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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5963054 No.5963054 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't humans eat raw meat when all other carnivores and omnivores can? Have our stomachs devolved? Our teeth? Or are we just wimps who can't enjoy raw meat?

>> No.5963057

we can eat raw meat

>> No.5963059


hidden and saged

>> No.5963060

I eat raw meat. So do lots of people.
What are you on about?
Are you a stupid person, OP? You seem like you're a stupid person.

>> No.5963063

We don't do it because we're smarter than all the stupid animals who eat parasite ridden meat and get worms coming out of their assholes and squirming around in their hearts

>> No.5963074

cooking food and pre digesting it before it's introduced to our stomachs for more digestion is part of what allowed humans too dedicate more energy and space towards having bigger brains.

>> No.5963075

Because it's unappealing. Humans aren't meant to eat meat. If we were we would instintually know how to kill animals and wouldn't have any qualms eating raw meat.

>> No.5963077

Good job OP that was the dumbest thing I've ever seen on 4chan

>> No.5963080
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>> No.5963082

>humans aren't meant to eat meat
vegfag confirmed

>> No.5963083

>Have our stomachs devolved?

Well first of all "Devolved" isn't a real thing.

Second you have it backwards. We are herbivores who evolved to tolerate meat, probably after sucking marrow out of bones. Cooking increases the amount of nutrition we can derive from meat by giving digestion a head start, breaking down some of the tougher molecules into more digestible forms.

Amusingly even dedicated carnivores like snakes, if given cooked food, derive more nutrition from it, although the increase is much greater for humans.

>> No.5963090

This. In addition cooked meat is far more nutritionally valuable.

>> No.5963092

Well the hyenas appear to have figured out the ingenius solution of just having a boiling sack of acid in their guts so strong it can dissolve a zebra's hoof or a rhino horn.

>> No.5963096
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>this faggot doesn't instintually know how to kill animals

>> No.5963100

I don't know what your ensinuating but we don't instintually know how to kill animals. It's a fact.

>> No.5963102
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If I find fresh meat I usually eat it raw with some ketchup.

>> No.5963103

Go for the neck; front side just below the third cervical vertebra.

Works on everything more complicated than a fish.

>> No.5963104

We can eat raw meat if its fresh.

>> No.5963115

have you never had boeuf tartare pleb

>> No.5963121

>I don't know what your ensinuating but we don't instintually know how to kill animals. It's a fact.
We have pretty good instincts actually, and it's not like everything cats and other carnivores know about hunting is instinct, those fucker are taught by their mother or learn by watching other hunters, same as us.

>> No.5963130

Maybe not the technical part of what artery to severe and whatnot, and I doubt that's instintual for other animals either, but the hunting instinct is strong in humans just the same as other predators.
Hell, if we didn't have our primordial instincts strong inside us, I doubt we'd find things like sex or any type of sports fun.

>> No.5963137

>Humans aren't meant to eat meat.
>aren't meant

>> No.5963138

No. I am flat out telling you that my cat knows how to hunt on her own and I never taut her and she has never been around other cats. I rescued her and her sibs when her mum a neighbourhood alleycat got run over by a car and kept her and found homes for her sibs. And she knows how to hunt. So I know it is instintual because no one taut her so you are wrong and humans were never meant to eat meat.

>> No.5963144


Learn how to clean meat. And the animals aren't idiots because they can't use fire

>> No.5963149

And here I thought you were serious for a second, seems like I was wrong.

>> No.5963154

>i lost the argument but don't want to admit that humans were never meant to eat meat

>> No.5963162


I know this might come as some sort of surprise but there's a difference between humans and animals and things evolve based on their needs. If it was necessary for humans to know how to hunt inherently in order for us to survive, we would.

>> No.5963169

I'm not even the guy you're arguing with, I'm just barking at you for being wrong because it's 5am and I don't have the energy to engage in serious argument at this hour.

>> No.5963172

So humans were never meant to eat meat! BTFO

>> No.5963173


You're an outside cat owner? That explains your stupidity.

>> No.5963183


Our meat eating teeth suck

>> No.5963184

She is an inside cat now. She was born a streetcat though. Her mum was a streetcat.

>> No.5963198
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I eat raw meat a couple times a week for just about my entire life, never had an issue.

>> No.5963253


Did it occur to you that cats are not people

>> No.5963257

This is why we have an aversion to raw meat (that and potential spoilage). But we can still digest it fine.

>> No.5963259

>implying cats are not people

>> No.5963261
File: 38 KB, 450x360, mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can eat raw meat. And to the anon in here who thinks we were never meant to eat meat. the I present to you the human mouth. Incisors and canines are meant for cutting and piercing (great for meat) while the rear molars are meant for chewing and grinding (great for fibers and grains)

>> No.5963300

We have a carnivorous digestive system too

>> No.5963303
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>> No.5963345

You can't "clean" parasites, or more specifically their eggs, out of meat. You can only kill them by either cooking or freezing the meat before consumption.

>> No.5963348

Animals eat what they kill and it's still fresh.
We're perfectly able to eat raw meat too but good luck getting some that's only been dead a few hours and hasn't started spoiling

>> No.5963448

You are completely fucking retarded.

>> No.5963495
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actually, freezing will only ensure their dormancy

fire is the only way to cleanse

>> No.5963513
File: 442 KB, 756x576, frugivore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think the human body/mouth looks anything like a carnivore's you are fucking retarded.

>> No.5963517

If humans aren't meant to eat meat, why do they crave it?

>> No.5963522

This might be more believable if it didnt also say that herbivores only eat herbs

>> No.5963523

what about panda bears, those niggas look like full blown bears

>> No.5963533
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I am this >>5963261 guy. I implied omnivore. I never said carnivore.

>> No.5963537

The do only eat herbs.



>> No.5963542

Yeah, well, that's wrong too.

>> No.5963559
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>> No.5963562

No, freezing kills them.

>> No.5963564

They are carnivores, but they eat bamboo because is available large cantities, but they have to eat large amounts because their carnivore digestive system doesn't process them too well.

>> No.5963570 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 704x400, hogan_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FACT: Bacteria can survive freezing temperatures. Freezing is not a method for making foods safe to eat. When food is thawed, bacteria can still be present and may begin to multiply. Cooking food to the proper internal temperature is the best way to kill harmful bacteria.

sorry, brother

>> No.5963572

Parasites aren't bacteria you fucking mong.

>> No.5963575
File: 96 KB, 1169x253, Screen Shot 2014-11-10 at 06.41.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why delete your own post, retard? Did you realize how fucking wrong you were, shit for brains?

>> No.5963577

easy, brother... i realized my mistake and deleted before you could even hit "send".

parasites can still be a danger if you don't freeze them hard/long enough, but that's just shifting the goalposts on my part.

on a different note, why are you so angry?

>> No.5963578 [DELETED] 

Do humans instinctively know how to manufacture tofu or make cale casserole?

I don't fucking think so.

>> No.5963585
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Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.5963590

Do humans instinctively know how to manufacture tofu or make cale casserole?

I don't fucking think so. I have K9 teeth for a reason. If you don't wanna eat meat go confide in some commune with like minded cockbreath panzies.

Killing is our business. Humans are at the top of our food chain. I eat raw meat all the time. Everything from steak tartare to sashimi and raw kibi and oysters is good to go. I promise you humans are meant to eat meat. By refusing to do so you are doing a disservice to humanity as a whole.

>> No.5963821

Bamboo is actually pretty bad for them.

>> No.5964007

I love tartare and my steak to be blue or rare.

Probably never gotten worms from it because my weight is a little higher than my caloric intake would suggest. (150 lbs atm, 5'10)
And having worms would probably that they steal your nutrients/calories.

>> No.5964009

If humans aren't mean to eat meat, then why do we need vitamin B12?

As of 2011 the German Society for Nutrition did not recommend a vegan diet and cautioned against it for children, the pregnant and the elderly.

>> No.5964013

Also most herbivores are opportunistic omnivores.

>> No.5964029

Front teeth.

Shut your shit vegan

>> No.5964030

We're meant to eat pretty much anything that's available.

>> No.5964038

Just wondering how many times you are going to type "instintual".

>> No.5964047
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This is one of the stupidest threads I've ever seen on /ck/.

Bravo OP, you marvelous brain-dead double nigger.

>> No.5964051
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That's what you get when you grow up with the electric Jew

>> No.5964072

is this what made us smart motherfuckers (OP excepted)

>> No.5964074

Nice myth.

>> No.5964076

what a shitty example, those creatures can typically survive a year without eating.

>> No.5964079


Also an enormous chunk of our oxygen (and caloric) intake is dedicated to our brain.

>> No.5964080

Untrue. while we have hard time cutting the piece out of the bones, we at least can chew the meat unlike most carnivores

>> No.5964254


Why are vegfags so bad at evolution?

>> No.5964262

wheres de boeuf?

>> No.5964263
File: 14 KB, 612x232, image159.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The human jaw has become much less robust very recently in our evolutionary history.

Also notable is that our closest living ancestors, common chimpanzees, opportunistically consume meat and prefer it to their more common staples when they can get it. Occasionally they hunt.

>> No.5964265

Evolution doesn't work that way. At all. Get that lamarckian garbage somewhere else.

>> No.5964266

But we can.

>> No.5964268

but...humans can eat raw meat. See tartare, sushi, etc. We're just not very good at it due to most of our evolutionary meat intake having been scavenged scraps and cooking roughly coincided with hunting behavior

>> No.5964270

We don't instinctually know how to farm, fish, or even which berries don't kill us, whats your point?

>> No.5964272

Can we, we just don't because 1. disease, 2. parasites, 3. cooked food has higher bioavailability of nutrients, 4. it tastes better

>> No.5964273
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>lamarckian garbage

If Lamarck was wrong how do you explain this magnificent creature?

Checkmate Darwinists.

>> No.5964278

I'm not them but...

Protip: In pretty much every country that's not American, all cats are outdoor cats. The concept of having either an indoor cat or outdoor cat is completely alien.

>> No.5964283


I see you've never spent time in England. Or France. Or Japan.

>> No.5964285

If Lamarck was right, its neck wouldn't be so long. It has to bend its neck /down/ to eat, as exemplified by your pic. Furthermore, did you know they need to basically go spread eagle in order to drink?
It's goofy.
If Lamarckist soft evolution were correct, neither of these "adaptations" would have occured because they make life more difficult for the silly-looking buggers. Especially drinking. They are wholly vulnerable in that spread eagle position.
While other animals need only lower their heads to drink and can quickly run off when there's danger, giraffes cannot.

>> No.5964287

I live in England. "Indoor" cats are only a thing due to their owners living arrangements. Go to anywhere that's not a city and people live in houses. Cats roam inside and outside.

>> No.5964288

In Asia, cats come in pots.

>> No.5964292
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Bonsai Kittens?

>> No.5964373

>Go to anywhere that's not a city and people live in houses. Cats roam inside and outside

The same thing is true in the US, in general anyway. People in cities have indoor cats. People in suburbs could have either. People in the country generally have outdoor only.

As for England, my father is British and half the family still lives there. I have spent a great deal of time there over the years: My aunt, grandfather, and several of their neighbors and family friends have indoor cats. All of them live in houses (no flats) and are reasonably well off. I'm not trying to say that is normal or typical of England, but it's likewise stupid to say the idea of indoor cats doesn't exist there.

>> No.5964383

>People in the country generally have outdoor only.
Not here. The yotes or wolves would eat them posthaste.
Shit, I have to keep a close watch on my dogs for the same reason.

>> No.5964402

why havent they actually kicked it off yet, especially after all the marketing hype? it could work.

>> No.5964424

Cuz it was a hoax. A wholly hilarious hoax not just for it being a hoax but also for people's reactions to both being presented with the hoax as something real and also their reactions to learning it was a hoax all along.

>> No.5965008

not all parts of asia you fucking mouthbreathing obese lard ball of american

>> No.5965181


God made us this way. /thread

>> No.5965279


Do you even steak tartar or carpaccio?

>> No.5966226

Holy fuck giraffes look bizarre.

>> No.5966256

It's actually been pretty well validated. Cooking breaks down tissues and makes nutrients more available. Cooking also kills off harmful parasites and bacteria.

Net result, more nutrition for less work, more leisure time to do cave paintings and develop languages, eventually resulting in Leonardo da Vinci, Einstein, etc.

Now we have dumbfuck "raw vegans" who want to devolve. Too bad they don't just join the VHEM.

>> No.5966258

>not all parts of asia
Jesus man, that wasn't even implied, hold your horses

>> No.5966273

>ignoring the contributions of great scientist Trofim Lysenko, recipient of Order of Lenin, Red Banner of Labour, Stalin Prize, Hero of Soviet Labour.

>> No.5966363

Anon is confirmed for vegan or vegetarian.
My sides.
Humans are built to eat meat. Do you into evolution?

>> No.5966369

this is such a load of shit

>> No.5966376

Thank you for not being retarded anon.

>> No.5966417
File: 64 KB, 700x400, selenodont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh, the human mouth doesn't look anything like an herbivore's either.

Herbivores have a huge diastem, completely different molar structure, and no canines at all, save for a few species of deer. Humans share their molar structure with bears, pigs, and raccoons, ie. other omnivores. Humans are omnivores. This shouldn't even be a debate.

Pic related, herbivore teeth which we don't have.

>> No.5966421

>look up cave paintings from thousands of years ago
>lots of pictures of animals and hunting situations
>hurr we not supposed 2 eat da meat

fuck you

>> No.5966425


I can't stop to say how happy I am we evolved the chin. So bad looking with out it. Damn slope mouths.

>> No.5966427

That's your logic? Cave men who's lifespan was like 20 years?


>> No.5966440


No, thats your logic.

And using YOUR logic they ate fucking plants and died at 20 as well, so whats your point?

>> No.5966931

Fun fact, cave people didn't die at age 20. They say the average life span was 30 or so, but that has nothing to do with how long people lived. For example, take 3 people- 1 lives to be 91 and the other two die in infancy, say 1 year old apiece. Then average out their ages- 91+1+1=93. 93/3=31. The average age of the 3 people would be 31, but that's not how long they lived. Back then infant mortality was huge and so was mortality by all kinds of other means so the average age was relatively young. Again, however, this should not be confused with the actual ages people could and did live to. Even fucking chimpanzees can live to be 50 or so.

>> No.5966978

The easiest way to tell whether we're meant to eat something is to see if it tastes good. If it tastes good, then we've evolved to eat it, and even to prefer it over more readily available but less nutritionally advantageous alternatives (notwithstanding the fact that the abundance of some foodstuffs causes overconsumption problems). This is why we like the taste of meat, and why cooked food often tastes better than raw, and why fat, salt, and sugar taste good. My rabbits wouldn't even consider meat or cooked food as food at all - the taste disgusts them. Cats don't eat vegetables for a similar reason. Humans like both.

>> No.5967002

wrong stupid instintually stupid