

>i have to pay tons of money to have all that liquor in stock at home.

true, but it should last a long time as long as you don't have ahole roommates who drink it all on you

>> No.6077944

I've had it, but MD 20/20 was cheaper and thus more popular. Talk about being hard-up.

>> No.6077948

ITT: try-hard posers.

>> No.6077951

lol ya dude im really reaching for the top drinking homeless beer every night

>> No.6077996

well a 40 of colt 45 is like 3 something or maybe even up to $4. Not sure about that actually but I know for sure I can get a 24 or 25oz can (tallboy) of cheap swill (5.5%) for $3.20 or if you're feeling real dirty you get a can of Axehead (11%, malt, same volume) for like $3.50

cheapest six pack I can get is 6% "TNT" malt beer for $7.60

>> No.6077998
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Drinking zinfandel here, all the talk of old vines in the other thread made me crave some

>> No.6078003

we have axehead in the states too

>> No.6078055

/ck/ is 30+,
but it isn't strictly enforced.
You're welcome to continue posting without fear of being banned.

>> No.6078061

40 is 40 in Canada as well. I live right on the border in WA and when they check my ID I'm still the same age as I am in the states. They don't use metric for time.

>> No.6078069

Holy shit! 14.8%?
I've only ever drank their blends. How's that zin?

>> No.6078115

5-7 bucks at native liquor stores

>> No.6078132


Where the hell do you find those? I live in Alberta so there must be a ton here. Are they on reserves or what? I stay the fuck away from those for the most part.

>> No.6078258
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Green Death
Not bad really

>> No.6078300

That's what the guy said whom I special ordered them for.
Never tried them, but he drank nothing else.
I guess they're hard to find (not usually stocked).

>> No.6078348
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>> No.6078369

drinking jack and coke with jim beam

julian style

>> No.6078817


Yeah that was a surprise, I don't drink a lot of zinfandel, maybe a couple bottles a year, but that seems higher than I'm used to.

I stuck it in the fridge for about 15 minutes and it wasn't boozy at all (other than the first taste which I stupidly poured into a warm glass).

It was pretty good, not my favorite zin ever, but totally solid. I actually like the Three Valleys blend a little better. Less vanilla, and it's cheaper. But I wanted to try one of their 100% zinfandels.

>> No.6078858

27 here, My annual christmas booze alone night is under way!

>> No.6078892

Literally all alcohol will make you fat if you don't bother to exercise moderately, and it's really not that much different from taking a shot or drinking a beer

>> No.6078903

semi-true, but beer has much more carbohydrates-per-ABV, which is why you can't get a beer belly from whisky. also, in severe (liquor) alcoholics, most don't bother to eat much, so the sugars gained from alcohol literally sustain them

>> No.6078905

I'm drinking sunday night because I'm off work mondays.
Drinking ACDC beer and carlsberg. I don't always drink cheap beer... sometimes I drink the occasional craft beer. If you ask why I don't always drink the good stuff it's because it's expensive here and I like drinking.

>> No.6078908


>> No.6078913
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The big 5

>> No.6078918

Seems like quite the evening menu!

>> No.6078926
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Merry christmas, i hope to wake up on the 24th!

>> No.6079042
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>> No.6079069


K cider is actually a nice smooth drink

>courtcase in a can

>> No.6079090

thats my lunch

>> No.6079092


>> No.6079137

looks delicious

>> No.6079156


>flavored Steel

I've had hundreds of SRs in my life, but I can't stand the fruity ones

>> No.6079235


>> No.6079270
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Drinking Michelob I found on sale and wondering why it is the least sold beer in America suddenly, it sure is good. I got a case for 10 dollars.

>> No.6079272

Its very refreshing