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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6067605 No.6067605 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, I turn 21 on christmas. I have never drank beer before, so I'm thinking of going out and buying a pack to get drunk by myself at home. What kind of beer should I get that is readily accessible at supermarkets?

>> No.6067607

buy liquor instead

>> No.6067611

Yuengling is my staple and it's pretty inexpensive so try that. Just don't buy lite bullshit.

>> No.6067617

Natural Ice

Put a few in the freezer for half an hour, and then pour them into frosted mugs. Get it so cold you can't taste it.

It's awesome being an alcoholic.

>> No.6067723

yeah if yur on the east coast yuengling is a great lager

one of my favourite beers of all time

>> No.6067757
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Alcohol sucks. Smoke weed.


>> No.6067759

I'm on the west coast. What's the best place to buy beer? A grocery store/pharmacy or a liquor store?

>> No.6067767

nonononononono you are a dick mate. alcohol pisses on all other drugs from 1000000 miles.

>> No.6067773
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>natural ice
>not bottom shelf whisky
>not waking up at 4am for another drink
>not isolating yourself from loved ones with violent behavior
>not pushing yourself deep into an inescapable hole
>not getting teary at every thought of her

>> No.6067774


I can't face another beer. I hit my lifetime beer limit or something. I do like/love red wine, and I'm talking about a couple of bottles on nights I'm drinking. Dope has its place, and the combination of wine, dope AND FOOD is worth figuring out. Alcohol on its own it too raw.

>> No.6067777

>>not getting teary at every thought of her

Hey, fuck you. Leave her out of it.

>> No.6067778

Geriatric confirmed

>> No.6067780

>dik m8
/lgbt would be more in your closet

>> No.6067784


Beats the hell out of dying early.

>> No.6067787
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Coor's Light.

>> No.6068133

fuck you

>> No.6068140

If its OP's first time, I agree. Treat yourself to some Coors or Bud Light Platinum.

Platinum's bretty gud cuz that 6% Alc. vol.

>> No.6068141

get a good ipa, i like new belgiums ranger

>> No.6068146


I enjoy IPAs, but they are generally not the kind of beer one starts with.

>> No.6068148

is this a serious post i cant tell

>> No.6068166
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Get some of this if you can. Best beer I've ever had, thank you Britbongers for this gift to mankind.

>> No.6068182

try to get anchor christmas for christmas.

>> No.6068197


I did, they have a good flavor if your into that kind of thing.

Kind of like black coffee.

>> No.6068206

How have you never had beer before? How did that even happen?

>> No.6068219

The best IPA you'll probably find at a grocery store/gas station is Sierra Nevada, otherwise just get like Miller Lite or some other good shitty beer.

>> No.6068235

where do u live?

>> No.6068238
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My birthday is on Christmas too, anon. Fucking sucks because all I want to do is get drunk and all my friends are too busy with their families to join me.

>> No.6068251

I've had the Oatmeal Stout and it was tasty as fuuuuck.

As someone who has been spending ~20 a week most weeks on a few 6 or 4 packs of semi-random (checking beer advocate) I would say that Guinness Extra Stout is the best starter beer. It's flavorful and it's reasonably-priced. NEVER drink the canned guinness. Pisswater.

As a whole, Paulaner brewery beers are tasty, Left Hand Brewing Company makes some unique as fuck nitrous beers that aren't carbonated (hint: they use nitrous instead), uhhh I can't think of too much off the top of my head. There's this Hobgoblin Dark English Ale made by Wychwood which is good but $5 a bottle. Crabbie's makes some tasty ginger beers, too. I will confess that I'm not big on IPAs, though, so take that as you will.

>> No.6068255

Get tequila.
It fucks you up better, and you wake up feeling great in the morning

>> No.6068260

I didn't exactly finish a thought.

As someone who has been spending ~20 a week most weeks on a few 6 or 4 packs of semi-random (checking beer advocate) beers since I turned 21 myself in June

Is what I meant to say in that second part.

>> No.6068264

Not all drugs that's for sure but it does lower all inhibitions which is grate

>> No.6068292

I think we should all email moot and demand nobody should be allowed to post on /ck/ if they're under 21.

>> No.6068338

beer is disgusting, get vodka.

>> No.6068615

Not OP here, but I also am turning 21 in a matter of weeks. I thought I may as well ask here, what are some good brands (if that's what you even call them) of spirits or beers to try out that will give me general idea about what that sort of drink is generally supposed to be like? I don't intend to get drunk or anything, it's more a matter of knowing what the drinks taste like, and what I might want to order in the future.

I'm manly interested in beer, as I have never had it before and everyone keeps raving about it as if it is one of the best beverage types on earth, and some spirits like whiskey or brandy, because I know those two are used to add flavor to a few other dishes and I thought that perhaps the might taste nice for a distilled spirit (though I'm probably too much of a pansy to handle them as the only real spirit I have tried thus far was vodka and even that made me retch)

>> No.6069159
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>beer is disgusting
>get vodka

>> No.6069163

A liquor store. If you've never had beer before, just get a 6 or 12 pack of Anchor Steam

>> No.6069164

Ranger is awful. Tastes like bitter lake water

>> No.6069174

shouldn't you have some kind of social environment that will help you create a joyful and festive atmosphere around your first alcohol poisoning? That's how we do it in yurop (when we're 14).

>> No.6069179

When I turned 21 a few weeks back, the first beer I had was Dragonsmead Final Absolution. I'd recommend it.

>> No.6069196

root beer

>> No.6069197

I think I'll play a multiplayer video game like counter strike for social interaction

>> No.6069271

OP, find yourself a sampler pack and try a bunch of beers. I think the first real alcohol I ever bought legally was a Leinenkugel's summer sampler, but I would also probably recommend a Sam Adam's winter sampler pack too. If you can't find one, or can only get 6-packs, follow another anon's suggestion and get Yeungling if you can find it in your area.

It took me a few tries to figure out which style of beer I liked, but yeah IPA's and pale ales generally aren't a good place to start because they're extremely bitter and if you've never drank before you're probably gonna hate them (the taste I've heard compared to pine needles). Belgian Whites/weissbiers are a good start because they're very easy to drink and don't have much bitterness to them. Blue Moon was probably the first beer I actually enjoyed.

>> No.6071654


>> No.6071697

Don't, it's disgusting

>> No.6071707

go to a bar with some friends and ask the bartender for recommendations

they'll probably recommend a macro brew, but it's still a good place to start

>> No.6071734

don't alone certainly not alone and donnt drive goe with two friends two a pizza place four seriouslly four or cab fare dont drink and drive even in nc or va or sc..a time and a place 24/7 aint it.would help any nd lived in cal and az and even tx but nc is home nice.dontdrive

>> No.6071739

u arent an alcohol unless u brag about it

fellow alcoholics unite

>not funneling everclear into your ass and mouth at the same tie
>feeling feelings anymore LOL the booze has taken everything

>> No.6071834

I have no friends

>> No.6071852

Case of Miller Lite.
Happy birthday, Jesus.

>> No.6071914

go to a bar alone and ask for a beer then.
this isnt rocket science

>> No.6071940
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>I have no friends

>> No.6071943

Ah....the agony of Christmas birthdays. I know that feel. Today is my birthday. I'm sitting at home alone drinking champagne. I don't think most people realize how bad it really sucks to have a birthday around Christmas (much less on Christmas). You either get no gift, 1 "double" gift, everyone is always busy with other stuff, no one is around, your birthday is always fucking holiday themed, you're broke from buying Christmas gifts, blah blah blah....
Anyway, Happy Birthday anon, Cheers. I recommend champers. And oysters to go with it, if you can. Oysters and champagne are my traditional birthday gift to myself.

>> No.6071955
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norman get back to your prom date

>> No.6071968

drinking alcohol is like huffing paint fumes. Don't think of it as a rite of passage or anything. And watch out with liquer, you can kill yourself easily by drinking too much of it.

>> No.6071987

At least you have friends

>> No.6071992

Op find a decent heffeweisen or a wheat beer. It'll be easy on the taste buds and better than bottom of the shelf 24 cans for 5 dollars bro pisswater. Sense it's only you spend the extra on yourself to have a good first experience. With beer you get what you pay for

>> No.6073020

If you can I suggest just buying like half a dozen singles. Like individual cans/bottles, try a few different styles. You're bound to gag on some of it but that's half the fun

>> No.6073742

as long as its not budlight.

Coors is better

>> No.6074351

is coors still shit though

>> No.6074359

Coors is drinkable but not special, that's not to say it's bad. Just avoid ANY lite, though.

>> No.6075936

should i just avoid all the popular brands

>> No.6075940

PBR gets a lot of shit for being a "hipster" (<-literally means nothing anymore) drink but it's fucking amazing for being the cheapest beer in the store (in comparison to budlite/coors/corona etc.)

>> No.6076925

I have never really liked the flavor of root beer. Thank you anyways though anon.