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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5945440 No.5945440 [Reply] [Original]

The first meal I caught and cooked in my life, I made all by myself and didn't follow any recipe. I think I have the gift. It was the best meal of my life. I fished the Tainha (in english I think is Mullet) in some river here in Brazil.

How I did? I don't know, I just threw the ingredients. Put lemon juice (two small lemons), nutmeg in powder (just a little), curry, black pepper. fresh oregano, salt, coriander, garlic and parsley. The quantity of the ingredients? Just have judgment and remember: less is more.

FIll the fish with onions, tomatos and tie. When the fish is finished, don't eat the tomatos, throw away. They aren't useless, they add flavour.

Let the fish sleeping in a bowl with the ingredients for 24 hours. Awake the fish, put it on the banana leaf, put olive oil on the fish and on the leaf... tie the leaf. Steam the fish for fourty minutes.

Cook is that easy? I never cook in my life (just eggs and shit like that) and everybody loves it.

>> No.5945441
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>> No.5945451

sounds like way too many spices for a fresh fish

>letting fresh fish sleep in spices for 24 hours
>awaking the fish
>eating fish out of 'some river in Brazil

is this le hue troll?

>> No.5945472

I ate and it's not spice at all. You have to put just a little amount of curry and pepper, just a little bit. And the 24 hours just increase the taste and smell of the ingredients, specially the nutmeg, coriander and parsley.

And what's the problem with catching your own fish, you fucking faggot?

>> No.5945493


>says less is more
>a fucking inch layer of herbs and spices on it

Fuck off

>> No.5945509

That's what I learn today, you fucking fuck motherfucker, that's the first time I prepare my meal... but still good.

Why are you guys being so agressive?

>> No.5945516

>fresh fish

Call the Banana phone for help...

>> No.5945525

Sounds good, especially for someone who's never cooked before.

>> No.5945526

What's wrong with curry in fresh fish? Please, explain to me.

>> No.5945545
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Because they're on the internet. In real life they'd eat it and love it and tell you how good it is. Even if they didn't like it they would still be nice about it because they're really pussies. Picture extremely related.

My friend's boyfriend is from Brazil and you guys have some great food. The rice recipe he taught me is unbelievable and the stuff we get from Brazilian supermarkets is always amazing. If anyone ITT has never had Coxinha you need to fix that right now. Pasteis are great too.

>> No.5945546

And don't get me wrong, guys. I don't wanna discredit the art of cooking, I am just impressed by what I was able to cook without a recipe.

>> No.5945862

>When the fish is finished, don't eat the tomatos, throw away.

Why? You could have served those over a side rice.

>> No.5945989

Here in Germany we call a specific yellow blend of spices curry, I'm guessing that's also the case with you.
What you call curry/curry powder is actually called masala spice or something like that in the Anglosphere.
In the english language curry more often refers to a dish similar to a stew.

>> No.5946020


It's actually extra complicated in English. Curry can refer to a finished dish (of which there are many, many different kinds)

It can also refer to a blend of spices used for preparing such a dish--as you mentioned it's a mix of spices, usually yellow in color. It usually contains turmeric, cardamom, coriander, and similar, but there is no specific recipe for it--there are many different ones.

And finally it can refer to a specific plant, Murraya koenigii.

>> No.5946097

Jesus, that's even worse than I thought.
People really should properly define the terms they use.