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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 121 KB, 500x375, Catfish-with-melon-relish-and-grits1-500x3751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6055569 No.6055569 [Reply] [Original]

I love grits so much

But my bf did the worst thing ever--said they're mediocre and compared them to eating oatmeal

Grits are so much versatile and delicious. I'm personally from the savory camp of grits--not like those people who put jelly in them, ew.

That discussion aside, what is a dish I could make to prove to him that grits are way more than your average warm cereal?

>pic related
>my favorite way to eat grits

>> No.6055613


>> No.6055622

Put them in your butthole and let him fuck your ass. He will like grits after this

>> No.6055633

thought this was /ck/ not /b/

>> No.6055638

Do remember, this is 4chan

... You nigger.

>> No.6055640

Seriously. Every time he sees you making grits he will think about fucking you in the ass. He will beg you to make grits

>> No.6055644

sometimes /ck/ is decent enough that I admit I forget

>> No.6055645

>yfw OP is actually a man based on the way he types

>> No.6055649

>yfw you have no face
>yfw when OP is a woman involved in a technical field and types as such

>> No.6055651

Nah people in tech fields would type with exact grammar I'd assume. Sorry to crush your fantasy of a southern grit-making techy nerd chick.

>> No.6055652

*yfw OP
oops, double typed there
>like PIN number or some shit

>> No.6055655


>> No.6055656

I'm not on the job and I'm not southern. I was born in DC and raised in MD and upstate NY

who types exact on the internet? I'm not on the job, now am I?

>> No.6055661

I accidently said
yfw when
>your face when when
like how PIN number is
>personal identification number number
It's redundant

I just corrected that mistake

>> No.6055667
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>> No.6055668

>wut m8

>> No.6055671
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>> No.6055672


That looks super, I would love to try that.

I go for a good ole favorite - shrimp and grits. Made poorly it is the asshole of food but if you make it right with andouille in a light red sauce, not too different from gumbo, and throw that over grits, it is life changing. I have literally eaten shrimp and grits until it was physically painful to move.

>> No.6055676

I love shrimp and grits--just haven't done them in a gumbo-type sauce before. any tips or recipes you might suggest?

>> No.6055700
File: 36 KB, 533x400, shrimp and grits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


None on hand, unfortunately. This is a picture from the yelp page of the last place that I had them like this. The only bad part is this particular restaurant leaves the tails on the shrimp so you have to pick them off which makes no sense to me.

Judging by the picture it looks to have shrimp, sausage, spinach, and maybe it is similar to a bisque for the sauce. Whatever it is, it is the best way I have had this dish.

>> No.6055712

so like a seafood boil but served with grits? sounds good

one of my guilty pleasures is that I actually like eating the shells, lol. Leaving the shells for most is a turn off--but whether you eat them or not, they're a great source of flavor for the broth of the boil

>> No.6055813


>> No.6055881


>> No.6055883

overated post

>> No.6055887


>> No.6056333


>> No.6056353

My favorite way to eat grits is Souffled.

>> No.6056554

Maybe accept that he doesn't like to eat the same pleb tier nigger food that you like, maybe get some taste for non poverty foods too.

>> No.6056593

As an uppermidwestfag I've never had grits but I've always wanted to try them. What's the best way?

>> No.6056607

Maybe you should pull that 10 inch confederate flag themed dildo out of your ass and realize there's much more to good cuisine than chicken breasts and fried potatoes.

>> No.6056613

Baked garlic cheese grits.

Made with half cheddar cheese and half boursin, and roasted garlic. Here's a recipe for them, as I can't be arsed to go look up my mom's recipe.


>> No.6056617

grits>cream of wheat>oatmeal

ranked on both versatility and overall awesomeness.

>> No.6056640

Sorry but you are assuming things, you know nothing of what I eat or how I get sexual pleasure, but I know that you eat welfare grade nigger food. Have a nice day.

>> No.6056642


Are you fat?

>> No.6056644

>doesn't like oatmeal either
why? bowl of oatmeal with fresh blueberry jam = awesome

>> No.6056679

I don't really like oatmeal. he doesn't really like grits

no. i don't eat them much. it's an occasional indulgence

>> No.6056683


When was the last time you cheated on your boyfriend?

Are you sure you're not a narwhal in disguise?

>> No.6056689

never. we did however each leave our S/Os for eachother over 2 years ago

>> No.6056694


Oh interesting. So you cheated with each other and then made it official?

>> No.6056706

lol, one of you will or has cheated on the other, this is how your relationship will end, when someone better comes along one of you will cheat again, there is seriously not a chance this wont happen.

>> No.6056708

yeah. for about a month. then his girl found out and went full crazy. she found me online (on fetlife of all sites, idk how) and sent me a crazy ass email, warning me about him and describing his penis and favorite things in detail to prove it was her

Then he broke up with her and I followed suit. We were going to end it with our S/Os anyway--we really should have ended it first, but we got drunk at a party and kissed when he walked me to my room

>> No.6056712


Did your boyfriend find out?

>> No.6056715

I'm realistic. This might happen. It might not. But either way, I'm sure I'll survive it and I'm happy right now

no, thank god. he still doesn't know. he was heartbroken when I left him--he didn't need that salt in his wounds, too

>> No.6056718


/ck/ isn't the place for this, but I could use some advice from someone who has been in my situation. Can I drop a throwaway email?

>> No.6056723

Thanks, that sounds pretty good. Now the challenge is finding grits at the grocery store.

>> No.6056732

no problem. go for it man

>> No.6056734




>> No.6056742


You're a really bad person you know.

>> No.6056748

I'm young and I made a mistake. I was selfish in cheating. But I was going to leave him anyways. I'm not going to apologize for falling out of love with someone. You learn and you move on--one mistake doesn't define you as a person

>> No.6056752

>woman logic

you are scum

>> No.6056753

just messaged you

>> No.6056756

>because men never cheat
>because it's impossible to learn from your mistakes

he's moved on. my bf's ex moved on. it was over 2 years ago. and me and my ex are only 20. it's not like we were going to get married. we started dating in high school. we just weren't compatible anymore when we got to college

>> No.6056772

Only and ignorant village idiot of the lowest grade would call grits welfare food. How's it feel knowing you're Zippy the Pinhead?

>> No.6056774


The least you should have done was be honest. I'm not saying you're a bad person for cheating because a lot of people make mistake, including myself, but you can act with dignity and come clean, admit your wrongdoings directly. It's cowardly to just hide your wrongdoings. And that is why I think you're a bad person.

>> No.6056779

>Only and ignorant village idiot of the lowest grade
Don't be so fast to cast stones you fucking genius, and yes grits are welfare food. You nignogs really don't into education much do you?

>> No.6056782

What good would telling him have done? All that does let's me feel like "oh well, at least I confessed!" By telling someone unnecessarily, you're just letting yourself feel all high and mighty. Well, you're not any better than me

No, that would just make him feel like shit and embarrass him. I'm not gonna do that to him. I still cared about him. I would have told him if I wanted to continue a relationship, because you can't have a good one based on lies. But I didn't want a relationship with him anymore

>> No.6056784

>>6056756 if you're not attracted to someone anymore, break up with them like a mature adult. Cheating makes you subhuman.

>> No.6056787

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Don't take what I said too hard, being dishonest runs in your genetics as a female, you really didn't stand a chance. Most men have realized this by now.

>> No.6056788


It would have given him insight into what sort of person you are. He would actually probably would have felt better about you breaking up with him because he wouldn't want to be with someone who cheats.

>> No.6056794

>being dishonest runs in your genetics as a female

You've given yourself away now, there's no point in taking you seriously at all now. Time to move on and bait a different thread, kid.

>> No.6056801

I made a mistake. I was 18. Calm down.
okay, bud
I broke up with him because he starting selling drugs in college and all he cared about was smoking weed. I tried to warn him and get him to stop, but he wouldn't listen to me. I told him I couldn't be with him, knowing I might go down with him. He got arrested 3 months later and so did a couple of his druggee friends. I think my cheating pales by comparison to him putting me at risk like that while we were dating

>> No.6056804


No matter what you say, you can't justify it. Your ex sounds like a major league tool and idiot, but it still doesn't justify cheating. Sorry. Stop being immature and selfish. You will probably cheat again or your boyfriend will.
Either way, back to cooking.

>> No.6056809

I agree with this.
If you are going to leave someone anyway, regardless, there's no point in confessing everything and making them feel even worse. That's just hurting someone for no reason.
If you were planning on staying with the person, yes, you would have to be completely honest and work through that (if possible). Confessing everything to someone who you aren't going to be around anymore is selfish and hurtful, because it makes YOU feel better, like you did the right thing, but it just hurts the other person and leaves them to sit and stew on it for a time, without being able to tell you how they feel about it.

>> No.6056815

Never said it was justified. Just saying why I'm not the only one who fucked up. We both weren't good to each other at the end

>> No.6056816

I've been around long enough to know what I'm talking about kiddo. It runs in their genetics, comes natural to them, it doesn't mean some don't know how to control the urges, but they are a minority.

>> No.6056817

then why do men cheat more than women?

>> No.6056820

1. You're comments are off topic
2. IDGAF how old you are, you're an immature person with an kid's mentality. You definitely do not know what you're talking about. Grow up.

>> No.6056827

citation needed

This whole retarded thread is a fucking blog for some floosey, are you kidding me? Stay mad woman.

>> No.6056831

I agree. I just wanted to learn a new way to cook grits, particularly for someone who doesn't like them much

>> No.6056832

>assumes I'm a woman
Also, you're the one who's turned this into a fucking blog. No one cares about your opinions on women.

>> No.6056839

Thread Status: Derailed.

>> No.6056848

yep... shit happens man. post a grits recipe? get it back?

>> No.6056857


Cheese grits


>> No.6056860

Big fan of grits. Sometimes I take the ramen flavor pack and mix it in. Shrimp. Is the best.

>> No.6056861

>cheese and grits
never seen that one before

>> No.6056864


>> No.6056865

Never thought of that before. Prob a bit salty tho. How much of the packet do you use?

How do you cook the shrimp?

I do them with cajun seasonings in butter

>> No.6056867


Well now you have. It's very tasty.

What else do you like?

>> No.6056870

seafood gets bonus points ITT

>> No.6056871

Maybe a third of the packet. It's pretty good. Also a big fan of cheddar and chive grits.

>> No.6056874

I almost never eat my grits without cheddar. My mom's favorite is bacon and cheddar
>there's good reason we don't do brunch often
>we'd all be lardasses

>> No.6056915
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I've never had bacon and cheddar grits that weren't Quaker. It's been years since I even ate that shit.

>mfw thinking about pork that needs no vacuum sealing/refrigeration.

How did they do it?

>> No.6056916
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>> No.6056930

Lol, we add them ourselves. We make plain grits and then have a toppings bar while my dad makes eggs to order for everyone. The toppings bar doubles as omelette ingredients. My little brothers make the toast. It's a family affair

>> No.6056945


>It's a family affair

Incest is illegal you sick fuck

>> No.6057007

Dang that sounds awesome. Any cute family members?

>> No.6057025


Why do you ask?

>> No.6057027

>>mfw thinking about pork that needs no vacuum sealing/refrigeration.
>How did they do it?

Vacuum dessication, AKA Freeze Drying.
Something that is completely dry will be almost impossible for bacteria to break down.

>> No.6057037

>not actually a family having sex obviously
it's an expression

>> No.6057043


I know. This is 4chan, get with the humor.

>> No.6057336
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>> No.6057557


You're a fucking whore.

>> No.6057564

He was right

Grits a shit

>> No.6057569

It's shit like this, 4chan. This is why women don't like you.

>> No.6057573

thanks a lot anon. now it looks like I'm continuing to take the b8. should have just ignored them

>> No.6057574


>implying I'm a guy

You don't have to be a guy to call a girl a whore, you know?

>> No.6057579

you don't have to be a guy for women not to like you either

>> No.6057583


You thought that every post you highlighted was typed by a guy, don't even lie.

>> No.6057587

I'm not the person who quoted all those people

>> No.6057593

What the hell are grits anyway?
I always saw them as a type of oatmeal, maybe a mashed potatoe substitute.
Ive only ever seen them on tv but they look good. Especially with like shrimp on them.

>> No.6057597

they're made of dried corn

>> No.6057601


My mistake. But that anon definitely thought that everyone of those posts was written by a neckbeard. Sorry to say but you are the reason why morons like that exist. They hate women because some women choose to cheat, lie and whore around. Have an ounce of self respect, please.

>> No.6057615

I bet you've stolen something before right, even if its small? I'm sure you've lied before, right? Raised a hand to someone? Yelled at someone? Ran a redlight? Flaked out on someone?

Do those things define you? Do they make you a bad person? Or did you make a mistake? Did you learn from said mistake?

>> No.6057627


I've never stolen anything, never told a serious lie, and never have done anything as bad as cheating. Yelling or running a red light isn't even comparable to betraying the trust of someone who loves you. I've been tempted to cheat before but stayed in control of my feelings and I took the fact that i wanted to cheat as a sign I was falling out of love for my partner. I was honest with him and broke up. Don't even try to pass your cheating off as a stupid mistake because of how young you were because I was only a year older than you. You have defined yourself. Once a cheater always a cheater and I really hope you stop being such a selfish person.

>> No.6057647

>Once a cheater always a cheater and I really hope you stop being such a selfish person.
>the level of contradiction in what you just said
apparently I'm condemned to be selfish forever b/c I cheated once!
Out of 4 relationships, I cheated once. I am a horrible, horrible person forever and ever!
Darn, I really thought that there's more to me than just one mistake I made. Wow, you really showed me

You truly are "holier than thou" arent you?

>> No.6057656


Yeah, not that guy, but you're a piece of shit. No getting around this, might as well accept it and stop acting like a whiny, petulant bitch.

>> No.6057659


Yes actually. I might be able to sympathize with you a little bit if it was just a one time drunken kiss or whatever, but I just saw in the thread you mentioned you cheated on your boyfriend for a month. A month. You snuck around the back of someone who loved you for a month, probably kissing your boyfriend with the same lips that were wrapped around another man's dick earlier in the day. You're not only selfish but you're a total cold bitch. I'm not perfect but at least I don't cheat. you are a wretched cunt.

>> No.6057669

I'm in a happy committed relationship now. My ex doesn't know, so he doesn't have the pain of it, and he's moved on with someone else, too. I ended it before he could find out. I admit I was selfish--I was scared of breaking up with him b/c he had grown very dependent on me. I finally got the courage to a month later. And during my cheating, I never had sex of any kind with the new person until after I broke up with my ex

>> No.6057673


>I never had sex of any kind with the new person until after I broke up with my ex

That's a lie and you know it.

>> No.6057676

It's not a lie. I didn't want to do that while I was still with him. There was heavy petting and emotional cheating, but no sex

>> No.6057681


It's not like that makes things better. Kissing some guy right before kissing your boyfriend is nasty.

>> No.6057717

I like how this has deteriorated into an argument about relationships. This is why girls shouldn't be allowed on the Internet

>> No.6057791

>implying this has degraded into a shitpost-fest because of a woman honestly recounting a painful and emotional time in her life

I'm not white knighting here....this broad seems to have a good head on her shoulders. None of us are completely without blame in all areas of our life. Quit letting your beta butthurt show through. Grow some fucking balls...work on your self esteem. A chick who is this forthcoming with her history and motivations--on 4chan of all fucking places--is the kind of chick you fucking pussyfaggot whiners should aspire to get but will never deserve.

The reason she left you, butthurt ones, is because you're such a needy pussy. Man the fuck up.

>> No.6057803


>You should aspire to get a girl with a history of cheating
>Don't worry she will never cheat on you!

You have not really been with any women have you?

>> No.6057815

Why is /r9k/ here? I just want to talk about grits.

>> No.6057818


Are you OP or did OP leave?

>> No.6057866

you have no idea how and why women operate, do you?

>> No.6057868


More emotion, no logic. I know enough about women to know not to ever date one who has a history of cheating.

>> No.6057879

addendum: learn to confidence, not be needy, never jealous, have a fucking passion and direction in your life and treat her like she means something to you without compromising any of the aforementioned things. She didn't cheat cuz she is only a cheater, she cheated because her b/f fucking sucked...and it's for reasons more than just him being a drug dealer--it's cuz he neglected the fuck out of her and was probably more than a fair measure of controlling and jealous. A child.

Envy is when you want something someone else has, jealousy is when you fear losing something you have...which is something that only someone not in control does. Not being in control is terribly unattractive.

>> No.6057883


I somewhat agree with you. However it's immature, childish and selfish to sneak around behind his back or at least not tell him.

>> No.6057885

Agreed. 100%...but that's the nature of cheating. Don't blame the symptoms, blame the problem. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.6057894

>I murdered/raped somebody once, it was a mistake, should I be judged as a bad person forever?

Yes you dumb whore, a good person doesn't cheat once, because cheating is not something good people do. When I was in a long term relationship and girls would flirt with me you know what I did? I flirted back and didn't try to take it any further because I'm not a cheater. I later decided to break up so I could play the field, I consider myself a pretty horrible person honestly and I am curtious enough to not cheat, and if I fuck a girl with a boyfriend, after I'm done with her I let the boyfriend know so he can kick her to the curb.

tl;dr come to the realization you are a shitty person and get off my /ck/ you filthy skank

>> No.6057909

Guys like you make it infinitely easier for every other guy out there...

...but don't worry, we do feel genuinely sorry for you when we liberate your women from your truly pitiful shackles.

>> No.6057914

It's that you don't seem to respect women...and they can tell that. As if they aren't their own intelligent, independent, opinionated entities that can figure out things for themselves...as backwards as their logic may seem to you it is theirs to use. Stop trying to process their feelings and thoughts through your own flawed (if only for the fact that it's entirely different) filter.

This is sage advice my friend, as harsh as I've seemed to have been. Statistically speaking one day you will look back and realize this to be true...whether you remember this interaction or not.

If you are an outlier you'll just kill yourself...and nothing of value was lost.

Don't be the outlier.

>> No.6057915


The only thing that you're liberating is your penis with your fucking hand you god damn fedora wearing faggot.

>> No.6057937

Stick to the memes, kiddo. At least they seem to comfort you.

I am the boastful type but it's not like you'd believe me anyway. I'm secure in that.

Keep digging around the internet for other like minded weakfags, you're bound to find more than your share of confirmation bias...that's all you are looking for.

In the mean time I'll continue fucking more women than you deserve...I've got more stories than you've got frustrations. And I'm positive you have more frustrations than most people have friends.

I tried to help. You are beyond help.

Femanon OP can chime in any time she sees fit and tell who she agrees with. I'm willing to bet that regardless of what her or any other anon says that doesn't line up perfectly with your flavor of stereotypical butthurt you will disagree with...and, frankly, that's why you suck with women.

How about this, why don't you enlighten us with the story of how exactly you know what you say to be fact. Hmm? Prove me wrong with your education and wealth of knowledge.

Ball's in your court, champ.

>> No.6057942


Jesus christ you actually typed all this


stop pretending to be a hot shot alpha on fucking /ck/ of all places. Tip your fedora. You're probably a virgin. Good night.

>> No.6057962


None of us are on /ck/ because we have better things to do. Not every night is a baller ass party.

Accusations of virginity aren't something I've even contemplated in, well, probably about as long as you've been alive. The only reason I've gone on this rant, aside from the fact that I've got nothing better to do than smoke weed, drink and hang on 4chan, is that perhaps...just fucking maybe...I can pass on some of this hard earned wisdom to someone who can maybe--just maybe--use it to have a little easier time figuring it out than I did. I had no adviser. I just winged it and learned the hard way...with my fair share of failures.

Wall of text? Tl;dr? How fucking hard is typing? You faggot kids have no idea what real hard work is if the thought of typing a stilted paragraph or two seems insurmountable. This is why women hate you. You aren't even passionate enough about a conversation to type out your entire point or read the other guys point...what the fuck do you have in your life that drives you? Do you have anything you put effort into? Is there anything you can't help but do? THAT is the shit that will attract women to you and keep them from drifting...passion, drive, motivation, PURPOSE.

You can have it for anything at all. It doesn't have to be cool, it doesn't have to make sense and she doesn't even have to fucking understand it.

I'm trying to convey some fucking wisdom here. But, if you are convinced that I'm nothing but a lifelong virgin with nothing worth listening to I guess I can't argue with you. You've already trapped yourself in your own head.

>> No.6057981



>> No.6057987

>pitiful shackles
I think you missed my point, but honestly there are no shackles, I don't want a "woman" by far. I like to have some fun, nothing serious, liberate whatever the fuck you want big pimpin.

Are you being serious right now? Why is it really hard for me to believe you are such a mac daddy? Get back to minecraft bro.


>> No.6057993

I always like grits mixed with adultery.

>> No.6058018

I welcome a samefag as any other fag. I never claimed to be a mac daddy....whatever that means to you. I've never played minecraft but my nephews love it. I'm sure I'll play it eventually.

More honest talk here...believe it if you want...it is kinda true...either way, After I figured out how to actually have self esteem it kinda bubbled over a bit much...I started feeling like every woman that looked at me wanted to have sex with me. Now, over time I realized that wasn't true....buuuuuut, that feeling has never gone away. I also never stopped acting like that. I haven't had sex with every woman that I ever encounter, however, almost every single encounter with every single women for like 15 years now (I'm old...it's actually way cooler than you'd think to be old..chicks do dig it).....either way, starting every encounter with every woman off assuming they probably want you ends up turning every scenario out pretty damn cool. You no longer worry about that sexual tension shit. Personal, professional, random encounters....approach every situation confidently and be your pleasant self? Pffft, everyone has a good time.

How does this matter? If you can comfortably and confidently be yourself in all situations you will probably not be so insecure to think that a woman who cheated once (in a situation that I think practically justifies it) is a lifelong cheater. You never fucked up once at something? Do you think you deserve to be characterized by that one fuckup forever?


>> No.6058099

Not even going to read that novel of a post, you sound like a retard from the first few sentences. Let's talk about grapes or whatever it was this evil succubus wanted to hear about.

>> No.6058230


>> No.6058392

not him but you'll do it again one day. the treachery exists within your soul

>> No.6058395

>history of cheating
>cheated one time

>> No.6058396

me too

i'm op. just came back from cooking / hanging out with my bf

>> No.6058398

I'm having intense deja vu right now

>why has no one called OP's bf out for cheating?

they both fucked up but no one is calling him a whore

also look at the difference. OP's ex never found out and he moved on. OP's ex gf found out and she went bat shit insane before moving on

is one really better than the other? I mean, both are wrong, but did the chick knowing make it any better?

>> No.6058402

>comparing murder / rape to cheating

who's the bad person now?

>> No.6058403

I cheated b/c I *wasn't* committed anymore. I wouldn't cheat in a committed relationship. I did it so I could pretend that I didn't have to break up with him for a little while. It was the cowardly way out and I admit it. But I didn't have sex and I ended it fairly quickly

>> No.6058405

I will not do it again. You don't know me at all

I was scared and I fucked up. I learned how to handle myself better now

>> No.6058407

Anyways, anyone have grits recipes/combos?

>will even accept sweet grits recipes at this point

>> No.6058409
File: 5 KB, 275x183, dayum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's talk about grapes or whatever it was this evil succubus wanted to hear about.

grape thread now?

but for real this thread is fucking hilarious I'm surprised there hasn't been tits or gtfo yet

>> No.6058414

I just wanted grits...

>> No.6058416

Why is everyone freaking out? Has no one here really ever been cheated on or has cheated at that high school age?

It happens. You get over it. If someone cheats and you "can't love again" then you have some bigger issues than the cheating. You need to work on your insecurities

>> No.6058419

protip: mentioning you are a girl is just asking for shit, especially the cheating bit.

If you want your questions answered just stick to the basics without adding other unnecessary info

>> No.6058424

I learned trust me. Next time I'll just say "a friend" or ask straight up for recipes. I was just trying to generate interest and the emotional connection of cooking for a loved one

I only mentioned the cheated b/c I decided to be honest when I was asked questions. Next time I guess I'll ignore them and stick to the food

Thnx for the advice. Sucks that I had to be shit on it to get it. I just thought y'all would be a bit more reasonable than /b/. This is still 4chan tho

>> No.6058432

Grits make me poop. Especially with all the butter and grease from breakfast meats--slicks me all up

>> No.6058434

4chinzz is just a bunch of sperglords trying to be edgy, give em an inch and they take a mile. 99.99% of what is said here would not even cross the normal humans mind let alone saying it out loud.

That being said, tits or gtfo

>> No.6058437

did /pol/ raid /ck/? I know y'all need a home, but really? go raid /mlp/ or something you edgy fucks

>> No.6058438

Thanks again for the advice

But I did promise my bf I wouldn't do anything like that and I'm not going to break that promise--regardless of what people in this thread think about me

>> No.6058449

my point was to not take stuff people say here seriously or else you gunna lose a lot of sleep

>> No.6058457

I don't take it seriously more often than not. I appreciate you lightening things up a bit

>> No.6058462

so let me get this straight?

>anon wants to cook for their bf
>anon gets asked personal questions
>two ppl post recipes
>everyone else shame them for their personal life

thought we were coo/ck/s not /b/tards?
>where's the cooking advice? thought this was a cooking board?

>wtf are grits? are they good?
>ny fag here

>> No.6058480

I second this, some of the stuff I saw in this thread really started to bother my goobers. Sometimes you just need to learn to not take stuff so seriously

>> No.6058483


>> No.6058485

I get why OP's jimmies would be rustled from all the attacks. But I dont get why everyone else was so butthurt? Was it trolling or do ppl really have that much baggage?

>> No.6058488


People really have that much baggage. If you've ever been cheated on you might understand.

>> No.6058493

I have been cheated on before. It sucked and it made me nervous about trusting people for a bit, but I moved on. Idk. I guess not everyone rebounds as easily

The only part that was really scary to me is that the condom had broken once or twice--which would be no big deal in a monogamous relationship--but going to the clinic and getting tested when I thought I was "safe" was scary as hell. It took me longer than it should have to go because all these crazy "what ifs" were going through my head
>turned out I was still clear and clean tho
thank God

>> No.6058494


Are you a guy? Condoms suck.

>> No.6058498

So much better if you have someone you can trust to go natural with--condoms kill so much feeling. I've only had that once and we're still together. We both get tested periodically, even tho we do trust each other. It's one part "better safe than sorry" and one part "there's a such thing as false negatives and delayed reactions."

When I was cheated on I was in high school tho, so I definitely wasn't going to trust anyone with condomless sex--who is really invested in high school?

Real quick tho, don't risk it if you can't see yourself trusting and spending years with this person

I believe in the whole "trust but verify thing." Don't snoop and violate your bf/gf's trust, but like I said before, get tested now and again, even if you're committed

>> No.6058499

Take this to /adv/ or whatever board covers failed relationships. This is FOOD AND COOKING, people. I don't come here to listen to people whine about the idiots they've been with.

>> No.6058501


I agree, completely. I like to cum inside a girl all the time so I try to avoid random hookups and find a monogamous relationship.

>> No.6058505

>implying failed relationships
breaking up isn't always a failure. people just naturally grow apart when they hit new stages of their lives. it's no one's fault. playing the blame game just creates heart break and resentment

>> No.6058512

Ever caught anything? I had a chlamydia scare once but I was fine. My ex who cheated was brave enough to admit they were exposed to it / had it (I dont remember which), so I got tested

If not for that, I wouldn't have known. Personally, finding out about the cheating didn't bother me the most--the relationship had already ended and this was just one more reason why. I was more mad finding out my ex had condomless sex with another person and subsequently was putting my fucking body at risk from those two's sexcipades

Still, I'm impressed that they had the guts to tell me about that risk. What if I hadn't known to get tested, had it, and spread it to other people> What if it was something worse?

so here's my opinion
>if we're broken up, I'd rater not know, but fucking tell me if I'm possibly in danger
>get tested before / after a relationship just in case
>annual testing and physicals are always a good idea

>> No.6058515


Luckily never. The one time I thought I caught something it turns out I was just fucking too hard/too much and my dick was red and raw.

>> No.6058575


Hey OP, just a quick question. How can I avoid girls like you (shit taste in food, cheats on their boyfriend's)?

>> No.6058584

>1 bf
>likes more than just grits
if youre gonna be a dick, at least get the info right

>> No.6058587


>Grits are shit
>Once a cheater always a cheater

So how do I avoid girls like you?

>> No.6058588

ITT: butthurt losers who never got over "the one" in high school that didn't love them back

>> No.6058601

>grits are southern comfort food
>cheated once and never again. guess that tired saying is wrong

girls like me?
>enjoys cooking
>learns from the past
>cares about your hobbies
>willing to try new things
>generally well-rounded
well to avoid girls like me, just keep doing what you're doing. you are wonderful girl repellent as you are

>> No.6058605

I'm amazed at how many ppl here have never done something wrong or that they regretted in their lives
>that and how many ppl don't like grits

>> No.6058607


All those characteristics go out the window because you cheated. None of that means shit. You've tainted your reputation.

>Southern comfort food.

Where the fuck are you from? I bet it's fucking Georgia isn't it? God you disgust me. White trash.

>> No.6058620

yes, one mistake 2 years means everything. your insight is startling

I'm sure you're without flaws then

you keep saying once a cheater always a cheater to someone who hasn't repeated that mistake
>wut is logic

And no, not from GA. try reading the thread

>> No.6058644


>I'm sure you're one without flaws

No. But I don't cheat like a fucking faggot.

>you keep saying once a cheater always a cheater to someone who hasn't repeated that mistake

Yes. You've cheated before, and you will again. You've proven you're capable of being a selfish cunt. And wherever the fuck you're from, you're white trash. I bet you like biscuits and gravy too. Fucking cow.

>> No.6058655

Does bullying ppl online make you feel better about yourself? insecurity like that is too much baggage for me. so, I dont want you, and you don't want me. sounds perfect

I know I won't cheat again and can have healthy relationships. that insecurity tho... tough to make that disappear...

>> No.6058658


Selby, you need to get off the internet. This is a cooking board, not /r9k/ or tumblr.

>> No.6058660



I'm not insecure. The thing is if a girl has a history of cheating I'll never date her because she isn't trustworthy. You betrayed your boyfriend's trust, you could betray mine just as easily. I'm not bullying you, I am telling you the truth. I'm not going to apologize for telling it like it is.

>> No.6058736


top lel

>bullying ppl online

Did I trigger you?

>> No.6060309

op you fucking whore

>> No.6060349


Yep, this. I used to be involved with this chick who would casually mention that she had been raped or almostraped(tm) by various exes, at first I thought she was telling the truth, but after more and more exes turned out to be abusive rapists I started having doubts. I finally got worried when she started talking about how a guy friend of hers she had known for years, who I knew fairly well, was "scaring" her and she was "afraid of what he might do" because she was mad about him for something completely trivial. I think it was a psychotic attempt to get me to be mad at him too.

I broke things off shortly after that, blocked her profile, set her email to go to spam, and started ignoring her calls after sending her an email briefly explaining my concerns. Patterns of behavior are a good indicator of future actions.

Surprisingly she either only sent stuff to the spam box or she just didn't try to explain herself. I don't know and I don't care as long as I don't have to deal with her craziness. I assume I'm included in the rape stories she tells whoever she's with now, but there's nothing I can really do so I try not to worry too much.

Women are dangerous.

>> No.6060362


Never stick your dick in crazy. That being said, it's not even women man, it's just people in general. Men and women who just go behind their partners back fucking sicken me. It takes a special kind of person to cheat especially prolonged cheating and it's hilarious how some stupid cunts like OP even try to brush it off as a mistake when they were young. She'll definitely cheat again, just like most cheaters. Complete spineless shits, the lot of them.

>> No.6060371

I cheated all the time until I was 25 or so. You only live once, there is no point in that Disney bullshit.

>> No.6060376

what if its not behind their back

>> No.6060389


Then it's not cheating


Break up if you want to fuck others you selfish prick

>> No.6060401

>Break up if you want to fuck others you selfish prick
Why? I wanted companionship and variation, along with the thrill of cheating. You're simply too possessive because of a learned trait.

>> No.6060417


And you're a complete faggot. It's people like you that are responsible for the world being such a fucked up place. You possess horrible traits and can't act with a shred of honour. You're selfish and immature.

>> No.6060423

Yes, the world is bad because when I was younger I had a varied sex life. Did you ever think that it was your attitude, and the subsequent violent overreaction and/or melodramatic brooding, that makes the world a terrible place?
Grow up.

>> No.6060434


>Yes, the world is bad because when I was younger I had a varied sex life.

You completely interpreted that the wrong way you stupid faggot. That isn't what I was saying at all. What I meant is that the world is such a garbage place full of corruption and greed because the people who do these terrible things possess the characteristics that you possess. You're a shit person. Deal with it.

>> No.6060442

I see you've been indoctrinated and neutered by the "meek shall inherit the world" mental shackles.

>> No.6060446

do you know how retarded you sound?

>> No.6060448


I'm not indoctrinated by anything. I'm an honest person that does everything up front and I've never fucked anyone over for personal gain or pleasure. I'm not perfect but at least I don't betray people. You're a cowardly piece of shit.

>> No.6060454

>I'm an honest person that does everything up front and I've never fucked anyone over for personal gain or pleasure.
Delusional too. Tell us how women are evil and nice guys finish last. And how you don't have a car, because they pollute.

>> No.6060460


>Delusional too

No. Not everyone on Earth is a piece of shit like you. And I have no idea what you mean. Women aren't evil. There are shitty women just like there are shitty men. Not everyone is like you or the OP. You really have no idea how stupid you sound with every post.

>> No.6060481

Where the fuck do you live where that would be a challenge?

>> No.6060484



>> No.6060488

You seem very angry, bitter, and defensive for a self-professed nice guy. Maybe these feelings arise from guilt stemming from your inability to come to turns with your "selfish feelings". It sounds like a standard defense mechanism used to battle feelings of inadequacy and self-imposed paralysis.

>> No.6060490

enjoy your hunting and gathering

>> No.6060497


>Self professed nice guy

Um, I never claimed to be a "nice guy". I'm just honest. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. I've done some pretty shitty things in my life which I won't go into. That being said, stop playing armchair psychologist. You're making yourself look fucking dumber than before.

>> No.6060501



>> No.6060504

well all the fedora wearing and pseudo wannabe chef debates aside, grits are a lot better if you make them from actual hominy.

>> No.6060519
File: 11 KB, 318x313, 1403802939782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pair this with a good pork tenderloin or hearty chops; he'll love it.
Pumpkin Sage Grits
3 cups water
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
2 tablespoons fresh sage, coarsely chopped
3/4 cup regular grits
1 (15-oz) can solid pack pumpkin
1 cup shredded sharp Cheddar cheese
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
Bring water and salt to a boil for grits.
Chop sage.
1.Whisk grits into boiling water. Reduce heat to low; cook and stir 6-7 minutes or until grits are tender and water has been absorbed.
2. Whisk in remaining ingredients; cook and stir 1-2 minutes or until hot and cheese melts. Serve.

>> No.6060527

>and compared them to eating oatmeal

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.6061449

OP come back

>> No.6062606

>>generally well-rounded
lol i bet youre a fatty

>> No.6062645

>wanting hungry skeletals
r u a fag or pedoe?

>> No.6062651


>> No.6062671

Lol i like big girls to an extent, as well as scrawny girls, OP comes off a bit too "well rounded" for my taste though. Nothing worse than a fat adulterous pig trying to force nigger food on you constantly.

>> No.6062692
File: 128 KB, 1080x1200, edf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6062694

except nobody says "pin number"

>> No.6062697

>gets drunk and uses it as an excuse
you sound gross

>> No.6063164


I legit lol'd

>fat adulterous pig trying to force nigger food on you constantly


>> No.6063549

Jesus Christ you are a fucking moralfag. A bitter one at that. People cheat, I've never done it but it might happen - I've been cheated on and know how it feels. Still I'll never bother being a preposterous faggot on the internet. If you'd ever talk to girls you would understand how tempting it can be. Get off your high horse, fedorafag.

>> No.6063590

Genau, I just ignore all the whiteknights and moralfags. Gets on my nerves only sometimes, like /pol/, but just as with /pol/, it's only adolescents who are scared of the outside world.

>> No.6063604



Not even close. I just don't cheat because I'm bot a piece of shit. Go guzzle your father's cum you gigantic faggot.

>> No.6063606



>> No.6063638

I don't cheat either but I don't act all high and mighty because of it. And I sure as fuck don't react like the Spanish Inquisition trying to make their quotum by getting upset, crying and being a general fuckwit when someone mentions they have cheated at some point in their lives.

Self-righteous fucks like you disgust me to a point that it physically hurts.

>> No.6063921

>But my bf

lol not your blog fag/sweetheart

>> No.6064172


I like being mean to people like OP. It's fun. Go be a white knight in shining fucking armor somewhere else.

>> No.6064204

Sorry you spent your childhood getting molested by Tickles the Basement Fun Clown, but that's entirely your own problem, no one has to put up with your stupid shit, gaylord.

>> No.6064207


Never been molested. Go tip your fedora somewhere else. Standing up for a girl online isn't going to make her fall in love with you. Fucking faggot.

>> No.6064210

>still talking about fedoras

Okay Grandpa, save it for the therapist. If you took your Metamucil every day like you're supposed to, you might not be so grumpy. Unfortunately, no amount of fiber in the world (or being a shithead online) can take away the pain of Tickles shoving his red rubber nose up your ass.

>> No.6064217


Bend over, I have something in my front pocket I was to give you

>> No.6064218

peanut butter grits are ultimate gross.

>> No.6064219



>> No.6064239

Grits, the water chestnut of American cuisine.