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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5916410 No.5916410 [Reply] [Original]

There is no good reason to spend more than 40 dollars on a chefs knife.

Equipment Review: Are Carbon-Steel Knives Worth I…: http://youtu.be/e50gujs4l-I

>> No.5916422
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>worth it

This is code for "I'm a poorfag killjoy who hates it when people take pleasure in things I don't have"

>> No.5916441
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That's Americas test kitchen.
I assure you they are not jelly of your weaboo knife.

>> No.5916449

>muh victorinox celebrity chef knife

You could have gotten a mundial for 1/3 the price but instead of that, you paid too much for the anal retentive celebrity chef's seal of endorsement

How's that for worth it, poorfag?

>> No.5916451

What celebrity are you talking about?

>> No.5916452

I remember a knife salesman came to my door, he had a knife so sharp it cut metal. He took out one of many metal blocks and cut it in half like butter. I bought that knife but doesn't say the brand. It's really good at cutting anything.

>> No.5916453
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I know you like to think you're special, but he's not obscure.

>> No.5916455
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I have no idea what you are on about.
Did you watch the video?
He is not in it.

>> No.5916467


Of course you do, silly. There is no need to be coy with me. This argument has been rehashed ten thousand times on /ck/ and it will be rehashed ten thousand times again.

"Practical" kimball says best bang for your buck is hyped up $50 german cheese steel. Meanwhile I bought my Tojiro back when it was $53 before you even heard of cooking.

You missed the boat, sorry about that. Have fun fapping over your celebrity chefs that you think are obscure because you live in a conservative shit hole where everyone is preggers at an early age and no one listens to NPR or watches PBS so you assume no one has heard of these things.

>> No.5916474

This is a brand new video just posted this month.
I must have missed all the threads you are talking about.

>> No.5916480
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>> No.5916492

I thought it was an opinel

>> No.5916648

So guys I just bought this knife
It seems to do the job and I'm happy with it, except when I'm cutting large red onions. I kinda have to saw in a single smooth motion otherwise it'd require strength. Is it the knife or am I doing something wrong? I sharpen and hone the blade once every other week.

>> No.5916697


Your blade is dull. It should slice straight through the onion with very little effort and no sawing.

>> No.5916702

>americas test kitchen

opinion discarded

>> No.5916707
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That's like the best resource for rooting out bullshit in the cooking world!
You mus be jiving.

>> No.5916730

is it serated?

>> No.5916743

>Americas Test Kitchen
>For housewives and moms

Some of us do this for a living, you stupid casual faggot.

>> No.5916775


Not you though, you fantasist.

>> No.5916778
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They did a very elaborate test where they had pro chefs prepare knife intensive meals with both very expensive knives and bottom of the barrel white handled restaurant knives like dexters.
In double blind studies, tasters could not tell the difference

>> No.5916804

>tasters could not tell the difference

Taste isn't the point. Comfort, ease, sharpness... all those things master to the one holding the fucking thing in the first place.

I can cook a good meal using a swiss army camping knife. Doesn't mean I'll enjoy the process.

>> No.5916811
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>In double blind studies, tasters could not tell the difference

pretty much makes this entire thread a moot thread

excellent post

>> No.5916831

I wonder how much moe tipped curly for that scene.

>> No.5916841

Enjoyment of process is bullshit.
Every artist that's does art because they "love the process" is shite.
Same for chefs.
Now a pocket knife or a dull knife will mess with efficiency so obviously that's to be avoided.
You are not hired hired to have fun chopping veg.

>> No.5916846
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that is one weird pic

>> No.5916855

Just got off my elk hunting vacation, best liver I've ever had. I work in 3 hours. And they need me for a double tomorrow, and I'm getting moved up too. Keep not chasing your dreams you fat loser.

>> No.5916859
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the Three Stooges had a very strict no tipping policy

>> No.5916869
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Tojiro DP is ~$50-60, proving you wrong.

>> No.5916903

I object to the validity of their glass cutting board test. If they really wanted to measure the edge retention they have no choice but to do a test over several months with the same cutting tasks and routine honing. The fact that glass murdered both edges about equally does not really matter.

>> No.5916909
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Objection noted.

>> No.5917128

>You are not hired hired to have fun chopping veg.

I hope you get stuck in a soul sucking, ill set-up job where you will develop repetitive use injuries and die a arthritic painkiller addled bitter death.

it seems to be the best you think others deserve.

>> No.5917134

Get a load of this maudlin faggot.

>> No.5917146

Of course, why would you make something tedious enjoyable it would make it harder for hipsters like you to put up that HURR DURR I'M AN ARTISAN!!1 attitude wouldn't it.

Fuck you i hope you lose the tip of your thumb while you use a shitty knife.

>> No.5917263


>> No.5917323

I've always been a big fan of Cook's Illustrated and the Test Kitchen, but there are some flaws with this study, mainly that if you want a truly good knife, you have to maintain it yourself. They're only considering ootb sharpness, which can't last forever anyways. Eventually you'll have to either pay a bunch of money for a good professional sharpening, or get a crappy professional sharpening for a few bucks, or sharpen it yourself, which is best because it will help you learn.

The Victorinox is a good workhorse, and fine for someone who's not a knife enthusiast, but it's not as great as they hype it to be. They claim it holds an edge wonderfully well; some reviews I've seen on Cheftalk suggest otherwise. They say the handle is comfortable, I disagree--I can't stand that handle. It's too big and prevents a good grip on the blade.

On the subject of handles, that is another flaw in their analysis. Multiple grip choices my ass--there is, in fact, a right way to hold a knife, and that's where big handles like on the Victorinox become an issue; it's not well suited to a soft pinch grip.

Anyways, though, I love my carbon steels but there's nothing wrong with stainless. 20 years ago carbon was head and shoulders above stainless, but steelmaking tech has advanced so much that good stainless is perfectly acceptable.

>> No.5917350

In the country where I live we have a brand that they make pretty decent knives with different tiers (mid tier price, more affordable with one type of steel or a higher tier of steel and knife shape, obviously more expensive.

Arcos is the name. I've been using them for a long time and they are really good. I wouldn't need to buy a global or shun, for example.

>> No.5917359

>hipsters like you
Not the Anon you're responding to, but calling someone a hipster is a really good way to make yourself look like an idiot. You might want to stop doing that, unless you're trying to be retarded on purpose.

>> No.5917431

Is the quality of the steel really that important for kitchen knives?

I hear how the most expensive knives retain their sharpness longer than cheaper knives but is that really an issue in an average household where everyone has a knife steel or an accusharp?

Personally I think the comfort and shape of a knife is the most important when finding a good knife. If a $20 stainless Sears chef knife with a rubber grip feels better than a $400 santoku with damascus steel and a square wooden handle, I'll stick with the Sears knife.

>> No.5917450

So /ck/, what's a good chef knife under 60€ that i can buy online ?

>> No.5917451

I use a shit $10 knife and just sharpen it a lot. The shittiest steel in the world can hold an edge for a day or two, after that I run it over a stone and it is sharp again.

Hot rolled 1020 is good enough if you run it over a stone every second day.

>> No.5917459

>knife enthusiast

The last person you should ask for advice about kitchen knives.

>> No.5917505

No more than the quality of the fabric is important for your clothes

A $9 long sleeve t shirt is just as functional as a $150 broadcloth shirt but what else were you going to do with the $141? Spend it on Xbox games? Nice things are more enjoyable.

>> No.5917522

A better steel will take an edge more easily, hold it better, and be more responsive to honing.

>> No.5919076
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>mfw my carbon tojiro nakiri shits all over your swiss army crap, at the same price

>> No.5919082


My nigga

>> No.5919105
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>not buying a knife that stays sharp all the time

>> No.5919147 [DELETED] 
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Hey /ck/? Anyone know if you can put finely ground weed in your finely ground coffee, and expect what comes out of the espresso machine (which is what I have), to get you lifted?
I mean espresso gives off a lot of oil... I'm thinking it could bond to the THC. Has anyone tried this?
>also general pot thread.
>inb4 pictures of metal pots.

>> No.5919148

This is a post, not a thread.
Anyway, you can make weedmilk and do a capuchino with that if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.5919208

I fell in love.

>> No.5919221

yeah that horse must have a gigantic throbbing cock...

>> No.5920752

solingen master-race reporting

>> No.5921968

Both Tojiro DPs and Fujiwara FKMs are found in a similar price range; both are notably better suited to most kitchen tasks. That being said I do keep a beater rosewood in my roll for squash and shit, so it's not like the knife has no business in a professional setting.

>> No.5922393
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Solingen hasn't been master race since like the 50s. You sound like one of those people who stuck with cars with carburetors well into the late 1990s because >muh detroit pride.

This is what master race knives look like.

>> No.5922468

If your using it in a resturaunt kitchen you'll probably want something light.

>> No.5922475

>muh superior japanese blade folded over 2000 times

>> No.5922477


AFAIK the mac uses steel from Sandvik in Sweden. It's not folded either. Sorry to bust your bubble, chap.

>> No.5922480
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>taking the bait

>> No.5922494
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>I was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.5922543

>not recognising the copypasta
no anon, it is you who is pretending to be retarded

>> No.5922555
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>getting b8ed this hard

>> No.5922606

It's not about enjoyment, it's about being safer and more efficient. Soft steel needs more frequent sharpening, dull knives you need to slow way down or risk injury.

>> No.5922614

confirmed for retard. he was probably cutting lithium or sodium metal.

that shit will cut with a butterknife. but there is no way in hell one can cut through a block of standard steel or aluminum or any other common building metals without special tools

>> No.5922617

What a pleb, I bet you don't even want a $800 knife.

>> No.5922643
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>cutting lithium or sodium metal

Did you skip chemistry at school?

>> No.5923132

I know what lithium and sodium does with water.

However, you can cut it after taking it out of its oil filled container without it catching fire. I had a strip of lithium and I could leave it on my desk without it catching fire. however, i could bot leave it on my desk or it tarnish too much. I just kept it in a small airtight container and it was fine.

>> No.5923197
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light a shit
seriously, though, I like some heft for my all rounder

>> No.5923259

seconded, you need some heft for 9/10 jobs
the knife can do more than half the work if it is heavy and sharp enough

>> No.5923263

I think it was just lead. It's easier to handle, and it looks like srs metal. It doesn't ignite your fingers if you touch it, but its highly poisenous.

Maybe it was just shiny play-dough, how knows.

>> No.5923287
