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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5895594 No.5895594 [Reply] [Original]

Any vegans on /ck/?

>> No.5895619

How is this food related?
Shit on all vegan threads.
Zero fucking tolerance.

>> No.5895621


>> No.5895625

Cruelty free master race reporting in

>> No.5895629



Report and hide all vegan threads

>> No.5895644

Yes, there are also tons of trolls. Enjoy your shit posting thread, fags.

>> No.5895665
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You're like a Christian evangelist afraid of atheism

>> No.5895707

More like a libertarian afraid of Communism.
You fuckers all pretend not to care if I eat meat ,but if outlawing factory farming was on the ballot, you would vote for it in a second.

>> No.5895727

You are very much mistaken.

>> No.5895728


>if outlawing factory farming was on the ballot, you would vote for it in a second.

I think most reasonable people would, including meat-eaters. Even if you don't agree with the ethical or health stance of veganism, it's hard to ignore the environmental effects of mass animal farming


The problem in this case isn't so much "god damn vegans taking away my rights," but more like "god damn meat lovers ruining the planet that we all have to live on for their own selfish reasons and getting overly defensive at anyone who tells them not to eat 3 pounds of unsustainably produced beef every day"

>> No.5895730

Are you a vegan?

>> No.5895734

This is why I will fight you endlessly.
Fuck your environmental bullshit.

>> No.5895738


Fair enough. You don't have to care about the abuse of others, you don't have to care about your own long-term health, you don't have to care about the planet we share, but I'm afraid you do have to accept people looking down on you for being an asshole

>> No.5895740

fuck no.
I thought that would be pretty fucking obvious as I just stated I wouldn't vote to ban factory farming.

>> No.5895748

You are the asshole mate.
You make everone uncomfortable at family gatherings .
You suck

>> No.5895752


Okay, chief

>> No.5895753

Then shut the fuck up.

>> No.5895773

Judging people for what they eat is wrong, even if you have good arguments, this applies to both vegans and non-vegans.

>> No.5895783

I don't understand why people on here are so angry towards vegans. I've been vegan for awhile and have never met these "crazy vegans" you all talk about. I've never talked down to a non vegan in my life. You can't get people on your side by degrading their personal beliefs.

>> No.5895793

No. There aren't any in real life either.

A few months ago I posted a thread here about a business that was guaranteed to fail: a vegan pizza joint.

Sure enough, a few days ago I found out it had failed. Five months at most. I felt bad for the guy running it, as he's a decent guy, but what a stupid idea. It's not just the lack of Italian sausage, it's the fake cheese substitute.

>> No.5895794

Get out skeleton

>> No.5895796

>self-righteous nitwit detected

>> No.5895805


I wish there was a vegan pizza point around my place. I would eat there like every night. Daiya with roasted veggies pizza sounds amazing.
Daiya tastes pretty bad cold, but when melted it's so delicious.

>> No.5895806

Probably because half of all vegan related threads on /ck/ are about why you shouldn't eat meat rather than the handful of vegan dishes that are actually tasty.

I remember when this board was slow as fuck a few years ago and there were no vegans.

Eventually one or two threads popped up and they'd be shitposted to oblivion, though they were actually about vegan foods. People said shit like "B-b-but it's food related, and it's all kept to one thread, what's the problem? And we began to let it slide. We should've known better.

>> No.5895826

>You can't get people on your side by degrading their personal beliefs.
That's what some vegans do to people who eat meat.

>> No.5895834

You must not have seen the Peta commercial with the midget trying to make me feel like shit for fishing.

>> No.5895838
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>I've been vegan for awhile and have never met these "crazy vegans" you all talk about

They definitely exist, which is why I prefer the phrase "plant-based diet," because it separates people who abstain from meat and dairy from the common view of "vegans," which is hippies and social justice warriors. People like Bill Clinton, Samuel L. Jackson, and even Mike Tyson eat a plant-based diet for example, but the word "vegan" just makes people think of alternative bisexual college-age hipsters. It's also unfortunate that the image sticks to veganism, but people forgive the meat-eating equivalent, which is the obese redneck who can't stop shoving pork in his face and dies of a heart attack in his 40s

"Plant-based diet" is also used more often among medical professionals, such as in this article by the former president of the world's top rated cardiac care hospital


>compelling data from nutritional studies,
population surveys, and interventional studies support the effectiveness of a plant-based diet and aggressive lipid lowering to arrest, prevent, and selectively reverse heart disease. The single biggest step toward adopting this strategy would be to have United States dietary guidelines support a plant-based diet. An expert committee purged of industrial and
political influence is required to assure that science is the basis for dietary recommendations.

And in this article by the largest healthcare organization in the US


>Healthy eating may be best achieved with a plant-based diet, which we define as a regimen that encourages whole, plant-based foods and discourages meats, dairy products, and eggs as well as all refined and processed foods.
>Physicians should consider recommending a plant-based diet to all their patients

>> No.5895861

You bring good points anon, but not all plant based foods are healthy, sugar and HFCS cause more health problems than eating meat, mostly because is consumed in more portions than any other food, and is addictive too, and while eating too much animal food is a big problem, the excessive sugar consuming is a bigger one.

>> No.5895862
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>> No.5895871


>while eating too much animal food is a big problem, the excessive sugar consuming is a bigger one.

While I think both are problems, sugar atleast doesn't cause heart disease, which is the biggest killer in the united states

>> No.5895878



>> No.5895886
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I, uh, just wanted some recipes when I started this tread. I have Crohn's disease, and after much troubleshooting veganism turned out to be what worked best for me.

>> No.5895921

OK, I'll be like, "MmmmMMMMM, this fried chicken is snoooooooooooow good."

>> No.5895967

You care about those things, but even still, there are more people who look down on vegans for being assholes than for meat eaters.

>> No.5895973

not vegan vegetarian + no egg
main diet consists of beans like moong, urud dahl, black bean, since i also weight lift and am on a cut

>> No.5895984

Can you fucktards just post some vegan recipes or foodstuffs and stop shitposting?

>> No.5895993

No. No vegan threads

>> No.5896151

It would be cool if the world switched to an all plant diet, but that's not going to happen, it would be cool if people stop smoking, but that's not going to happen, they would still smoke even when they put pictures of cancerous fetuses on the pack, it would be cool if people stopped drinking alcohol, but that's not going to happen, the last time they tried to ban alcohol shit went down and they have to brought alcohol back, so keep being vegan, that's cool but don't expect everyone else to do it so.

>> No.5896170


That's true, but people also shouldn't get offended when the information is put out there about plant-based diets for the sake of people who may be willing to change their diet.

I don't have a problem with people eating what they want as much as I have a problem with people feeling threatened by the idea of other people adopting a healthy plant-based diet. I'm not the kind of person to yell about a rescued chicken named Snow, but I do what I can to steer people towards better diet choices, particularly those who ask for advice on healthy eating

>> No.5896171
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This is what makes me so angry.
You are acting like meat eating is akin to smoking and alcoholic ...

Shut up with that crap and quit posting your junk science links.
Just stop.

>> No.5896176
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Eventually you'll have to come to terms with reality

>> No.5896182

Fucking smug lying prick.
This is why I will shit all over any thread you start.

>> No.5896193
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Didn't start this thread, buddy-guy. Seriously though, wouldn't it be easier to just accept science? You may not want these things to be true, but they are.

>> No.5896196



but seriously im so excited

>> No.5896202

You are not spouting sound science you asshole.
PETA is better at twisting science than global warming deniers.

>> No.5896205


ayy lmao. I've been vegan for about 1 month. They only thing I have a hard time with is finding calorie dense food. I have a eat a lot to get full, and I don't want to stretch out my stomach.

>> No.5896207

>plant based
does that mean a little meat is still in the mix? maybe 1 to 3 times a week?

I honestly believe the best diet would include meat although at a greatly reduced rate than what most people eat

>> No.5896218
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You see what's happening now? You're hitting bottom. This is where the healing begins


Well as the most comprehensive study ever conducted on a human population points out,


>There was no evidence of a threshold beyond which further benefits did not accrue with increasing proportions of plant-based foods in the diet

Basically the more plants and less animal-based foods you eat, the better

>> No.5896227

Your brain has been hijacked by a pernicious meme.


>> No.5896231

try to be a little more tolerant of each other, guys (:

that's what being people is all about <3 hohomo

>> No.5896236

ahh i know that feel.

i lost weight at first, too much. quickly learned that a great way to add calories is with nuts and oils

>> No.5896238

Fuck off vegan tripfag whore

>> No.5896239


I devoured 100 g mixed nuts in one sitting today because I felt like I was starving. Maybe I need more carbs.

>> No.5896369



>> No.5896371


>this is what americans actually believe

>> No.5896378


As bad as refined sugar is, heart disease is the result of chronically elevated cholesterol levels, which is mainly caused by foods of animal origin

>> No.5896404

Not proven asswipe.

>> No.5896407


Same thing Christian evangelicals say about evolution. It's a fact whether you choose to believe it or not.

>> No.5896419


Elevated cholesterol is associated with heart disease, but you can consume excessive cholesterol without eating animals. Likewise, you can eat animal foods and maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Animal foods don't inherently cause hyperlipidemia.

And chronically elevated blood glucose levels absolutely do cause heart disease, not sure where you've heard otherwise.

>> No.5896422

In this situation, the evangalizer is you anon.

Nutrition science is light years behind evolutionary biology.

>> No.5896445
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thanks anon. I think I'm just going to tell people that I eat a 'plant based diet' now.

>> No.5896469
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hey guise /out/ here, just stopping by to see whats goin on

>> No.5896483
File: 106 KB, 496x740, president of cardiology vegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>but you can consume excessive cholesterol without eating animals

I agree, you can eat dairy and eggs and get saturated fat and cholesterol, and even certain plant oils like coconut oil and palm oil contain significant amounts of saturated fat

> Likewise, you can eat animal foods and maintain healthy cholesterol levels

It's rare that someone is able to maintain lifelong low cholesterol levels while still having an appreciable amount of animal-based foods in their diet. Not impossible, but for most people who don't have a genetic abnormality like familial hypobetalipoproteinemia, it's very hard. In any case, it will always be in spite of those foods, the same as you can say "there's healthy cigarette smokers" but we can both understand that the act itself is actively working against them

>And chronically elevated blood glucose levels absolutely do cause heart disease, not sure where you've heard otherwise.

Due to the nature of heart disease, that can't be true. As the editor of the American Journal of Cardiology points out, the only direct cause is hypercholesterolemia. Other things can influence and increase the risk, but the only direct cause of the disease is high cholesterol


>if the serum total cholesterol is 90 to 140 mg/dL, there is no evidence that cigarette smoking, systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, inactivity, or obesity produces atherosclerotic plaques. Hypercholesterolemia is the only direct atherosclerotic risk factor; the others are indirect. If, however, the total cholesterol level is >150 mg/dL and the LDL cholesterol is >100 mg/dL, the other risk factors clearly accelerate atherosclerosis.

>> No.5896506

Vegan doctor suggest vegan diet.
Stop the fucking presses.

>> No.5896522


Give it a read. President-elect of the American College of Cardiology becomes vegan because it was the only way to get his cholesterol lower outside of medication, now recommends other people do the same due to the overwhelmingly positive data on plant-based diets. He was influenced by the work of Dean Ornish, who has shown reversal of severe heart disease in patients by using a low-fat plant-based diet.

>> No.5896523

>President-Elect of the American College for Cardiology suggest vegan diet.
>Stop the fucking presses.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.5896542

But how do you know that the lipids in your blood are coming directly from dietary lipids? You don't. And what a lot of this nutritional science is neglecting is the fact that the metabolic pathways for lipids and carbohydrates are connected so that the breakdown products of glucose can go into the production of lipids. This is why excessive consumption of carbohydrates can raise cholesterol just like excessive consumption of fat can. So it isn't likely animal products that are killing people, it's excessive consumption in general that is the real problem.

>> No.5896556


Veganism is linked with not eating overly genetic and human modified food. No wonder It's healthy.

>> No.5896566

I'm not even a vegan, nor do I want to become one, but I understand the moral, environmental and healthy implications of these stuff, but I'm still not vegan and that's my choice, I like meat, junk food and sweets, people would try to make arguments of science links but they can't choose what I eat, the choice is mine.

>> No.5896578


>But how do you know that the lipids in your blood are coming directly from dietary lipids? You don't

Because humans have developed something called "the scientific method" to investigate these kinds of phenomenon. We understand the mechanisms behind saturated fat, dietary cholesterol, and their effects on blood lipids among other things. You might as well be asking how we know gravity exists. What we know of carbs and cholesterol is that carbohydrate lowers cholesterol, especially fiber and some specific fiber compounds like beta-glucans. Read the works of Michael Brown and Joseph Goldstein for example, who received the nobel prize in 1985 for discovering the LDL receptors. There's a lot we know about this science, it's just that most people aren't as educated as they ought to be

>> No.5896585

No no no.
Yes science is the only way to gather truth.
Science know far less than you understand.
There are many areas where science is lagging far behind.
Phycology is only surpassed in flawed scientific method by nutrition.

>> No.5896598

Back in college a girl in our circle of friends went full vegan, she never did tell any of us why. She gradually became hard to deal with, everything from preaching veganism to utterly random statements. Her roommate complained about the stench in the bathroom.
In a few months she had slimmed down so much her bones were becoming visible. Around 4 months she was found dead in her car at the college, vomited blood all over.
We promised each other to eat healthy in her memory and never go vegan.

>> No.5896605

>What we know of carbs and cholesterol is that carbohydrate lowers cholesterol

Blanket statements like that are bogus. And don't be delusional and act like all the science supports what your saying. First of all, you don't even understand the science that well (as evidenced by quote related). And plently of science disagrees with the individuals you've chosen to quote. The fact is, right now there are a lot of disagreements in nutrition science and it isn't as unanimous as you are portraying it to be.

But if you think you can just eat vegan and have perfect cardiovascular health regardless of any other factors, then go for it.

>> No.5896616


There's a lot we don't know about every field of science, but you don't say "we don't know everything, so don't believe anything." Things like the Lipid Hypothesis and Evolution, for all intents and purposes, are facts. There's such an overwhelming amount of data supporting them that we know that they're true. There are some things that are up for debate, but this isn't one of them.

>> No.5896645

>we know that they're true

Yes you and a portion of the scientific community that is nowhere near unanimous. Sorry to inform you via 4chan, but there is an active, ongoing debate within medicine regarding the Lipid Hypothesis.

>> No.5896660


>Sorry to inform you via 4chan, but there is an active, ongoing debate within medicine regarding the Lipid Hypothesis.

What major health organization doesn't agree with the Lipid Hypothesis? The only people who attempt to refute it are fad diet book sellers and people with industry interests. Likewise, there are people who reject evolution, but there's not "active, ongoing debate" about it, there's just people who understand it and people who don't want to accept it

>> No.5896670

>Things like the Lipid Hypothesis and Evolution, for all intents and purposes, are facts.

Those two are not even in the same ballpark.
You are dead wrong on this one.

>> No.5896678


'Fraid they are, Paco. I realize it's inconvenient for you, but you gotta learn to deal.

>> No.5896687

It is you with the odd worldview and emotional investment anon.
You are incorrect and will have to "deal" as you put it, eventually.

>> No.5896697


As I said, what major health organization disagrees with the lipid hypothesis? If you understood the science better, you'd understand why everyone accepts it

>> No.5896765

People have all the right to not believe in evolution, even if is not true, also if you state your opinions as facts, people won't take you seriously, even if you are right.

>> No.5896792

Yeah you don't exactly seem to speak the language of science, scientists say stuff like "tends to " and " results would indicate". You speak the language of propaganda. You have an emotional urge to prosthelytize .

>> No.5896816
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>plants not being overly modified

>> No.5896843


>that GRAVITY shit ain't real
>yes it is, it's observably and demonstratably real, and everybody familiar with the science understands that
>SCIENTISTS are ASSHOLES! Fuck you! My daddy ain't a monkey!

That's what this feels like. I'll go ahead and say that the Lipid Hypothesis is not 100% guaranteed to be true, but it's no less likely to be true than the "hypothesis" that the earth revolves around the sun. By the way, to make the connection once more, this is the exact same thing biologists have to deal with from uneducated religious fanatics. "Evolution's just a THEORY. You can't PROVE it!" It's what a person says when they're uneducated and can't understand why every educated person knows it to be a fact.

>> No.5896845

It is a medical fact that no vegan meal has ever made anyone say wa la .

>> No.5896850

You keep leaning on gravity and evolution to lend credence to your claims.
I have never seen a scientist do this.

>> No.5896857

Anon .
Stop posting now.
Lipid hypothesis and evolution on not on equal footing no matter how much you try to tie them together.

>> No.5896860


And you keep denying blatant parallels. Within the medical community, cholesterol deniers are seen as equal to the guys who claim the earth is flat


You know what, I'll even be nice enough to help you learn about the topic


>> No.5896863


Yes they absolutely are, but I can understand why you wouldn't want them to be

>> No.5896867

Easy anon, no one is out to hurt you here. We are all just having a conversation.
Lets all calm down before people start yelling about Nazis

>> No.5896874


I'll yell about Nazis whenever I want, but first I think people ought to actually learn about the Lipid Hypothesis and thereby understand the mainstream scientific viewpoint so that they aren't just denying it out of ignorance

>> No.5896876

They actually are, humans evolved faster and their brains grew exponentially because they started cooking red meat

>> No.5896885

While we don't know that that's absolute fact, there is a huge body of evidence that seems to support it.


>> No.5896896


There's also a conflicting school of thought that says our switch to starch-eating, like from underground tubers, which is evidenced by an increase in the amount of amylase we produce in our saliva, contributed more glucose to our diets, which is our brain's primary fuel source


It may not be due to the qualities of any specific food, but just the fact that more calories from all sources allow for more growth and development

>> No.5896926

Yes that is a competing hypothesis. Lately its been losing a lot of ground among the leading evolutionary biologists though. Right now they are saying the calorie dense meats from hunting loom much larger as it takes far less energy to hunt per calorie than to dig tubers.

>> No.5896943


I found this interesting video too that dives into things a bit deeper. Ignore the Paleo teasing at the beginning


>> No.5896980

I have to point out that your video is clearly biased anon.
This is the worst sort of place to get your information from.
These youtube pundits mine science for factoids that support their views and ignore facts that oppose them.
No matter what side of any debate you are on, these people just muddy the waters .
This is textbook confirmation bias.
Your previous links to NPR and NYT really deserve consideration, but this one not at all.
You really should stay away from this sort of stuff anon.

>> No.5896988


Sure the guy himself is biased, but the analysis is fair. I encourage you to watch it, he even makes arguments in favor of meat eating.

>Your previous links to NPR and NYT really deserve consideration, but this one not at all.

I would agree if not for the fact that the video I linked is way, way more researched than either of those article, and explores way more ideas. Seriously, give it a watch

>> No.5897018

>Sure the guy himself is biased, but the analysis is fair.

When you start with a bias, no am out of good research will compensate.
No matter how smart or how educated someone is, when they start with the end result in mind, they are not likely to find the truth.

>> No.5897031


But the end result you would expect him to have didn't manifest. It was acknowledged that meat may have contributed to the growth of the human brain, even if indirectly. Don't be so biased in that you won't acknowledge any points people make. The video simply explores the topic more in-depth, and I don't think it's unreasonable to say that there's more factors that go into a species' intelligence than just how much meat they eat.

>> No.5897423

I've been vegan for 5 years. Hard (disgusting) to believe I was ever anything but.

>> No.5897436

And after being vegan for 5 years and being on the internet during that time, I learned that it's probably not worth my time to read any of the comments on this post, unless anyone has a legitimate question and isn't just raging/trolling. Otherwise, some people just have it in their mind that they know everything and if you think they're wrong, they automatically think you're wrong, and will -never- admit otherwise, no matter how many facts and sources you give them. 4chan seems to have a high population of these people.

>> No.5897464

It's simple, you would not be able to turn a carnist into a vegan just like they wouldn't be able to turn you back into a carnist.

>> No.5897613

Yay, there's one paying customer in the world for that hideous abomination. You must eat there 200 times a day in order to make the place profitable.

>> No.5897618

Sugar causes diabetes, which is a one-way ticket to heart disease.

>> No.5897624

Can we dox her so that I can start mailing her pieces of chicken?

>> No.5898117

All I am saying is that people with a vested interest are poor sources every time no matter what side of any debate they are on and should be avoided especially in conversations like this.
Punditry is what is wrong with america .
Every bit of information that guy digests is distorted by the lens of pro veganism.
It taints every word out of his mouth.
Biased information is worse than no information at all.

>> No.5898489


And you should take a second to think why someone may have a particular view/bias in the first place. Most doctors are biased against cigarettes for example because they've seen enough information about the harmful effects of cigarette smoking to take a side against it. Likewise, people switch to a vegan diet because they're educated enough to understand that it confers proven health benefits. To ignore everything he says because you think a bias will taint anyone's mind who has an opinion on anything would just be ignoring information presented by someone who has taken the time to really look into things.

>> No.5898511

>Most doctors are biased against cigarettes for example because they've seen enough information about the harmful effects of cigarette smoking to take a side against it. Likewise, people switch to a vegan diet because they're educated enough to understand that it confers proven health benefits.

>> No.5898526


Got anything to say about that? I can show you some positive attributes of cigarettes, but it still has an overall negative effect on health. Doesn't mean doctors are wrongly biased when they tell you not to smoke, they just realize there's a balance of evidence that goes against cigarette smoking. I hate to bring it up for the millionth time, but this is exactly the same thing Christians do to dismiss science. "Those scientists have an ATHEIST BIAS!"

>> No.5898595

No because vegans are so hopelessly biased and close minded that every word that comes out of their mouth is tainted. This includes ex-omnivores who were so close minded and irrational that they entertained logic and science and changed their beliefs. It's impossible to turn a carnist into a vegan. Have you heard about the vegan conspiracy where vegans telepathically infected the minds of all those omnivorous scientists with their bias who showed us saturated fat raises blood cholesterol and all those vegan health organizations that tell us to cut down on animal food?

On the other hand, omnivores, especially those who actively promote animal products in the diet, are special rational agents that are immune to bias. This is why the unbiased omnivores on 4chan don't bat an eye when Chris Masterjohn or some low carb promoter is brought up in a diet discussion.

>> No.5898616

What evidence would convince you to eat meat?

>> No.5898624

We all know cigarettes are bad. Even so , a doctor who makes that his mission in life and starts an anti tobbaco YouTube channel, is a poor person to gather information from.

>> No.5898683


There would first have to be a massive revision of many of the studies showing meat consumption to be harmful (including, somehow, the fundemental understanding we have of why they correlate with worse health in most cases), and then some well-designed studies showing meat consumption not to be harmful, particularly compared to foods like whole grains and beans. So far it doesn't seem like that's going to happen, the science seems pretty decided at this point. It makes me wonder what it would take to get a meat eater not to eat meat anymore though. Obviously I made that switch, but it seems like for the average guy, there's no amount of data you can show them, no level of authority you can point them to, that'll make them question their diet. It's all about tradition and how they were raised.


>We all know cigarettes are bad

That's your (biased) opinion. This guy wrote a book about how good smoking tobacco is for you, claiming it prevents heart disease and cures cancer


Coincidentally, he also belongs to the Weston A. Price Foundation

>> No.5898707

You can assert all day long that vegan principles are as sound as evolutionary theory or the evidence against cigarette smoke but it is simply not so.
These constant assertions only weaken your argument.

>> No.5899297

Q: How do you know if someone is a Vegan?
A: Don't worry, they'll fucking tell you.

>> No.5899732

You're missing the the point here: vegan-fags.

You can show us all the data in the world proving that a plant-based diet is the healthiest and best for longevity, and you would still never convince the majority of carnivore fags to stop buying steaks and baby ribs. Even if I knew I would live an extra 10 maybe even 20 years by eating vegan- I still wouldn't do it. The tastiest diet is one inclusive of meats and therefore I consider a life without meats to be a life less will lived. So it's definitely quality vs quantity.

>> No.5900796

>vegan diet confers proven health benefits
such as reduced brain function.

>> No.5900841

raw vegan reporting :)

>> No.5900846

hipster reporting

>> No.5900851

Gotta be the most boring diet plan ever.

>> No.5900854

nooo it's awesome! not a hipster, just really into being healthy and love the way it makes me feel.
so many foods to explore, right now I'm making raw pizza in my dehydrator with cashew cheese and pesto with lots of veggies on top :3 so yummy!

>> No.5900856

>btw im a grill

>> No.5900861
File: 29 KB, 306x306, hamsavasana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good man
plenty of raw vegans of either sex
good skin, healthy bodies, clear bright eyes, has reversed multiple health issues
you get to eat tons :) it's more natural and simple than any other way of life with very little impact on the planet due to less packaging and waste
plus tastes fucking derishus

>> No.5900863


I know this is all bait posts but like honestly raw vegan food is very interesting

You are actually seeing a lot of its applications being used in the paleo world which for better or worse shows its adaptability

Over all I think raw vegan meals that steers away from the 80/10/10 crowd or any extremist fringe will be a really nice treat for people

Idk like I love dairy and eggs, I eat meat at this point once every 5-6 days but like the amount of brain work it takes to turn vegetables and seeds and fruits into complicated meals is kind of nice

>> No.5900880

I was doing raw till 4 for a while and now I'm doing a more nut based raw diet because it is an easy transition, and it feels really fancy.
That being said I think 801010 is objectively healthier, and I would like to lower my fat intake eventually. Fruit really does make you feel amazing.
Try these raw mushroom burgers!

It's a lot of fun to experiment and the flavors are really intense with raw foods, and most of it is really "juicy" which is orgasmic to me. Annette Larkins is one of my major raw inspirations.

>> No.5900894

Now I know you are a troll because no raw vegan I knows eats what you eat

>> No.5900903

>posted one recipe
most people start off eating gourmet raw and transition to a fruit based high carb raw vegan lifestyle just because your body craves heavier food in the beginning. All raw vegans eat fruit, veg, nuts, and seeds so idk what you're getting at besides baiting.

>> No.5901047


Also post some tasty vegan receipes for fucks sake, the whole thread is shitposting and I wanna cook something vegan just to piss off all the judgmental assholes in this thread.
After that I will eat chicken heart soup to piss of the vegans.

>> No.5901050

I just think they are baiting

Like I just don't buy it, I've worked all over the raw vegan scene and meet tons of raw foodies but this don't seem right bruh
Its basically a fatty emulsions used in spreads and such, sometimes even fermented with lactobacillus

>> No.5901084

recipe posted is tasty just give it a try. if you don't like it, so what? but guarantee it's tasty mothertrucker