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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.02 MB, 3264x2448, 20141009_215852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5870788 No.5870788 [Reply] [Original]

Best bathroom foods?

>> No.5870811

you serious right now? you're gonna eat in a place where you extract waste from your body. you don't feel concerned about that at all? what are you going to do? contemplate your existence and come to terms with your identity while eating a kitkat? are you gonna try to time attack your own digestive tract to see if you can shit out your kitkat in one sitting? what the hell man. you know that fecal matter hits toothbrushes right? that a toilet seat is cleaner than any other surface in the bathroom because it's covered by your ass while the ungodly affairs of flushing and swirling fumes and vapors through your bathroom occurs? you're going to expose things you're eating to that. let that sink in, much like that ecoli and flesh eating virus and meningitis is sinking in. god damn man. just god damn. i was gonna sleep but now i'm just shaking my head in shame. i have a fucking job interview tomorrow, but instead i'm sitting here, pondering why the fuck anyone would do this. you got my goat. my fucking goat.

i'd probably eat an oero or two.

>> No.5870821

Anything I'm eating while needing to shit my brains out. Cereal, sandwich, burrito... Just commit to finishing the food on the toilet before you have to wipe dat ass

>> No.5870826

Snickers or twix

>> No.5870854
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Only one answer

>> No.5870869

You seem more like a toilet grapefruit guy

>> No.5870878


I drink beer in the bath. Beer's a food.

>> No.5870879


No joke. Hide the beer in the toilet tank. It stays cold all day. Every break you get, use the bathroom and drink a beer.

>until that one day someone stole your beer and replaced it with a bag of weed and you don't even like weed but the idiot was so stone he thought it was still a good idea to stash his weed there anyway

>> No.5870881

>Eating in the bathroom
What the hell. Can't you go five minutes without food?

>> No.5870921

It only takes you 5 minutes to shit? Do you drink a daily dose of turbolax or what?

I bring magazines and phone games in the crapper. I'm absent from the world for a half hour everyday, twice a day.

>> No.5870925

I'm in and out in like 2 minutes
I eat a lot of veg and fiber

>> No.5870928

who the fuck takes more than 5 minutes to shit? Are you 75?

>> No.5870949


>> No.5870960

I always took a long time in the toilet room because that was where I could read and nobody would bother me. I still do it, even at other peoples houses (only place I won't is at like a restaraunt or a business unless it's a hospital) I get fully naked, choose from my stack of books at my place or the newspaper comics I have folded up in case of emergency from my pocket.

>> No.5871041

im never in there long enough to warrant bringing food in there. 5 minutes tops.

>> No.5871066

I feel like this belongs in an al/ck/ thread

>> No.5871149

The dryer the bathroom food is, the better. Unless you're somewhere humid because then it'll absorb both moisture and shit flavor

>> No.5871158

Go to bed jorge.

>> No.5871184
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what the fuck is this thread

why the fuck is this even a thing

how the fuck are people replying this seriously

>> No.5871186


I work puzzles there.

>> No.5871199


I ate a hamburger and fries once while taking a hot shower.

I had just got back to my apartment after a cold and rainy, late season football game. I had been shivering from about half time to the end of the game.

Once the game was over (we won) and I left the stadium, I headed home across campus. Across from the campus was a hamburger joint where I stopped for a hamburger and fries to go. From there on, it was two blocks to my apartment.

I was still shivering so I went upstairs to the bathroom, turned the shower on as hot as I could stand it, and got in with my hamburger and fries. There was a window with a ledge about a food deep so I set the hamburger and fries on it

Standing in that hot shower and eating my hamburger and fries, that was one of the most enjoyable hamburger and fries I ever ate. It wasn't that great a hamburger, but the circumstances made up for that.

Except for drinking a beer in the shower on occasion, I don't think that I ever ate anything else in the bathroom.

>> No.5871205

the kitchen is a good ways away from my bed and plates aren't big enough to hold mor than 2 pieces of pizza so in order to avoid havering to make multiple trips I normally just bring the whole pizza on the tray and place it in the bathroom joined to my bedroom because I don't have any table in here. Sometimes I just pick up a peice in one hand will I piss with the other.

>> No.5871211

Never Change /ck/

>> No.5871274


that's dumb as fuck. just buy 1.5ml shot bottles of liquor and hide them in your fucking pants.

>> No.5871323

>turning on hot water instead of cold

you could of died from shock on your heart true fact im a doctor

>> No.5871326

>not masturbating and eating candy bars with every bowel movement

That sounds boring as shit. You sure YOU aren't 75??

>> No.5871327

sup doc

should I ask you before doing anything

>> No.5871328
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>> No.5871331

>could of

Yeah, you're really smart.

Its "could have" you mouth breathing ape sucker.

>> No.5871333



Thanks. I'll keep that in mind if it ever happens again.

>> No.5871340

i like to have a big spoonful of peanut butter before i use the bathroom, it takes a while to eat so you won't be bored, it's filling, and nutritious. and this way i keep the food clean since it's staying in my mouth instead of entering the bathroom first.

>> No.5871373

When I was a teenager I used to indulge in my overeating fetish by sneaking food into the bathroom. I once hid a carton of ice cream on the edge of the bathtub behind the curtain, and my dad found it before I could eat it.

>> No.5871377
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hello, austin

>> No.5871389

Post a pic of your hand, timestamped.

>> No.5871430
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>Best bathroom foods?
>bathroom foods
>bathroom foods

>> No.5871434

>I get fully naked

>> No.5871502

I usually browse /ck/, news, whatever on my phone while in there, also have a magazine rack with all our subscriptions. Sometimes I'm in there for near an hour so it just became a habit to bring a light snack. Bag of chips or something.

>> No.5871505

that explains why I get dizzy for a moment when I step into the stream I guess. Shit gets bad this time of year

>> No.5871510

oh fuck off. You should of found something more productive to do than just assblast on /ck/

>> No.5871559

This thread is super fucked up
but im laughing so hard im crying
like you niggas are completely fucking serious

>> No.5871564

if I'm eating something while watching TV, like fast food or pizza or something and have to use the bathroom, yeah I'll take it in there with me. why stop?

>> No.5871570

i cant tell if you're trolling

i literally cant tell if any of you are trolling

>> No.5871577

I totally get the rule "Something out, something in".

In my case I keep a book handy. There are poop molecules floating
in the bathroom air so you might as well just spread shit on toast.

>> No.5871585

no. It's like any other room in the house.

I could see if maybe someone was raised in that strict "you must eat at the dinner table" type fashion, but otherwise I don't see why a bathroom would an exception.

it really makes me wonder how many of you have never had to just wipe your ass with your bare hands. You're not going to die from eating in the bathroom.

>> No.5871845


Anyone thinking this is a troll, if youre freezing when you jump into a hot shower it expands your capillaries and blood rushes from your heart and internal organs out to your extremities. So yeah don't actually do it

>> No.5871862
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NYT crossword?
That's where I do mine!

>> No.5871870

Milk duds or whoppers

Pop one in your mouth, let it melt in your mouth. Take your time pooping.

>> No.5872402

I think anyone who eats in the same room as a toilet is seriously a strange individual. It shouldn't make me angry since you're the one eating it, not me, but it does.
And the people who think shitting is some sort of private 'me time' thing where they have rituals and specific books for reading on the toilet.
Just shit and go, don't make a big thing of it.
I'm normally done shitting within 2-3 minutes of sitting down. I rarely spend more than 5 minutes taking a shit.

>> No.5872417

Op here, finally laughed
Down vote away

>> No.5872989

most I've ever done is drink a beer on the toilet or put a piece of candy in my mouth and then go to restroom

>> No.5873012
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eating on the toilet?
puzzles on the toilet?

who the fuck raised you?
maybe your Mother drank
Did your Mother drink?

>> No.5873015



>> No.5873072

we keep a package of saltines on the shelf just above the toilet

>> No.5873084
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I knew a woman who moved after she went to take a shower and saw that her roommate (female) had left a half eaten brownie in shower.

Now enjoy your toilet victuals.

"I want to be a toilet eater like my father and learn the way of the totally fucked up"

>> No.5873116

I usually like to eat foods that I don't touch with my hands directly.

Candy bars are good.
Chow mein works (or anything eaten with a fork)

At the end of the day I set up my phone to netflix and snack on something while on the loo. Yes I eat fiber and fruit, doctor said some people take a while

>> No.5873124
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>> No.5873245

why not just set up a tv and have a tray in there? three square sheals a day

>> No.5873344

>Down vote away

Back to Leddit, faggot.

>> No.5873367

I keep a bottle of Jim in the bathroom for long baths and shits. Gotta pass the time somehow ya know.

>> No.5873372

as long as chili isn't involved I see nothing wrong here.

>> No.5873374
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I have a laptop i keep in my bathroom
sometimes I shit for the first 3 minutes then shit there fucking around online for 2 hours

also do bong hits from the nail

>> No.5873933

not him but we do have a small TV in ours. When we last decided to paint we thought fuck it and renovated that wall to put the TV right in front of the toilet behind some hard plastic

>> No.5873951

doesn't the shit dry or do you wipe?

>> No.5873952

usually just a beer or if it feels like a big one something savoury. might just be me being autistic, but eating something sweet on the shitter just feels wrong and dirty

>> No.5873960

you'll probably have a weird shaped as now

>> No.5873973

just splash some water up from the bowl.

>> No.5873978

>tv behind plastic
do you live in a mental ward?

>> No.5874004

You put it in the wall to protect it from all the humidity in the bathroom. Normal glass (and plastic as well) can get condensation on the inside wall portion and cause some funky mold and other structural problems behind the wall. You can get treated glass or plastic though that is not / less prone to do this. Another advantage is if you're in there and for whatever reason the glass/plastic gets steamed up and you can't see, you can just wipe it off. Normal surfaces you'd get the outside but couldn't be able to reach the other side of the glass.

>> No.5874014
File: 110 KB, 768x1024, 2013-08-12-19.25.22-768x1024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot shower, cold beer, sloppily flowing over your chin down to your navel, pouring it over your head enjoying the contrast of ice cold suds and a steamy comfort enveloping your body.

Pure bliss!

>> No.5874015

this isnt toriko, thats just wasteful.

>> No.5874018

Omg I thought I was the only one who did this

I eat my breakfast in the shower every morning

I make my breakfast, take it to the shower, get in, and enjoy. It's so relaxing

>> No.5874025

I like tot take half hour shits while reading magazines and listening to the radio. Or if I have to make a phone call.

>> No.5874027

>what was that?
>this asshole just passed me, one second
>pfftert MOTHER FUCKER pfftertttt
>show'd him whats four

>> No.5874048

Bud is just wasteful.
That anon therefore has done nothing wrong.

>> No.5874093

Stuff goes in, stuff comes out
Stuff goes in, stuff comes out...

>> No.5874109

Knife goes in, guts come out...

>> No.5874112
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im ok with that

>> No.5874123

Sour Patch Kids man
You gotta pick a food that's flavorful enough to cut through the smell

>> No.5875004

The best snacks for the bathroom are the ones made in the bathroom

>> No.5875069



>> No.5875071

Yuropoors are fucked up

>> No.5875072
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>> No.5875073

>he doesn't eat while taking a shit

Non-American detected.

>> No.5875081

my goal is to hold up as much shit as i can and eat on the toilet, so that my held up shit lasts long enough for my incoming shit to be digested. This way i can have an infinite shit

>> No.5875118
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anon, i...

>> No.5875123

Last week I was drinking a coffee, posting on /ck/, and taking a shit. Sipping a coffee while you the log is being expelled is an odd sensation.

>> No.5875209

I hope this is just a thing on /ck/
who shits more than 2 minutes max do you guys even eat veggies?

>> No.5875216

>who shits more than 2 minutes max do you guys even eat veggies?

>not shitting more than 2 minutes
what are you, a womyn?

>do you guys even eat veggies?
what are you, a womyn?

>> No.5875224

why would that make any difference

>> No.5875227

Post a pic of ur manly gut.

>> No.5875249
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>> No.5875263
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>2015 -1
>staying longer in the toilet than 5 minutes
>not squishing out solid brown loaves
>not evacuating your bowels in 30 seconds flat while roaring like a T-rex
>not having solid 10/10 no wiper shits ever day

>> No.5875275

A taquito works since if in the shower while eating it it wont get soggy too fast like a sammach might, a taquito is also compact so one can do the whole shower while munching on the thing.

>> No.5875284
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>> No.5875286

>It only takes you 5 minutes to shit? Do you drink a daily dose of turbolax or what?
>I bring magazines and phone games in the crapper. I'm absent from the world for a half hour everyday, twice a day.
I'm guessing you are overweight? Everyone I know that has shitting issues like this is overweight. It must suck taking 30 min to complete a basic body function.

>> No.5875613


>> No.5875649


i blocked this terrible memory of this scene for a reason

>> No.5875772

Toothpaste on crackers

>> No.5875879
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fuck i kek'd

>> No.5876340
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Hey /ck/ I'm chowing down on a donut here I got from a cider mill. Thinking of you ;)

>> No.5876399

The type that comes back up from being guilty about eating too much.

>> No.5876597
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Spaghetti and milk.

>> No.5876606

Would make a good album cover

>> No.5876637

Nice, I wear Hanes comfortsoft too.

Make it a chocolate donut.

>> No.5876859
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Is Mayonnaise a bathroom food?

>> No.5876877
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No Patrick, you do not eat mayonnaise in the bathroom.

>> No.5876879
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>> No.5876885
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Neither is horse raddish.

>> No.5876887

>it expands your capillaries and blood rushes from your heart and internal organs out to your extremities.

we know that. we're just pointing out that you're a fucking idiot if you think that 'shivering' automatically means hypothermia tier temperatures. if the dude was so cold he wasn't shivering, then you would have a point. otherwise, that was just dumb hyperbole lol.

>> No.5876888
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>> No.5876916
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>tfw this thread brought back the memories of when you were in high school and didn't have friends so you ate in the toilet stall

>> No.5876923

I don't because i always shit with my laptop instead

>> No.5876935

I thought I was the only one who did this...

>> No.5876941

Same here. I don't shit and eat, thats fucking disgusting. But I'm not above taking cereal or shakes to the shower. Get my morning routine all squared away in one shower.

>> No.5876945

I used to, too. Nothin like firing off one without pants to encumber your stance, and a shirt to get in the way of a wipe. Its how shitting should be

>> No.5876947
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oh good christ, the repression...

>> No.5876948

She caught a cartoon.

>> No.5877248
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>> No.5877255
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This should never have literally happened. Jesus, just take your tray and sit down, and eat your food.

I had 2 friends, both of who were in study hall during my lunch.

I just took my tray, sat down and ate. If any faggot looked my way or gave lip, I'd tell them to check em' (their face, because I think there's a dick hanging out your mouth)

Then by the end of lunch, my best two pals came down and we hung out for five minutes or so.

Fuck, I miss high school lunch. Shit was so cash. Especially whilst high.

>> No.5877265


thanks for clarifying, I thought you figuratively couldn't tell if he was trolling

>> No.5877290

You define faggotry.

>> No.5877292

you literally dont wanna go there

>> No.5877341
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i can empathize with you

>> No.5877343

yeah this eventually happened for the less part of my schoolhood days

a lot of just standing in a bathroom stall though and sitting alone pretending to be on my phone texting someone when in reality i was playing tetris

no he does not, you do

>> No.5877346

No food for me while i'm on the shitter, just a super fiendish sudoku.

>> No.5877349

thats food for thought

>> No.5877389
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>> No.5877392

unrated post

>> No.5877451


>> No.5877541

go where? here? hadn't he already arrived by the time he 'went there'? Did you mean to say, 'don't stay there'?

>> No.5877610
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>> No.5877653

that gif is kawaii as fuck, anon

>> No.5877676

having a break there cowboy?

>> No.5877697

lol oh goddamn.

imagine what guests will think when they see it.

"why is there a box of crackers here?"

>> No.5877710


that's the saddest thing I've ever heard.

I would probably have beaten the shit out of you at school, and that makes me sad as well.

>> No.5877717

funny story:
i was living with my brother about a few months back and i like to brush my teeth while i shower.

one day we were packing up for a road trip to see mom and dad. I forgot i had left the toothbrush in the shower with the protective capsule.

we came back and bro took a shower sometime a day after with some stupid slut. The next day he asks me if thats my toothbrush in the shower. I forgot. But then i gotten some looks from him and his friends after because a toothbrush protective capsule can be also mistaken for a makeshift dildo and in my life and situations, people would think im a gay. Ive even had this one girl ask if i was gay. Its irritating as fuck.

I fucking hate people.

>> No.5877718

funny story:
i was living with my brother about a few months back and i like to brush my teeth while i shower.

one day we were packing up for a road trip to see mom and dad. I forgot i had left the toothbrush in the shower with the protective capsule.

we came back and bro took a shower sometime a day after with some stupid slut. The next day he asks me if thats my toothbrush in the shower. I forgot. But then i gotten some looks from him and his friends after because a toothbrush protective capsule can be also mistaken for a makeshift dildo and in my life and situations, people would think im a gay. Ive even had this one girl ask if i was gay. Its irritating as fuck.

I fucking hate people. If its not one thing its another. I dont do shit and im the odd man out most of the fucking time.

>> No.5877722

I was playing a prank on my family when I was home for the holidays. What part I could easily do was every morning I cut off a section of a loaf of bread (bought two loaves and hid them in my suitcase) and put it on the sink in the bathroom.

>> No.5877896

>knowing my 2 best bros would come down at the end of lunch

That is where we differ.

>> No.5877926

>why stop?

Because that's nasty?

>> No.5877942


This has to be a troll. There's just so much to trigger in that one post.

If you regularly eat in front of the TV and you're over 25, then you are overweight. No fucking exceptions. You also have no appreciation for food and may as well eat spray cheese off the floor like my fucking dog.

inb4 fatlords lyiing or making excuses about genetics.

>> No.5877959

buttblasted product of christian overlording parents detected.

I would rather watch tv and eat, than do nothing and eat.

>inb4 landwhale

Nah mate, it ain't like that

>> No.5877971

>Nah mate, it ain't like that

fatlords lying was already covered.

Why can't you just enjoy your food you fat fuck? Why are you eating alone all the time? Do you think these things may be connected?

My parents ate in front of the TV, you stupid cunt, shovelling garbage into their cakeholes and spraying crumbs all over when they laugh at "retards watch the funniest things". They had no appreciation for food, just like you.

Why are you even on a board about food? Don't bother to answer, it's rhetorical - I know that it's because you're fat and obsessed.

>> No.5877985

>many skeletons in closet

Did they beat you afterward? I sense a lot of pain behind those TV dinners

>> No.5878172

If you have spray cheese or a dog, you are overweight. No fucking exceptions.

>> No.5878213
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If you have sideburns or a gas oven, you are overweight. No fucking exceptions.

>> No.5878238

If you have a piñata or three rusty nails, you are overweight. No fucking exceptions.

>> No.5878254
File: 87 KB, 500x375, whale face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a krill net or a blow hole, you are overweight. No fucking exceptions.

>> No.5878276

>eat my dinner watching my favorite show
>eat my dinner silently at a table
it's not rocket science

>> No.5878285

What movie is this from?

>> No.5878291

The well-done steak with ketchup rises

By Christopher 'Wa-la' Nolan

>> No.5878307

Downloading now. It's a big file.

>> No.5878310
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for you.

>> No.5878631


Wow. All that autism in one post. I'm not sure whether to be impressed or disappointed.

>> No.5878674

I've seen that word in a few posts here today... I hope it's not just you

>> No.5878753
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>he doesn't marinate

>> No.5879206

If you were to cook yourself, you would taste like shit. Is that what you want?

>> No.5879258

Thats how I ward off my natural preditors.

>> No.5879578
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>do you ever hide beer around the house?
Anyway, the best food is these. I usually manage to eat about 2-3 of them every time I take a poo. They're handy because they're finger foods so I can use my free hand to browse the internet on my phone.

>> No.5879591

>eat while watching TV
>not overweight
Wow, I'm defying gravity. Who should I tell? Nasa? Cisa? Sern?

Your retarded.

>> No.5879606
File: 1.40 MB, 320x240, paula-deen-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you my long lost twin?

>> No.5879655


my friend does this with marajuana cigarillos.

i can never figure how he keeps that shit dry enough to burn

>> No.5880167

something that is fast and easy. A pickle maybe or sandwhich.

>> No.5881087

>a pickle
that sounds sexual

>> No.5881116
File: 48 KB, 320x286, tard_babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your retarded.

>> No.5881127

There are no poop molecules floating in bathroom air. There's no such thing as a "poop" molecule.

>> No.5881134

>There's no such thing as a "poop" molecule.

Yep. But that's a lot more concise than listing off all the various molecules that are in poop. Smell yourself taking a shit? That's countless molecules that just went up your nose.

>> No.5881155

do you take the entire pickle jar with you?

>> No.5881165

What you're smelling is hydrogen sulfide, which is released by the bacteria inside your poop. The hydrogen sulfide is not the concern, as the concentration in the air is too low to be toxic.
The bacteria are your concern, and those are not floating around in the air.

>> No.5881177

The few times I've taken more than 5 minutes I've started panicking and wondering if I was going to be stuck on the toilet forever. Never understood how people stayed in there so long.

>> No.5881202

1. Who flushes while sitting down

2. The kitkat is wrapped

>> No.5881313


>> No.5881382
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>> No.5881568
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>> No.5881579
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>> No.5881596


If you lel or you kek, then you are overweight. No fucking kekceplels

>> No.5881804

The wall bacon just makes the whole thing work.

>> No.5882106

Sandwiches are the best to eat while on the shitter

>> No.5882153
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>> No.5882157
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You can keep the food alive in your bathtub

>> No.5882161
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>pie symbol with an exclamation mark
That would make a good tattoo

So would the Ronald McDonald slam dunking into a trash bin, come to think of it

>> No.5882171

congrats, this thread hasnt sickened me until you

>> No.5882174
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>> No.5882178

this thread is fucking disgusting. It's making me laugh though.

>> No.5882186
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>> No.5884127

sloppy joes. It goes with the theme

>> No.5885288

this thread shouldn't die too easily

>> No.5885296

>bathroom foods
Ever here the term "don't shit where you eat?"

>> No.5885335

well this is different. they are eating where they shit

>> No.5885385

Are you me?

I actually own a set of hardbound facimiles of old Sears and Roebuck catalogues so I can poop like my granddad did.

For the longest time I was too disgusted to eat in the bathroom, but as I age I care less and less. Probably my most disgusting moment was shitting while eating storebought potato salad right out of the bucket. Usually I'm not shitting when I eat in there though. Usually I bring my breakfast into the bathroom as I conduct my morning rituals (shave, shower, etc). It's really efficient.

I actually had friends and I did this all the time. So peaceful.

I live alone. I eat my meals at the TV to replace the company that I don't have. What, do you think there's some magical rays coming out of the television set that interacts with the molecules of your food and causes you to become obese?

>> No.5885741
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A bunch of anons responded, so I guess I will as well.

I've read almost all of Henry Miller's top 100 novels while on the can, and he explicitly said in the same book that he didn't understand people who read on the can.

I also love, LOVE, Genet, who writes about spending hours in the out house, just soaking up the smells (no homo).

A decade later I get the majority of my calories from alcohol, and also work odd hours, so spending as much time as needed on the can doesn't seem very odd, or unpleasant.

>btw, i'm >>5870949

>> No.5886023

why does that boy have boobs?

>> No.5886027

I like to take a nice cold beer into the shower with me.

>> No.5886032
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Its no worse than breathing those shit fumes into your lungs right into the bloodstream

>> No.5886035

>have neck problems
>hurts to look down
>get on phone and check email (only time I check email)
>by the time my neck starts to feel strain I finish my dump, lay phone down, wash hands and get going

>> No.5886040

there's something wrong with your diet because it shouldn't take that long to shit and you shouldn't be shitting more than once a day. go see a fucking GP & dietician or something

>> No.5886057


Holy shit that sounds really good.

>> No.5886169

why did such a shitty thread last a week?

>> No.5886184

it just becomes a thing. If there's reading material or you start browsing on your phone, its not hard to hit 15 minutes. Get really engaged in something maybe even longer. I took the books out of the bathroom for this reason. Magazines are fine because if I read an entire article then I've definitly hit the time limit. When there were books, sometimes one shit would occur, and I'd read long enough for the next shit to begin.

>> No.5886186

I don't take normal meals in there or anything. Often in the morning I'll take a pop tart or waffle in there as I'm on the go and trying to save time.

I think the worst was on my lunch break one time when we weren't allowed to eat at our desks, and I clocked in just before being late so I just took my bag to the bathroom and ate in the stall for like 5 minutes

>> No.5886194

But as soon as im done dumping am I supposed to sit without wiping smelling my own shit?
Wipe and flush but touch my phone with a dirty hand?


>> No.5886225
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I take a really long time to poop. Anywhere between 15m to an hour

Before anyone gets on my case, I have a chronic bowel problem but I'm not 100% sure what. I am seeing a doc again next week.

Anyway I generally just take my phone and play puzzle and dragons. If I'm alone at home, I'll play love live school idol project. Otherwise I'll just read any news

>> No.5886341

i dont eat but i fap, does that count?

>> No.5886346

shit + fap = fit?

>> No.5886367

this can be used in terrible ways
>man my baby was having a fit all day long yesterday.
>my computers having a fit
>im lifting to get fit

>> No.5886371

Shit attempt at starting a copypasta or maybe you're just a big, neurotic faggot. Stop posting, seriously.

>> No.5886380
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>this entire thread

>> No.5886402

I like to eat grapes with a hot bath like some kind of Roman emperor but there's no servants or slaves, I'm just alone.

>> No.5888058
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jesus fucking christ

>> No.5888157

On august 12, 2013 anon convinced his roommate to stop beating him off and take a fun pic in the bathroom

>> No.5888210

Alcohol is the only acceptable thing to bring in the bathroom, even more excusable if drunk. But even then it's gross and low class.

>> No.5888239

Triggered my gag reflex

>> No.5888289


I'm not the anon you were replying to, but. I have heard it's best if you don't watch TV while eating because it distracts your brain from realizing you're full. The distraction also results in you not enjoying each bite to the fullest, thus you wind up eating more of it in order to feel satisfied.

>> No.5888295


>a food deep

>> No.5888299

Musta got hit with a skunk or something, then decided to make a mess for a good pic.

>> No.5888317
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I've done that tons of time.
I thought this was normal.

>> No.5888321

It is. I do that with carp to get rid of the mudslime flavor

>> No.5888334
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>> No.5888405


>> No.5888416

I brushed my teeth while I was on the toilet

I quickly realized that I would have to wipe, and then touch my toothbrush, so I took pants all the way off, stood up without wiping, and the walked to the sink with a shitty asshole
Finished brushing teeth, went back over wiped and was done.

It wasnt the best idea

>> No.5888499


Why would you wear pants in your own place, let alone in the bathroom?

Why not just brush your teeth in the shower/bath?

>> No.5888502
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It's a Christmas tradition in my parents' country.

>> No.5888505

Go to bed, polan

>> No.5888540

They were sweatpants... why wouldnt I be wearing those around?
And the shower I use is a stand up one where its not really ideal to brush your teeth in unless you want to lay your brush on the floor or on the bar soap container.

>> No.5888554


Go to bed, Abe.

>> No.5888742

>I brushed my teeth while I was on the toilet

You are a disgusting fucking human bean

>> No.5888793


>> No.5888846
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>> No.5888918

>not keeping toothbrushes in a cupboard
>flushing with the lid up
all of my megawat

>> No.5890319

whats wrong with flushing with the lid up?

>> No.5890368

poo particles on your toothbrush, which in turn you 'clean' your teeth with.

>> No.5890409
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>> No.5890427
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>> No.5891140

what and why the fuck?

>> No.5891365

Chicken Noodle in the shower is the only acceptable answer.

>> No.5891550

wtf is that shit mother fucker. Looks like facial scrub.

>> No.5891843

i drank a soda in the shower

>> No.5891852
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>> No.5892055

>the toilet room
>I still do it, even at other peoples houses (only place I won't is at like a restaraunt or a business unless it's a hospital)
>I get fully naked
>the newspaper comics I have folded up in case of emergency from my pocket.

>> No.5892076
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>Eating a Kit-Kat on the toilet
>Not calling it a Shit-Shat

>> No.5892078

It's an anchovy paste.

>> No.5892083

that looks SO fucking good

>> No.5892200

As a kid I used to take soup into the shower with me. (Started taking showers when I was like 6 baths weren't my thing.)

I used to let the water splash in my bowl and it'd be like I had an infinite bowl of soup that was decreasing in flavor. I was poor so this was pretty awesome to me back then.

This has always seemed really silly to me but looking back that's really sad.
But no I've never taken food into the br, have you guys ever seen the infrared video of a toilet flushing and a fucking plume of particles/germs/and shit flys out like a geyser?

No thanks.

>> No.5892229

What do you do, then, that makes it 10/10?

>> No.5892390
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Let's get this shit straigh, vote now


>> No.5892407

>Best bathroom foods?

Ew. Bathrooms are not for eating.

>> No.5892435



thanks you arse. now every time I have a bm and flush I'm going to run away from the toilet.

>> No.5892437


>> No.5894658
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>> No.5894689
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>> No.5895249

It's Nutmeg, Anchovy, and some other spices plus butter. Pretty nice but "British", meaning acquired, taste. I've never seen it IRL though.

>> No.5895256
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>> No.5895258
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the packaging looks like something you'd find in a woman's bathroom

>> No.5895263

>What, do you think there's some magical rays coming out of the television set that interacts with the molecules of your food and causes you to become obese?

No, but it's a well-documented fact that people who eat in front of the TV have less idea about how much they're actually shovelling into their gaping gob, so people who eat in front of the telly eat more.

Also, eating in a room with red walls makes you eat more, for some reason.

You're a big fat saddo who eats a bucket of KFC in front of Strictly Come Dancing, softly weeping. Aren't you?

>> No.5895267

>you shouldn't be shitting more than once a day

If you're only shitting once a day, then it's you who needs to visit his doctor.


>> No.5895269
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lion bar

>> No.5895271


It's always hilarious to see someone spreading it on like pate, then vomiting copiously.

You just put a really thin smear on hot buttered toast. It's really really good.

>> No.5895831

I posted this shit forever ago wtf

>> No.5895989

my roommate did this because he was a neurotic piece of shit

>> No.5896009


only one: chocolate pudding

nobody in my family goes into the bathroom without a bowlful of chocolate pudding

>> No.5896012


welcome to /ck/ - there's an argument about two burger places french fries that keeps rumbling back to life that's been around about as long as this stupid thread.

>> No.5896018
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my family, too too

chocolate pudding with every trip but usually when someone is going to take a shit

>> No.5896033
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Mom stocked the fridge with these things every week when she went grocery shopping. Turns out nobody in my family went to take a crap (including my Mom) without one of these and a spoon.

Boy sweet memories...